
  • 100Base-TX
    • FLP functions, 37
    • hub support, 82
    • PoE, 98
  • 10Base-T, PoE, 98
  • 10GBase-T networks, cabling, 33
  • 110 punchdown block, European alternative, 28
  • 2.4 GHz (wireless networks), 101
    • design considerations, 274
  • 5 GHz (wireless networks), 101
    • compatibility, 103
    • connection issues, 233
    • design considerations, 274
  • 5G cellular networks
    • characteristics, 110
    • download speed, 109
  • 802.11
    • frequency compatibility, 103
    • maximum channel width, 102
    • number of antenna supported, 103
    • security protocols, TKIP and, 257
    • wireless networks ad hoc topology, 99
  • 802.11a, connection issues, 233
  • 802.11ac, standards, 102
  • 802.11b, connection speeds, 231
  • 802.11b/g, connection issues, 234
  • 802.11b/g/n, network design considerations, 102
  • 802.11g, connection issues, 234, 235
  • 802.11n
    • connection issues, 236–237
    • network design considerations, 274
    • performance issues, 237
    • security, 237
  • 802.1q tagging, VLANs, 97
  • 802.1X
    • authenticators, 156
    • RADIUS implementation, 156
    • security and, 169
    • supplicants, 156
    • transactions, 156
  • A
  • AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) services
    • dial-up network connections, 157
    • standards, 156, 157
  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 132
  • Access Control Lists (ACLs). See ACLs (Access Control Lists)
  • access control, security devices, 188
  • Access Points (APs). See APs (Access Points)
  • account databases
    • authenticating users, 158
    • authentication services, 284
  • account lockouts
    • password cracking and, 130
    • policies, 129–130, 133
  • ACLs (Access Control Lists)
  • Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS). See ADDS (Active Directory Domain Services)
  • AD (Active Directory), authentication protocols, 261
  • adapters
    • connection indicators, 213
    • Ethernet, OSI model and, 15
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). See ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
  • address resolution, protocols, 49
  • addressing
    • network hosts, IPv4, 40
    • OSI and, 10
  • ADDS (Active Directory Domain Services), authentication protocols, 152
  • administrative user accounts, 172
  • administrative websites, accessing, 295
  • administrator agreements, 128
  • ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), troubleshooting errors, 251
  • algorithms, file hashing, 269
  • analog signaling, 20
    • WANs, 21
  • analog telecommunications, 28
  • analog telephone devices, 84
  • Angled Physical Contact (APC). See APC (Angled Physical Contact)
  • antimalware, accessing networks and, 154
  • APC (Angled Physical Contact) connectors, 28
  • APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing)
    • IPv4 addresses, 41, 44
    • IPv6 equivalent, 45
  • application layer (OSI)
    • executing commands remotely, 215
    • NAS protocols, 62
    • protocols, 15, 285
    • web browsers, 49
  • application servers
    • connection issues, 249
    • troubleshooting, 221
  • applications
    • design, security and, 165
    • protocol stack, OSI and, 11
  • APs (Access Points)
    • antennas, 101
    • communication protocols, 85
    • connection issues, 231–232
    • coverage issues, 232
    • management devices, 85
    • performance issues, 235
    • power measurements, 237
    • rogue, 168
    • wireless network topologies and, 257
  • archive bits (backups), 141
  • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
    • cache
      • creating new entries, 225
      • deleting, 219
    • poisoning, 166, 173, 272
    • table, viewing, 219
  • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). See ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
  • attacks
    • email, 166
    • MAC filtering and, 164
    • man-in-the-middle, preventing, 173
    • prevention techniques, 186
    • software modification, 309
    • troubleshooting, 266
    • types, 161–162, 163, 166, 167, 281, 299
    • VLAN hopping, 298
    • war driving, 261
  • auditing, authentication, 153
  • AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), 132
  • authentication
    • account databases, 158
    • ADDS, 152
    • auditing, 153
    • biometrics, false positives, 187
    • data, IPSec and, 263
    • EAP tunneling, 169
    • factors, 154, 155
    • fingerprint scanners, 184
    • key fobs, 187
    • local, 158
    • multifactor, 152, 291
      • categories, 258
    • open and shared key, 108
    • PPP, 184
    • protocols
      • Active Directory, 261
      • remote access, 179
    • remote Windows users, 152
    • signal strength and, 169, 294
    • smart lockers and, 185
    • smartcards, 107
    • standards, 168
    • users and, 153
  • Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) services. See AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) services
  • Auto-MDI-X ports, 97
    • connecting to MDI ports, 94, 98
  • autochangers (backups), 142
  • Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). See APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing)
  • B
  • backbone, wiring nexus, terminology, 127
  • backups
    • archive bits, 141
    • autochangers, 142
    • data set names, 142
    • disaster recovery and, 142
    • filtering files for, 139
    • firewalls, 143
    • Grandfather-Father-Son, 141
    • hard drive-based compared to tape based, 287
    • incremental, hard drives compared to tape drives, 143
    • restoring servers, 138
    • types of sites, 140
    • version skew, 142
    • Windows Server Backup, 141
  • bandwidth
    • monitoring, 225
    • performance considerations, 137
    • terminology, 267
    • troubleshooting, 117
    • WANs, 21, 266
  • baselines, creating, 281
  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), characteristics, 91
  • binary masks, converting to decimal, 44
  • biometrics, 154
    • false positives, 187
  • Bluetooth, attacks, 162
  • boot image files, downloading, 54
  • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). See BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
  • bridges, 81
    • LANs, 77
    • multiport, 78
    • OSI model and, 14
  • bridging types, Ethernet LANs, 75
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), 132
  • broadband
    • routers, 74
    • signaling, 20
  • broadcast
    • domains, 73, 79, 284
    • messages, forwarding, 60
    • packets, RIP routes, 90
  • brute force attacks, 133, 167
  • bus topology, Ethernet cabling, 38
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), 132
  • C
  • cable
  • cabling
    • 10GBase-T networks, 33
    • coaxial, 28
    • collision detection and, 95
    • connector tools, 204
    • connector types, 280, 307
    • copper, 27
      • testing tools, 205
    • creating, twisted pair patch cables, 206
    • Ethernet, 292
      • troubleshooting performance issues, 211
    • Ethernet topologies, 18
    • fault type detection, 276
    • faults, 209–210
    • fluorescent lighting and, 213
    • Gigabit Ethernet, 32, 277
      • copper, 37
      • topology and, 34
    • identifying unlabeled, 204, 206
    • installation considerations, 32, 39
    • installation tools, 206
    • internal installation characteristics, 35
    • LANs, 13, 34
      • design considerations, 38
      • installation considerations, 36
    • long segment problems, 213
    • MDI ports
      • connecting to Auto-MDI-X ports, 94
      • connecting to MDI-X ports, 98
    • multimode fiber-optic networks, connecting, 78
    • network design considerations, 37
    • patch
      • creating, 244
      • pinouts, 39
    • plenum cable, 205, 267
    • PoE and, 98
    • router and switch connections, 203
    • routing documentation, 126
    • split pairs, 210
    • standards, 27
    • star topology, 29
    • telecommunications, 31
    • terminology, 266
    • testing devices, 203
    • testing tools, 205
    • thick Ethernet, 28
    • thin Ethernet, 28, 30, 263
    • tools, 209, 258, 262
    • topologies, 17
      • redundant paths, 19
    • tracing for labeling, 211
    • troubleshooting, 32–33, 244
    • twisted pair, 29
    • UTP installations, 31
    • vampire taps, 30
  • cameras, types, 185
  • captive portals, 176, 297
  • Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). See CSMA/CD (Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
  • CAT8 UTP, specifications, 36
  • CATV (cable television network), 27
  • CCMP-AES encryption protocol, 105, 106
    • encryption standards, 107
    • security protocols, 107
  • cellular communication technologies, 100
  • Central Processing Units (CPUs). See CPUs (Central Processing Units)
  • change management plans, 131
    • software, 125
  • change management teams, responsibilities, 125, 286
  • channel overlap, 231
    • network design considerations, 259
  • channels, T-3 leased line, 22
  • CIA (Confidentiality-Integrity- Availability), 158
  • CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), 42
  • Cisco network diagrams, 124, 126, 127, 272, 286
  • Class A networks, IPv4, subnet masks, 41
  • Class B networks
    • hosts, creating, 43
    • subnets, 43
  • Class C networks, subnets, 43
  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), 42
  • cleaning compounds, documentation, 128
  • client-server networks, 19
  • clocks, synchronizing with servers, 59
  • cloud
  • clusters, 273
    • load balancing, 137
    • servers, 140
  • CMR (Concurrent Multipath Routing), benefits, 143
  • coaxial cabling, 28, 35
    • connector types, 32
  • collision domains, 73, 79, 82, 284
  • collisions, detection, 95
  • command-line tools
    • ARP table, viewing, 219
    • displaying routing tables, 218
    • IP configuration, viewing, 219
    • ipconfig
      • Internet access failures, 239–241, 260, 302
      • network access failures, 239, 308
    • operating systems, 222
    • static routes, 91
    • traceroute, 217
    • Windows output, 215–217, 221, 224, 300
  • complex passwords, 133
  • compression, OSI model and, 15
  • Concurrent Multipath Routing (CMR). See CMR (Concurrent Multipath Routing)
  • Confidentiality-Integrity- Availability, 158
  • connection ports, managed switches, 182
  • connectionless delivery service, protocols, 51
  • connector types (cabling), 280
  • console ports, connections, 203
  • content filtering, firewalls, 84
  • contracts, 134
  • control bits, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 16
  • control plane policing (CPP), 177
  • CoPP, 177
  • copper cabling, 27
  • corporate password policies, 129
  • CPP (control plane policing), 177
  • CPUs (Central Processing Units), low-latency connections with storage systems, 62
  • CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 121, 299
  • credentials, confirming, 157
  • crosstalk, cable faults and, 210
  • cryptographic algorithms, 269
  • CSMA/CD (Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), 95
    • Ethernet networks and, 95
    • IEEE standards, 99, 293
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). See CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
  • D
  • DAI (Dynamic ARP Inspection), 173
  • data loss prevention, 130
    • terminology, 257
  • data sets (backups), 142
  • databases, SNMP, 121
  • datacenters
    • alternative sites, 280
    • design considerations, 65
    • disaster recovery mechanisms, 138
    • documentation
    • fire suppression systems, 143
    • public cloud, 67
    • security mechanisms, 290
    • topology layers, 64
    • traffic, 64, 309
  • Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). See DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security)
  • datagrams, 287
    • IP, 59
    • IPv4 networks, 48
    • protocols, 49
    • routing, 10
  • DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service)
    • compared to reflective DoS, 163
    • types, 163, 164
  • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), 86
  • default credentials, 170
  • defense in depth, 161
  • demarcation points, 21
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS). See DoS (Denial-of-Service)
  • Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM), 19. See also wavelength division multiplexing
  • deployment, hardware, 185
  • devices
    • ACLs, 87, 296
    • administrative access, 290
    • analog telephone, 84
    • AP management, 85
    • attack deterrence and, 165
    • authorized, identifying, 110
    • autochangers, 142
    • communication, protocols and, 78
    • creating multiple collision domains, 303
    • default credentials, 170
    • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 55
    • disaster recovery, 138
    • dumb, 80
    • endpoint, VPN connections, 181, 182
    • equipment racks, height of, 123
    • external Internet access, 86
    • firewalls, 86
    • hardening, 170
    • honeypots, 158
    • implementing hardware as software, 75
    • interface, 23
    • Internet access, 84
    • IoT, 81, 307
    • LANs (local area networks), interface devices, 23
    • load balancers, 86
    • location documentation, 127
    • MAC address filtering, 176
    • multifunction, 74
      • SOHO, 77
    • multiple VLANs, 85
    • network layer (OSI) and, 11
    • network monitoring, 87
    • OSI network layer, 10
    • patch types, 175
    • physical layer (OSI), 13, 74
    • ports, disabling unused, 171
    • rack mounted, height of, 126
    • similarities, 76
    • star topology cabling nexus, 18
    • switched networks, 78
    • UTM appliances, 87
    • VLANs, 74, 78
      • connecting, 95
      • creating, 285
      • identifying, 96
    • VoIP, 82
    • VPN headends, 84
    • WANs, 23
    • wireless networks
      • security, 104
      • transmission speeds, 101
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
    • address allocation methods, 57
    • default gateway addresses, 58
    • devices, 55
    • DHCP-DISCOVER messages, 289
    • forwarding broadcast messages, 60
    • integrating with DNS, 58
    • IP address assignment, 58
    • IP address scope, 60
    • IP datagrams, 59
    • message types, 56
    • rogue, 309
    • snooping, 173, 297
    • transmission types, 58
    • troubleshooting, 247
  • dial-up network connections, standards, 157
  • dialogue control, OSI model, 11
  • digital signatures, 174
  • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). See DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
  • Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), 100
  • directory service information, protocols, 48
  • disaster recovery, 138
  • disk duplexing, 141
  • disk mirroring, 141
  • distributed control systems, SCADA, 76
  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS). See DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service)
  • DNS (Domain Name System)
    • accessing, troubleshooting, 299
    • hierarchy, 59, 287
    • integrating with DHCP, 58
    • iterative queries, 55
      • generation, 279
    • name resolution
      • IPv6, 57
      • queries, 55
    • namespace, adding IP addresses, 58
    • poisoning, 165
    • recursive queries, 54
    • request messages, generating, 219
    • resource record information, 305
    • resource records, 57, 264
      • types, 58
    • reverse name resolution, 55
    • TCP/IP parameters, 57
    • troubleshooting, 215
      • failures, 247
      • unreachable condition, 214
  • DOCSIS, 24
  • documentation. See also policies
    • account lockout policies, 129–130
    • administrator agreements, 128
    • AUP, 132
    • chemicals in datacenters, 131, 306
    • cleaning compounds, 128
    • contract language and, 134
    • contracts, 134
    • corporate password policies, 129
    • device locations, 127
    • employee confidentiality, 129
    • internal cable runs, 126
    • IT asset management, 126
    • MDFs and IDFs, 124
    • networks, 122
      • problems, 201
    • new hires, 128
    • password policies, 129
    • personal devices, 129
    • personal software, installing, 256
    • provider agreements, 303
    • remote access terms, 128
  • domain controllers, troubleshooting, 249
  • Domain Name System (DNS). See DNS (Domain Name System)
  • door locks, authentication factors, 155
  • DoS (Denial-of-Service), 162
  • DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), 86
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 19
    • data traffic, 21
    • transmission speed, 20, 21
  • DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), 100
  • DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security), security protocols and, 54
  • dual power supplies, modes, 287
  • dual stacks, 40
  • dumb devices, 80
  • duplex mismatches (Ethernet), 212
  • Duplicate IP Address error, troubleshooting, 250
  • DWDM (Dense Wave Division Multiplexing), 19. See also wavelength division multiplexing
  • Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI), 173
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). See DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
  • dynamic routing protocols, 90
  • E
  • EAP (Extended Authentication Protocol), 169
    • tunneling, 169
    • variants, 170
  • east-west datacenter traffic, 309
    • compared to north-south, 64
  • EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 88
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). See IEEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  • electrical interference, twisted pair cables, 244
  • electromagnetic interference (EMI). See EMI (electromagnetic interference)
  • electrostatic shock, 120
  • email clients
    • POP3, ports, 262
    • SMTP connection, securing, 48
  • email servers, network traffic analysis, 51
  • email services
    • models, 65
    •, 66
    • types, 288
  • embedded chips, 73
  • EMI (electromagnetic interference)
    • cabling and, 32
    • Gigabit Ethernet cabling, 277
    • preventing, 289
