

419 scams, 194–195

how they profit, 196

reporting, 198

sample letter, 197


accounts, monitoring to prevent identity theft, 63

Accurint, 78

Adam Walsh Act, 117 (ASH), 150–152

AMBER Alerts, 172–175

cell phones, 175

America Online (AOL), 140

Amy Boyer’s Law, 13, 63–64

anonymity, Internet, 268

anonymizers, 40–41

Anonymous Postmaster

Early Warning System (APEWS), 190

anonymous remailers, 40

anti-cyber stalking legislations, 17

AOL (America Online), 140

APEWS (Anonymous Postmaster Early Warning System), 190

art teacher beating, 224

ASH (, 150–152

Ashcroft v Free Speech, 129

AT&T, 140

ATM cards, Operation Bot Roast, 247

Atwood, Alan Wirth, 116

auction fraud, 206

credit cards, 206

escrow services, 206

secure versus nonsecure transactions, 207

sellers, 206

authentication, cookies, 243

AutoComplete (Internet Explorer), 256

AVG Anti-Virus, 252

Avila, Florentino, 50–51

awareness of social networking sites, 152–157

Ayotte, Kelly, 203


backpacks, voyeurism, 55

Bartel, Marsha, 90

Barzee, Wanda Ileen, 174

Beaman, Judy, 165

Bedford, Mark, 165

Behl, Taylor, 155–156

Bennett, Brooke, 170–171

Benson, Nick, 201–202

Berry, Justin, 167, 34–35

bibcams, 167

Billings, Kim, 217

blacklists, 139

Bluetooth locating, 38

bot attacks, 245

bot herders, 245–246

botnets, 245–246

Operation Bot Roast, 247–248

trends in operations, 248

what to do if you’re infected, 249–250

bots, 246

symptoms of, 248–249

Boucher, Sebastian, 133–134

Boudreaux, James, 49

boundaries, eliminating territorial boundaries, 277

Boyer, Amy, 12–13, 149

Breyer, Stephen, 219

Brooks, Sammie, 174

Brooks, Tamara, 173

Buckmaster, Jim, 167

Bundy, Ted, 79

business/commercial identity theft, 61


Caldwell, Trina, 59

call to action, phishing, 180

Caller ID, fake Caller ID, 42–45

cameras, 229

art teacher beating, 224

caught in a trap, 224–225

covert cameras, 284

Florida teen beating, 222–224

location stamps, 229

webcams, sexual deviance, 178

YouTube, 225–228

Campbell, Jacquelyn, 18

CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing) Act, 191

Canvas, Guillermo, 105

Carpenter, Scott, 219

cars, locking, 266

cases against individuals accused of music piracy, 216

challenges to lawsuits, 218

cases of child sexual assault, Simmons, Douglas, 121

cases of crimes on camera

art teacher beating, 224

Florida teen beating, 222–224

cases of data breaches

Hannaford Brothers, 202–203

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 203

TJ Maxx, 199–202

cases of identity theft

Alicia M., 66

Caldwell, Trina, 59

cases of kiddie porn

Atwood, Alan Wirth, 116

Boucher, Sebastian, 133–134

Cobb, David, 114–115

Ethier, Raymond, 124

Fritz, 113

Jones, Jerry, 106–107

Schenberger, John, 123

Silva, Jacob, 111–112

Simoncini, Scott, 103–104

Tara series, 141–142

Zidel, Marshall, 130–131

cases of online dating, Marsalis, Jeffrey, 76

cases of scams, Nigerian scams, 195

cases of sex offense, plea agreements, 120

cases of sexual deviance, 166

Bedford, Mark, 165

Bennett, Brooke, 170–171

Berry, Justin, 167

cases of social networking gone awry

Behl, Taylor, 155–156

Meier, Megan, 152–154

Neblett, Rachel, 154

Underwood, Kevin Ray, 157

cases of spam

Fiola, Michael, 189

MySpace, 192–193

Yahoo!, 193–194

cases of voyeurism, Presken, Brian, 52–53

caught in a trap, cameras, 224–225

cell phones

AMBER Alerts, 175

Bluetooth locating, 38

cyber stalking, 6–8

pornography, 175

safety, 261–262

SIM cards, 284

Spam, 192

CEOS (Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section), 168

charity phishing scams, 183

chat sessions with predators (graphic), 93–100, 284

Child Advocacy Centers, 143–145

Child Alert Foundation, 172

Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS), 168

child exploitation and pornography. See kiddie porn

child predators, 100–101. See also kiddie porn

Internet and, 105–106

child prostitution, 167–169

Craigslist, 166–167

child sex rings, 170–171

Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP), 127–129


identity theft, 66

preventing, 67

Innocence Lost Initiative, 165–166

Internet and, 105

Internet safety guidelines, 146

social networking sites, 152–157

victims of sexual abuse, 143–145

civilians, as police, 277–278

clean wipe, discarding computers, 263

“The Cloak,” 40

Cobb, David, 114–115

Cohen, Charles, 275

Collins, Audrey B., 193

common sense, scams, 213

Commtouch, 246

computer key stroke stalking, 5–6

computer-generated kiddie porn, 124–126, 132–133

Zidel, Marshall, 130–131


discarding, 262–264

laptops, recovering, 265

Conway, Jack, 73

cookies, 242–243

preventing, 243–244

Cornwell, Patricia, 15

covert cameras, 284

Craigslist, 11

sexual deviance, 162–164

child prostitution, 166–167

Cramer, Robert E. “Bud,” 143

credit card skimmers, 285

credit cards

auction fraud, 206

identity theft, 58

Operation Bot Roast, 247

credit reports, preventing identity theft, 63–66

children’s credit reports, 66–67

crimes on camera

location stamps, 229

