Starting the project

This section has the installation instructions for the SuperBook project, which contains all the example code used in this book. Do check out the project's on GitHub for the latest installation notes. We will be using the pipenv tool to set up the virtual environment and install all dependencies.

Create a separate virtual environment for each Django project.

First, clone the example project from GitHub:

$ git clone

Next, install pipenv system-wide or locally, but outside a virtualenv, as recommended in pipenv installation documents. Alternatively, follow these commands:

$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install pipenv

Now go to the project directory and install the dependencies:

$ cd superbook2
$ pipenv install --dev

Next, enter the pipenv shell to start using your freshly created virtual environment with all the dependencies:

$ pipenv shell

Finally, run the project after executing the typical management commands:

$ cd src
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
$ python runserver

You can navigate to or the URL indicated in your Terminal and feel free to play around with the site.

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