Cloud Native Automation with Google Cloud Build


Cloud Native Automation with Google Cloud Build

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First published: October 2022

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ISBN 978-1-80181-670-0

For my good amid these, Margaux and Benjamin, and the verse you help me contribute.

- Anthony

To my wife, Lien-ting, and children Mason and Madison, thank you for your support and patience to help make this a reality.

- Kent


About the authors

Anthony Bushong is a senior developer relations engineer at Google. Formerly a field engineer and practice lead for Kubernetes and GKE, he worked with companies implementing automation for their Kubernetes infrastructure in Cloud Build – since version 1.3! He now focuses on distilling those experiences into multiple formats of technical content – all with the goal of teaching and enabling people, no matter their background or experience.

I want to thank my mom, dad, grandma, family, and friends – all without whom I am nothing. I also want to thank those who have taken a chance on me in this industry, recognizing that much of what I have been able to achieve has been built on your trust and teachings – especially Diane Anderson and Andrew Milo.

Kent Hua is a global solutions manager focused on application modernization. He has years of experience with customers modernizing enterprise applications focusing on both business and technical challenges on-premises and the public cloud. Over the years, he has helped organizations decompose monoliths and implement microservice patterns wherever applicable into containers running on Kubernetes. While enabling these organizations, he has identified culture and the automation of processes as critical elements in their modernization journeys.

I want to thank my parents, family, friends, and colleagues who have made me who I am today. Through our interactions and experiences, not a day passes without learning something new.

About the reviewers

Marcelo Costa is a technology lover, who over the past ten years has spent quite some time working across both software and data roles. Between working in companies and personal projects, he has worked with multiple technologies and business areas, always looking for challenging problems to solve.

He is a cloud computing Google Developer Expert (GDE) and likes to help the community by sharing knowledge with others through articles, tutorials, and open source code. He currently works as a founding engineer at Alvin, an Estonian startup in the data space.

Damith Karunaratne is a group product manager at Google Cloud, who focuses on driving continuous integration and software supply chain security efforts. Prior to joining Google, Damith spent over a decade helping companies of all shapes and sizes solve complex software challenges, including leading various CI/CD and DevOps initiatives.

Damith earned a bachelor’s degree in science with a computer science emphasis from McMaster University.

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