

__str__() method 13

__unicode__() method 14


abstract model 367

activity stream

displaying 207, 208

add() method, parameters

override_quantity 243

product 243

quantity 243

administration site

creating, for models 16

custom actions, adding 285, 286, 287

Django administration site 17

extending, with custom views 288, 291

models, adding 18, 19

models, customizing 20, 22

superuser, creating 16

administration templates

reference link 291


reference link 66

aggregation functions

average value (Avg) 66

count value (Count) 66

maximum value (Max) 66

minimum value (Min) 66

reference link 72

AJAX actions

adding, with jQuery 175, 176

AJAX GET request, scenario

response, with data

response, with no content

AJAX pagination

adding, to list view 185, 186

AJAX requests

performing, with jQuery 180, 182, 183

with cross-site request forgery (CSRF) 177, 179

AJAX view

building, to follow users 196, 197, 198


reference link 138, 512

application 10

application configuration classes

about 215, 216, 218

reference link 215

asynchronous applications

ASGI, using 471

asynchronous consumer

modifying 495, 496

Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) 2, 521

asynchronous tasks

adding, to application

launching, with Celery 266

authentication backend, methods

authenticate() 134

get_user() 134


base classes, Django

Form 40

Model Form 40

blog data schema

application, activating 14

designing 11, 12

migrations, applying 14, 15

migrations, creating 14, 15

blog data schema, fields

author 13

body 13

created 13

publish 13

slug 12

status 13

title 12

updated 13

blog posts

used, for creating feeds 81, 82


building, with jQuery 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169


integrating, with Hosted Fields 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281

URL 270

Braintree account

creating 284

reference link 284

Braintree Python module

installing 271, 272

Braintree sandbox account

creating 270, 271

reference link 271

built-in authentication views

reference link 104

built-in signals

reference link 212

built-in template tags and filters

reference link 68

built-in template, tags and filters

reference link 32


cache backends 434, 435

cache framework

cache backends 434, 435

cache levels 438

cache settings 436

low-level cache API, using 438, 439, 441

Memcached backend, adding to project 436

Memcached backend, installing 435

template fragments, caching

using 434

views, caching

cache levels

about 438

low-level cache API 438

per-site cache 438

per-view cache 438

template cache 438

cache settings 436

canonical URL

for models 30

CartAddProductForm class, fields

override 247

quantity 247

cart detail page 349

catalog templates

creating 233, 235, 236, 237


adding, to project 267

asynchronous tasks, launching 266

installing 266


reference link 266

certification authority (CA) 518

channel layer

consumer, updating to broadcast messages 487, 488, 489, 490, 491

context, adding to messages 491, 493, 494

enabling 484

setting up, with Redis 484, 487

channel layer, abstractions

channel 484

group 484


installing 473, 474, 475

using, in Real-time Django 471

using, in request/response cycle 472, 473

chat application

creating 467, 468

chat room view

implementing 468, 469, 470

chat server

implementing 475

integrating, with existing views 496

class-based views

access, restricting 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394

features 37

reference link 38

using 37, 38

comma-separated values (CSV) 285

comment system

comments, adding to post detail template 55, 56, 58, 59

creating 51

forms, creating from models 53

model, building 51, 52, 53

ModelForms, handling in views 54, 55


writing 476, 477


posting, from other websites 154, 155

content management system (CMS)

authentication system, adding 378

authentication templates, creating 379, 380, 382

class-based views, creating 383

creating 378

groups, working with 387

mixins, using for class-based views 383, 384, 386

permissions, working with 387, 388

contents of directory

reference link 164

contenttypes framework

reference link 201

using 200, 201

context processor

about 254

creating 254

reference link 255

shopping cart, setting into request context 255, 256


applying, to orders 312, 313

applying, to shopping cart 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311

