Organizing templates

The default project layout created by the startproject command does not define a location for your templates. This is very easy to configure.

Create a directory named templates in your project's root directory. Specify the value for DIRS inside the TEMPLATES variable in your (can be found within superbook/settings/ in our superbook project)

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) 
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')], 
        'APP_DIRS': True, 
        'OPTIONS': { 
            'context_processors': [ 

That's all. For example, you can add a template called about.html and refer to it in the file as follows:

urlpatterns = [
path('about/', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='about.html'),

Your templates can also reside within your apps (if APP_DIRS is true). Creating a templates directory inside your app directory is ideal to store your app-specific templates.

Here are some good practices to organize your templates:

  • Keep all app-specific templates inside the app's template directory within a separate directory, for example projroot/app/templates/app/template.html— notice how app appears twice in the path
  • Use the .html extension for your templates
  • Prefix an underscore for templates, which are snippets to be included, for example: _navbar.html

The order of specifying template directories matters a lot. To better appreciate that, you need to understand how templates are rendered in Django.

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