    • troubleshooting, 248, 304
  • encapsulated data, protocols, 16
  • encoded text files, converting, OSI layers, 16
  • encryption
    • CCMP-AES, 105
    • ciphers, 109
    • digital signatures, 174
    • IPSec
      • protocols, 53
      • tools for verifying, 227
    • OSI model and, 15
    • protocols, wireless networks, 104
    • standards, CCMP, 107
    • stream ciphers, 107
    • tunneling and, 178
    • VPN tunneling, 289
  • endpoint devices, VPN connections, 181, 182
  • Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), 88
  • enterprise networks
    • security, 152
    • wiring nexus terminology, 294
  • equipment racks
  • Ethernet. See also Gigabit Ethernet
    • abnormal occurrences, 96
    • adapters, OSI model and, 15
    • bridging types, 75
    • cables, 292
    • cabling
      • connector types, 280
      • topologies, 18
    • CAT8 UTP specifications, 36
    • connection
      • failures, 243
        • ipconfig /all command, 239–241
      • issues, 238
    • connector types, 30
    • CRC errors, 121
    • CSMA/CD and, 95
    • design considerations, 36–37, 307
    • duplex mismatches, 212
    • frames, 121
      • MTUs, 16
      • OSI model and, 12
    • hubs, connection issues, 243
    • IEEE standards, 38
    • malfunctions, 269
    • multimode fiber-optic, connecting, 78
    • port security, 98
    • thick Ethernet, 28
    • thin, cabling, 263
    • topologies, 18
    • troubleshooting, poor performance, 211
    • upgrading to Gigabit Ethernet, 37
  • event monitoring, 159
  • Event Viewer (Windows), 115
  • exploits, compared to vulnerabilities, 159
  • export controls, software, 131
  • Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP). See EAP (Extended Authentication Protocol)
  • F
  • facial recognition, 188
  • fail closed
  • fail open mechanisms, 185, 186, 290
  • failover clusters, topologies, 18
  • Fast Link Pulse (FLP). See FLP (Fast Link Pulse)
  • fault tolerance, 135, 136
    • generators and, 136
    • hard disk data storage, 141
    • mechanisms, 143
    • parity data, 259
    • RAID, 137, 140
    • redundant Internet connections, 144
  • FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet)
    • compared to Fibre Channel, 62
    • protocols, 63
  • FHRP (First Hop Redundancy Protocol), 144
  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). See FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet)
  • fiber-optic cables, 31, 35
  • Fibre Channel network
    • compared to FCoE, 62
    • compared to iSCSI, 62, 278
    • protocols, 63
    • topologies, 18
  • file hashing, algorithms, 269
  • file sharing protocol, Windows, 49
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP). See FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • fingerprint scanners, 153, 184, 290
  • fire suppression systems, 143
  • firewalls, 74
    • backing up, state compared to configuration, 143
    • configuration, 173
    • content filtering, 84
    • devices and, 86
    • FTP and, 83
    • installation considerations, 83
    • port numbers, 74, 286
    • redundant, design considerations, 144
    • service-dependent filtering, 75
    • stateful packet inspection, 77
    • traditional compared to Next-Generation, 83
    • virtual, 26
  • First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP), 144
  • flags, TCP session establishment messages, 16
  • flood guards, 174
  • flow control
    • sliding window, 98
    • TCP/IP networks, 14
  • FLP (Fast Link Pulse), 100Base-TX, 37
  • fluorescent lighting, 213
  • FQDNs (fully qualified domain names), 59
  • frame relay, 24
  • frames
    • creating, OSI model and, 12
    • Ethernet, 12
      • MTUs, 16
    • forwarding, 76
      • VLANs, 97
    • giant, 121
    • jumbo, 63, 267
      • OSI layers, 97
    • runt and giant, 121
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
    • authentication passwords, 53
    • firewalls and, 83
    • port numbers, 51
    • PXE startup, 54
    • security considerations, 230
    • shortcomings, 53
  • full backups, 142
  • full-duplex Ethernet, malfunctions, 269
  • fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), 59
  • G
  • geofencing, 169, 175
  • giant frames, 121
  • Gigabit Ethernet
    • cabling, 32, 277
    • copper cabling, 37
    • installation considerations, 34
    • performance problems, troubleshooting, 214
    • troubleshooting, 213, 242, 248
    • twisted pair cabling, 35
    • upgrading from Ethernet, 37
    • UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair), 25
  • Grandfather-Father-Son backups, 141
  • group membership, accessing network resources, 157
  • H
  • half-duplex Ethernet, malfunctions, 269
  • hardware
    • deployment, 185
    • disposal, 189
    • implementing as software, 75
    • leased-line components, 21
    • OSI model, 12, 14
    • patch types, 175
    • replacing to find faulty, 200
    • troubleshooting, 200, 269
    • virtual environment, 26
  • help calls, prioritizing, 201
  • high availability systems, 137
  • honeynets, 158
  • honeypots, 158
  • host addresses, IPv4, 44
  • host identifier, IPv4, 40
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
    • compared to HTTPS, 52
    • ports, 298
  • HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
    • compared to HTTP, 52
    • port numbers, 47
    • ports, 298
  • hubs, 76
    • 100Base-TX support, 82
    • characteristics, 82
    • compared to switches, 81
    • connection indicators, 213
    • connection issues, 243
    • installing, 80
    • troubleshooting, 249
  • HVAC systems
    • design considerations, 122
    • IoT monitoring and, 84
  • hybrid network deployments, design considerations, 67
  • hybrid topologies, 17
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). See HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). See HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
  • hypervisors, 26
  • I
  • IaC (Infrastructure as Code), cloud-based virtual machines, 67
  • ICMPv6 Router Solicitation, 46
  • IDFs (Intermediate Distribution Frames), 124
  • IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), 80
    • network traffic, analyzing, 78
    • traffic monitoring features, 87
  • IEEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
    • DSSS signal modulation, 100
    • Ethernet standards, 38
    • maximum aggregate channel width, 104
    • standards
      • CSMA/CD, 293
      • CSMA/CD with MAC, 99
      • port-based access control, 110
  • implementations, review question answers, 346–371
  • in-band management, 180
  • incident response
  • incremental backups, 142
    • hard drives compared to tape drives, 143
  • infrastructure, network design considerations, 38
  • insider threats, 185, 269
    • monitoring for, 291
  • interface devices, 23
    • MAC addresses, 94
    • WANs (Wide Area Networks), 23
  • interface monitors
    • metrics, 118
    • packet drops, 118
  • interior gateway protocols, 122
  • Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs). See IDFs (Intermediate Distribution Frames)
  • Internet access
    • connection failures, ipconfig /all command, 239
    • design considerations, 85, 265
    • devices, 86
    • proxy servers, 86
    • routing tables, troubleshooting, 252
    • security issues, 165
    • speed considerations, 22
    • troubleshooting, 199, 226, 238, 246, 256, 271, 273, 279, 291, 303, 309
    • VLAN mismatches, 261
  • Internet connections, DOCSIS, 24
  • Internet of Things (IoT). See IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Internet Protocol (IP). See IP (Internet Protocol)
  • Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). See IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs). See ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
  • intrusion detection, 188
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). see IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems)
  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), 86
  • IoT (Internet of Things)
    • devices, 81, 307
    • examples, 261
    • HVAC systems, 84
    • security considerations, 177
    • technologies, 73
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
    • addresses
      • adding to DNS namespace, 58
      • allocation methods, 57
      • assignment issues, 238, 250
      • configuration, 277
      • lease renewal, 55
      • scope, 60
      • substitution, 276
      • troubleshooting, 247
    • configuration properties, troubleshooting, 199
    • configuration, viewing, 219
    • datagrams, 59
    • header classification identifier, 89
    • high availability, 138
    • host addresses, 55
    • OSI model and, 15
    • rogue DHCP servers, 309
    • settings, verifying, 224
    • subnet masks, 271
  • ipconfig command
    • Internet access failures, 239–241
    • network access failures, 239
  • IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
    • data authentication, 263
    • encryption protocols, 53
    • encryption, verifying, 227