YouTube, 225–228

criminal history checks, 77–79

criminal identity theft, 61

CSI versus reality, 287–289

Cuomo, Andrew, 139

customs searches, laptops, 135–136

cut (drugs), 233

CVIP (Child Victim Identification Program), 127–129

cyber bullying, 154

cyber crime

cyber terrorism and, 280–281

fighting, 269, 272

changing law enforcement’s paradigm of cyber crime, 270

collecting statistics, 271–273

cooperation with financial institutions, 270

cops on the cyber beat, 275

education for parents, 276–277

eliminating territorial boundaries, 277

more training for law enforcement, 279

“new” community, 276

parental controls, 273–274

reporting, 271

sharing information, 274

standardized forms, 279

tougher laws, 278

understand the changing nature of cyber crime, 280

using police civilians as experts, 277–278

virtual policing and cyber patrols, 275

multijurisdictional crimes, 269

reporting, 271

statistics, 272

victim’s perspective of, 268

cyber patrols, 275

cyber playground, 109

cyber stalking, 1–4

Bluetooth locating, 38

cell phones, 6–8

computer key stroke stalking, 5–6

e-cards, 14–15

GPS Snitch device, 1

“How I Stalked My Girlfriend,” 4–5

IP addresses, 39

law and, 16–17

lethality assessment tools, 18–19

National School Boards Association survey, 23–24

Draker, Anna, 26

Trosch, Erik, 24

online games, 22

packet sniffers, 37–38

preventing, 19

prevention resources, 26

safety, 23

seriousness of, 13–14

statistics for, 17

suggestions if you think you are being cyber stalked, 19–21

teen/tech stalking, 21–22

victims, 8

Wal-Mart t-shirts, 14

websites created to harm people

Boyer, Amy, 12–13

Isenberg, Dean, 11

Wi-Fi tracking, 37

women perpetrators, 26

cyber suicide, 151

cyber terrorism, 280–281

cyber war, 280


Dabic, Dragan, 228

dangers of spam, 188–189

data breach laws, 204–205

data breaches, 198–200

Hannaford Brothers, 202–203

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 203

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 205

TJ Maxx, 199–202

Verizon Business Security Solutions, 203–204

date rape drugs, 85, 235

Dateline NBC, To Catch a Predator, 89–93

dating, online dating, 75


lack of evidence, 85–86

men against women, 81–84

victim reluctance to report, 82–84

women against men, 86–87

criminal history checks, 77–79

date rape drugs, 85

dilemmas of, 79–82

Marsalis, Jeffrey, 76

safety, 77

safety tips, 88

Davis, Todd, 72

death threats, spam, 191

delays in notification of identity theft, 62

digital footprints, 28

discarding computers, 262–264

dog license registration, 31

domino flash drives, 286

donations, fraudulent donations, 70, 36

downblousing, 47–49. See also video voyeurism

Draker, Anna, 26

drug dealers, technology and, 238

informants, 239

tools of, 238–239


ecstasy, 232, 234

GHB (date rape drug), 235

marijuana, 236–237

methamphetamine, 236

recipes for, 235–236

methamphetamine, 236

steroids, 237–238

techie dealers, 231

rave parties, 232–235

Duckworth, Carol, 217


e-cards, cyber stalking, 14–15

e-venge, 35, 36

Ecstasy, 232–234

educating parents, 276–277

educators, cyber stalking, 23–24

Draker, Anna, 26

Trosch, Erik, 24

Eichenwald, Kurt, 168

Elbert, III, Don L., 166

electronic depots, 264

eliminating territorial boundaries, 277

empathy, lack of when considering dating crimes, 85–86

Emperor’s Club, 164

encryption, securing Wi-Fi, 260

End User License Agreement (EULA), 154, 244

hackers, 245

escrow services, auction fraud, 206

Ethier, Raymond, 124

EULA (End User License Agreement), 154, 244

hackers, 245

evidence, lack of in dating crimes, 85–86

evil twin spoofing, 259

Experian, 72


Facebook, sex offenders, 138

fake Caller ID, 42–45

fake name generators, 42

fake websites, 185–186, 42

Faunce, Frederick, 9

Fawley, Ben, 155–156

Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally (FALCON), 169

Federal Interstate Stalking Statute, 17

Feingold, Russell, 136

felonies versus misdemeanors, kiddie porn, 101–102

Ferreri, Anthony, 62

Fielder, Edna, 195

fighting cyber crime, 269, 272

changing law enforcement’s paradigm of cyber crime, 270

collecting statistics, 271–273

cooperation with financial institutions, 270

cops on the cyber beat, 275

education for parents, 276–277

eliminating territorial boundaries, 277

more training for law enforcement, 279

“new” community, 276

parental controls, 273–274

reporting, 271

sharing information, 274

standardized forms, 279

tougher laws, 278

understand the changing nature of cyber crime, 280

using police civilians as experts, 277–278

virtual policing, 275

fighting for changes to laws, 50

file-sharing applications, 218

financial identity theft, 61

Fiola, Michael, 189

Florida teen beating, 222–224

Franklin, Shirley, 166


identity theft. See identity theft

online auction fraud, 206

credit cards, 206

escrow services, 206

secure versus nonsecure transactions, 207

sellers, 206

fraud alerts, 64

fraudulent donations, 70, 148


Gagnon, Raymond, 171

games (online)

