The level of management needed
The scope to absorb additional workload and/or delays to the
From the above, it can be seen that some kind of operational risk
measurement is possible; and that it should be continuous. We can
choose not to measure, even crudely, the risk on the basis that it
may never create a major problem but then you could leave your
house unlocked all day and never get burgled!
Operational risk is highly relevant to derivatives, and derivatives
clearing and settlement. Sources of risk must be identified and in
conjunction with the firm’s overall risk management structure they
must be managed. Operational risk sources can be diverse as the
following list shows:
Lack of product knowledge
Poor system reliability
Inadequate levels of staffing
Inefficient counterparties
Diverse and unpredictable business levels
Overseas clients
Lack of critical skill sets including product knowledge
Fraud and criminal activity
Poor communication and poor internal relationships.
Each of these sources is very different, and so are the types of risk
and the frequency with which they might occur.
Lack of product knowledge could be put down to:
Turnover of staff
Loss of experienced personnel
New products being traded
Non availability of information
Lack of training.
It may be a major problem, or it may only be relevant if and when a
particular type of product is traded. Bear in mind also that other risks
may become associated with it such as regulatory risk and repu-
tational risk.
For example, a clearing member will usually have to demonstrate to
the clearing house the competency of its staff, systems and processes.
164 Clearing and settlement of derivatives
If problems occur with the member because of the introduction of a
new type of product the clearing house may feel that the member is
failing to meet the standards required. Any prolonged problem or sub-
sequent repetition may result in clearing status being withdrawn.
Errors could be caused by not being alert to a corporate action,
expiry date or by being unaware of settlement problems in the juris-
diction where the product was traded.
Individually, the problem might be easily identified and managed;
but a combination of risk problems might create a far more difficult
situation to manage.
Operational risk in a derivatives operation needs to be fully
understood by all personnel. A failure to handle routine functions
that we have covered elsewhere in this book (like margin, delivery,
closeouts, etc.) may lead to severe financial and reputation loss
and breaches of regulation.
Issues like money laundering and systems risk have significant
implications in derivatives operations and this must also be recognised
and suitable controls and procedures, including BCP and disaster
recovery, must be in place.
Operational risk 165
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