    • signing packets, 54
  • IPSs (Intrusion Prevention Systems), 86
  • IPv4 networks
    • addresses, compared to IPv6, 45
    • classes, 41–42
    • datagrams, 48
    • host addresses, 40, 44
    • host identifier, 40, 285
    • host system destination address, 91
    • Internet access, 39
    • multicast addresses, 44
    • network device addresses, 45
    • port numbers, 48
    • RFC 1918, 40
    • subnet masks, 41, 45, 294
    • subnets, creating, 40, 42
    • TCP/IP clients, 45
    • transmitting IPv6 networks on, 46
  • IPv6 network
    • address formatting, 290
    • address resolution, 57
    • protocols, 94
  • IPv6 networks
    • addresses, 41
      • compared to IPv4, 45
    • APIPA equivalent, 45
    • link local addresses, 43
    • transmitting on IPv4 networks, 46
  • iSCSI, 61
    • clients, 62
    • compared to Fibre Channel, 62, 278
    • locating targets, 306
    • protocols, 63
  • ISO (Organization for Standardization), SWIDs, 123
  • ISPs (Internet Service Providers), SLAs, 134
  • IT asset disposal policies, 134
  • IT asset management documents, 126
  • iterative name resolution queries, 55, 279
  • J-K
    • jam signals, collision detection, 95
    • jitter, 119
    • jumbo frames, 265
      • OSI layers, 97
      • SANs, 63
  • key fobs, 187
  • L
  • labels, assigning to packets, 23
  • LANs (local area networks)
    • bridges, 77
    • bridging types, 75
    • cabling, 34
    • connecting, 17
    • connection issues, 199, 245
    • design considerations, 36–37, 73, 75, 79
      • antennas and, 101
      • cabling, 38
    • installation considerations, 36
    • interface devices, 23
    • MAC addresses, 10
    • performance considerations, 80
    • splitting into multiple domains, 81
    • wiring, 17
  • layers. See OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
  • leaf and spine datacenter architecture, compared to three-tier, 62, 280
  • leased lines
    • hardware components, 21
    • replacing, 26
    • subscriptions, 23
  • link pulse LEDs, troubleshooting, 271
  • Linux
    • administrative user accounts, 172
    • commands, output, 225, 226
    • displaying processes, 288
    • packet analyzers, 225
    • performance monitoring tools, 229
    • protocol analyzers, 270
    • static routes, command-line tools, 91
    • tools, 221
  • load balancers, 84, 298
    • clusters, 137
    • devices, 86
    • mechanisms, 140
    • servers, 136
  • local area networks (LANs). See LANs (local area networks)
  • local authentication, 158
  • logging on
    • passwords, 153
    • smartcards, 153
  • logical addressing, OSI and, 10, 278
  • logical network diagrams, 126
  • logs
    • management tasks, 119
    • server activities, 120
    • tools, 120
    • Windows event logs, 120
  • M
  • MAC (media access control)
    • address filtering, 175
      • devices and, 176
    • addresses, 94
    • attack types, 164
    • control method, 12
    • CSMA/CD IEEE standards, 99
    • Ethernet frames, 12
    • IPv6 link local addresses, 43
    • OSI layers, 10, 272
    • unmanaged networks, 26
  • Main Distribution Frames (MDFs), 124
  • man-in-the-middle attacks, preventing, 173
  • managed switches, connection ports, 182
  • Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). See MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
  • MDFs (Main Distribution Frames), 124
  • MDI ports, connecting to Auto-MDI-X ports, 94, 98
  • media access control (MAC). See MAC (media access control)
  • message logging, 120
  • MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) antennae, 100
  • modems, 74
  • monitoring tools, operating systems, 117
  • MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), OSI layers and, 23
  • MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit), Ethernet frames, 16
  • mulitplexing, types, 270
  • multicast addresses, IPv4 networks, 44
  • multifactor authentication, 152, 291
    • categories, 258
  • multifunction devices, 74
    • SOHO, 77
  • multilatency, 268
  • multilayer switches, OSI, 77, 87
  • multimode fiber-optic cabling, 31
  • multimode fiber-optic Ethernet networks, connecting, 78
  • Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), 100
  • multiplexing signals, 26
  • multiport bridges, 78
  • multiport repeaters, 75, 273
  • Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)
  • multiprotocol switches, 293
  • multitiered technical support organizations, 201
  • N
  • NACs (Network Access Controls), 156
  • name resolution queries, DNS, 55
  • namespace hierarchy, 59
  • NAS (Network Attached Storage), 61
    • application layer protocols, 62
    • compared to SANs, 61, 270
  • NAT (Network Address Translation)
    • OSI model, 40
    • server characteristics, 86
  • netstat
    • information displayed by, 224
    • IPv6 packets, 223
  • network access
  • Network Access Controls (NACs), 156
  • network activity, tracking, 157
  • network adapters
    • troubleshooting, 259
      • performance, 256–257
  • Network Address Translation (NAT). See NAT (Network Address Translation)
  • network addresses, subnet masks, 42
  • network analysis, 116
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS). See NAS (Network Attached Storage)
  • network congestion, preventing, 89
  • network connectivity
  • network device administration procedures, 267
  • network diagrams, 126, 284
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 27
  • network interface adapters, MAC addresses, 94
  • Network Interface Cards (NICs). See NICs (Network Interface Cards)
  • network interfaces
    • errors, 121
    • malfunctions, 119
  • network layer (OSI)
    • devices and, 11
    • encapsulated data, 16
    • protocols, 13
      • IPv6 networks, 94
      • TTL field, 92
    • testing characteristics, 220
  • network layers. See OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
  • network maps, 127
  • network medium, 27
  • network printers, troubleshooting, 202
  • network resources, limiting access, 176
  • network segmentation methods, 172
  • network switching, OSI model, 11
  • Network Time Servers (NTPs). See NTPs (Network Time Servers)
  • network topology, cabling, 13
  • network traffic analysis, email servers, 51
  • network traffic, distributing among multiple servers, 86
  • network wiring locations, 123
  • networking fundamentals, review question answers, 312–346
  • networks, size, 17
  • networkwide errors, 197
  • Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW). See NGFWs (Next-Generation Firewalls)
  • NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 27
  • NGFWs (Next-Generation Firewalls), features compared to traditional firewalls, 83
  • NICs (Network Interface Cards), teaming, 140
  • north-south datacenter traffic, 309
    • compared to east-west, 64
  • NTPs (Network Time Servers), 58
    • troubleshooting, 253
  • O
  • off-boarding policies, 130–131, 295
  • omnidirectional antennas, 101
  • on-boarding policies, 130, 295
    • security considerations, 160
  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). See OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
  • Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). See OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
  • operating systems
    • cloud service models, 65
    • command-line tools, 222
    • security considerations, 168
  • operations, review question answers, 371–391
  • Organization for Standardization (ISO). See ISO (Organization for Standardization)
  • OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
    • bridges, 14
    • communication devices, 78
    • connectionless delivery service protocols, 51
    • data delivery, 13
    • data packet protocols, 285
    • dedicated hardware, 12
    • development of, 10
    • DHCP snooping, 173
    • dialogue control, end systems, 11
    • Ethernet adapters, 15
    • Ethernet frames, 12
    • flow control, 14
    • frame creation, 12
    • guaranteed delivery protocol, 13
    • jumbo frames, 97
    • layers, 10
    • logical addressing, 278
    • MAC addresses, 10, 272
    • multilayer switches, 77, 87
    • NAT, 40
    • network cabling, 13
    • network layer, devices and, 10
    • network switching, 11, 293
    • port numbers, 14
    • port scanners and, 230
    • protocol stack, 11
    • proxy servers, 83
    • session layer, 276
    • switches, 14
    • TCP/IP protocols, 13
    • text files, converting encoded, 16
    • translating/formatting information, 11
    • transmitting signals, 15
    • wireless range extenders, 104
  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 90
    • routing protocols, 91
  • out-of-band management, 180–181
    • examples, 182
  •, 66
  • P
  • packet analyzers, 225
  • packet sniffers, compared to protocol analyzers, 227
  • packets
    • control bits, 49
    • displaying sent, 121
    • dropped, interface monitors and, 118
    • format, 92
    • forwarding, 76
    • IPv6, netstat command, 223
    • labels, assigning to, 23
