
accomplishment 3302, 343

account development ratios 338

accountability 127

accounts: analysis 2478; attractiveness 2489; call rates 248; classifying 248; effort 249; expense 331, 344; key 44; management 2889, 367; planning guide 2489; priorities 241

achieved status 368

action 1646

activity priorities 2412

adaptive selling 36

Adelphia 98

advancement: opportunities for 3312, 344

advantages 1746, 179, 185; local 364

advertisements 2913; applicants 293

advertising 578, 80, 111, 329; mass-market 148; word-of-mouth 142

advocacy: customer 142

aesthetics 64

agreement: customer 176, 185; purchase 478, 177

AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) 164

Airbus 358

Align Mark 310

alternative choice close 215

altruism 268

Amazon 17, 31, 237, 291

American Airlines 423, 46

American Management Association (AMA) 293

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) 296

analysis and refinement 114

anger 200

Anheuser-Busch 41

Apple 19, 678, 122, 272, 293; iPad 119, 183, 194, 3624

applicants 2903

applications 294; employment 296; requirements 295; of technology 678

appraisal: performance 327, 33945

approach: customer 16670; strategies 16870

aptitude: sales 2656, 288, 297; tests 297

arm movement 174, 1801

arrests 296

Art of Closing Any Deal, The (Pickens) 216

ascribed status 368

Asia 35861, 365

assessment approach 169

assumptive close 21415

assurance 67, 220

attention 1648, 174, 182

attitude 21718

Australia 3623, 368

autonomy 13; job 323

balance sheet close 216

bankruptcy 296

Barnes & Noble 237

basic control unit 2457

Beechcraft 49

behavior 334; buyers 47; organizational citizenship 268; salespeople 26180; unethical 11, 19, 312, 85, 913, 98102, 308

behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) 33942, 345

benefits 1746, 17980, 185, 328; broad 313; bundling 5760; customer 1689; employee 3256; measuring 31114; perceived 198; sales training 31114; specific 31314

best practices approach 275

Bezos, J. 17

bias 339, 340, 345

bids 467

big data 1245, 128

billing 222

bird dogs 143

Blackberry 272

blended technology 121

blogs 122, 145

Blue Cross Blue Shield 307

body language 174, 1801

body movement 181

Boeing 401, 197, 251

bonus 3259, 335, 344

bounce-back 203

boundary position 2712

brand: equity 67; global 68; management 34, 65

Brazil 365, 368

bribes 889, 361

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) 15

Bureau of the Census 246

business: climate 102; ethics 857; expenses 90, 93, 331, 361; global 201, 93, 355, 358, 366; philosophy 57, 11112, 115, 124; practice 3614; relationships 91, 147, 214, 342, 361; unlawful activity 968

Business Development Managers 41

business-to-business (B2B) 138, 147; companies 246; products 247; prospecting 145; relationships 117; sales jobs 412; salespeople 265; selling 401, 11921, 1435, 1502

business-to-business (B2B) markets 40, 58, 145; vs. B2C markets 401

business-to-consumer (B2C) 253; companies 246; goods 247; selling 401

business-to-consumer (B2C) markets 40, 47, 58, 247; vs. B2B markets 401

buy-in 59, 164, 169, 344

buy-now close 216

buyer-seller relationships 35, 89, 94, 122, 1656, 1767, 359; building 177, 193; communication 49, 117, 200, 213, 223, 226; establishing 177; interaction 13; long-term 152, 198; negotiations 198; profitable 165; quality of 65; successful 177, 1913; value creation 5, 48, 5581, 220

buyers: behavior 47; objections 21720; questions 218; understanding 10, 2953

buying: center 10, 429, 138, 143, 150; organization 37, 47, 65, 342

buying signals 21315, 226; identifying 21819; nonverbal 219, 226; trial close 219; verbal 21819, 226

calls: activity ratios 338; cold 147; frequencies 242, 245, 248; reluctance 149, 153, see also sales call

career: management 293; overview of selling as 315; paths 31, 49, 331; priorities 2401; selling overview 315

Caterpillar 19

caveat emptor 88

cease-and-desist orders 97

cell phones 901, 1667, 1824, 194, 242, 272, 3089

centers of influence 143

central tendency 340

Cessna 49

Chally Group Worldwide 115

change conflict 1767

channel deliverables (supply chain) 64

cheating 90, 1002

China 20, 35762, 367

Cisco Systems 88, 266, 291, 299, 333

civic and professional groups 143

civic virtue 268

classifying accounts 248

classroom training 31011

Clayton Act (1914) 96

closing: common mistakes 21920; and follow-up 13, 21133; sales manager’s role in 226; selling is not linear process 21314; silence 214; skills 37; what is it? 21314

closing methods 21416; alternative choice close 215; assumptive close 21415; balance sheet close 216; buy-now close 216; direct close 215; impending-event 216; minor point close 215; practice makes perfect 216; standing-room-only 216; summary-of-benefits close 21516; t-account close 216; trial close 164, 21920, 226

