A New View of Leadership and Organizational Culture

If a leader’s sole focus is on seeing that tasks are accomplished, then success will be unsustainable. Leaders must create an environment where people thrive. What does it take for you to thrive at work, and what is the role that culture plays in whether or not you are able to give your best effort?

In part I, you will learn about seven universal human needs required for people to thrive at work and three types of culture everyone should know about, including the type of culture that best promotes the health and productivity of individuals and organizations. You will learn a vocabulary of culture and a simple, memorable, and actionable model to create the best culture. This knowledge will help you understand what type of culture you need to thrive, and it will begin to equip you to cultivate a workplace culture that brings out the best in the people you are responsible for leading or whom you lead through your influence. Part I concludes with eight profiles of diverse individuals and organizations that are cultivating cultures of connection.

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