    • multiplexing signals, 26
    • route tracing, 215
    • routing protocols, 88
    • signing, IPSec, 54
    • stateful inspection, 77
    • transmission delays, 214
    • transmitting, 91
    • troubleshooting, 221
    • voice traffic, 98
  • PANs (personal area networks), technologies for, 18, 284
  • parity data, RAID, 141, 259
  • password cracking, account lockouts and, 130
  • password policies, 129, 290, 296
    • account lockouts and, 130
  • passwords
    • attack types, 168
    • authentication, FTP and, 53
    • brute force attacks, 133
    • complex, 133
    • history requirements and, 133
    • logging on, 153
    • policies, 129–130, 170, 172
    • Windows policies, 171
  • PAT (Port Address Translation), 45
  • patch cables
    • creating, 244
      • pinouts, 39
    • wall plates and, 203
  • patch panels
  • patches
    • evaluation process, 175
    • uninstalling, 175
  • PBX services, technologies, 85
  • PDUs (Power Distribution Units), compared to power strips, 143
  • peer-to-peer networks, 19
  • penetration testing, 159, 270
  • performance
    • 802.11n, 237
    • bandwidth considerations, 137
    • baselines, 117
    • disaster recovery, 138
    • fault tolerance, 135, 136
    • Gigabit Ethernet, troubleshooting, 214
    • hubs compared to switches, 81
    • interface monitors, 118
    • jitter, 119
    • network adapters, troubleshooting, 256–257
    • network cabling problems, 211
    • network interface malfunctions, 119
    • network speed, 248
    • operating systems, monitoring tools, 117
    • SANs, jumbo frames, 63
    • server baselines, 118
    • server clusters, 140
    • server load balancing, 136
    • switched Ethernet LANs, 80
    • switching loops, preventing, 303
    • traffic shaping, 292
    • troubleshooting
      • bandwidth issues, 117
      • Ethernet, 211
      • network traffic, 245
      • networks, 256
      • slowdowns, 252
    • virtual IP addresses, 138
    • wireless networks, 103, 306
      • 5 GHz compared to 2.4 GHz, 101
  • performance monitoring tools, Unix/Linux, 229
  • perimeter networks, accessing, 246
  • personal area networks (PANs). See PANs (personal area networks)
  • physical layer (OSI)
    • 100Base-TX hub support, 82
    • devices, 13, 74
    • star topology, 19
    • transceiver module standards, 29
  • physical network diagrams, 126
  • physical security. See also sec urity
  • PIN authentication factor, 155
  • ping
    • messages, specifying number of, 222
    • network access, troubleshooting, 265
    • protocols, 47, 218
    • server connection issues and, 249
    • transmitting messages, 219
    • troubleshooting Windows servers, 223
    • TTL values, specifying, 220
    • Windows servers, 291
  • pinouts
    • patch cables, 39
    • troubleshooting, 245
  • PKI (public key infrastructure), characteristics, 158
  • plenum cable, 205, 267
  • PoE (Power over Ethernet), 306
    • security cameras and, 213
    • specifications, 98
  • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). See PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
  • Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). See PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
  • poisoning (ARP), 166, 272
  • poisoning (DNS), 165
  • policies. See also documentation
    • account lockout, 129–130
    • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), 132
    • corporate password, 129
    • fail closed, 132
    • firewalls, configuration, 173
    • incident response, 131–132
    • IT asset disposal, 134
    • network device administration procedures, 267
    • off-boarding, 130–131, 295
    • on-boarding, 130, 295
    • passwords, 170, 172, 290, 296
    • personal software, installing, 256
    • server hardening, 171
    • Windows passwords, 171
  • POP3 email clients
    • configuring, 46
    • ports, 262
  • Port Address Translation (PAT), 45
  • port aggregation, characteristics, 139
  • port isolation, 177
  • port numbers
    • assigning, 47
    • configuring workstations, 50
    • firewalls, 74, 286
    • FTP, 51
    • HTTPS, 47
    • IPv4 networks, 48
    • protocols, 9, 14
    • server applications, 275
    • SQL, 48, 259
    • TCP clients, 50
    • UDP clients, 50
    • Unix logging services, 49
    • web clients, 52
  • port scanners
  • port-based access control, 110
  • ports
    • switches, LED colors, 249, 250
    • unused, disabling, 171
    • wall plates, 123
  • Power Distribution Units (PDUs). See PDUs (Power Distribution Units)
  • power measurements, APs, 237
  • Power over Ethernet (PoE). See PoE (Power over Ethernet)
  • power strips, compared to PDUs, 143
  • power supplies
    • disaster recovery and, 138
    • modes, 287
  • PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), authentication protocols, 184
  • PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), WAN connections, 24
  • practice exam 1, review question answers, 448–462
  • practice exam 2, review question answers, 462–475
  • Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs), 107
  • printers, troubleshooting, 202
  • private clouds, configuration considerations, 66
  • private internetworks, design considerations, 265
  • private keys, 169, 174
  • processes (operating systems), tools for displaying, 288
  • protocol analyzers, 220, 270
    • characteristics, 228
    • compared to packet sniffers, 227
    • host communication issues, 231
    • interpreting results, 229
    • security, 230
    • tasks, 264
  • protocol stack, OSI model, 11
  • protocols
    • address resolution, 49
    • ADDS, 152
    • AP communications and, 85
    • application layer (OSI), 15, 285
    • authenticating users, 153
      • Active Directory, 261
    • authentication, PPP, 184
    • connectionless delivery service, 51
    • data packet delivery, OSI layers, 285
    • datagrams, 49, 287
    • device hardening, 170
    • directory service information, 48
    • dynamic routing, 90
    • FCoE packets, 63
    • Fibre Channel, 63
    • file sharing, 49
    • host IP addresses, 55
    • interior gateway, 122
    • IPSec encryption, 53
    • iSCSI packets, 63
    • local subnets, 52
    • NAS application layer, 62
    • network layer, 13
    • network layer (OSI), IPv6 networks, 94
    • obsolete wireless, 108
    • OSI model, guaranteed delivery, 13
    • OSPF, 90
    • ping, 47, 218
    • port numbers, 9, 14
    • RDP, 179
    • remote authentication, 179
    • remote control, 178
    • routing, 88, 277
      • datagrams, 91
      • hop counts and, 90
      • interior/exterior designations, 92
      • packet formatting, 92
    • SANs (Storage Area Networks), 61, 285
    • secure communications, 178, 268
    • security, 54
      • wireless networks, 169
    • smartcard authentication, 107
    • standards, 63
    • STP, 76, 77
    • switching loops, 303
      • preventing, 94
    • synchronizing clocks, 59
    • TCP/IP
      • flow control, 14
      • hop counts and, 90
      • OSI model and, 12, 13
      • routing, 89
    • TCP/IP routing efficiency, 90
    • TKIP-RC4, 104
    • transport layer
      • guaranteed delivery, 52
      • port numbers and, 47
    • tunneling, 271
    • VLAN identification, 94
    • VPN tunneling, 289
    • VPNs, obsolete, 178
    • wireless controllers, 85
    • wireless encryption, 105
    • wireless network security, 106
  • proxy servers
    • characteristics, 86
    • Internet access, 86
    • OSI layers, 83
  • PSKs (Pre-Shared Keys), 107
  • PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), 19
    • remote access connection technologies, 22
  • public cloud datacenter, multilatency, 67, 268
  • public key infrastructure (PKI). See PKI (public key infrastructure)
  • public keys, 169, 174
  • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). See PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)
  • PXE (Preboot Execution Environment), downloading boot image files, 54
  • R
  • rack diagrams, 123
    • standard vertical height, 125
  • RADIUS servers, 107, 264
    • 802.1X transactions and, 156
    • characteristics, 157
  • RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 135
    • fault tolerance, 137, 140
    • parity data, 141, 259
    • specifications, 140
    • striping with distributed parity, 136
    • Windows servers, 141
  • ransomware attacks, 167
  • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), 179
    • terminal emulation, 184
    • traffic types, 180, 268
  • recursive queries, 54
  • redundant firewalls, design considerations, 144
  • redundant servers
    • active-active compared to active-passive, 304
    • design considerations, 144
  • redundant switches, design considerations, 144
  • reflective Denial-of-Service, compared to DDoS, 163
  • remote access
    • authentication
      • protocols, 179
      • services, 284
      • Windows users, 152
    • policies, 128
  • remote access connection technologies, PSTN, 22
  • remote control, protocols, 178