CNL Investments 93

coaching: on-the-job 305, 310

code of ethics 93, 98102; corporate 93, 989; individual 99100; personal 93, 989, 102

cold calls 147

college graduates 293

collusion 96

combination compensation plans 32830, 344

commerce: electronic (e-commerce) 17, 144, 334; interstate 98

commission 3256; straight 32830, 344

commodities 7, 47, 69, 121, 137, 364

communication: buyer-seller 49, 117, 200, 213, 223, 226; customer 90, 176, 223, 3645; effective 1778, 367; face-to-face 19, 121, 184, 223; how to be better 178; marketing 579, 111, 175, 364; mobile 184, 365; open 93; oral 1801, 295; persuasive 12; sales message 1213, 639, 152, 15989, 213, 219; technology 19; tools 1212, 223, 359; value in sales message 639; verbal 37; wireless 167, 185, see also value communication

communitarianism 3689

community 1435, 268; building 1212

company: orientation 307; relations 339

Company Online Applications 123

company policy 239, 254, 2737, 307, 325, 331, 367; align with customer expectations 239; unethical corporate culture 93; unfair corporate policy 934

compensation 267, 2757, 291, 300, 32332, 3434; dangers of paying salespeople too little/too much 3334; deciding on mix and level of 3324; for deficiencies 202; expense accounts 331; financial 276, 3256, 331, 334, 344; fixed 329; global salesperson 369; higher 3313, 340; incentive 329, 344; nonfinancial rewards 3312; opportunities for advancement 3312; other types of 3302; policies 276; proportion of incentive pay to 329; recognition programs 332; sales 325, 329, 3323; sales contests 3301; salesperson 15, 32352, 369; total 34, 32933, 344

compensation plans 91, 277, 325, 32931, 344; combination 32830, 344; straight commission 32830, 344; straight salary 32830, 344

competitive markets 64, 111, 122

competitive products 307

competitors: defamation 978; obstruction 97

complaints 2212

complex logistics networks 362

concentration ratio 250

conferences 147

confidence: personal 238

confidentiality 92, 182, 272; leaks 8890, 100

conformance 64

conscientiousness 268

consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs) 2467

consultative selling 79

consumer buying: vs. organizational buying 47

contact: face-to-face 138, 172, 177, 2378, 243, 248, 309

contests: sales 3256, 3301, 344

contract 359

convictions 296

corporate culture 16, 83, 98, 3689; unethical 93

corporate ethics 93, 989, 361

corporate image/reputation 67

corporate policy 85, 361; unfair 93

Corporate Responsibility 867

cost-effectiveness 3012, 328

costs: sales training 31114; selling 39, 3313; transportation 17, 363

counties 246

County and City Data Book 246

creativity 7, 32, 40, 267, 273

credibility 65, 8890, 168, 177, 203, 302

credit 222; terms 199200, 264, 273

Crest Whitestrips 46

critical incidents 341

cross selling 267

cross-cultural differences 368

cross-functional selling 35, 41, 65

culture 16, 35762, 36770; corporate 16, 83, 93, 98, 3689; differences 291, 35961, 3679; environment 20; global sales process 35962; time-sensitive 361; unethical corporate 93; values 35961, 368

cumulative knowledge 176

currency exchange rates 18, 363

customer approach: assessment 169; before meeting 1667; customer benefit 1689; first three minutes 1678; good first impression 1668; greeting customer 1678; initiating relationship 16670; product demonstration 170; question 169; referrals 1689; strategies 16870

customer concerns 1935, 198205, 237; I don’t really know you 1956; add value to total package 198; best price 1978, 205; common 1938; company trust 195, 205; listening and validating 200; loyalty to existing supplier 195; price is your friend, not your enemy 198; price as main issue 198; product need 1945; summary of 194; time to consider product 197, 205; unease about company 195

customer expectations 178, 2389, 254, 271, 358, 362; and complaints 2212; management 69; reset as needed 225

customer needs 125, 1615, 16976, 17980, 1845, 1945, 3656; agreement 176; apply knowledge to 1746; establish relationship 177; identifying 1703; listen 1734; minimize change conflict 1767; questioning and presentation 1712; satisfying 1767

customer relationship management (CRM) 5, 8, 12, 19, 10931, 148, 342; analysis and refinement 114; connecting to strategic selling and sales force management 1249; customer interaction 114; and follow-up 2256; from mass to one-to-one marketing 11213; impediments to maintaining system data 1289; knowledge discovery 114; make best use in prospecting 149; market planning 114; process cycle 114; what is it? 11115

customer relationships: CRM and follow-up? 2256; customer expectations and complaint behavior 2212; follow-up enhances 2206; improved 211, 238, 299; initiating 149; long-term 2202, 2256, 266, 327; other key follow-up activities 225; proactive follow-up 2234

customer value 60, 88, 11213, 1267, 17980, 1935; lifetime 7, 623

customer-centrism 1, 56, 16, 21, 11114, 124, 129

customer-salesperson relationship 307, 365

customers: acquisition 113, 238; advocacy 142; agreement 176, 185; anxiety 168, 199; benefit 1689; communication 90, 176, 223, 3645; complaints 2212; coverage 238, 246, 254; delight 13, 69, 225; dissatisfaction 13, 69, 225, 246; ethics 8890; external 342; feedback 114, 1624, 169, 225, 239, 342; firing 62; getting to know 1257; greeting 1678; insights 1257; interaction 36, 111, 114, 129, 153, 164, 1767; internal 58, 342; investment 67, 114; journey 126; lifetime value of 7, 623, 113; local 298, 3635; loyalty 5, 13, 602, 69, 113, 1412, 2256; marketing 11213; mindset 56; negotiation 199200, 2045; nonverbal communication 1801; objections 1915, 198205, 310; orientation 5, 88, 111, 264; perception 13, 63, 69, 198; potential 122, 1258, 13740, 1436, 150, 161, 307; profitable 62, 113; retention 39, 62, 113, 225, 238, 276, 3324; satisfaction 602, 1767, 204, 2256, 241, 343; segmentation 126; service 47, 176, 198200, 203, 329, 365, 369; service representatives 126, 273; 360-degree view of 125; training 222

