Chapter 31. The Extended Euclidean Algorithm

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm is a staple of number theory and is used to solve equations of the form ax mod n = b. This chapter reviews this algorithm and its applications. We begin with the classical algorithm and then extend it to solve simple equations.

The Euclidean Algorithm

Euclid's algorithm determines the greatest common divisor of two integers. The algorithm is based on the observation that, if x divides both a and b, then x divides their difference ab. The trick is to find the largest such x.

Assume (without loss of generality) that a > b. If x divides a – b, then it also divides a – qb, where q is an integer. Let r = aqb. If n ≠ 0, and x divides a – qb, then x divides r. We have now reduced the problem of finding the largest x such that x divides a and b to the problem of finding the largest x such that x divides b and r. (To see this, realize that if x divides b and r, then x divides qb + r, or a.) We iterate until r is 0. Then x is the greatest common divisor of a and b.

If we take q to be the integer portion of a/b, these operations can form a simple table, as follows.

The algorithm (in pseudocode) is as follows.

function gcd(a : integer, b : integer) : integer;
var r : integer;
    rprev: integer;
rprev := r := 1;
while r <> 0 do begin
    rprev := r;
    r := a mod b;
    write 'a = ', a, 'b =', b, 'quotient = ', a div b,
          'remainder = ', r, endline;
    a := b;
    b := r;
gcd := rprev;

The “write” corresponds to the lines in the tables in the examples above.

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm

The Extended Euclidean Algorithm determines two integers x and y such that

  • xa + yb = 1

In order for these integers to exist and be unique, the greatest common divisor of a and b must be 1. The following algorithm (in pseudocode) returns x and y.

proc eeuclid(a : integer, b : integer,
                var x : integer, var y : integer) : integer;
var q, u: integer;
       xprev, yprev, uprev: integer;
       xtmp, ytmp, utmp: integer;
       uprev := a; u := b;
       xprev := 0; x := 1; yprev := 1; y := 0;
       write 'u = ', uprev, 'x = ', xprev, 'y = ', yprev,
       write 'u = ', u, 'x = ', x, 'y = ', y;
       while u <> 0 do begin
             q := uprev div u;
             write 'q = ', q, endline;
             utmp := uprev – u * q; uprev := u; u := utmp;
             xtmp := xprev – x * q; xprev := x; x := xtmp;
             ytmp := yprev – y * q; yprev := y; y := ytmp;
             write 'u = ', u, 'x = ', x, 'y = ', y;
       write endline;
       x := xprev; y := yprev;

The “write” corresponds to the lines in the tables in the examples below. The variable u contains xa + yb at each step.

Solving ax mod n = 1

Recall that if ax mod n = 1, then there exists an integer k such that ax = 1 + kn. Rewriting this, axkn = 1. Define j = –k, to yield ax + jn = 1. So, to find x and j, use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. As before, a and n must be relatively prime.

Solving ax mod n = b

From the fundamental laws of modular arithmetic,

  • xy mod n = (x mod n)(y mod n)

Thus, if x solves the equation ax mod n = 1, we can multiply both sides by b to get

  • b(ax mod n) = a(bx) mod n = b × 1 = b

So, we first solve ax mod n = 1 for x and then compute bx mod n.



Find the greatest common divisor of 234 and 124.


Find r and s such that 8,092r + 1,111s = 1.


Find a counterexample to the claim that if the greatest common divisor of a and b is not 1, there exists a unique r and a unique s such that ra + sb = 1.


Solve for x: 324x mod 121 = 1.


Solve for x: 99,997x mod 8,888 = 1,234.

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