Chapter 8: Artifact Analysis

In this chapter, we'll cover several different tools to uncover various artifacts that may be very useful to our forensic investigations. Most of the tools used in this chapter focus specifically on memory and swap analysis, while Network Mapper (Nmap) and p0f focus more on the network and device.

In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:

  • Identifying and fingerprinting devices, operating systems, and running services with p0f and Nmap
  • Analyzing memory dumps to discover traces of ransomware
  • Performing swap analysis
  • Using swap_digger and mimipenguin for password dumping
  • Examining the Firefox browser and Gmail artifacts using pdgmail

Identifying devices and operating systems with p0f

If you're using the VirtualBox version of Kali 2019.3 (kali-linux-2019.3a-vbox-amd64.ova), you may have to install p0f by typing in apt-install get p0f. If you're using the Kali 2019.3 Large.iso image, it should come preinstalled.

You may also use the help option within p0f to verify that it is installed on your system by typing p0f –h. This displays the network interface options, operating mode, output settings, and performance-related options:

Figure 8.1 – p0f help options

Figure 8.1 – p0f help options

Once verified, we can run the p0f command without additional switches or options by typing in p0f, which runs the tool against our machine. In this scenario, my IP address is

  1. Typing in the p0f command starts the fingerprint process. It may look like the tool has stopped but give it a couple of minutes to perform the scan and display the output:
    Figure 8.2 – Starting p0f in Kali

    Figure 8.2 – Starting p0f in Kali

  2. We can also specify the interface on which we'd like to run p0f in the event where we have multiple network interface cards. Let's first view our interfaces by typing ifconfig –a into the Terminal:
    Figure 8.3 – Network adapter settings

    Figure 8.3 – Network adapter settings

    The output shows that I have two interfaces, with eth0 being my Ethernet/LAN interface, with an IP of and a loopback address of the default I'll be using the eth0 interface with p0f.

  3. We can also use the p0f –L command to list all the interfaces:
    Figure 8.4 – Interfaces detected by p0f

    Figure 8.4 – Interfaces detected by p0f

  4. To specify the interface when using p0f, I'll type p0f –i eth0 into the Terminal:
    Figure 8.5 – Specifying the Ethernet interface in p0f

    Figure 8.5 – Specifying the Ethernet interface in p0f

  5. Open the web browser in Kali and you'll see the Terminal being populated with more IP information. By default, the Firefox web browser's home page carries us to the offensive security site and so p0f shows information about the connections and hops (the process of packets passing from one point to another) to the server and information about the server.
  6. Try browsing to a site. I've opened in the browser. p0f updates the information in the Terminal in real time and the first entry displayed shows an SYN request from (my Kali machine) to via port 80. We can also see information about my Kali machine, such as the OS (Linux 2.2-3.x), as fingerprinted by p0f:
    Figure 8.6 – IP and OS information displayed on the p0f output

    Figure 8.6 – IP and OS information displayed on the p0f output

  7. Let's get more information about the IP address In the Terminal window, click on File | New Tab. In the new tab, type whois

    The output of the whois command can be seen in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.7 – The whois command

Figure 8.7 – The whois command

In this whois output, we can see that the IP points to, which is the host for the website.

Scrolling through the p0f output, we can see several other pieces of information, including the uptime of the server and other IP addresses and hops along the way:

Figure 8.8 – p0f output displaying server uptime details

Figure 8.8 – p0f output displaying server uptime details

Now that we've found some very useful information on our target network IPs, let's have a look at another tool, Nmap, which can also be used to fingerprint and discover devices, services, and more.

Information gathering and fingerprinting with Nmap

Let's now use the Nmap tool to gather information about resources and devices on the network and discover any open, filtered (monitored or firewalled), or closed ports and also fingerprint their operating systems:

  1. To view the usage options for Nmap, type in nmap -h:
    Figure 8.9 – Nmap help options

    Figure 8.9 – Nmap help options

  2. I'll scan the devices on my network by typing the following command into a new Terminal:

nmap –v –O –sV –Pn

The following list details the options used in the previous command:

  • -v : Verbose output
  • -O : Enable operating system detection
  • -sV : Probe open ports to determine service and version information
  • -Pn : Treat all hosts as online (skip discovery)

The following screenshot shows some of the output of the Nmap version scan:

Figure 8.10 – Nmap service scan output

Figure 8.10 – Nmap service scan output

This scan can take some time to run due to the service version scanning in particular. Here's the output of one host (

Figure 8.11 – Nmap scan output

Figure 8.11 – Nmap scan output

In this Nmap result, we can see that six ports are open and running various services, such as SSH 1.25, SIP Proxy, and SSL, inclusive of service version information as specified when using the –sV option. We can also see that Nmap has fingerprinted the OS to be a Cisco router.

