
Cay’s love, gratitude, and apologies go to his wife Hui-Chen and his children Tommy and Nina for their continuing support for this never-ending project. He also appreciates the support and understanding from Vincent Pluvinage and his colleagues at Preview Software.

Gary also wants to thank Cay’s family. They were extraordinarily gracious as revisions came too rapidly and took far too long. He also wants to thank his friends and his co-workers for their patience as he too slowly extricated himself from the quagmire of his own overcommitments.

Next, we both want to thank Mary Lou Nohr for her great copyediting job. Her ability to mesh two conflicting writing styles and keep things consistent amazed us. David Geary, Blake Ragsdell, and Christopher Taylor provided us with very useful reviews. Next, we want to thank the people at Prentice Hall, especially our long-suffering editor Greg Doench, for coordinating this very complicated project. Rachel Borden and John Bortner, our publisher and publicist, respectively, at Sun Microsystems Press were always there to listen with a patient ear when we complained about yet another problem—and do their best to fix it. Nikki Wise and her team at Navta Associates, Inc., came through yet one more time for a project that was again on an impossible schedule. Finally, we want to thank Niko Mak (WinZip), Keith MacDonald (TextPad), and Bob Andreasen (HexWorkshop) for allowing us to include their shareware products on the CD.

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