Chapter 9. Rules of Flight

Flying a UAV makes you a pilot, and like any pilot, you are responsible for the safe operation of your aircraft. The Drone Dudes, Jeffrey Blank and Andrew Petersen, share their rules of engagement.

  • Know your equipment inside and out, and always double-check that everything is in perfect working order before each flight.

  • Charge those LiPo batteries inside fireproof bags in a safe location with proper ventilation. Understand the hazards and science of LiPo battery charging, and keep an eye on the cell voltages yourself as you charge or discharge your batteries.

  • Choose a safe fly zone away from buildings and highly populated areas. Think about what could happen if your aircraft fails mid-flight.

  • Understand how changing weather conditions like temperature, altitude and wind will affect your overall flight performance.

  • Check your onboard fail-safes and have a coordinated emergency plan with everyone in the flight area.

  • Keep a safe distance from subjects and onlookers and always allow for unexpected drift from your plan.

  • Keep a clear, safe zone for takeoff and landing.

  • Make sure your payload is perfectly balanced on your airframe.

  • Fly safe and stay alert. Listen to your gut and fly within your means. Do not let distractions divert your attention and don’t hand the controls to anyone without proper training.

  • Always fly line-of-sight so you can see what’s going on. Do not solely rely on your GPS or flight controller to do the work for you. These tools can fail and you need to be prepared for that. If you are flying in an FPV mode (first-person view), use a spotter with binoculars to keep visual orientation of your aircraft for you.

  • It’s a good idea to always fly with a telemetry module that can relay live info about your aircraft. Watch your battery voltages for any irregular performance and keep your flight times modest, always flying on the safe side.

  • Clear communication is essential. Make sure you have a reliable team supporting you and that everyone knows the predetermined flight.

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