Finalizing the Design
Depending on how you placed your parts, your board might look something like Figure 9-81 (not all layers shown). After the autorouter has finished routing the board, it should be checked for problem areas, such as acute angles, long parallel traces, and bad via locations. Chapter 6 discusses several of these and other routing issues. It is also necessary to check for new DRC errors that may have been caused by the routing process and check for any nets that the autorouter could not route.
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Figure 9-81
Board design after final parts placement and autorouting.
Once you have all the traces routed, you can check for new DRC errors and unrouted nets using the Status dialog box ( Figure 9-82 ). To view routing statistics, select Display → Status from the menu bar. The Status dialog box provides information about the number of unrouted nets as well as unplaced components.
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Figure 9-82
Use the Status dialog box to check for unrouted nets and DRC errors.
If the routing statistics are less than 100% but you cannot easily locate unrouted nets, use the Visibility filter tab to turn off all Etch layers and make sure that the Rats All button is active, B9780750689717000093/fx26.jpg is missing. Use the Find filter (look for nets only) and the Show Element tool and drag a box across the board area. Any unrouted nets should be displayed in the Show Element text box with information about the net’s name, to which pins the net belongs, and its location. An example is shown in Figure 9-83 .
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Rats All button
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Figure 9-83
Using the Find filter and Show Element tool to identify unrouted nets.
After the autorouter has finished routing the board (or after performing any last-minute manual routing tasks), you can have PCB Editor go over the design and perform a cleanup using the Gloss command. To clean up (gloss) a board design, select Route → Gloss… from the menu. At the Line Smoothing dialog box (see Figure 9-84 ), check the options you would like PCB Editor look for and fix. When you have made your selections, click the Gloss button.
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Figure 9-84
Use the Gloss command to add finishing touches to the board design.
You can attach either the NO_GLOSS property or the FIXED property to the nets so that gloss does not modify the routing of these nets. Use the Constraint Manager to apply the NO_GLOSS property to a net. Select the Properties tab and the Net/General Properties icon then set the NO_GLOSS property to On. To apply the FIXED property, you can also use the Constraint Manager or use the Fix button on the toolbar.
Once the board design is finished, you can export information from your PCB design to your schematic by performing a back annotation. Back annotation in PCB Editor is called feedback (search for it in fcoms.pdf). Also see Backannotating to Allegro Design Entry HDL or System Connectivity Manager in Transferring Logic Design Data (algrologic.pdf), and the Capture User’s Guide (cap_ug.pdf). See Back annotation from PCB Editor, p. 508.
Information that is back annotated has to be common to PCB Editor and Capture. To see some examples of these properties, go to the schematic page and double click a part to display the properties spreadsheet. Select the Cadence-Allegro filter. Some examples are HARD_LOCATION, NO_SWAP_GATE, NO_SWAP_PIN. The configuration file allegro.cfg, which is located in the C:OrCADOrCAD_16.0 oolscapturepath by default, lists all of the properties included during back annotation.
To perform a back annotation from PCB Editor to Capture, go to the PCB design in PCB Editor and select Setup → User Preferences…. In the User Preferences dialog box, left click the Logic folder once, and select capture in the schematic_editor: list, as shown in Figure 9-85 .
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Figure 9-85
Setting the Logic type for back annotation.
From the File menu, select Export Logic…; the Export Logic dialog box will be displayed (see Figure 9-86 ). Select the Cadence tab, select the Design entry CIS option, and select the destination path from Export to directory: area (use the Browse… button). The default path is your current working directory, displayed in the Export to directory field as a period (unless another location was specified and applied in a previous session). Click the Export Cadence button. That’s it for PCB Editor. Now go back to Capture to import the back-annotation information into the project design.
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Figure 9-86
Displaying the Export Logic dialog box.
In Capture go to the Project Manager pane and select the Project icon. Then select Back Annotate… from the Tools menu, as shown in Figure 9-87 .
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Figure 9-87
Performing back annotation in Capture.
The Backannotate dialog box will be displayed. Select the PCB Editor tab and select the proper files and paths using the Browse… buttons. You can change what gets imported by clicking the Setup… button, as shown in Figure 9-88 . The allegro.cfg file lists the parameters that will be imported. To edit the file, click the Edit button on the Setup dialog box. If you edit the file, remember to save the changes. Dismiss the .cfg file and Click OK three times to dismiss the dialog boxes and perform the back annotation.
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Figure 9-88
Setting up the back-annotation path and allegro.cfg file.
To see what changes were made, double click a part in the schematic to view the properties sheet. Select Cadence-Allegro from the Filter by: list. Figure 9-89 shows the trace width properties that were set in the Constraint Manager in PCB Editor (a) are imported into the Edit Properties spreadsheet in Capture (b).
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Figure 9-89
Net properties back annotated to (a) PCB Editor (b) Capture from.
This completes the first example. At this point you would produce the manufacturing files for the board and send them off to a board house for manufacturing. We look at this in greater detail in Chapter 10 .
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