Hyperparameter Optimization

One of the biggest drawbacks to using deep neural networks is that they have many hyperparameters that should be optimized so that the network performs optimally. In each of the earlier chapters, we've encountered, but not covered, the challenge of hyperparameter estimation. Hyperparameter optimization is a really big topic; it's, for the most part, an unsolved problem and, while we can't cover the entire topic in this book, I think it still deserves its own chapter.

In this chapter, I'm going to offer you what I believe is some practical advice for choosing hyperparameters. To be sure, this chapter may be somewhat opinionated and biased because it comes from my own experience. I hope that experience might be useful while also leading you to greater investigation on the topic.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Should network architecture be considered a hyperparameter?
  • Which hyperparameters should we optimize?
  • Hyperparameter optimization strategies
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