coupon model

building 302, 303, 304

coupon system

creating 301

course contents

accessing 427, 428, 429, 431

course models

building 359, 360

content model, creating 369, 370

creating, for diverse content 366

custom model fields, creating 371, 373

fixtures, used for providing initial data 363, 365

model inheritance, using 367

OrderField class, adding to content objects 374, 375, 376, 377, 378

OrderField class, adding to module 373, 375, 376, 377, 378

registering, in administration site 361

course modules

content, adding 399, 401, 404, 406

contents, managing 394, 406, 408, 409, 410

contents, reordering 411

formsets, using 394, 395, 397, 398, 399

managing 394, 406, 408, 409, 410

reordering 411


displaying 414, 415, 417, 418, 419

enrolling 423, 425, 426, 427

credit cards, testing

reference link 283



reference link

cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

about 46

in AJAX requests 177, 179

reference link 46

CSRF protection

referemce link 179

CSV files

orders, exporting to 285

CSV files, generating with Django

reference link 288


download link 449

custom actions

adding, to administration site 285, 286, 287

custom authentication backend

building 133, 134, 135

custom decorators

creating, for views 183, 184

customer orders

creating 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266

order models, creating 257, 258

order models, in administration site 259, 260

registering 257

customizing authentication

reference link 134

custom management commands

reference link

custom model fields, writing

reference link 373

custom template filters

about 73, 74, 75

creating 68

reference link 76

custom template tags

about 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73

creating 68

reference link 73

custom user model

reference link 130, 190

using 130

custom views

used, for extending administration site 288, 291


URL 504


database, executing with Django

reference link 2

database indexes

reference link 151

decorators, concept

reference link 183

detail views

building 27

canonical URL, for models 30

creating 27, 28

creating, for user profiles 191, 192, 193, 194

URL patterns, adding 29, 30

directory contents

reference link 234

directory's contents

reference link 32

dispatch() method 401


installation link 4

installing 2

installing, with pip package 3, 4

language, determining 316, 317

translations, adding 316

used, for creating forms 40, 41

used, for sending emails 43, 44, 45

used, in internationalization 315

Django application

about 10

creating 11

Django authentication framework

authentication views, using 103, 104

login view, creating 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103

login views 106, 107, 108, 110, 112

logout views 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 112

password views, changing 113, 114, 115

password views, resetting 115, 116, 117, 118, 119

using 96

Django authentication framework, models

group model 97

permission 97

user model 97


mixins, using 411

reference link 411

Django, deploying with web servers

reference link 7

Django, developing with ASGI

reference link 472

django-embed-video application's documentation

reference link 433

Django, field types

reference link 13


using, to validate form fields 347, 348


installing 338

translations, integrating into administration site 341

used, for translating models 338

django-parler module's compatibility, with Django

reference link 341

Django project

about 10

check management command 502

connections, securing with SSL/TLS certificate 516

creating 4, 5, 6

custom management commands, implementing

Daphne, executing in NGINX configuration 523, 524, 525

Daphne, using for Django Channels 521, 522

development server, executing 6, 7

middleware, creating 525, 526

multiple environments settings, managing 498, 499, 501

NGINX, configuring 509, 510, 512

NGINX, installing 508

PostgreSQL, using 501, 502

production environment, creating 497, 509

secure connections, using for WebSockets 522

serving, through WSGI 502, 504

static and media assets, serving 514, 515, 516

uWSGI, configuring 504, 505, 507, 508

uWSGI, installing 504

Django project, settings

about 9







reference link 9



Django REST framework

reference link 444

Django REST framework, features

reference link 463

Django REST framework, settings

reference link 445

Django's built-in template filters

reference link 73

Django's cache system

reference link 434

Django sessions

expiration 241

settings 239

used, for storing shopping carts 241, 242, 243, 246

using 238

Django syndication feed framework

reference link 83

Django, tagging

reference link 60

django-taggit managers

reference link

Django template language

reference link 31

Document Object Model (DOM) 177

duplicate actions

avoiding, in activity stream 205, 206

dynamic data

caching 441, 442



reference link 175

used, for creating image thumbnails 172, 173

e-learning project

setting up 358


sending, with Django 43, 44, 45


Facebook developer account

reference link 140

features, URL patterns

language prefix 334

translated 334


creating, for blog posts 81, 82

fields, Action model

created 199

target 202

target_ct 202

target_id 202

user 199

verb 199

fields, ContentType model

app_label 200

model 200

name 200

fields, generic relations in model

ForeignKey field 201

GenericForeignKey field 201

PositiveIntegerField 201

fixtures 363

fixtures usage, for testing

reference link 365

Flower dashboard

reference link

follow system

AJAX view, building to follow users 196, 197, 198

building 187

detail views, creating for user profiles 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

list views, creating for user profiles 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