cyber stalking, 22

malware, 23

GHB (date rape drug), 235

Glover, Steve, 48

Goldacre, Ben, 4

Gonzalez, Albert, 201

Goodwin, Keith, 166


personal information, 28

research, 211

GPS (Global Positioning System), 4

cell phone tracking, 4

law enforcement, 9

GPS Snitch device, 1–2

Graham, Jim, 9


hackers, EULAs, 245

hacking, 256

into school systems, 256

Hagerman, Amber, 172

Halo, 22

Hannaford Brothers, 202–203

Hansen, Chris, 89, 148

HidePod, 228

hoaxes, 208

“How I Stalked My Girlfriend,” 4–5

Huskey, James Bartholomew, 142

Huskey, Sherri Ann, 142

hyperlinks phishing, 181–182


IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center), 71, 271

Phishing, 185

ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children), 129, 140, 170

Tara series, 141–142

identity assumption, 9–10

identity cloning, 61

identity fraud versus identity theft, 59

identity theft, 57–58

Caldwell, Trina, 59

credit cards, 58

delays in notification, 62

fraudulent donations, 70

versus identity fraud, 59

P2P networks, 219

preventing, 63, 67–69

annual credit reports, 63–66

annual credit reports, children, 66–67

monitoring your accounts, 63

recovering from, 60–61

NCIC Identity Theft File, 60

shredding documents, 69–70

types of, 61

what to do if you’re a victim, 70–71

identity theft services, 72–73

LifeLock, 72, 265

IEA (involuntary emergency admission), 86

III (Interstate Intelligence Index), 77

illegal drugs. See drugs, 284

informants, drug dealers, 239

Innocence Lost Initiative, 165–166

instincts, trusting, 208


anonymity of, 268

child predators and, 105–106

children and, 105

safety guidelines for children, 146

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), 71, 271

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), 129, 170

Interstate Intelligence Index (III), 77

involuntary emergency admission (IEA), 86

IP addresses, 38–40

iPods, 265–266

Isenberg, Dean, 11


Jacques, Michael, 170

jailbreaking, 228

Jones, Jerry, 106–107

Judd, Grady, 223


Karadzic, Radovan, 227

Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators (KIDS) Act, 139

keylogging programs, 5

keystroke loggers, 283–284

keystroke stalking, 5–6

keystroke-logging programs, 6

kiddie porn, 89. See also child predators

across state lines, 113

cases of

Atwood, Alan Wirth, 116

Boucher, Sebastian, 133–134

Cobb, David, 114–115

Ethier, Raymond, 124

Fritz, 113

Jones, Jerry, 106–107

Schenberger, John, 123

Silva, Jacob, 111–112

Simoncini, Scott, 103–104

Zidel, Marshall, 130–131

collectors of, 113–114

hygiene issues, 116

lingerie, 117

computer-generated images, 124–126, 132–133

development of laws in U.S., 124

Landslide Productions, Inc., 129–130

laws, variations by state, 102

male versus female offenders, 107–109

misdemeanors versus felonies, 101–102

organizations of, 143

P2P networkrs, 219

predators. See child predators

shutting down websites with, 139–140

Tara series, 141–142

To Catch a Predator, 89–93

trading, 145

triple threats, 106

victims of, 143–145

kids, Internet and, 105

KIDS (Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators) Act, 139


Landslide Productions, Inc., 129–130

LAP (Lethality Assessment Program), 18


customs searches, 135–136

recovering stolen laptops, 265

law enforcement

GPS, 9

social networking sites, 158


cyber stalking and, 16–17

data breach laws, 204–205

fighting for changes to, 50

kiddie porn

development of laws in U.S., 124

variations by state, 102

loopholes and, 134–135

lawsuits, TJ Maxx, 200

Leahy, Patrick, 136

Legend of Mir 3, 22

Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), 18

lethality assessment tools, 18–19