We've discovered some very interesting information using Nmap and p0f. Let's move on to our next topic, which covers Linux forensics.

Live Linux forensics with Linux Explorer

When performing live forensics on Linux machines, Linux Explorer can be used to gather information and artifacts.

Linux Explorer can be used to find the following artifacts:

  • Processes and process IDs
  • Usernames and logins
  • Ports and service information
  • Suspicious files
  • Rootkit detection

Ransomware analysis

The WannaCry cryptoworm became well-known around May 2017, when several large organizations started reporting ransomware infections that spread via EternalBlue exploits on vulnerable Windows systems. A splash screen appeared on users' machines, which then instructed users to pay $300.00 in Bitcoin to have their infected/encrypted file decrypted.

More on the WannaCry ransomware can be found at

Further reading on the WannaCry ransomware can be found by visiting the following links:

For this lab, we'll be using Volatility to analyze the ransomware and attempt to trace and view the originating sources of infection by analyzing a memory dump taken from an infected machine.

Important note

We will not be downloading the actual ransomware but merely a memory dump file of an infected machine.

For additional safety, you may switch your network adapter settings to NAT (if on bridged mode) in VirtualBox or your platform of choice, before downloading the file and then disable your network adapter after downloading the file to ensure that you are working in an isolated VM.

Downloading and extracting a sample ransomware file

The memory dump of the machine infected with the WannaCry ransomware can be downloaded from here:!Au5xlCAS!KX5ZJKYzQgDHSa72lPFwqKL6CsZS7oQGbyyQrMTH9XY.

Thanks to Donny at for providing the mega link and password to the file in his blog.

I've saved the downloaded file to my Downloads folder. In the Terminal, I'll switch to the Downloads folder and view the contents by typing in cd Downloads and then issuing the ls command. There I can see the wannacry.7z file, as in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.12 – Viewing the downloaded sample file using the ls command

Figure 8.12 – Viewing the downloaded sample file using the ls command

For integrity purposes, I've run the sha1sum and sha256sum tools against the downloaded file. To extract the file, I've opened my Downloads folder, double-clicked on the file, right-clicked on wcry.raw, and then clicked on the Extract option. The password for the file is the word infected, as in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.13 – Screenshot of the password to extract the sample file

Figure 8.13 – Screenshot of the password to extract the sample file

Click on OK to start the extraction and then click on Show the Files when completed:

Figure 8.14 – Extraction completion options

Figure 8.14 – Extraction completion options

The extracted memory dump file is named wcry.raw and shows a file size of 536.9 MB:

Figure 8.15 – Extracted wcry.raw file

Figure 8.15 – Extracted wcry.raw file

Once the file has been downloaded and extracted, let's begin analyzing the ransomware.

WannaCry analysis using Volatility

Open a new Terminal and navigate to the Downloads folder. Let's start by running the image info plugin to determine the profile to use, just as we did in the earlier Volatility exercise in the previous chapter:

  1. In the Terminal, type volatility -f wcry.raw imageinfo:
    Figure 8.16 – Output of the imageinfo plugin in Volatility

    Figure 8.16 – Output of the imageinfo plugin in Volatility

    The suggested profiles for our wcry.raw image are WinXPSP2x86 and WinXPSP3x86, but we'll use WinXPSP2x86 from here on.

  2. Let's first analyze the wcry.raw file by looking at the running processes at the time the dump was acquired.

    We'll start with the pslist plugin. Type the following command into the Terminal:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw pslist

    The following screenshot displays the output of the pslist command:

    Figure 8.17 – Output of the pslist plugin in Volatility

    Figure 8.17 – Output of the pslist plugin in Volatility

    In the preceding screenshot, we can see that there is an entry (third from last) for a process named @WanaDecryptor@ with a PID of 740 and a PPID of 1940. This is a good indicator that an instance of the WannaCry ramsomware may exist within an infected process or file.

