28. Monitoring Availability with a Website Status Checker

Imagine one of your responsibilities is being second level support to a vendor app with a status page at http://server1:9000/. Let’s assume the vendor app you’re monitoring the status of has a status page that looks something like this when everything is ok.

Status: Ok

and when something is down it looks like this:

Status: Error! System down

Wouldn’t it be great if you could write a script to run in the background to tell you automatically that it went down?

In this recipe we’ll build a mock website status page indicating system availability. Then we’ll update the system availability to give a negative result. Then we’ll build a status-checker to read the availability and take action based on the result. Let’s get started.


In this chapter we assume you have Leiningen installed and have a projects directory set up.


The benefit of this chapter is understanding and applying a use-case to integrate Clojure into your day job through a system monitoring application. It has a minimum of impact on the production application but can add a lot of value.

The Recipe—Code

Do the following:

1. We’re going to create a mock for the vendor status page in order to test our checker. Open a new command prompt in your projects directory, create a new Leiningen Compojure project called display-status, and change to that directory:

lein new compojure display-status
cd display-status

2. Modify the file src/display_status/handler.clj to look like the following:

(ns display-status.handler
  (:use compojure.core)
  (:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
            [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/" [] "Status: Ok")
  (route/resources "/")
  (route/not-found "Not Found"))

(def app
  (handler/site app-routes))

3. In a new command prompt in the projects directory, create a new Leiningen project status-checker, and change to that directory:

lein new status-checker
cd status-checker

4. Modify the file project.clj to look like the following:

(defproject status-checker "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"-beta2]]
  :main status-checker.core)

5. Modify the file src/status_checker/core.clj to look like the following:

(ns status-checker.core
  (:import (java.net URL)))

(def status-page-url "http://localhost:9000/")

(def regex #"Error")

(defn fetch-url [url-to-fetch]
  (let [url-obj (URL. url-to-fetch)]
     (with-open [buf (clojure.java.io/reader url-obj)]
       (apply str (line-seq buf)))))

(defn alert-exists-url []
  (let [page-src (fetch-url status-page-url)
        regex-result (re-find regex page-src)]
    (if (nil? regex-result)
      (println "OK")
      (println "System down!!!"))))

(defn -main [& args]
  (while true
    (Thread/sleep 5000)))

Testing the Recipe

Testing proceeds as follows:

1. At the command prompt in the directory display-status, run the following:

lein ring server 9000

You should see a new web browser open to a page that looks like the one shown in Figure 28.1.


Figure 28.1 Sample status page with Ok

2. In the project directory display-status, modify the file src/display_status/handler.clj to change the line

  (GET "/" [] "Status: Ok")


  (GET "/" [] "Status: Error - System Down!")

and save the file.

3. Now click Reload in the web browser. You should see a page like the one shown in Figure 28.2.


Figure 28.2 Mock of system status page showing an error

4. In a new command prompt, in the display-status directory, run the project in Leiningen:

lein run

You should see the following result:

System down!!!

5. Now modify the file in the projects/display-status directory src/display_status/handler.clj to change the line

  (GET "/" [] "Status: Error - System Down!")


  (GET "/" [] "Status: Ok")

and save the file. You should now see the status checker change the output message to the following:

Status: Ok

Notes on the Recipe

In handler.clj, we’re using the elegant minimalism of Clojure to throw up a simple http response, indicating a potential system status, and change it on the fly.

In core.clj we define a url and a regex. Using Java Interop, we open the URL and load the contents into a string. We then apply the regex to find a match. If we find a match, then the function outputs an error to stdout. Otherwise, it displays that the system is ok.


We have built a simple status checker for your workplace. This is now in a position to become a helpful utility to monitor your application. How would you extend it to send you an e-mail when the system is down?

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