LexusNexis, 78

LifeLock, 72

lingerie, kiddie porn collectors, 117

LiveJournal, 155

location stamps, cameras, 229

locator software, 265

locking your car, 266

Loehrs, Tami, 189

loopholes to laws, 134–135


mail theft, 68, 154

malicious software, 23, 218, 245

malware, 23, 218

Malware City, 253

malware detection programs, 253

Marcille, Greg, 53

marijuana, 236–237

Marris, Herb, 174

Marris, Jacqueline, 173

Marsalis, Jeffrey, 76

Maryland Lethality Assessment Program for First Responders, 18

massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), 22, 86

McAfee Antivirus, 252

Meier, Megan, 152–153


kiddie porn, 107–109

versus women, scams, 213

metadata, 13

methamphetamine, 236

misdemeanors versus felonies, kiddie porn, 101–102

Missouri, trading kiddie porn, 145

Mitchell, Brian David, 174

MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games), 22

Mobile Adult Content Conference, 175

money mules, 211

MoneyGram, 210

monitoring accounts, preventing identity theft, 63

Moore, Kevin D., 136

multijurisdictional crimes, 269

music piracy, 215–216

cases against individuals, 216

P2P networks, 216

RIAA investigations, 217

challenges to lawsuits, 218

university cooperation, 217

MySpace, 147

fake profiles, 25

sex offenders, 138

spam, 192–193

mystery shoppers, 210


NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), 149

nanny cams, 54–55

National Alert Registry, 118

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), 127

Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP), 127–129

survey of kids’ online behavior, 146

National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 77

National Incident-Based Reporting System), 272

National School Boards Association survey, cyber stalking, 23–24

Draker, Anna, 26

Trosch, Erik, 24

National Sex Offender Public Registry, 122–123

National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), 71

NCIC (National Crime Information Center), 77

NCIC (National Crime Information Center) Identity Theft File, 60

NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), 127

Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP), 127–129

survey of kids’ online behavior, 146

Neblett, Mark, 154

Neblett, Rachel, 154

NetSmartz, 29

“new” communities, 276

NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System), 272

Nigerian letter scam, 194–195

how they can profit, 196

reporting, 198

sample letter, 197

nonsecure transactions versus secure transactions, 207

North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), 149

notification of identity theft, delays in, 62

NW3C (National White Collar Crime Center), 71


online auction fraud, 206

credit cards, 206

escrow services, 206

secure versus nonsecure transactions, 207

sellers, 206

online dating, 75


lack of evidence, 85–86

men against women, 81–84

victim reluctance to report, 82–84

women against men, 86–87

criminal history checks, 77–79

date rape drugs, 85

dilemmas of, 79–82

Marsalis, Jeffrey, 76

safety, 77

safety tips, 88

online games

cyber stalking, 22

malware, 23

online memorials, 32

online profiles, 241

online safety

cell phones, 261–262

keeping your system updated, 251–252

passwords, 253–255

creating strong passwords, 254

hacking, 256

password management tools, 255

spyware and malware detection programs, 253

virus protection, 252

Wi-Fi, 256–257

evil twin spoofing, 259

piggybacking, 257

securing, 259–261

wardriving, 258

online suicides, 151

Operation Avalanche, 130

Operation Bot Roast, 247–248

Operation Cross Country, 165

Operation FALCON (Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally), 169