  3. Let's take a more detailed look by using the pstree plugin, which produces the same output but in a format that's easier to follow when identifying the parent processes. Type the following command into the Terminal:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw pstree

    The following screenshot displays the output of the pstree command:

    Figure 8.18 – Output of the pstree plugin in Volatility

    Figure 8.18 – Output of the pstree plugin in Volatility

    Using the pslist, psscan, and pstree plugins, we saw the @WanaDecryptor@ process (with a PID of 740 and a PPID of 1940) spawned by the Windows task scheduler (tasksch.exe, PID: 1940) under Windows Explorer (explorer.exe).

  4. We can also view this information by issuing the psscan plugin by typing the following command into the Terminal:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw psscan

    The following screenshot displays the output of the psscan command:

    Figure 8.19 – Output of the psscan plugin in Volatility

    Figure 8.19 – Output of the psscan plugin in Volatility

    In this output, we can see four instances of processes that have a PPID of 1940:

    Taskdl.exe: PID of 860

    Taskse.exe: PID of 536

    @WanaDecryptor@: PID of 424

    @WanaDecryptor@: PID of 576

  5. Let's narrow down the output by adding | grep 1940 to pslist and psscans, which will search for any processes associated with the 1940 process.

    Let's first run pslist again with the grep option by running the following command:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw pslist | grep 1940

    The following screenshot displays the output of the pslist command:

    Figure 8.20 – Output of the pslist plugin using the grep option in Volatility

    Figure 8.20 – Output of the pslist plugin using the grep option in Volatility

    Let's also run the psscan plugin with the grep option to view the processes by running the following command:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw psscan | grep 1940

    The following screenshot displays the output of the psscan command:

    Figure 8.21 – Output of the psscan plugin using the grep option in Volatility

    Figure 8.21 – Output of the psscan plugin using the grep option in Volatility

  6. To obtain more information on the processes, we can run the dlllist plugin and also specify the process ID to determine the DLL libraries used. You may want to run this command in a new tab in the Terminal as the output is quite lengthy. In the output for this command, we'll be looking for processes with the PIDs listed in the previous screenshots (860, 536, 424, 576, 740, 1940).

    Run the dlllist plugin by typing the following into the new tab Terminal:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw dlllist –p 1940

    The following screenshot displays the output of the dllist command. The dlllist plugin, when specified with the –p 1940 process number, displays the directories and libraries used by the process:

    Figure 8.22 – Output of the dlllist plugin

    Figure 8.22 – Output of the dlllist plugin

    Scrolling down through the output, we can see the output for tasksche.exe, with a PID of 1940 and all the associated DLLs:

    Figure 8.23 – Snippet of the dlllist plugin displaying PID 1940 details

    Figure 8.23 – Snippet of the dlllist plugin displaying PID 1940 details

    A closeup of the output shows us the command line entry for tasksche.exe as C:Intelivecuqmanpnirkt615 asksche.exe:

    Figure 8.24 – Snippet of tasksche.exe

    Figure 8.24 – Snippet of tasksche.exe

    The path, specifically the ivecuqmanpnirkt615 folder, is a bit suspicious here but let's have a look at some more dlllist outputs before we go further. Here's the output for @WanaDecryptor@, with a PID of 740:

    Figure 8.25 – Snippet of PID 740 details in the dlllist output

    Figure 8.25 – Snippet of PID 740 details in the dlllist output

    A closer look at the output shows that the path for @[email protected] is also the same as tasksche.exe, listed as C:Intelivecuqmanpnirkt615@[email protected].

    The path for @[email protected] can be seen in the following screenshot:

    Figure 8.26 – Snippet of PID 740 details

    Figure 8.26 – Snippet of PID 740 details

  7. We can now assume that based on the output so far, the processes responsible for the execution of the ransomware have originated from the path C:Intelivecuqmanpnirkt615@[email protected].

    To confirm this, we can use the dlllist plugin with | grep ivecuqmanpnirkt615 to search for the folder path and the associated .exe files:

    Figure 8.27 – Snippet of associated exe's

    Figure 8.27 – Snippet of associated exe's

  8. Let's now use the handles plugin, which is used to display the handles for a process to view the access and type. For this ransomware, we'll be looking for a mutex, which prevents the malware from running in multiple instances by specifying the mutant type option.