many-to-many relationships, creating with intermediary model 188, 189, 190, 191


reference link 13

format localization 346, 347

reference link 347

form fields

cleaning 155, 156

reference link 41


creating, with Django 40, 41

handling, in views 41, 42

rendering, in templates 45, 46, 48, 49, 50


reference link 395

full-text search

adding, to blog 83

reference link 91

full-text search engines 92

Fuzzy translations 333


generic activity stream application

activity stream, displaying 207, 208

building 198, 199

contenttypes framework, using 200, 201

duplicate actions, avoiding in activity stream 205, 206

generic relations, adding to model 201, 202, 204, 205

QuerySets, optimizing 208

templates, creating for actions 209, 210, 211

user actions, adding to activity stream 206, 207

generic mixins and views

reference link 447

generic relations

adding, to model 201, 202, 204, 205

get_form() method 401

get() method 401

get_model() method 400

Gmail captcha, disabling

reference link 44

Google's OAuth2 implementation

reference link 148



reference link 92


download link 435


image bookmarking website

creating 150

image model, building 150, 151

image model, registering in administration site 154

many-to-many relationships, creating 153

image model

building 150, 151

registering, in administration site 154

image ranking

storing, in Redis 224


detail view, creating 170, 172

image thumbnails

creating, with easy-thumbnails 172, 173


about 314

adding 314

management commands 316

project, preparing 317, 318

settings 315, 316

with Django 315

item views

storing, in Redis 222, 223

storing, with Redis 218



download link 177

loading 176

referene link 162

used, for adding AJAX actions 175, 176

used, for building bookmarklet 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169

used, for performing AJAX requests 180, 181, 182, 183

jQuery selectors

reference link 166

JS Cookie

referemce link 179


language code 315

language name 315

less secured applications, access enabling

reference link 44

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 133

list view

AJAX pagination, adding 185, 186

list views

building 27

canonical URL, for models 30

creating 27, 28

creating, for user profiles 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

URL patterns, adding 29, 30


about 314

adding 314

settings 315, 316

low-level cache API

using 438, 439, 441



working with 22

many-to-many relationships

creating 153

creating, with intermediary model 188, 189, 190, 191

reference link 63, 153

many-to-one relationships

reference link 52

markdown format

reference link 74

Memcached backend

adding, to project 436

download link 435

installing 435

monitoring 437

message file 315

messages framework

reference link 133

using 130, 131, 132, 133


reference link 526

Middleware 97

migrate management command 6


creating, for model translations 342, 343


reference link 383

using, from django-braces 411

model API

reference link 22

model fields

translating 339, 340, 341

model formsets

reference link 395

model inheritance

abstract model 367

multi-table model inheritance 368

proxy model 368

using 367

model managers

creating 26, 27


translating, with django-parler 338

multiple fields

searching 85

multiple subdomains

serving, with NGINX

multi-table model inheritance 367


NGINX binaries, for Windows

reference link 508

NGINX documentation

reference link 510


object-relational mapper (ORM) 22

online shop project

catalog templates, creating 233, 235, 236, 237

creating 226

functionalities 226

product catalog models, creating 227, 228, 229

product catalog models, registering on administration site 229

product catalog views, building 230, 231, 232


exporting, to CSV files 285



adding 35, 36

working 35


reference link 447

path converters

reference link 29

payment authorization

reference link 284

Payment Card Industry (PCI) 270

payment gateway

Braintree, integrating with Hosted Fields 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281

