Processes and threads

As a programmer, you probably have already some understanding about what a process is. As operating systems look at it, a process is a rough equivalent of an application. When a user starts an application, an operating system creates and starts a new process. The process owns the application code and all the resources that this code uses—memory, file handles, device handles, sockets, windows, and so on.

When the program is executing, the system must also keep track of the current execution address, state of the CPU registers, and state of the program's stack. This information, however, is not part of the process, but of a thread belonging to this process. Even the simplest program uses one thread. 

In other words, the process represents the program's static data while the thread represents the dynamic part. During the program's lifetime, the thread describes its line of execution. If we know the state of the thread at every moment, we can fully reconstruct the execution in all its details.

All operating systems support one thread per process (the main thread) but some go further and support multiple threads in one process. Actually, most modern operating systems support multithreading, as this approach is called. With multithreading, the operating system manages multiple execution paths through the same code. Those paths may execute at the same time (and then again, they may not—but more on that later).

The default thread created when the program starts is called the main thread. Other threads that come afterwards are called worker or background threads.

In most operating systems (including Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android), processes are heavy. It takes a long time (at least at the operating system level where everything is measured in microseconds) to create and load a new process. In contrast to that, threads are light. New threads can be created almost immediately—all that the operating system has to do is to allocate some memory for the stack and set up some control structures used by the kernel.

Another important point is that processes are isolated. The operating system does its best to separate one process from another so that buggy (or malicious) code in one process cannot crash another process (or read private data from it). Threads, however, don't benefit from this protection.

If you're old enough to remember Windows 3, where this was not the case, you can surely appreciate the stability this isolation is bringing to the user. In contrast to that, multiple threads inside a process share all process resources—memory, file handles, and so on. Because of that, threading is inherently fragile—it is very simple to bring down one thread with a bug in another.

In the beginning, operating systems were single-tasking. In other words, only one task (that is, a process) could be executing at one time, and only when it completed the job (when the task terminated) could a new task be scheduled (started).

As soon as the hardware was fast enough, multitasking was invented. Most computers still had only one processor, but through the operating system magic it looked like this processor was executing multiple programs at the same time.

Each program was given a small amount of time to do its job. After that it was paused and another program took its place. After some indeterminate time (depending on the system load, the number of higher priority tasks, and so on), the program could execute again and the operating system would run it from the position in which it was paused, again only for a small amount of time. 

Two very different approaches to multitasking were in use through history. In cooperative multitasking, the process itself tells the operating system when it is ready to be paused. This simplifies the operating system but gives a badly written program an opportunity to bring down the whole computer. Remember Windows 3? That was cooperative multitasking at its worst.

A better approach is pre-emptive multitasking, where each process is given its allotted time (typically about a few tens of milliseconds in Windows) and is then pre-empted; that is, the hardware timer fires and takes control from the process and gives it back to the operating system, which can then schedule next process.

This approach is used in current Windows, OS X, and all other modern desktop and mobile operating systems. That way, a multitasking system can appear to execute multiple processes at once even if it has only one processor core. Things get even better if there are multiple cores inside the computer, as multiple processes can then really execute at the same time.

The same goes for threads. Single-tasking systems were limited to one thread per process by default. Some multitasking systems were single-threaded (that is, they could only execute one thread per process), but all modern operating systems support multithreading—they can execute multiple threads inside one process. Everything I said about multitasking applies to threads too. Actually, it is the threads that are scheduled, not the processes.

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