Finding Opportunities

The traditional mineral and agricultural riches of the continent continue to be important, but rapid socioeconomic advances, technological innovations, and infrastructure priorities are creating new opportunities for business success in the region.

Finding import and export opportunities

Exports to South America are driven by the fast-growing middle-class market and growing demand for consumer products. Manufacturers in the region are also racing to catch up, so opportunities for selling to them are abundant. Imports from the region are most attractive when exchange rates are favorable. Abundant natural resources and production advantages make South American products a good choice for export. Technological advances in manufacturing ensure that the quality of local products meets export standards.

Forming partnerships

Many major South American companies are going global on their own, and these pioneers have opened the way for smaller companies to follow. However, smaller companies often do not have the resources to enter the global arena by themselves. Many are eager to form partnerships with other companies in their target countries as a way of reducing risks and increasing opportunities for learning when expanding internationally.

Identifying key business opportunities in South America

  • Infrastructure

    Government contracts can be big. Public–private partnerships such as toll highways are on the rise.

  • Industrial goods

    Manufacturing companies are seeking state-of-the-art equipment to support their expansion.

  • Mid-size markets

    The big cities are quite saturated. But second-tier cities are eager for consumer products and services.

  • Consumer products

    A rapidly expanding middle class is eagerly pursuing the good life they have seen on TV.

  • Natural products

    South America supplies natural and “fair-trade” products for wealthy nations that shop according to their values.

  • Technology

    Software development and new technology are the region’s focus for future prominence and efficiency.

  • Low income

    Companies willing to adjust their products and prices can tap into a huge market among the region’s poorer classes.

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