Braintree Python module, installing 271, 272

Braintree sandbox account, creating 270, 271

integrating 269, 270, 272, 273, 275


testing 281, 282, 283, 284

PDF files

rendering 295, 297, 298

sending, by email 298, 299, 300

PDF invoices

generating 293

PDFs, outputting with Django

reference link 293

PDF template

creating 293, 294


reference link 455

per-site cache

deactivating 471


pip installation

reference link 3

pip package

used, for installing Django 3, 4


download link 323

post detail template

comments, adding 55, 56, 58, 59


download link 84

installing 84, 85

PostgreSQL full-text search

reference link 83


reference link 449

post() method 403

posts by similarity

retrieving 66

posts, via email

emails, sending with Django 43, 44, 45

forms, creating with Django 40, 41

forms, handling in views 41, 42

forms, rendering in templates 45, 46, 48, 49, 50

sharing 40


using 209

product catalog models

creating 227, 228, 229

registering, on administration site 229

product catalog views

building 230, 231, 232

product detail page 349

product recommendation 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356

project 10

proxy model 367


Redis, using 220, 222

Python 3.8.0

download link 2

Python code

code translation 320, 321, 322, 323, 325

lazy translation 319

plural forms translation 319, 320

standard translation 319

translating 318

variable translation 319

Python environment

creating 3

Python installer

download link 2

Python Social Auth

reference link 137



about 22

evaluating 26

exclude(), using 25

filter() method, using 24

objects, creating 22, 23

objects, deleting 25

objects, retrieving 24

objects, updating 24

order_by(), using 25

working with 22


optimizing 208

prefetch_related(), using 209

select_related(), using 208



installing 267

RabbitMQ, installing on macOS or Windows

reference link 267

ranking results 89

Real-time Django

with Channels 471

recommendation engine

building 349



download link 218

image ranking, storing 224

installing 218, 219, 220

item views, storing 222, 223

used, for storing item views 218

using, with Python 220, 222

Redis commands

reference link 220

Redis, installing on Windows 10

reference link 219

redis-py documentation

reference link 220

Redis, scenarios



latest items, storing



rankings and leaderboards

real-time tracking

regular expressions

reference link 30


reference link 447

Representational State Transfer (REST) 444


reference link 256

request cycle

Channels, using 472, 473

request method

GET request 262

POST request 262

Requests, authentication

reference link

response cycle

Channels, using 472, 473


consuming 463, 465

REST framework

authentication backends 453


actions, adding to viewsets 457, 458

authentication, handling 453, 454

building 444

course contents, serializing 460, 462, 463

custom API views, building 452, 453

custom permissions, creating 458, 460

Django REST framework, installing 444, 445

list and detail views, building 447, 448, 449, 450

nested serializers, creating 450, 451, 452

parsers 446, 447

renderers 446, 447

routers, creating 456, 457

serializers, defining 445, 446

viewsets, creating 456, 457

views permissions, adding 454, 455

Rosetta's documentation

reference link 333

Rosetta translation interface

using 329, 331, 332, 333


reference link 457

routing 477, 478


save() method

overriding, of ModelForm 156, 157, 158, 159, 160

SearchVectorField field

reference link 86

search view

building 86, 87, 88

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 139, 516


using 208


reference link 452

session data, options

cached database sessions 239

cached sessions 239

cookie-based sessions 239

database sessions 239

file-based sessions 239

settings, Django sessions

reference link 241

shopping cart

building 237

context processor, creating 254

Django sessions, expiration 241

Django sessions, settings 239

Django sessions, using 238

products, adding 251, 252

products quantities, updating 253

storing, in Django sessions 241, 242, 243, 246

template, building to display items and total 249, 251

shopping carts

items, adding 247, 248, 249

views, creating 247


application configuration classes 215, 216, 218

used, for denormalizing counts 211

working with 212, 214, 215

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 43

simple search lookups 85

sitemap framework

adding 76, 77, 79, 80

reference link 77

social authentication

adding 135, 137, 138

development server, executing through HTTPS 138, 139, 140

Facebook, using 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146

Google, using 148

reference link 137

Twitter, using 146, 147, 148

social website project

creating 94

implementing 94, 96

Spanish formatting configuration

reference link 346

SSL/TLS certificate

connections, securing with 516

creating 516, 517

Django project, configuring 519, 520

HTTP traffic, redirecting to HTTPS 520, 521

used, for configuring NGINX 517, 518, 519

stemming 89

student registration

adding 419

student registration view

creating 419, 420, 421, 423

subdomain middleware

creating 527


tagging functionality

adding 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

template filters 32

template fragments



{% blocktrans %} template tag 325, 326

creating, for actions 209, 210, 211

creating, for views 31, 32, 33, 34

forms, rendering 45, 46, 48, 49, 50

shop templates, translating 326, 327, 328, 329

translating 325

{% trans %} template tag 325

template tags 32

template variables 32

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 43, 138, 516

trigram similarity

searching with 91

Twitter account

reference link 146

type of content

rendering 431, 432, 433


URL namespaces

reference link 30

URL patterns

for internationalization 334

language prefix, adding 334, 335

reference link 120

translating 335, 336

URL patterns, with regular expressions

reference link 30

URLs utility functions

reference link 31

user actions

adding, to activity stream 206, 207

user model

extending 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130

user profiles 120

detail views, creating 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

list views, creating 191, 192, 193, 194, 195

user registration 120, 121, 122, 123, 124


access, to switch language 336, 337

uWSGI options

reference link 508

uWSGI's documentation

reference link 504



adapting, for translations 343, 345, 346


forms, handling 41, 42

templates, creating 31, 32, 33, 34


reference link 457

virtual environment (venv)

reference link 3



installing 293

reference link 293

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) 5, 471

about 502

reference link 504

WebSocket client

implementing 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484

weighting queries 90

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 219

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