  • Remote Desktop Gateways, 180
  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). See RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • replay attacks, 166
  • request messages, DNS, generating, 219
  • resource record information, 264, 305
  • retinal scans, 186
  • reverse name resolution, DNS, 55
  • review question answers
  • RFC 1918, IPv4 networks, 40
  • RIPv1 (Routing Information Protocol version 1), 89
    • broadcast packets, 90
  • RJ-45 connectors, 29
  • rogue access points, 168
  • role separation, 173
  • root guards, 174
  • route command, IPv6 routing table, displaying, 224
  • route update messages, 89
  • Router Advertisement, 46
  • Router Solicitation, 46
  • router tables, troubleshooting, 251
  • routers, 79
    • cable connections, 203
    • characteristics, 82, 83
    • interior gateway protocols, 122
    • LANs, performance considerations, 80
    • network traffic data, 121
    • protocols, 91
    • TCP/IP parameters, 88
    • troubleshooting, 221
      • malfunctioning, 218
  • routes, RIP broadcast packets, 90
  • routing
    • datagrams, 10
    • protocols, 89, 277
      • datagrams, 91
      • hop counts and, 90
      • interior/exterior designations, 92
      • OSPF, 90
      • packet format, 92
    • static characteristics, 89
    • TCP/IP routing efficiency, 90
  • Routing Information Protocol version 1 (RIPv1). See RIPv1 (Routing Information Protocol version 1)
  • routing tables
    • displaying, 218
    • dynamic routing protocols, 90
    • Internet access, troubleshooting, 252
    • screened subnets, accessing, 228
  • Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID). See RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
  • runt frames, 121
  • S
  • same sign-on, compared to SSO, 154
  • SANs (Storage Area Networks)
    • compared to NAS, 61, 270
    • data transfer rates, 61
    • jumbo frames, 63
    • low-latency connections, 62
    • protocols, 61, 285
  • SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, 76
  • screened subnets, 159
    • accessing, 228, 304
    • servers, accessing, 228
    • terminology, 268
    • troubleshooting communication issues, 302
  • SDNs (Software-Defined Networks)
    • layers, 64
    • planes, 64
  • Secure Shell. See SSH (Secure Shell)
  • secured network resources, accessing, 153
  • security. See also physical security
    • 802.11n, 237
    • account lockout policies, 133
    • ARP poisoning, 272
    • attack types, 161–162
    • authorized devices, identifying, 110
    • biometrics, 154
    • brute force attacks, 133
    • CCMP-AES, 105
    • concepts, 269
    • cryptographic algorithms, 269
    • data authentication, 263
    • data loss prevention, terminology, 257
    • datacenters, 186
    • defense in depth, 161
    • enterprise networks, 152
    • Ethernet switches, 98
    • exploits compared to vulnerabilities, 159
    • fingerprint scanners, 153, 290
    • FTP, 230
    • geofencing, 169, 175
    • incident response, 131–132, 133
    • insider threats, 185, 291
    • Internet access, 165, 271
    • IoT, 177
    • Linux servers, checking, 220
    • MAC address filtering, 175
    • monitoring events, 116
    • monitoring measures, 186
    • multifactor authentication, 152
    • network device administration procedures, 267
    • obsolete wireless protocols, 108
    • on-boarding considerations, 160
    • operating system updates and, 168
    • password history requirements, 133
    • password policies, 290, 296
    • penetration testing, 159, 270
    • preventing attacks, 272
    • preventing unauthorized users, 110
    • protocol analyzers, 230, 264
    • protocols, 54
      • authenticating users, 153
      • TKIP and, 257
      • wireless, 109
    • replay attacks, 166
    • review question answers, 391–418
    • rogue access points, 168
    • secure communication protocols, 268
    • server hardening techniques, 260
    • social engineering, 163, 168
    • SSO (Single Sign-On), 154
    • STP attack protection, 99
    • TACACS+, 154–155
    • techniques, 158
    • Telnet, 230
    • threat assessments, 161
    • threat types, 159
    • unauthorized access, 292
      • preventing, 256
    • user accounts, 160
    • VLAN hopping, 298
    • VLAN traffic, 97
    • war driving attacks, 261
    • WiFi hotspots, 176
    • wireless networks, 104, 105
      • design considerations, 307
      • encryption protocols, 105
      • hardening techniques, 170, 295
      • protocols, 106
    • zero trust architecture, 160
    • zero-day vulnerabilities, 160
  • security cameras, PoE and, 213
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). See SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
  • sendmail
    • logging services, 116
    • message logging, 120
  • servers
    • accessing, 238
      • screened subnets, 228
    • baseline performance statistics, 118
    • connection issues, 246
    • DoS attacks, 164
    • event logs, 120
    • hardening, 171, 260
    • load balancing, 136
    • port numbers, 51
    • problem types, 198
    • redundant, design considerations, 144
    • restoring from backup, 138
    • screened subnets, 159
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs). See SLAs (Service Level Agreements)
  • service models, 288
  • Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs). See SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers)
  • service-dependent filtering, firewalls, 75
  • services, tracking user activities, 152
  • session establishment messages, TCP flags, 16
  • session layer (OSI), 276
  • sessions, terminating, TCP control bits, 16
  • short circuits, troubleshooting, 204
  • SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), 119, 289
    • capabilities, 116
    • log management, 119
  • Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). See SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). See SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO). See SSO (Single Sign-On)
  • single-mode fiber-optic cabling, 31, 292
    • 1000Base-SX transceiver modules and, 214
    • multimode fiber-optic networks, connecting, 78
  • SLAs (Service Level Agreements), 134
    • technical support clause, 134
  • sliding window flow control, 98
  • small business networks, design considerations, 75
  • Small Office Home Office (SOHO). See SOHO (Small Office Home Office)
  • smart lockers, 185
  • smartcards, 292
    • authentication, 107
    • logging on and, 153
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), securing, 48
  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 115
    • characteristics, 115
    • components, 122
    • databases, 121
    • messages, 118
    • security, 115
    • terminology, 267
  • snooping, 173, 297
  • social engineering, 168
  • sockets, 264
  • software
    • change management plans, 125
    • implementing hardware devices as, 75
    • international export controls, 131
    • modification attacks, 309
    • personal, installing, 256
    • release types, 175, 287
    • security issues, 160
    • troubleshooting, 200
    • zero-day vulnerabilities, 160
  • Software Identification Tags (SWIDs), 123
  • Software-Defined Networks (SDNs). See SDNs (Software-Defined Networks)
  • SOHO (Small Office Home Office)
    • multifunction connectivity devices, 77
    • technologies, 97
  • SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking), standards, 23
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). See STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)
  • split pairs (cables), 210
  • split tunneling, 183, 296
  • SQL (Structured Query Language), port numbers, 48, 259
  • SSH (Secure Shell), compared to Telnet, 183
  • SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers)
    • connection problems, 176, 232
    • security considerations, 171
  • SSO (Single Sign-On), compared to same sign-on, 154
  • standards
    • 802.11ac, 102
    • AAA services, 156, 157
    • authentication, 168
    • cabling, 27
    • compliance with, 174
    • dial-up network connections, 157
    • encryption, CCMP, 107
    • IEEE
      • CSMA/CS with MAC, 99
      • Ethernet, 38
    • port-based access control, 110
    • protocols, 63
    • SONET, 23
    • SWIDs, 123
    • synchronous data transmissions, 22
    • transceiver module, 29
    • wireless networking speeds, 100, 102, 301
  • star topology
    • cable types, 29
    • cabling nexus devices, 18
    • physical layer options, 19
  • stateful packet inspection, firewalls, 77
  • static routing, 278
    • characteristics, 89
    • command-line tools, 91
  • Storage Area Networks (SANs). See SANs (Storage Area Networks)
  • STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 76, 77
    • attack protection, 99
  • stream ciphers, 107
  • streaming video, troubleshooting, 276
  • striping with distributed parity (RAID), 136
  • Structured Query Language (SQL). See SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • subinterfaces, 46
  • subnet masks, 42, 271