daily event schedule 242

data: collection questions 1712; mining 114; warehouse 114

deadlines 3412

Death of a Salesman (Miller) 31

deception 92

decision making: ethical 83, 989, 102, 2745, 3613; managerial 115

decision support system (DSS) 309

defamation 978

defer 204

deficiency: compensating for 202

delight: customer 13, 69, 225

Dell 60, 98, 179, 293; Code of Conduct 856

demand: derived 45

demarketing 20

demonstrations 1779; checklist 178; product 161, 16970, 1779

denial: direct 201; indirect 2023

Department of Commerce (DOC) 90

derived demand 45

design: territory 24550, 268

desire 1646

development 14; product 15, 19, 59, 65, 123, 176, 342; professional 323, 3434

DeVincentis, J.: and Rackham, N. 7

Diagnostic Services Inc (DSI) 256

diffusion 368

direct close 215

direct denial 201

direct marketing 578, 111

direct selling 20, 25, 40; time 248

directories 144

disabilities 296

discrimination 923, 102, 296, 314; price 968, 102

dishonesty 88, 100

dissatisfaction: customer 13, 69, 225, 246; job 32, 265, 269, 2745; latent 49

distribution and feedback options 121

Do Not Call Registry 146

double-booking 361

durability 64

e-commerce 17, 144, 334

Eades, K. 9

economic environment 1819

Education Development Center 309

educational experience 294, 367

educational institutions 2913

effectiveness 3425; vs. performance 3346

effort 15, 1819; account 249; sales 7, 19, 39, 361

80:20 rule 250

email 243; etiquette 2234; junk 144, 147; spam 144

EMC Corporation 35

empathy 67, 214, 2202, 226, 265, 294, 297

employee benefits 3256

employer ethics 901

employment: agencies 293; applications 296

endless chain referrals 1423

Enron 86, 93

enterprise resources planning (ERP) 251

enterprise selling 78

entertainment 889, 100, 359

environment: cultural 20; economic 1819; external 1821; inappropriate 182; legal 19; natural 201; political 19; social 20; technological 19; variables 2678

equipment: installation of 222

equity: brand 67

equivalent products 362

ethics 1, 1012, 16, 19, 294, 357, 370; business 857; cheating 90; checklist 101; code of 93, 98102; companies outside USA 94; companies and social responsibility 86; concerns for management 914; concerns for salespeople 8691; confidentiality leaks 90; corporate 93, 989, 361; customer 8890; decisions 83, 989, 102, 2745, 3613; dishonesty 88; employer 901; gifts, entertainment, bribes 889; importance in 21st century 856; inappropriate relationships 91; and information 363; issues 83106, 308; management 914; misuse of company resources 901; personal 93, 989, 102; renewed emphasis on 856; training 85, 308; unfair treatment 8990

Europe 20, 3578, 361, 369

European Union (EU) 201, 362

evaluation: global sales force 369; performance 48, 323, 33445, 369; of proposals 478; salesperson 32352, 357, 370; self- 342, 345

evaluation options matrix 31213

expatriates 367

expectancy 266, 2756; theory 14

expectations see customer expectations

expenses: accounts 331, 344; business 90, 93, 331, 361; ratios 338; reimbursement 331; sales 238, 254

experience: educational 294, 367; or youth 239, 289

external environment 1821

external sources 2913

extrinsic rewards 334, 2689, 277

eye contact 174, 180

FAB 153, 1746, 185, 194, 198, 202

face time 365

face-to-face communication 19, 121, 184, 223

face-to-face contact 138, 172, 177, 2378, 243, 248, 309

Facebook 117, 122, 145

facial expression 174, 1801

Families and Work Institute (FWI) 270

fault 1112

faux pas 2234

favorable working conditions 34

features 64, 1746, 179, 185

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 145

FedEx 58, 64

feedback 48, 2679, 273, 302, 31011, 314, 3425; customer 114, 1624, 169, 225, 239, 342; performance 48, 273, 3425; territory 243, 254

feel-felt-found 2023

financial compensation 276, 3256, 331, 334, 344

financial resources 17

financial rewards 15, 3301

firing a customer 62

first impression: before meeting 1667; first three minutes 168; good 1504, 161, 1668, 185; greeting customer 1678

Fisher, R.: Ury, W. and Patton, B. 21314

fixed compensation 329

flexibility 162, 166, 182, 240, 2736

Flickr 122

follow-up: activities 225; and closing 13, 21133; and CRM 2256; customer expectations and complaint behavior 2212; enhances customer relationships 2206; proactive 2234; sales manager’s role 226; skills 35

forced-choice questions 297

Ford, H. 193, 196

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977) 361

form utility 60

formalization 11113, 129

formula presentation 164

4 Ps of marketing 579

France 35862, 369

Franklin Covey 242

Friedman, T.L. 358

friends and relatives 143

front-loaded selling 8

frontier opportunities 123

gamification 123

garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) 128

garnishments 296

Gartner 1245

Garvin, D. 64

General Electric 34, 401, 305, 359

geodemographers 2467

Germany 35961, 3679

Gerstner, L. 44, 64

gesture 1801, 219, 3612

Getting to Yes (Fisher, Ury and Patton) 21314

gifts 889, 100

Gillette 17

give-get ratio 7

Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) 31

global account managers (GAM) 3667

global challenges: sales process 35865; sales process management 3669

global marketing communications 364

global markets 1719, 3558, 362, 3659; pricing for 3623

global perspectives 35571

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 121

global sales environment 3578, 3612, 3657, 370

global sales process: business practices 3624; challenges 35869; compensation of salesperson 369; culture 35962; evaluation of sales force 369; hire right people 3667; managing 3669; motivation of salesperson 3689; sales organizational structure 366; technology 365; training for effective selling 3678

global selling 3578; environment 1521; marketplace 3578; training for effective 3678

global virtual sales teams 44

globalization 3578

goals 16, 21314, 2403, 3256, 334, 3424, 3669; attainable 14950; sales call 150, 213; setting 14850, 1656