Operation Raw Deal, steroids, 238


P2P (peer-to-peer) networks, 216–218

dangers of, 218

data breach, Supreme Court Justice’s personal information, 219

identity theft, 219

kiddie porn, sharing, 219

music piracy, 216

packet sniffers, 37–38

packets, 37

Paisley, Brad, 80

parental controls, fighting cyber crime, 273–274

parents, educating, 276–277

PASO (People Against Sex Offenders), 172

password management tools, 255

passwords, online safety, 253–255

creating strong passwords, 254

hacking, 256

password management tools, 255

Patch Tuesday, 251

Payment Card Industry (PCI), 200

PCI (Payment Card Industry), 200

Peak, Robert, 7

Peak, Sherri, 6

pedophiles. See child predators

pedophilia, social networking sites, 149

peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, 216–218

dangers of, 218

data breach, Supreme Court Justice’s personal information, 219

identity theft, 219

kiddie porn, sharing, 219

music piracy, 216

people, resources for finding out about

dog license registration, 31

Google, 28–29

online memorials, 32

people search sites, 33

political contributions, 32

searching for your own name, 33–34

town and city websites, 29–31

Tracking Teresa, 29

Wayback Machine, 34

website registration records, 34–35

Zillow, 31

People Against Sex Offenders (PASO), 172

people search sites, resources for

finding out about people, 33

personal identifying information (PII), 199

personal information, 28. See also private information

Perverted Justice, 90

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 203

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 134

pharming, 185–186

phishers, how they make money, 183

phishing, 179–185. See also vishing

call to action, 180

charity phishing scams, 183

hyperlinks, 181–182

IC3, 185

phone numbers, 69

phreakers, 261

piggybacking, 257

PII (personal identifying information), 199

pill thumb drives, 286

piracy, music piracy, 215–216

P2P networks, 216

plea agreements, sex offense cases, 120

police, police civilians (using as experts), 277–278

political contributions, resources for finding out about people, 32


cell phones, 175

children. See kiddie porn

identity assumption, 10

Porta 2030, 55

predators. See also child predators

advances on children, 100–101

chat sessions with (graphic), 93–100

Presken, Brian, 52–53

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 134


becoming a victim of voyeurism, 54

cookies, 243–244

cyber stalking, 19

identity theft, 63, 67–69

annual credit reports, 63–66

annual credit reports, for children, 66–67

monitoring your accounts, 63

prevention resources, cyber stalking, 26


reasonable expectation of privacy, 52

versus safety, 136–137

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 205

private information, 27–28

probable cause, 135

profiling, 241–242

cookies, 242–243

preventing, 243–244

EULAs, 244

Hackers, 245

Project Safe Child, 130

Project Safe Childhood initiative, 140

prostitution, 164. See also sexual deviance

PROTECT (Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today) Act, 132

Pumpkin Man, 114


Ratliff, Roy, 173

rave parties, 232–235

reality versus CSI, 287–289

reasonable expectation of privacy, 52

recipes for drugs, 235–236

methamphetamine, 236

Record Industry Association of America (RIAA), 215


from identity theft, 60–61

NCIC Identity Theft File, 60

stolen laptops, 265

reducing spam, 190–191

Reedy, Janice, 130

Reedy, Thomas, 130

reformatting versus secure wipe, 263

reluctance to report crimes, victims and online dating, 82–84


cyber crime, 271

Nigerian letter scam, 198

