
Rather than being any kind of all-inclusive manual for creating cinematic games, I hope that this book will serve as a jumping-off point for you. With game developers and publishers out there already starting to tap into the vast sea of filmmaking techniques for their games (just check out all the screenshots in this book), the promise of future cinematic games is at an all-time high. I hope that young producers and creative directors (as well as game designers) will utilize all the awesome filmmaking books and Web sites out there that focus on great storytelling, cinematography, character development, and directing (there are many available on the Focal Press Web site, Just remember that when you make a cinematic game, you do not have to take anything away from game play. When using this book, or any other filmmaking or game design book, great features, a fun interface, and awesome game play are a must for any truly successful game. The strategies and techniques featured in this book should assist you in your quest to make your game more immersive and more rewarding and to broaden your game’s potential for crossover development.

In closing, I would like to say that the creation of this book would not have been possible without all the help I received from Focal Press (specifically Laura Lewin, Georgia Kennedy, and Chris Simpson), the interviewees contained within these pages (special thanks to Ray Pena), and the contributions I received from the game developers and publishers who supplied me with the wonderful screenshots herein, which are so indicative of the type of development I discuss. I would also like to thank Lee Ann Newman, Scott Biggs, and Elsevier Publishing. Your support was instrumental in the completion of this book. Thank you all!

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