Goettsch, D. 307

Goldstein, L. 49

Google 122, 137, 144, 237; Maps 121, 166

green work environment 21

growth 141

H&M 358

half-truths 88

halo effect 33940

hand movement 174, 1801

handicaps 296

hard-sell techniques 31, 137

harshness 340

health problems 296

height 296

Hewlett-Packard (HP) 89, 273, 306

hiring quiz 2867

home country 1517, 359, 3669

Home Depot 89

hometown providers 364

honesty 8693, 1002, 199, 21617, 272, 2978, 308

Hubspot 1289

human resources 1617

Huthwaite Inc 172

Hyundai 46

if-then scenarios 199

illegal questions 296

image: corporate 67; portrayal 1512

Immelt, J. 34

impediments 1289

impending-event close 216

implication questions 1723

inappropriate environment 182

inappropriate relationships 91

incentive-based rewards 329

incentives 15, 32732, 344; additional 325; ceilings 32930; compensation 329, 344; earnings 32930; individual 330; nonfinancial 326, 344; pay 325, 32830, 344; policies 276; salesperson 3257; team 32930

indirect denial 2023

individualism 360, 3689

industrial selling 40

industry orientation 307

information: access 121; aggregation 2513; collecting 38; and ethics 363; management 342; organizational of critical 242; sharing 243

information technology (IT) 124

Informational Decade 1204

inner direction 368

innovative role 273

input measures 3367, 345

insights 1257

instrumentalities 266, 2756

Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA) 308

integrated marketing communications (IMC) 579, 645, 69

integrity 1011, 86, 90, 98100, 308

Intel 175, 291, 306, 333

intelligence tests 297

interaction 11, 89, 161, 311; buyer-seller 13; customer 36, 111, 114, 129, 153, 164, 1767; with many people 37, 273; proficiency 37; social 38, 162

interest 1648, 173, 1801

internal environment 1517

internal sources 291

International Business Machines (IBM) 424, 64, 67, 225, 251, 357, 366

Internet 150, 269, 2913, 307, 31011, 357, 3645; applicants 293; email 144, 2234, 243; sales simulation 310; social media 1213, 117, 1202, 125, 1378, 1415, 153

interviews 296; personal 2945; requirements and applications 295; structured 294; unstructured 294

intimate space 181

intrinsic rewards 33, 2689, 2767, 343

investigation questions 172

investment 60, 69; return on customer 67; return on (ROI) 127; time 8, 238

iPad 119, 183, 194, 3624

Japan 359, 3689; tsunami (2011) 20

job-family conflict 270

jobs 3334; analysis 28890, 314; autonomy 323; B2B 412; description 28890, 294, 314, 3657; dissatisfaction 32, 265, 269, 2745; enlargement 38; factors 39; knowledge 339; perception 2712; performance 271, 28890, 294301, 342; preview 295; qualifications 28890, 294, 314; rewarding 325; rotation 310; satisfaction 21, 312, 93, 26871, 277, 313, 344; selling in B2C vs. B2B markets 401; types of B2B sales 412; types of 402; variety 323

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) 64, 273

Johnson Controls Inc 309

journey: customer 126

junk mail 144, 147

just-in-time approach 166

Kamen Wiping Materials Co Inc 49

Kerr, S. 327

key account manager (KAM) 15, 44, 366

key accounts 44

key senior managers 98

key success factors 14

knowledge 164, 1746, 185; applying to customer needs 1746; cumulative 176; discovery 114, 129; job 339; product 291, 295, 298, 3067, 365

Lafley, A.G. 34

language 359, 364; body 174, 1801

laptops 11922, 242, 308

Latin America 35962

leads 137, 1408, 153

Lear Corporation 46

legal environment 19

legal issues 83106, 308

legal responsibility 95

leniency 340

Lenovo 179; Thinkpad 175, 179

libel 97

Liberty Mutual Insurance 308

life priorities 2401

lifetime value: of customer 7, 623, 113

LinkedIn 122, 1425

listening 1734, 220; active 174, 214; passive 174; skills 35, 214, 226

loyalty 177; customer 5, 13, 602, 69, 113, 1412, 2256; to existing supplier 195

Macy’s Department Store 45

management: account 2889, 367; brand 34, 65; career 293; decision making 115; ethical concerns for 914; global sales process 3669; hierarchical 3679; how managers influence performance 2746; information 342; leadership 276; policy 97, 265, 276, 2889, 334; product 253, 298; provide territory feedback to 243, 254; sales 1, 5, 1011, 1415, 1920, 11617, 2635; sales force 1249, 370; salesperson self- 13, 23557; senior 93, 98, 124, 369; skills 264; territory 12, 37, 23754, 301, 307, 339; time 13, 37, 122, 23754, 301, 307

mapping software 121

MapQuest 121, 166

margin 62

marital status 296

market-industry orientation 307

marketing mix 579, 111, 114, 362; execution of programs 65

marketing: concept 57; customer 11213; dashboard 126; direct 578, 111; evolution 112; 4 Ps of 579; global 197, 358; internal 58, 64; mass 11213; one-to-one 11213, 129; role of, in selling 59; role of selling in 578; strategy 579, 69, 11113; target 11213

marketing communication 57, 97, 175; mix 579, 111; global 364

markets: competitive 64, 111, 122; get to know it better 1257; insights 1257; opportunities 1267; orientation 111; planning 114; potential 2457, 250; share 331, 334

Marriott 434

mass marketing 11213

matrix organization 44

measurement criteria 31213

measures see subjective measures

media 31, 1412, 145; social 1213, 117, 1202, 125, 1378, 1415, 153

memorized presentation 1634

mental ability 294, 297

mentor 5, 1845

Merck 678

metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) 246

Microsoft 42, 122, 179, 243, 361; PowerPoint 121, 162, 1667, 17982, 193, 301

Miller, A. 31

minor point close 215

missionary selling 41

misuse of company resources 901, 102

Mitsubishi 179

mobile communication 184, 365

modified rebuy 489

monetary rewards 15, 267

Moore’s Law 119

morale: improved 300, 31114; low 329, 333, 369

motivation 269, 2756, 3313; defining 2667; global salesperson 3689; importance 267; and managerial leadership 276; salesperson 14, 26180, 344, 3689; secrets 275; star salespeople 267