    Type in the following command to run this plugin:

    volatility –profile=WinXPSP2x86 -f wcry.raw handles -p 1940 -t mutant

    The following screenshot displays the output of the handles plugin used with the mutant option:

    Figure 8.28 – Output of the handles plugin

    Figure 8.28 – Output of the handles plugin

  9. Let's do a quick search for the items listed in the details section at As you can see in the following screenshot, VirusTotal detection reveals that antivirus programs detect MsWinZonesCacheCounterMutexA as the WannaCryptor ransomware:
    Figure 8.29 – Snippet of the file results from

    Figure 8.29 – Snippet of the file results from

  10. Clicking on the DETAILS section in the VirusTotal results page, we can see that there are many names for the WannaCryptor ransomware, including tasksche.exe:
Figure 8.30 – Snippet of the Wanna Decryptor alias results from

Figure 8.30 – Snippet of the Wanna Decryptor alias results from

This was a lengthy exercise but I hope you've enjoyed finding artifacts, including the processes, IDs, and paths that have all helped us to identify the ransomware, along with verification from VirusTotal. We'll now move on to Linux swap file analysis using swap_digger.


swap_digger performs an automated analysis of the Linux swap file and can retrieve artifacts such as system passwords, usernames, form credentials, and even Wi-Fi information, such as the SSID and perhaps even passwords if they are stored in the swap file.

Installing and using swap_digger

Let's now clone and install swap_digger in Kali Linux:

  1. Change directories to the desktop in the Terminal and clone swap_digger to the desktop by typing in: git clone

    The preceding gitclone command clones and installs swap_digger:

    Figure 8.31 – Installing swap_digger in Kali Linux

    Figure 8.31 – Installing swap_digger in Kali Linux

  2. Change to the swap_digger directory by typing in cd swap_digger. Type in the following two commands to start swap_digger:

    chmod +x

    sudo ./ –vx

    swap_digger will run after typing in the preceding commands, as in the following output:

    Figure 8.32 – Configuring permissions of swap_digger

    Figure 8.32 – Configuring permissions of swap_digger

  3. swap_digger runs and starts by looking for the swap partition (located at /dev/sda5 on my machine) and begins dumping the swap strings. It also digs for user credentials in the etc/shadow file and prompts you to perform a dictionary attack against the file. Press Y and Enter to confirm and continue digging for the hash:
Figure 8.33 – Swap_digger CLI interface

Figure 8.33 – Swap_digger CLI interface

As mentioned in the last line of the preceding screenshot, the dictionary attack can take anywhere from five minutes to several hours:

Figure 8.34 – Swap_digger password cracking process

Figure 8.34 – Swap_digger password cracking process

This may take a while but it will at least show your default password once complete.

If left to run, swap_digger will also search for web and email passwords, XML data, and Wi-Fi passwords. I haven't entered any of those on my Kali machine but here's a screenshot of the process:

Figure 8.35 – Swap_digger scanning process

Figure 8.35 – Swap_digger scanning process

As the preceding screenshot shows, swap_digger is a very useful tool for live analysis on Linux machines, which can be used to discover artifacts running in the swap file, including passwords. Let's now move on to another password-dumping file in the next section.

Password dumping with mimipenguin

Mimipenguin is based on the very popular password-cracking tool mimikatz. Much like swap_digger, mimipenguin can also retrieve artifacts running in memory by dumping memory processes that may contain unencrypted passwords in plaintext:

  1. Let's start by changing to the Desktop folder and then cloning mimipenguin to desktop by typing git clone into a new Terminal:
    Figure 8.36 – Cloning mimipenguin onto the Kali Desktop

    Figure 8.36 – Cloning mimipenguin onto the Kali Desktop

  2. Change to the mimipenguin directory by typing in cd mimipenguin, then show the files within by typing in ls:
    Figure 8.37 – Viewing the contents of the mimipenguin folder

    Figure 8.37 – Viewing the contents of the mimipenguin folder

  3. Run mimipenguin by typing in ./mimipenguin:
Figure 8.38 – Password discovery using mimipenguin in Kali Linux

Figure 8.38 – Password discovery using mimipenguin in Kali Linux

In the previous screenshot, we can see that the username and password for the Kali machine was discovered (root : toor).

