Appreciating Family Ties

The extended family is the core structural unit of South American society and is central to all activities. Though friendship is also essential for business success, for most people in the region, friends are actually the second most important business asset. Family always comes first.

Getting to know the family

Talk about family is welcome in South America. The informal conversation at the beginning of a meeting often includes questions about one’s family. This is not intrusive or getting “too personal.” Small talk about a child’s soccer match is not too small. Discussing friends and family is a way of discovering important mutual connections, and shared connections build trust. They imply an extended commitment to one another, and shared values and priorities. Talk of mutual interests outside work may lead to invitations to socialize together, and refusing these invitations may slow the progress toward strong business relationships.

Using family names

The most important information in a person’s résumé is not their job title or corporate affiliation, it is the family name. It is one reason South Americans use multiple last names. The list of last names tells about a person’s roots, the father’s family, the mother’s family, the family one has married into, even a family’s origin before migrating to the Americas. The last name is like the list of schools one puts on a résumé.

Giving gifts

Gift giving is common in South American business, especially at first meetings. Gifts should be wrapped and include a personal touch like your company logo, something from your home country, or something you chose because it is your personal favorite. Candy, music, office items, or a scarf are good choices. Making a personal connection is more important than the price or brand. A gift for the secretary should not be as expensive as a gift for the boss. Do bring something for the spouse or kids if you meet the family.

Returning hospitality

As a business partner you should reciprocate social invitations, even if you are staying in a hotel. You could invite your hosts to a restaurant or to visit your family when in your home country. Reciprocating hospitality is not a matter of showing off your status; it is to make a gift of time and friendship to your business partners. Social time is valuable for business because it lets people get to know each other better, and build trust.


Remember, social time is not an excuse for talking about work. It is about putting work aside to become friends.


If necessary, you may politely refuse social invitations with excuses about fatigue, other commitments, or the need to phone home at a certain time.

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