
Where We've Been

  • Projects need boundaries and a way to express those boundaries coherently; the project vision provides this functionality.

  • The actors and their roles need to be defined on the basis of information available about the application domain.

  • The events are the embryo of what the system must support. They form the nucleus of the system's requirements and will be satisfied by use-cases defined in Chapter 4.

  • Providing estimates too early damages credibility. Typically, more information is needed before workable release cycles (increments) and estimates can be provided.

Where We're Going Next

In the next chapter we:

  • Review the concept of the use-case and its modeling components.

  • Assign events to use-cases.

  • Identify the primary, alternate, and exception pathways through the use-cases.

  • Examine in detail some of the pathways through the use-cases.

  • Prioritize and package the use-cases.

  • Estimate release cycles (increments).

  • Define preliminary software architecture.

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