Mulcahy, A. 34

Multiple Personal Inventory 297

Myers Briggs Personality Type 297

nationality 296

natural disasters 20

natural environment 201

need: analysis 165; identification 165, 170; payoff questions 173; product 1945; satisfaction 165; satisfaction presentation 1645; training 3035, see also customer needs

negotiating win-win solutions 1213, 37, 152, 191208, 213; anticipation 199; basic points 198200; customer concerns 200; guidelines 198; negativity 199200; plan and prepare 199; sales manager’s role 2045; say what you mean/mean what you say 199; value proposition 200

negotiation 193, 214; between Chinese and American culture 360; buyer-seller 198; customer 199200, 2045; price 57, 79, 197, 309; strategies 2004

networking 143

new-business selling 41

new-task purchase 489

Nielsen Companies 247

Nissan 46

nonfinancial rewards 15, 276, 3302

nonselling time 238

nonverbal buying signals 219, 226

nonverbal communication 162, 1801, 185, 219, 361

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 143

objections 13; ability to overcome 37; buyer 21720; customer 1915, 198205, 310

objective measures 339, 342, 345; input 336; output 336; of performance 3368; ratio 3378

objectives 16; setting 1656

obstruction: competitor 97

Office, The (2005–13) 31

on-the-job coaching 305, 310

on-the-job training (OJT) 30910

100 Best Corporate Citizens 87

one-on-one training 31011

one-size-fits-all approach 359

one-to-one marketing 11213, 129

opportunities: frontier 123; market 1267; rate 276; for rewards 334

opt-out lists 145

Oracle 434, 162, 248, 251, 309

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) 162

oral communication 1801, 295

oral statements 97

order routine 48

organization 342; of critical information 242

organizational buying 1, 10, 31, 49; decision stages 448; participants in 424; selling centers and buying centers 434; types of 489; vs. consumer buying 47

organizational citizenship behaviors 268

organizational uses influence 340

organizational variables 2678

orientation: company 307; customer 5, 88, 111, 264; market 111

outcome: bias 340; focus 339

outer direction 368

output measures 3367, 345

outsourcing 35, 309; sales force 41

outsuppliers 49

overdelivering 69

overpromising 69, 176

ownership utility 60

Palm 194

Palmisano, S. 34

particularism 368

partnerships: strategic 68

Patton, B.: Fisher, R. and Ury, W. 21314

pay for performance plan 328

Peppers, D.: and Rogers, M. 113

perception: benefits 198; customer 13, 63, 69, 198; job 2712; quality 64; risk 43; role ambiguity 264, 271; role conflict 264, 271; sales 272; salesperson’s role 26971; value 57, 60

performance 64, 273, 325, 330, 334, 3404; appraisal 327, 33945; evaluation 48, 323, 33445, 369; gap 2212; how managers influence 2746; how salespeople influence 26973; job 271, 28890, 294301, 342; product 222; review 226, 323, 3425; sales 23741, 254, 2658, 274, 310, 3301, 334; targets 325; valences for 266; vs. effectiveness 3346, see also salesperson’s performance

performance feedback 48, 273; 360-degree 3425

performance management 44; system 38, 344

performance measures 336, 3445; objective 3368; subjective 336, 33942

perquisites (perks) 332

personal characteristics 265, 339

personal confidence 238

personal digital assistants (PDAs) 194

personal ethics 93, 989, 102

personal interviews 2945; requirements and applications 295; structured 294; unstructured 294

personal priorities 2402, 254

personal selling 41, 578, 111, 114, 193, 305, 365

personal space 181

personal variables 268

personality: tests 297; traits 2656, 288, 297, 314, 339

persuasive communication 12

Pfizer 41, 678, 123

philosophy: business 57, 11112, 115, 124

physical characteristics 296

Pickens, J.W. 216

place utility 60

planning: market 114; personal 37; territory 24850; weekly/monthly calendar 242, see also sales call planning

plans: compensation 91, 277, 325, 32831, 344

plug-in packages 121

policy: compensation 276; corporate 85, 93, 361; incentive 276; management 97, 265, 276, 2889, 334; unfair corporate 93, see also company policy

political environment 19

polychronicity 265

portability 121

Porter, M. 60, 69

power sales training experience 301

PowerPoint 121, 162, 1667, 17982, 193, 301

preapproach 14954, 217

presentation: formula 164; memorized 1634; problem-solving 1635, 169; tools 121, see also sales presentation

price 689, 198; best 1978, 205; comparison 364; discrimination 968, 102; negotiation 57, 79, 197, 309

PricewaterhouseCoopers 111

pricing for global markets 362

priorities: account 241; activity 2412; career 2401; checklist 241; life 2401; personal 2402, 254; professional 2402, 254

privacy 144, 182, 298

Prizm Premier 247

problem questions 1723

problem-solving 211, 222, 309; presentation 1635, 169

process: selling 1215, 128, 154, 200, 21113, 327, 336

Procter & Gamble 17, 34, 41, 46, 65, 164

productivity: increased 121, 2378, 254, 299300, 311, 314; lower 90; ratios 338; sales call 248

products: mix 65, 164; B2B 247; buzz 364; claims 179; competitive 307; delivery 222; demonstration 161, 16970, 1779; development 15, 19, 59, 65, 123, 176, 342; equivalent 362; knowledge 291, 295, 298, 3067, 365; management 253, 298; need 1945; ownership 60; performance 222; quality 19, 47, 634, 199200, 203, 362; value 198, 204, 3624; value-adding 1719, 47

professional priorities 2402, 254

professional selling 10, 115, 1212, 151, 21617

professionalism 49, 153, 217, 226; salesperson 15, 32, 67, 92, 294, 3657

profitability 10, 3337; buyer-seller relationships 165; customer 62, 113; sales 313, 336