    • configuring computers, 275
    • IPv4 networks, 41, 45, 294
    • network design considerations, 42
  • subnets
    • host addresses, 43
    • IPv4 networks, 40
    • local, protocols, 52
    • routing protocols and, 89
  • subscriptions, leased lines, 23
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), 76
  • SWIDs (Software Identification Tags), 123
  • switch ports
    • link pulse LEDs, troubleshooting, 271
    • troubleshooting, 250
    • unused, 296
  • switched networks
    • characteristics, 93
    • devices, 78
  • switches, 76, 79, 81
    • Auto-MDI-X ports, 97
    • cable connections, 203
    • communication problems, 80
    • compared to hubs, 81
    • connection indicators, 213
    • connection ports, 182
    • CPP, 177
    • CRC checks, 299
    • default VLANs, 177
    • flood guards, 174
    • frame forwarding, 76
    • functions, 81
    • man-in-the-middle attacks, preventing, 173
    • multilayer, 77
      • OSI layers, 87
    • multiprotocol, 293
    • network switching, OSI model and, 11
    • OSI model and, 14
    • packet forwarding, 76
    • port isolation, 177
    • port LED colors, 249, 250
    • port states, 77
    • redundant, design considerations, 144
    • remote management, 115
    • splitting LANs into multiple domains, 81
    • STP attack protection, 99
    • terminology, 289
    • troubleshooting, 244
    • virtual compared to physical, 26
  • switching architectures, 93
  • switching loops, 303
    • preventing, 94
  • synchronous data transmissions, standards, 22
  • Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET). See SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking)
  • syntax translation, OSI model and, 15
  • syslog, severity levels, 117–118
  • system backups, version skew, 142
  • systemwide errors, 197
  • T
  • T-1 leased line, compared to T-3, 22
  • T-3 leased line
    • channels, 22
    • compared to T-1, 22
  • T-connectors, 30
  • TACACS+, 154–155
    • characteristics, 157
  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
    • client port numbers, 50
    • dropped connections, protocol analyzers, 220
    • establishing connections, 50
    • Option subheader, 47
    • port number function, 50
    • ports, scanning for, 228
    • servers, port numbers and, 51
    • session establishment messages, 16
  • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
    • connectivity, testing, 226
    • identifying malfunctioning routers, 218
    • sockets, 264
    • troubleshooting, 223
    • tunneling protocols, 271
  • TCP/IP networks
    • domain name resolution, 57
    • flow control, 14
    • IPv4 addresses, 45
    • packet transmission, 10, 91
    • packets, control bits, 49
    • protocols, OSI model, 12, 13
    • remote connections, 181
    • router address parameters, 88
    • routing efficiency, 90
    • routing protocols, 89
      • hop counts and, 90
    • secured links, 27
    • terminal emulation, 183
  • telecommunications
    • 110 punchdown block, 28
    • analog, 28
    • cabling, 31
    • room diagrams, 124
    • termination points, 125
  • telecommuting
    • connection considerations, 184
    • WAN technologies, 302
  • television, connecting to CATV, 27
  • Telnet
    • compared to SSH, 183
    • security considerations, 230
    • traffic types, 180
  • Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). See TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
  • terminal emulation
  • terminating resistors, topologies and, 17
  • testing
    • copper cables, 205
    • fiber-optic cables, 204, 211
    • network layer characteristics, 220
    • TCP/IP connectivity, 226
    • twisted pair cables, 209–210
    • WANs (Wide Area Networks), 24
  • text files, encoded, converting, 16
  • thick Ethernet, cabling, 28
  • thin Ethernet, cabling, 28, 30, 263
  • threat assessments, 161
  • threat mitigation techniques, 172–173, 297
  • three-tier datacenter architecture, 63
    • compared to leaf and spine topology, 64, 280
    • layers, 256
  • thumbprint scans, 155
  • Time to Live (TTL) field. See TTL (Time to Live) field
  • TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
    • compared to WEP, 105
    • stream ciphers, 107
    • wireless security protocols, 257
  • TKIP-RC4 encryption protocol, 104
  • TLS (Transport Layer Security)
    • security protocols and, 54
    • URL prefixes, 52
  • TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer), VPN connections, 181
  • tone generators
    • cable fault types, 276
    • wiring faults, 203
  • tools, 206–209, 274, 275, 300. See also command-line tools
    • application server troubleshooting, 221
    • bandwidth monitoring, 225
    • cable crimpers, 205
    • cable installation, 206, 209, 262, 301
    • cabling, 258
      • connectors, 204
      • creating cables, 206
      • displaying processes (operating systems), 288
      • fiber-optic cables, 204
      • identifying unlabeled cables, 206
      • installing cable, 31
      • message logging, 120
      • packet analyzers, 225
      • packets, troubleshooting, 221
      • performance monitoring, Unix/Linux, 229
      • router troubleshooting, 221, 251
      • telephone cable compared to network cables, 204
      • tone generators, 203
      • traffic patterns, 225
      • twisted pair cabling, 29
      • vulnerability scanning, 230
      • war driving, 164
      • wiremap testers, 203
  • topologies
    • cabling, 17
      • redundant paths, 19
    • datacenter layers, 64
    • Ethernet networks, 18
      • cabling and, 18
    • failover clusters, 18
    • Gigabit Ethernet, cabling and, 34
    • hybrid, 17
    • LANs, installation considerations, 36
    • star
      • cabling nexus devices, 18
      • physical layer options, 19
    • terminating resistors, 17
    • WAPs, 73
    • wireless networks, 99, 257
    • WLANs, 18, 302
  • traceroute, 217
  • traffic shaping, 88, 292
    • methods, 92
  • transceiver module standards, 29
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). See TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). See TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
  • transport layer (OSI)
    • firewalls, port numbers, 74
    • guaranteed delivery protocols, 52
    • port numbers, 47
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS). See TLS (Transport Layer Security)
  • Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). See TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer)
  • trouble tickets, 266
    • creation, 200
    • prioritizing, 197
  • troubleshooting
    • 802.11
      • connection speeds, 231
      • performance issues, 237
    • access issues, 202
    • ADSL errors, 251
    • application servers, 221
    • approaches, 199
    • APs
      • connection issues, 231–232, 235
      • coverage issues, 232
    • attack types, 266
    • bandwidth issues, 117
    • cabling
    • collision detection, 95
    • communications failures, 302
    • connections, 199
      • failures, 212
        • 5 GHz (wireless networks), 233
        • 802.11a, 233
        • 802.11ac, 235
        • 802.11g, 235
        • 802.11n, 236–237
        • SSIDs, 232
        • WPA2 and, 232
      • slowdowns, 212
    • DHCP servers, 247
    • DNS, 215
      • failures, 247
      • server unreachable condition, 214, 299
    • domain controllers, 249
    • Duplicate IP Address error, 250
    • duplicating network problems, 198
    • email, 202
    • EMI issues, 248, 304
    • Ethernet
      • connection issues, 238, 243
      • hubs, 243
      • malfunctions, 269
      • poor performance, 211
    • fiber-optic cables, 253
    • Gigabit Ethernet, 213, 242
    • host communication issues, 231
    • hubs, 249
    • intermittent network connections, 247
    • Internet connections, 199, 226, 238, 246, 256, 271, 273, 279, 291, 303, 309
    • introducing new problems, 202
    • IP
      • address assignment issues, 238, 247, 250
      • configuration, 199
    • LANs, connection issues, 245
    • last step, 199
    • malfunctioning routers, 218
    • missing cable labels, 211
    • network access, 274, 277, 278, 297, 298, 308
      • connectivity issues, 265
      • VLANs, 263
    • network adapters, 256–257, 259
    • network connections, 119, 222, 223, 248, 250
      • ipconfig command, 239–241
    • network interface errors, 121
    • network performance, 211, 256
    • network speed, 248
    • network traffic issues, 245
    • NTPs, 253
    • packets, 221
    • performance slowdowns, 252
    • perimeter networks, 246
    • pinouts, 245
    • printer issues, 202
    • problem identification considerations, 197
    • questions to ask, 198
    • record creation, 202
    • review question answers, 418–447
    • rogue DHCP servers, 227
    • routers, 221
    • routing tables, 251
    • server access issues, 238, 246, 249
    • setting priorities, 298
    • short circuits, 204
    • split pairs, 210
    • SSID connection problems, 176
    • steps, 197–198, 200, 269, 297