Examining Firefox artifacts with pdgmail

In this section, we'll use pdgmail, which also performs memory analysis but specifically looks for web artifacts, such as emails, contacts, IP addresses, and even inbox or sent items, by analyzing the memory dump process.

For this lab, I'll be using the Kali Linux Large ISO, which I have installed as a virtual machine in VirtualBox:

  1. Let's first view some available options in pdgmail by opening a new Terminal and typing in pdgmail –h:
    Figure 8.39 – Viewing the help options of pdgmail

    Figure 8.39 – Viewing the help options of pdgmail

    I've also opened a Firefox browser and logged into a Gmail account, then clicked on my inbox and sent items box so that this process can be run in memory. I've also visited some other sites, such as, where I signed up for a temporary email address, and, where I looked up

  2. To find the Firefox process ID (just as we saw in Chapter 7, Memory Forensics with Volatility, using the pslist module) we can run the following command:

    ps –ef | grep fire

    The following screenshot displays the output of the previous command:

    Figure 8.40 – Finding Firefox processes

    Figure 8.40 – Finding Firefox processes

  3. In the previous screenshot, we can see that the second entry with a 19622 process is the process ID for Firefox (note that your process ID may be a different number). Let's dump this process to be analyzed by running the following command:

    gcore –o firegmail.dmp 19622

    The following screenshot displays the output of the previous command:

    Figure 8.41 – Firefox process dump output

    Figure 8.41 – Firefox process dump output

    Once the process dump is completed, the last line should read as Saved corefile firegmail 19622.

    We can see the last line of the output of the gcore command in the following screenshot:

    Figure 8.42 – Output of the gcore option

    Figure 8.42 – Output of the gcore option

  4. To analyze the saved process dump, run the following command:

    strings –el firegmail.dmp.19622

    The command is shown in the following image:

    Figure 8.43 – Process dump analysis

    Figure 8.43 – Process dump analysis

    Scrolling through the output, you will be able to see the email you logged into, along with the number of unread emails in the inbox:

    Figure 8.44 – Gmail inbox details

    Figure 8.44 – Gmail inbox details

  5. To verify, I'll click on the Gmail tab in Firefox and click on an email in my inbox. I can now see that there's 162 unread emails in the inbox, which means the pgdmail output was accurate. (There were 163 unread emails in the inbox but I clicked on an email from to be able to continue with the following example):
Figure 8.45 – Snippet of the Gmail mailbox

Figure 8.45 – Snippet of the Gmail mailbox

I can also see a link from one of the emails I just clicked on from

Figure 8.46 – Snippet of the pdgmail analysis

Figure 8.46 – Snippet of the pdgmail analysis

Here's a screen shot of the actual email subject in Gmail:

Figure 8.47 – Screenshot of the Gmail inbox

Figure 8.47 – Screenshot of the Gmail inbox

I can also see that the mail compartments/categories were also found:

Figure 8.48 – Snippet of the pdgmail analysis output

Figure 8.48 – Snippet of the pdgmail analysis output

Pdgmail has also found artifacts relating to where I signed up for a temporary email account earlier:

Figure 8.49 – Pdgmail artifact analysis output

Figure 8.49 – Pdgmail artifact analysis output

It also showed the search entry on, where I previously did a DNS search for the

Figure 8.50 – DNS search details revealed in the analysis output

Figure 8.50 – DNS search details revealed in the analysis output

This concludes our usage of pdgmail, which we used to explore Gmail artifacts on a live Linux system, which would be stored within the browser cash within memory. Although the examples and screenshots were based on a sample email that I used, feel free to try this using your own email within Kali Linux.


This was quite an exciting chapter. We discovered communications services, devices, ports, and protocols using Nmap and p0f and then jumped into ransomware analysis using Volatility to discover the origin of the WannaCry cryptoworm on an infected system's memory dump. Finally, we did an analysis of the swap file using swap_digger, mimipenguin, and pdgmail.

In the next chapter, we'll use Autopsy and The Sleuth Kit to analyze an imaged drive and also compare Autopsy for Linux and Windows.

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