promotion 65, 2767; mix 579, 64, 111, 114; sales 578, 111, 148

proposals 468; sales 1523

prospecting 12, 1523, 217; B2B 145; CRM use 149; customers 13741; importance 141; resist call reluctance 149; and sales call planning 12, 13557; sales manager’s role 153; systematic plan 1489

prospects 12, 138, 143, 21417; classic categories 13840; cold and warm calls 147; conferences 147; contemplative buyer 139; direct 139; directories 144; endless chain referrals 1423; Internet 1445; interpersonal buyer 139; loyal customers 142; networking 143; potential 1378; qualifying 13740, 145; safety or status quo type 139; sources 1418; sourcing issues 148; telemarketing 1456; trade shows 147; written correspondence 1467

psychological tests 2978

public relations 18, 578, 111, 122, 148

public space 181

publicity 578, 111, 148, 332

purchase: agreement 478, 177; commitment 165; new-task 489; order 165; process 197; repeat 48

qualifications: job 28890, 294, 314

quality: perceived 64; product 19, 47, 634, 199200, 203, 362; service 13, 17, 667, 220, 362

quantitative measures 339

questions: buyer 218; data collection 1712; forced-choice 297; illegal 296; implication 1723; investigation 172; method 169; need payoff 173; problem 1723; sensitive 296; situation 1723; unrestricted/restricted 171; validation 172

quotas 325, 3346

race 296

Rackham, N.: and DeVincentis, J. 7

ratio measures 3378, 345

realistic job preview 295

rebuy: modified 489; straight 489

reciprocity 97

recognition: formal 276, 332; programs 332, 344

recovery: service 222

recruitment: agencies 293; applicants 2903, 293; job analysis and selection criteria 28890; new 305; responsibility 288; salesperson 283321; and selection 28598; selection procedures 2948; sites 1223

references 2957

referrals 142, 153, 168; applicants 2913; endless chain 1423; people from other firms 2913

refresher training 305

Reichheld, F. 113

Reilly, T. 217

reimbursement plans 331

rejection: attitude 21718; dealing with 21618; personal 217, 226

relationship selling 5, 1314, 21, 602, 17480, 2689, 293; vs. transactional selling 78, 35, 49

relationship-based enterprise 115

relationship-building 610, 5762, 1615, 184, 1937, 205, 300; buyer-seller 177, 193; personal 361, 365; sales presentation 1707

relationships: B2B 117; business 91, 147, 214, 342, 361; inappropriate 91; initiating 16670; long-term 17, 11115, 1412, 2202, 2256; personal 8991, 250, 361, 365, see also buyer-seller relationships; customer relationships

reliability 64, 67, 220

religion 296

remote sales force 273

repeat purchase 48

reputation 97; corporate 67

research and development (R&D) capabilities 17

respect: mutual 13, 59, 913, 1935

responsibility 314; establishing 288; legal 95; social 867, 93, 100

responsiveness 67, 2202

restraint of trade 967

restricted questions 171

retail 401, 168

retention: customer 39, 62, 113, 225, 238, 276, 3324; rate 623, 225, 300, 334

retirement fund 89

return on customer investment 67

return on investment (ROI) 127

rewards 26871, 2757, 32532, 344; mix 276, 332; extrinsic 334, 2689, 277; financial 15, 3301; incentive-based 329; intrinsic 33, 2689, 2767, 343; monetary 15, 267; nonfinancial 15, 276, 3302; opportunities for 334; personal 276; valences for 2667

rights 923

risk: perceived 43

Robinson-Patman Act (1936) 968

Rogers, M.: and Peppers, D. 113

role: accuracy 271, 277; definition process 271; inaccuracy 2645, 2713; of marketing 578, 59; partners 2645, 2713, 277; stress 265, 2713, see also sales manager’s role; salesperson’s role

role ambiguity 265, 26877; perceived 264, 271

role conflict 265, 26877; perceived 264, 271, 274

role perceptions: defining 2645; importance 265; salespeople 26180

role-playing 311

routing schedule 243

salary 307, 3258, 3345; base 3289, 344; straight 32830, 344

sales: ability 265; analysis 243, 2503; aptitude 2656, 288, 297; borrowing 331; compensation 325, 329, 3323; contests 3256, 3301, 344; effort 7, 19, 39, 361; expenses 238, 254; global 9; management 1, 5, 1011, 1415, 1920, 11617, 2635; new recruits 305, 309; organizational structure 366; perception 272; performance 23741, 254, 2658, 274, 310, 3301, 334; potential 2458; pressure 92; profitability 313, 336; promotion 578, 111, 148; proposals 1523; reports 253; representatives 13840, 261, 274, 299301, 3048, 32936, 3401; short-term 329, 344; simulation 310; skill levels 2656; success 214, 266; volume 1719, 24850, 268, 325, 3304, 337, 344, see also jobs

Sales & Marketing Management 10, 16

sales analytics 10931; CRM, strategic selling and sales force management 1249; CRM system data and efficacy 1289; CRM-enabled 128; customer and market insights 1257; customers and market 1257; sales force 1278

sales call 117, 1212, 151, 21315, 21920, 223, 306; average cost 389; goals 150, 213; productivity 248

sales call planning 12; approach 152; goals for initial call 150; image 1512; learn about prospect 1501; preapproach 14954; and prospecting 12, 13557; sales manager’s role 153; and sales proposal 1523

sales force 2635, 299301, 3057, 310, 32737, 3423, 3649; accountability for 127; decision clarity and motivation 127; enabling managers 127; getting to know them better 127; global 369; management 1249, 370; outsourced 41; remote 273; technology 11517, 1234, 129; training ethics 308; training needs 303

sales manager: reasons for 2389

sales manager’s role: in call planning 153; in closing 226; in follow-up 226; in negotiating win-win solutions 2045; in presentation 184; in prospecting 153; in territory management 24353