spam, 193

reputations, identity assumptions, 9–10

researching work-at-home scams, 211

resolved back, 11

resources for finding out about people

dog license registration, 31

Google, 28–29

online memorials, 32

people search sites, 33

political contributions, 32

searching for your own name, 33–34

town and city websites, 29–31

Tracking Teresa, 29

Wayback Machine, 34

website registration records, 34–35

Zillow, 31

revenge websites, 35, 36

RFID (radio frequency identification), 285

RIAA (Record Industry Association of America), 215

actual cases, 216

investigations into music piracy, 217

challenges to lawsuits, 218

university cooperation, 217

P2P networks, 216

Rines, Walter, 192

robbery, sex and, 169

rogue accounts, credit reports, 65, 148


S&M (sadomasochism), 176–177

sadomasochism, 176–177

SAFE (Securing Adolescents From Exploitation Online), 137

safe words, 176


children Internet safety guidelines, 146

online dating, 77

versus privacy, 136–137

while online, 23

safety guidelines

for online dating, 88

for social networking sites, 158–159

Scam Cannabis, 236–237


common sense, 213

men versus women, 213

Nigerian letter advance fee (419), 194–195

how they profit, 196

reporting, 198

sample letter, 197

social engineering scams, 212–213

work-at-home scams, 209–211

money mules, 211

mystery shoppers, 210

research, 211

Scheeres, Julia, 150

Schenberger, John, 123

searching for yourself, 33–34

secure transactions versus nonsecure transactions, 207

secure wipe versus reformatting, 263

securing Wi-Fi connections, 259–261

changing default username and password, 261

changing SSID, 260

encryption, 260

routers, shutting off, 261

Securing Adolescents From Exploitation Online (SAFE), 137, 161

sellers, auction fraud, 206

Sentinel Tech, 138

sex offender registries, 118

sex offender websites, 117–122

National Sex Offender Public Registry, 122–123

sex offenders, social networks and, 137–139

sex parties, 177–178

sex slavery, 169. See also child prostitution

sexual abuse, 143. See also kiddie porn

children, 143–145

sexual deviance, 161–162

AMBER Alert, 172–175

Bedrod, Mark, 165

cell phones, pornography, 175

child prostitution, 167–169

child sex rings, 170–171

Craigslist, 162–164

child prostitution, 166–167

Emperor’s Club, 164

Innocence Lost Initiative, 165–166

sadomasochism, 176–177

sex and robbery, 169

swinging sex parties, 177–178

webcams, 178

sharing kiddie porn, P2P networks, 219

sharing information, fighting cyber crime, 274

shredding documents, 69–70

shutting down kiddie porn websites, 139–140

shutting off Wi-Fi routers, 261

Silva, Jacob, 111–112

SIM cards, 284

Simmons, Douglas, 121

Simoncini, Scott, 103–104

skimmers, 285

smart cards, 285

Smart, Elizabeth, 174

Smart, Mary Katherine, 174

Smart, Pamela, 108

sniffer programs, 201

SnoopStick, 6

Snowden, Katheryne, 52

social engineering scams, 212–213

social networking, 147–148

awareness, 152–157

bullying, 154

law enforcement and, 158

MySpace, 147

Stickam, 51

social networking sites

fighting cyber crime, 275

Meier, Megan, 152

Pedophilia, 149

safety guidelines for, 158–159

suicide assistance sites, 150–152

social networks

sex offenders and, 137–139

specialized social networks, 148–149

Soloway, Robert Alan, 191

spam, 187

CAN-SPAM Act, 191

dangers of, 188–189

death threats, 191

how people profit from, 188

legality of, 191

MySpace, 192–193

reducing, 190–191

reporting, 193

text spam, 192

Yahoo!, 193–194

spam spiders, 190

spam vigilantes, 190

[email protected], 193

Spamhaus Project, 194

specialized social networks, 148–149

