
2D storyboards creation, 84

3D storyboards creation, 84

“Above-the-line” talent, 116

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, 11

Ace Combat game, 153

Activision’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, 30

Agile development, 26

Alpha build, 52

Alternative reality game (ARG), 8687

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 129

America’s Most Wanted, 131

Animatics, 84

Antagonist, 69

AP 108

The Apprentice, 131

Archiving, 5758

Art production, 39-40

Assassin’s Creed, 45, 70, 97, 199

Assistant producer, see AP

Associate producer, see AP

Audiences, 17

Audio middleware, 150

Auditions, 130131

Back light, 99

Back story, 69

Baghead, 143

Bee Movie xi

“Below-the-line” talent, 116

Beowulf, xi

Beta build, 52

BioShock, 27, 56, 112, 176

Bioware, 61, 62

Blacksite: Area 51, 8, 37, 83, 136, 156, 157

Block, Bruce, 102106

Blocking, 100, 101102

Blood Rayne, 60

Boredom, in video games, 16

“Breaking down” a script, 71, 112113

Budget sample, 214

Budgeting, 29-30

Bugs, 47

Builds, 5253

Bungie Studio, 7, 86, 184

Burke, Ron, 58

Buscaglia, Tom, 202

Business plan, 181, 182

Buzz topics, in game industry, 6061

Cake, 131

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, 30, 73, 92, 130, 182

Camera angles, 92

Camera movement, 99-100

Cascade method, see Waterfall development model

Casting, 123

auditions, 130131

celebrities, using, 127128

for motion capture, 126127

sides and character breakdowns, 129

talent, finding, 128129

for voiceover, 124126

Casting directors, 128129

Celebrities, 127128

Character breakdown, 127

and sides, 129

sample, 218

Character development, 68-70

“Choose your own path” books, 67

Cinematic, xi

and cut-scenes, 174175

development, 112114

music, 148149

Cinematic game, 33

Cinematographer, 92, 94, 96, 99, 105

working with, 138

Cinematography, for games, 91

blocking, 101102

camera movement, 99-100

“five C’s”, 9194

lighting, in games, 9799

look, of the game, 9597

Rule of Thirds, 9495

staging, 100101

Close-ups, 93

Closing kit, 5758

Code release, 6, 52

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, 11

Command & Conquer games, 10

Communicating vision, 135136

Composition, 94

Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO), 55

Concept meeting, 133135

Concept phase, of game development, 4

Confrontation, 73

Continuity aspect, of cinematography, 93

Copyrights, 198, 199, 204205

“Crane move”, 100

Critical path, 28

Crossing over, 195


appeal, 179, 184

to other direction, 60

Cut-scenes, xi, 8486

and cinematics, 174175

directing, 140141

versus in-game cinematics, 141142

Cutting, 93

Daily delta reports, 29, 117

Dependencies, 28, 115116

Design documentation:

in storyboard creation, 8081

Design production, 39

Design team, 42

Develop, 174

Developer and publisher agreements, 200201, 205

Digital matte painters, 42

Digital matte painting, 87

Direct digital distribution, 207

Directing, 133

cinematographer, working with, 138

communicating vision, 135136

concept meeting, 133135

cut-scenes, 140141

versus in-game cinematics, 141142

location scouting, 136137

script supervision and continuity, 139140

talent, 138139

The Do-Deca-Pentathlon, 143

Dolly moves, 100

Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates, 174

Dual dialogue, 67

Dungeons and Dragons, 8

E3 and GDC, gaming conventions, 61

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, 8, 9, 22, 43, 97, 98

Elevator pitch, 171

Engineering production, 4042

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), 6, 55

Erickson, Daniel, 7578

Fallout 3, 61

Falstein, Noah, 15, 169

Far Cry 2, 123

Far Cry games, 94

Far Cry Instincts: Predator, 24, 142

Feature creep, 5

Fill light, 99

Film director, working with, 179

Filmmakers, 18

First-person shooter, 78

First-time game producer, 205206

Five C’s, of cinematography, 91

camera angles, 92

close-ups, 93

composition, 94

continuity, 93

cutting, 93

Format and script development, 6668

FrameForge 3D Studio, 100

Framing, 93

in storyboarding process, 85

see also Close-ups; Rule of Thirds

Frustration, in video games, 16

Fundraising, 187

Gamasutra, 174, 208

Game business, 181

business plan, 182

crossover appeal, 184

fundraising, 187

incentives, 187

marketing success, 184186

mission statement, 183

publishing, 101, 187196

risk analysis, 183

Game design/concept, sample for, 211

Game Design: Theory & Practice, 174

Game Developer, 174, 186

Game industry:

attracting, 170

producers in, 108110

Game Informer, 186

Game writing, 34, 176

GameDevKit, 204

GamingTrend, creation of, 58

Germany, 55

Ghost Recon, 7, 8

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, 7, 8, 10, 135, 137, 152, 172

Gold date, 58

Gold Master, 6, 51, 52

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, 61

Halo, 7, 65

Halo, 3, 41, 51, 87, 184

Hamill, Mark, 127

Hamilton, Patrick, 190196

Hardy, Donise L., 131132

Hawkins, Brian, 138

Hiring process, 5, 2426

Hitchcock, Alfred, 94

Hollywood Envy, 175

Hollywood licenses, 179180

Human resources (HR) department, 25

In-game cinematics vs. cut-scenes, 141142

Incentives, 187

Inciting incident, 73

Independent game developer, 161

game concept, 168170

game industry, attracting, 170

idea protection, 168

pitching, 172174

soft skills, using, 170171

studio maintenance, 165166

successful public relations campaign, creating, 166168

video game company, setting up, 162164

Ingredients, for new project, 16-17

The Inspiracy, 169

Intellectual property (IP), 197198

International Game Developers Association (IGDA), 166

The Intervention, 143

Interviews, 25

Ironside, Michael, 116, 125


method, see Iterative development model

Iterative development model, 2728

The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, 131

Japan, 55

Jay Duplass, 143145

Jumping Off Bridges, 131

Key light, 98

Legal counsel, 207208

Legal issues:

copyrights and trademarks, 198199

covering bases, 201202

developer and publisher agreements, 200201

intellectual property, 197198

nondisclosure agreements and contracts, 199-200

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Walker, 59


in games, 9799

impact of, 105

Localization, 5254, 5758

Location scouting, 136137

Look achieving, in games, 9597

Lord of the Rings Online, 9, 67, 110, 185, 186

Lord of the Rings Online Shadows of Angmar, 9

Lost Planet, 40, 53, 80, 139, 197

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, 40, 139, 197

M*A*S*H, 176

Madden football, 11


and public relations, 5455

success with, 184186

Mass Effect, 59, 60, 76

Massively multiplayer online game (MMOG), 190, 192

Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), 89, 17

Master scenes, 74

McDowell, Malcolm, 127

Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots, 62

Microsoft, 12

Microsoft Excel, 29

Midway Games, 136

Mission statement, 183

Mocap, see Motion capture Money, assets, and time, management of, 117118

Mortal Kombat, 11, 60

Motion capture:

casting for, 126127

and voiceover, 4445

Music production, see Sound design

Next Generation magazine, 75, 76

Nondisclosure agreements (NDA) and contracts, 199200, 205

Nonlinear thinking, 8283

Nonplayer characters (NPCs), 101

Online gaming, 3435

Online video conferencing, 163

Pan European Game Information board (PEGI), 55

Panning, 100

Payroll factor, 25

Pena, Ray, 4749

Performance capture, 126

Phased approach, 190

Pitching, 172174

Planning, see Scheduling

Play-balance, 14

Poorly designed game, warning signs for, 18

Postmortem, 57

Postproduction, 67, 51, 118122

archiving, 5758

code release and gold master, 52

marketing and PR, 5455

rating systems, demos and guides, 5557

“builds” and localization, 5254

Preproduction, 45, 21, 178

budgeting, 29-30

hiring process, 2426

Iterative development model, 2728

planning, 114116

project management, 2829

scheduling, 3132

script development, 2324

scrum, learning about, 2627

Waterfall development model, 28

Previsualization, 100

Producer, 107

cinematic development, 112114

in game industry, 108110

job description, 107108

money, assets, and time, management of, 117118

postproduction, 118122

preproduction planning, 114116

production skills, 110112

risk management, 114

Production, in game industry, 37

art production, 39-40

design production, 39

design team, 4243

engineering production, 4042

motion capture and voiceover, 4445

programming team, 42

sound design, 4344

technology and tools, 38

testing and quality assurance, 4647

Production flowchart, 213

Production meetings, 26

Production phase, of game production development, 5

Production process:

brainstorming and initial decisions, 13-14

game theory, 14-15

games, types of, 7-12

video game, lifecycle of, 37

concept phase, 4

postproduction phase, 67

preproduction phase, 45

production phase, of game production development, 5

testing/QA phase, 5

Production skills, 110112

Programming team, 42

Project management, 2829

“Proposed scenario”, 183

Protagonist, 68, 69, 101

Psychology, of game development, 16

Psychonauts, 62

Public relations campaign, 166168

Publisher and developer agreements, 200201

Publishing, 101, 187196

The Puffy Chair, 143

QA phase/testing, of game development, 6

Quake, 9

Quality assurance (QA) department, 4647, 52, 53

Rainbow Six, 7, 54, 115, 134, 151, 188

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, 54

Rating systems, demos and guides, 5557

Raynault, Matthieu, 87-90

Real-Time Cinematography for Games, 102, 138

Real-time strategy (RTS), 10-11

Reel, 130

Reel to Deal, 181

Resident Evil, 65, 66, 81, 97, 126, 201

Reverse storyboarding, 82

Revision/version control system software, 41

Rhys-Davies, John, 127


analysis, 183

management, 114

Role-playing game (RPG), 8, 9

Rotoscoping, 120, 121

Rouse, Richard, 174180

Rule of Thirds, 94, 95

Saboteur, 95, 118, 147

Sam & Max series, 62

Sam Fisher, 68, 99, 125

Schaefgen, Marc, 153158

Schedule, Sample for, 213

Scheduling, 4, 30, 3132

sample basic schedule, 213

Scrabble, 143

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 129


breakdown sample, 113, 217

coverage, 113114

supervision and continuity, 139140

Scrum, 2627

Second Life, 12

Short script, 85

Sides and character breakdowns, 129

Silent Hill, 65, 97

Sims games, 12

Simulation game, 12

Skilled talent, finding, 25, 164

Sound design, 147

cinematic music, 148149

effects, 152158

and sampling, 150152

production in game industry, 4344

tools for, 149150

Spector, Warren, 3236

Splinter Cell, 65, 68, 99, 116, 125, 169

Spore, 12, 62

Sports, 11

Sprints, 27

Staffing plan, sample for, 215216

StageTools, 84

Staging, 100101

Storyboard and concept art, 79

basic design documentation, using, 8081

cut-scenes, 8486

and interactive media, 8687

nonlinear thinking, 8283

process, 8384, 8586

story seeing, 8182

Stranglehold, xi, 116, 175

Studio maintenance, 165166

Successful games, characteristics of, 34

The Suffering, 174

The Suffering: Ties That Bind, 174

SXSW Interactive conferences, 171

System Shock games, 177


directing, 138139

finding, 128129

Technology and tools, 38

Testing/QA phase, of game development, 5

Testing and quality assurance, 4647

Themes, 105

and symbolism, 7071

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 14

Third-person shooter, 10

This Is John, 143

Three-act structure, 7275

Three Kings, 96

Three-point lighting, 9899

Thumbnails creation, 83

Tilting, 100

Titan Quest, 59

Trademarks, 198199, 204205

Translation kit, 57

Turok, 141

UbiSoft, 7, 54, 123, 125, 134, 135, 142, 165

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, 62

United States, 55

Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK), 55

Vertical slice, 4, 154

Video game company, setting up, 162164, 202203

challenges involved with, 202

“Virtual reality” games, 12

Visual rhythm, 106

Visual structure:

cinematography and lighting, impact of, 105

games vs. films, 103

Visually strong movie, 104

Visuals, for narrative creation, 104105


casting for, 124126

and motion capture, 4445

Waterfall development model, 28

Wing Commander, 60, 127

“Work for hire” contract, 200

Wright, Will, 12

Writer, 65, 177178

character development, 68-70

format and script development, 6668

structure, 7172

style, 7578

symbolism, 7071

themes, 7071

three-act structure, 7275

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