Chapter 30. Lattices

A lattice is a mathematical construction built on the notion of a group. First, we review some basic terms. Then we discuss lattices.


For a set S, a relation R is any subset of S × S. For convenience, if (a, b) ∊ R, we write aRb.

The following definitions describe properties of relations.

  • Definition 30–1. A relation R defined over a set S is reflexive if aRa for all aS.

  • Definition 30–2. A relation R defined over a set S is antisymmetric if aRb and bRa imply a = b for all a, bS.

  • Definition 30–3. A relation R defined over a set S is transitive if aRb and bRc imply aRc for all a, b, cS.

A partial ordering occurs when a relation orders some, but not all, elements of a set. Such a set and relation are often called a poset. If the relation imposes an ordering among all elements, it is a total ordering.

Under a partial ordering (and a total ordering), we define the “upper bound” of two elements to be any element that follows both in the relation.

  • Definition 30–4. For two elements a, bS, if there exists a uS such that aRu and bRu, then u is an upper bound of a and b.

A pair of elements may have many upper bounds. The one “closest” to the two elements is the least upper bound.

  • Definition 30–5. Let U be the set of upper bounds of a and b. Let uU be an element such that there is no tU for which tRu. Then u is the least upper bound of a and b (written lub(a, b) or ab).

  • Lower bounds, and greatest lower bounds, are defined similarly.

  • Definition 30–6. For two elements a, bS, if there exists an lS such that lRa and lRb, then l is a lower bound of a and b.

  • Definition 30–7. Let L be the set of lower bounds of a and b. Let lL be an element such that there is no mL for which lRm. Then l is the greatest lower bound of a and b (written glb(a, b) or ab).


A lattice is the combination of a set of elements S and a relation R meeting the following criteria.

  1. R is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive on the elements of S.

  2. For every s, tS, there exists a greatest lower bound.

  3. For every s, tS, there exists a least upper bound.



Determine the least upper bound and greatest lower bound for the pair of complex integers a and b in the subset C´ used in the examples.


Prove that the set of all subsets of a given set S (called the power set of S) forms a lattice under the relation “subset” (⊆).


Consider a set with elements that are totally ordered by a relation. Does the set form a lattice under that relation? If so, show that it does. If not, give a counterexample.

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