Building an Early Prototype

Before we begin reviewing the use-cases, focusing on the user interface prototype, let's revisit the Unified Process model. Figure 6-1 shows the process model with the focus of the project on the Elaboration phase.

Figure 6-1. Unified Process model: Elaboration phase

The Prototype

The user interface prototype serves many functions at this stage of the project:

  • It further refines the actor and use-case boundaries, clarifies any misconceptions, and provides missing details that remain to be collected.

  • It provides early feedback to the project sponsors of the many visual features that the application will provide.

  • It expands the detailed description of the use-cases by adding an additional section, on user interface artifacts.

In this chapter the following Unified Process workflows and activity sets are emphasized:

  • Requirements: Analyze the Problem

  • Analysis and Design: Analyze Behavior

  • Analysis and Design: Design Components

The prototype can also serve as an excellent eye-opener for many project participants. Many times in design sessions I have heard the statement, “I can't tell you what I want, but if I could show you a picture….” The user interface prototype is our first picture into the future.

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