Sales and Marketing Executives Institute (SMEI) 99100

sales message 19, 13940, 176, 364; communicating 1213, 152, 15989, 213, 219; communicating value in 639

Sales Performance International (SPI) 910

sales presentation 15962, 16671, 1845, 1913, 199200, 35861, 365; approaches to 169; building relationship 1707; canned 214; characteristics of great 1613; customer nonverbal communication 1801; and customers’ needs 1703; demonstrations 1779; getting ready 1615; inappropriate environment 182; interruptions during 182; keys to great 17784; knowledge and customer needs 1746; listen 1734; nonverbal communication 1801; sales manager’s role 184; salesperson nonverbal communication 181; satisfy customer needs 1767; strategies 1635; successful demonstration 1789; technology failure 1824; value proposition 17980; what to do when things go wrong 1824

sales process 336, 357, 3645, 36970; global challenges 35869; managing 3669

sales technology 10931; in Informational Decade 1204

sales territory 1113, 19, 238, 243; definition 2489; design 24550, 254, 268; performance measures 2503

sales training 123, 266, 289, 299, 314, 367; analysis 302; classroom 311; evaluation options matrix 313; Internet (online) 31011; issues in 2989; measuring costs and benefits 31114; methods 30911; objectives 299301; on-the-job 30910; power 301; roadblocks 312; role-playing 311

sales training programs 274, 3056, 31213, 367; analyze needs 3012; determine objectives 302; develop and implement 302; developing successful 3014; evaluate and review 3024

sales training topics 3059; company orientation 307; legal/ethical issues 308; market/industry orientation 307; product knowledge 3067; specialized 309; technology 3089; time and territory management 307

salespeople: abuse of rights 923; assign to territories 250; B2B 265; behavior 26180; compensation 15, 32352, 369; dangers of paying too little/too much 3334; ethical concerns for 8691; evaluating 32352, 357, 370; experienced 305; gaining technology acceptance by 1234; hiring from competitors 2923; how they spend time 40; incentives 3257; inside 1456; motivation 14, 26180, 344, 3689; nonverbal communication 181; outside 1456; and performance 26973; proactive 223; professional 15, 32, 67, 92, 294, 3657; reasons for 2378; recruiting 283321; role in self-management 2403; selecting 14, 283321; star 276; success factors 36; training 14, 283321

salesperson’s performance 246, 2757, 328, 342; aptitude 265; behavior, motivation, and role perceptions 26180; determinants 263; evaluating 3346, 3445, 357, 370; management understanding of 263; motivation 2667; organizational, environmental, and personal factors 2678; performance vs. effectiveness 3346; rewards 2689; role perceptions 2645; satisfaction 269; skill levels 2656

salesperson’s role 26180; development and technology 118; factors 2713; perceptions 26971

salesperson’s self-management 13, 23557; effective territory management 2423; efficient time management 2402; importance of 2379; increase productivity 2378; reasons for sales managers 2389; reasons for salespeople 2378; role in 2403

Samsonite 45

Samsung 272

satisfaction 269; customer 602, 1767, 204, 2256, 241, 343; extrinsic 269, 277; intrinsic 269, 277; job 21, 312, 93, 26871, 277, 313, 344; supplier 195

Second Life 123

security 144, 325, 329, 367

segmentation 113, 126, 247

selection: applicants 2903; job analysis and criteria 28890; order routine 48; procedures 2948; and recruitment 28598; responsibility 288; salesperson 14, 283321; self- 291; supplier 478; tools 294, 297, 314

self-evaluation 342, 345

self-management 13; salesperson 13, 23557

self-worth 217, 226, 268, 343

sellers: understanding 10, 2953, see also buyer-seller relationships

senior management 93, 98, 124, 369

sensitive questions 296

September 9/11 attack (2001) 20

sequential time 368

service: capabilities 17; customer 47, 176, 198200, 203, 329, 365, 369; delivery costs 362; quality 13, 17, 667, 220, 362; recovery 222

serviceability 64

servicing ratios 338

sex 296

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) 96

Siebel Systems 434

silence 214

single-source suppliers 46

sink or swim approach 309

situation questions 1723

skills: closing 37; follow-up 35; management 264; selling 273, 299301, 3056, 311, 314, 329, 366; verbal communication 37

Skype 121

slander 97

slotting allowances 48

smartphones 38, 1204, 13840, 145; apps 122

sociability 265, 294, 297

social environment 20

social media 1213, 117, 1202, 125, 1378, 1415, 153

social responsibility 867, 93, 100

social space 181

software: mapping 121

solution selling 13, 336

Southwest Airlines 69

space 181

spam 144

special treatment 8990

specificity 368

SPIN strategy 153, 1723, 185

spirituality 268

sportsmanship 268

stall 197, 205

standing-room-only close 216

State Farm Insurance 143, 240

status: achieved 368; ascribed 368; marital 296

straight commission 32830, 344

straight rebuy 489

straight salary 32830, 344

strategic partnerships 68

strategic selling 1249

strategy: marketing 579, 69, 11113

stress 1234, 171, 176, 238, 26971; role 265, 2713

structured interviews 294

subjective measures 336, 339, 342, 345; avoiding errors in performance evaluation 340; BARS systems 3412; central tendency 340; halo effect 33940; interpersonal bias 340; leniency or harshness 340; organizational uses’ influence 340; outcome focus lack 339; of performance 336, 33942; and performance measurement 33940; personality traits 339

subjective performance evaluation 340

success factors 357; ability to adapt 36; buyer-seller relationships 177, 1913; closing skills 37; demonstrated ability to overcome objections 37; follow-up skills 356; interaction proficiency 37; key 14; listening skills 35; personal planning and time management skills 37; sales 214, 266; for salespeople 36; tenacity 367; verbal communication skills 37; well-organized 37