Spencer, Michelle, 121

spiders, spam, 190

Sprint Nextel, 139

spyware detection programs, 253

SSID (Service Set Identifier), securing Wi-Fi, 260

Staffcentrix, 209

stalking. See cyber stalking

stalking orders, 16

standardized forms, fighting cyber crime, 279

statistics, cyber crime, 271–273

steroids, 237–238

Stevens, Didier, 213

Stevenson, Richard, 49

Stickam, 51

stolen laptops, recovering, 265, 253

Storm Worm, 245

Sugar Babe, 161

suicide, online suicides, 151

suicide assistance sites, 150–152

suicide pacts, 150

swatting, 45

swinging sex parties, 177–178

Symantec AntiVirus, 252

Symantec Corporation, EULAs, 245

symptoms of bots, 248–249


Tara series, 141–142

teachers, cyber stalking, 23–24

Draker, Anna, 26

Trosch, Erik, 24

techie dealers (drugs), 231

rave parties, 232–235

technology, drug dealers and, 238

informants, 239

tools, 238–239

teen/tech stalking, 21–22

terrorism, cyber terrorism, 280–281

Think Geek, 258

threat assessment, 17

thumb drives, 285–286

Time Warner, America Online (AOL), 140

Time Warner Cable, 139

TJ Maxx, 199–202

To Catch a Predator, 89–93

tools of drug dealers, 238–239

town and city websites, finding out about people, 29–31

Tracking Teresa, 29

trading kiddie porn, 145

travelers, 92

triple threats, 106

Trojan-horse programs, Storm Worm, 245

Trosch, Erik, 24

Trowbridge, Jason R., 45, 77

trusting instincts, 208

types of identity theft, 61


Underwood, Kevin Ray, 157

universities, cooperation with RIAA investigations, 217

updating your system, online safety, 251–252

upskirting, 47–49. See also video voyeurism

Usenet discussion groups, 139

Usenet groups, 139


Vedas, Brandon, 151

Verizon Business Security Solutions, data breaches, 203–204

Verizon Communications, 139

Vest, Herb, 77

victim’s perspective of cyber crime, 268


cyber stalking, 8

reluctance to report crimes, online dating, 82–84

of sexual assault, children, 143–145

video, 229. See also cameras

video voyeurism, 48–50

video-hosting sites, 229

Violence Against Women Act, 13, 17

virtual child pornography, 126

virtual playground, 109

virtual policing, 275

virus protection, 252

vishing (voice phishing), 43, 183–185


backpacks, 55

how to prevent becoming a victim of, 54

Ohio 2008 voyeurism case,

Presken, Brian, 52–53

prevalence of, 53

video voyeurism, 48–50


Wal-Mart, t-shirts, 14

Wallace, Sanford, 192

Walsh, Adam, 117

Walsh, John, 117

Ward, Chad A., 45

wardriving, 258

watch thumb drives, 286

Wayback Machine, searching for people, 34

webcams, sexual deviance, 178

website registration records, searching for people, 34–35


fake websites, 186

kiddie porn websites, shutting down, 139–140

websites created to harm someone, 10–12

Boyer, Amy, 12–13

Isenberg, Dean, 11

WEP (Wireless Equivalency Protocol), 260

Western Union, 210

Whitrick, Kevin, 151, 239

Wi-Fi, online safety, 256–257

evil twin spoofing, 259

piggybacking, 257

securing, 259–261

wardriving, 258

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 260

Wi-Fi spoofing, 259

Wi-Fi t-shirt, 258

Wi-Fi tracking, 37

Williams, Michael, 132

Wilson, Susan, 48

wine bottle USB drives, 286

Wireless Equivalency Protocol (WEP), 260

women, kiddie porn, 107–109

women perpetrators, cyber stalking, 26

work-at-home scams, 209–211

money mules, 211

mystery shoppers, 210

research, 211

World of Warcraft, 22

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 260


Yahoo!, spam lawsuit, 193–194

Youens, Liam, 12–13

YouTube, 225–228


Zidel, Marshall, 130–131

Zillow, 31

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