    • streaming video, 276
    • switch communication problems, 80
    • switch ports, 250
      • link port LEDs, 271
    • TCP dropped connections, protocol analyzers, 220
    • TCP/IP, 223
    • tools, 205, 206–209
    • twisted pair cables, 244, 304
    • unlabeled cabling, 204
    • VLAN networks, 96
      • connection issues, 245
      • mismatches, 261
    • VoIP, 135, 276
    • wireless networks
    • wiring faults, 203
  • TTL (Time to Live) field
    • network layer protocols, 92
    • values, specifying for ping messages, 220
  • tunneling
  • tunnels, secured links, 27
  • twisted pair cables, 29, 288
    • data rate, 34
    • data rate support, 35
    • electrical interference, 244
    • Gigabit Ethernet, 35
    • tools, 206
    • troubleshooting, 304
    • troubleshooting faults, 209–210, 244
  • Type I virtualization, 25
  • Type II virtualization, 25
  • U
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 51
    • client port numbers, 50
    • port number function, 50
    • ports, scanning for, 228
    • servers, port numbers and, 51
  • Ultra-Physical Contact (UPC), 28
  • unidirectional antennas, 101
  • unified threat management (UTM) appliances, 87
  • Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPSs). See UPSs (Uninterruptable Power Supplies)
  • Universal Resource Locators (URLs). See URLs (Universal Resource Locators)
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB). See USB (Universal Serial Bus)
  • Unix
    • displaying processes, 288
    • logging services, port numbers, 49
    • packet analyzers, 225
    • performance monitoring tools, 229
    • protocol analyzers, 270
    • sendmail, 116
    • static routes, command-line tools, 91
    • tools, 221
  • unmanaged networks, MAC addresses, 26
  • UPC (Ultra-Physical Contact) connectors, 28
  • uplink ports, hubs, 80
  • UPSs (Uninterruptable Power Supplies), 136, 137
    • disaster recovery and, 139
  • URLs (Universal Resource Locators)
    • accessing administrative websites, 295
    • prefixes, 52
  • USB (Universal Serial Bus), cabling and, 34
  • user accounts, 160
    • administrative, 172
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP). See UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  • utilities
    • Linux server security, 220
    • network layer characteristics, testing, 220
    • packets sent, displaying, 121
    • resource record information, 215
  • UTM (unified threat management) appliances, 87
  • UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
    • cabling installations, 31
    • Gigabit Ethernet, 25
    • punchdown process, 33
    • troubleshooting faults, 203
  • V
  • vampire taps, 30
  • version skew (system backups), 142
  • video surveillance, 187
  • VIP (Virtual IP) addresses, 46
  • Virtual Area Networks (VLANs). See VLANs (Virtual Area Networks)
  • virtual desktop, 179
  • virtual firewalls, 26
  • Virtual IP (VIP) addresses, 46
  • virtual machines
    • cloud architectures, 261
    • cloud-based, 67
  • Virtual Network Computing (VNC). See VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). See VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)
  • virtual switch. See vSwitch
  • virtualization
    • hardware environment, 26
    • types, 25
  • VLANs (Virtual Area Networks)
    • 802.1q tagging, 97
    • administrative boundaries, 78, 96
    • characteristics, 96
    • connection issues, 245
    • creating, 25, 285
    • devices, 74, 78
      • connecting computers, 95
      • creating multiple networks, 85
      • identifying, 96
    • frames, forwarding, 97
    • hopping as a threat, 164, 298
    • identifying, 94
    • mismatches, 261
    • multiple, design considerations, 257
    • network access issues, troubleshooting, 263
    • switches, 177
    • tagging, 97
    • troubleshooting, 96
    • voice traffic packets, 98
    • VoIP and, 98
  • VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 180
    • terminal emulation, 183
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). See VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
    • devices, 82
    • troubleshooting, 135, 276
    • VLANs and, 98
  • VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)
    • access, limiting, 178
    • client-to-site connections, 181
    • connections
    • encryption, tunneling and, 178
    • headend devices, 84
    • host-to-host connections, 182
    • joining distant LANs, 182
    • obsolete protocols, 178
    • securing data, 183
    • site-to-site connections, 181
    • split tunneling, 296
    • tunneling, 183
      • encryption, 289
  • vSwitch, 25
    • physical switch, compared, 26
  • vulnerabilities
    • compared to exploits, 159
    • scanning, 230, 231
    • zero-day, 160
  • W
  • wall plates
  • WANs (Wide Area Networks)
    • analog signaling, 20, 21
    • bandwidths, 21
    • broadband signaling, 20
    • cloud, 25
    • connections, 178
    • implementation technologies, 20
    • interface devices, 23
    • labels, assigning to packets, 23
    • PPPoE, 24
    • services, 266
    • technologies, 302
    • termination points, 125
    • testing, 24
    • transfer rates, 24
  • WAPs (Wireless Access Points)
    • channel overlap, avoiding, 259
    • connecting to clients, 105
    • hardening, 171
    • topologies, 73
  • war driving, 162, 261
  • wavelength division multiplexing, 39, 270
  • web browsers
    • application layer (OSI), 49
    • secure communications, 178, 268
  • web clients, port numbers, 52
  • web servers
  • web sites, accessing encrypted, 53
  • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 105
    • IEEE 802.11, 109
  • whitelisting, wireless networks, 99
  • Wide Area Networks (WANs), 20
  • WiFi hotspots, EULAs and, 176
  • WiFi Protected Access (WPA). See WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
  • WiFi Protected Access II (WPA2). See WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access II)
  • Windows
    • administrative user accounts, 172
    • command-line utilities, 300
      • creating ARP entries, 225
      • deleting ARP cache, 219
      • output, 215–217, 221, 224
    • creating baselines, 281
    • file sharing protocol, 49
    • password policies, 171
    • ping command and, 291
    • remote access protocols, 179
    • remote users, authentication, 152
    • servers, troubleshooting, 223
    • tracing packet routes, 215
    • workstations, bytes transmitted, 223
  • Windows Backup Server, 135
  • Windows Event Viewer, 115
  • Windows Server Backup, 141
  • Windows servers
    • event logs, 120
    • RAID and, 141
  • Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). See WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
  • Wireless Access Points (WAPs). See WAPs (Wireless Access Points)
  • wireless controllers, protocols, 85
  • wireless local area networks (WLANs). See WLANs (wireless local area networks)
  • wireless networks, 19
    • 5 GHz compared to 2.4 GHz, 101
    • 5 GHz compatibility, 103
    • 802.11, frequency compatibility, 103
    • 802.11n, design considerations, 274
    • AP performance issues, 235
    • attack types, 163, 166
    • authorized devices, identifying, 110
    • captive portals, 176, 297
    • channel overlap, 231
    • channel width, 102
    • configuring clients, 108
    • connecting devices, 293
    • connecting to WAPs, 105
    • connection issues, 233, 236, 305
      • troubleshooting, 232
    • connection range issues, 234, 236
    • connection speed issues, 234, 299
    • connectivity, design considerations, 109
    • design considerations, 101, 106, 307
    • devices, transmission speeds, 101
    • geofencing, 169
    • hardening techniques, 170, 295
    • interference, 100
    • MIMO antennae, 100
    • performance considerations, 103, 306
    • security, 104, 105
      • CCMP-AES, 105
      • obsolete protocols, 108
      • preventing unauthorized users, 110
      • protocols, 106, 109, 169
    • signal interference, 234, 235
    • speed standards, 100, 101, 276, 301
    • standards, design considerations, 102
    • topologies, 99
    • transmission techniques, 102
    • unauthorized users, 292
    • war driving attacks, 162
    • whitelisting, 99
  • wireless range extenders, 104
  • wireless telephones, interference with wireless technologies, 100
  • wiremap tester, troubleshooting UTP wiring faults, 203
  • wiring nexus, terminology, 127
  • WLANs (wireless local area networks)
    • design considerations, 268, 274
    • MAC address filtering, 175
    • seed standards, 276
    • topologies, 18, 302
  • workstations
    • bytes transmitted, 223
    • configuring, 50
  • WPA (WiFi Protected Access), 104, 106
    • compared to WEP, 105
    • encryption protocol, 108
  • WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access II), 106
    • connection issues and, 232
  • X-Y-Z
  • zero trust architecture, 160
  • zero-day vulnerabilities, 160
  • zombies, 165, 167
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