summary-of-benefits close 21516

supervision 265, 2746

suppliers: loyalty to existing 195; potential 46; satisfaction 195; selection 478; single-source 46

supply-chain: capabilities 17; management 64, 69

sustainability 21

synchronous time 368

synergy 65

t-account close 216

tangibles 67, 220

Target 89

target marketing 11213

team: incentives 32930; selling 10, 15, 434, 49, 176, 273, 329

technical selling 41, 291

technology 1214, 3740, 2413, 26870, 30811, 3578, 3657; acceptance by salespeople 1234; advanced 5, 117; application of 678; blended 121; capabilities 17; communication 19; environment 19; failure 1824; global sales process 365; historical sales 11720; information 124; in Informational Decade 1204; post-1980 120; response to salesperson’s role development 118; sales 10931; sales force 11517, 1234, 129; of selling 11524; tools 1, 11517, 1201; virtual 117; wireless 194, 243

technology acceptance model (TAM) 123

technostress 1234

telecommuting 324

telemarketing 19, 57, 1456, 164

tenacity 367, 21719, 226

TerrAlign 2434, 249

territorial space 181

territory: boundaries 250; coverage 238; design 24550, 268; feedback 243, 254; planning 24850; sales 1113, 19, 238, 24354, 268

territory management 12, 23740, 254, 301, 307, 339; effective 37, 238, 2423; feedback to management 243, 254; plan 243, 254; sales manager’s role 24353

tests: aptitude 297; concerns about use 2978; guidelines 298; intelligence 297; personality 297; psychological 2978

360-degree performance feedback 3425

360-degree view of customer 125

time: investment 8, 238; nonselling 238; selling 38, 237, 248; travel 2468; utility 60; utilization 336, 339

time management 23740, 254, 301, 307; efficient 2402; personal and professional priorities 2402; plan 242, 254; sales manager’s role 24353; skills 13, 37; tools 122, 242

time-sensitive culture 361

toolkit 57, 111, 117, 362

tools: communication 1212, 223, 359; presentation 121; selection 294, 297, 314; technology 1, 11517, 1201

Total Quality Management (TQM) 344

total workload 248

touchpoints 111, 114, 225, 342

Toyota 63

trade: associations 1434; restraint 967; selling 41; servicer 41; shows 147

training: advanced 305; classroom 31011; customer 222; ethics 85, 308; formal 14, 305, 311; for global selling 3678; informal 309; needs 3035; one-on-one 31011; refresher 305; salesperson 14, 283321; specialized 309, see also sales training

traits: personality 2656, 288, 297, 314, 339

transactional selling 79, 1213, 579, 69, 225; vs. relationship selling 78, 35, 49; vs. value-added selling 8

transportation 19, 90, 364; costs 17, 363

travel time 2468

trial close 164, 21920, 226

trial offer 204

trust 65, 90, 177, 197, 205, 226, 2678; building 65, 199; company 195; loyalty to existing supplier 195; mutual 85, 88; unease about company 195

Tumblr 122

turnover 265, 293, 299, 3001, 31114, 333

Twitter 117, 122, 138, 142, 145

underdelivering 69, 176

underpromising 69

unethical behavior 11, 19, 312, 85, 913, 98102, 308

unethical corporate culture 93

unfair treatment 8890, 100

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 956, 102

United Kingdom (UK) 365, 368

United States of America (USA) 20, 102, 2467, 291, 308, 35761, 3679; Department of Commerce (DOC) 90

United States Census Bureau (USCB) 246

United States Postal Service (USPS) 246

United States-based companies 357

universalism 368

unlawful business activity 968

unrestricted questions 171

unstructured interviews 294

Ury, W.: Patton, B. and Fisher, R. 21314

utility 60

valences: for performance 266; for rewards 2667

value 1, 56, 201, 55, 649, 113, 355; analysis 153; chain 603; concept 5963; cultural 35961, 368; and customer benefits 60; lifetime value of customer 7, 623, 113; perceived 57, 60; product 198, 204, 3624; proposition 15, 5765, 14953, 1612, 17980, 194204, 3624

value communication: brand equity 67; channel deliverables (supply chain) 64; corporate image/reputation 67; execution of marketing mix programs 65; Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) 645; price 689; product quality 64; quality of buyer-seller relationship (trust) 65; sales and marketing synergy 65; in sales message 639; salesperson professionalism 67; service quality 667; technology application 678

value creation 1, 512, 88, 109, 162, 1779, 213; buyer-seller relationships 5, 48, 5581, 220

value-added selling 910, 13, 17, 21, 557, 635, 69; vs. transactional selling 8

value-adding 679, 121, 125, 137, 198200, 220, 226; marketing 101 579; marketing in selling role 59; products 1719, 47; selling in marketing role 578

verbal buying signals 21819, 226

verbal communication skills 37

virtual office 34

virtual sales teams 44, 365

virtual technology 117

virtual worlds 123

virtue: civic 268

Voice Thread 121

Walgreens 15

Walmart 17, 45, 489, 612, 85, 198

warm calls 147

wearables 194

WebEx 121

weekly/monthly planning calendar 242

weight 296

Welch, J. 34

Who Says the Elephant Can’t Dance? (Gerstner) 44

win-win solutions 165, 168, 170, 21415, 220, 226, see also negotiating win-win solutions

wireless: communication 167, 185; technology 194, 243

WKRP in Cincinnati (1978-82) 31

word-of-mouth 142

work environment: green 21

work-withs 153, 226

work/family conflict 34

working conditions: favorable 34

workload: analysis 2478; total 248

World is Flat, The (Friedman) 358

World’s Most Ethical Companies 934

written correspondence 1467

written statements 97

Xerox 34, 138

youth: or experience 239, 289

YouTube 122

zip code 2467

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