Safe choices for GAN

I've previously mentioned Soumith Chintala's GAN hacks Git (, which is an excellent place to start when you're trying to make your GAN stable. Now that we've talked about how difficult it can be to train a stable GAN, let's talk about some of the safe choices that will likely help you succeed that you can find there. While there are quite a few hacks out there, here are my top recommendations that haven't been covered already in the chapter:

  • Batch norm: When using batch normalization, construct different minibatches for both real and fake data and make the updates separately.
  • Leaky ReLU: Leaky ReLU is a variation of the ReLU activation function. Recall the the ReLU function is .

Leaky ReLU, however, is formulated as:

Leaky ReLU allows very small, non-zero gradients when the unit isn't active. This combats vanishing gradients, which are always a problem when we stack many layers on top of each other like we are in the combination of the discriminator and generator.

  • Use dropout in the generator: This will provide noise and protect from mode collapse.
  • Use soft labels: Use labels between 0.7 and 1 for real examples and between 0 and 0.3 for fake examples. This noise helps keep information flowing from the discriminator to the generator.

There are quite a few other GAN hacks available that we cover elsewhere in this chapter; however, I consider these few hacks to be the most important when implementing a successful GAN.

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