Appendix: Quick reference guide

mindshift one: Go for both: Your work and your life are on the same team

  • Your personal and professional life are on the same team. Move past the old mindset of ‘my work OR my life.’ Find synergies between them.
  • Embrace your passions outside of work. Personal interests enliven you (and may help with your career in surprising ways).
  • Have fun! Enjoying yourself at work supports camaraderie, commitment and creativity.
  • Don't obsess about making the right choice. There is no ‘one wrong decision’ that will derail your career dreams. There are many routes to a fulfilling, successful life.
  • Commit to a decision long enough to gain from it. Then, if it isn't where you want to be, ‘iterate’ — as in, make a change and move on.
  • Opportunity + Action = Serendipity. Look for serendipity around you, and act on it.

mindshift two: Stamina is a muscle. Build yours!

  • Perseverance + Enthusiasm = Stamina.
  • Stamina is a career superpower that can be built. Put your energy into powering up yours.
  • Self‐care supports stamina. Adopt the mindshift that making time for family, friends and personal interests helps you keep going at work.
  • Don't obsess about disappointments, rejections or failures; negative rumination saps stamina. Train your brain to obsess about your success.
  • Remember that you always have options. You are not trapped. Do some job dating to remind you of this fact.
  • Feeling totally responsible for disappointments — or big wins — saps stamina. Recognise that none of us has total control.

mindshift three: Connection trumps tech savvy … even in tech

  • Amass that other critical capital, social capital — as in, genuine, trusting relationships and goodwill — throughout your career.
  • Look for a few supportive, senior staff members to become ‘sponsors’ of your career and advocate for you within your firm. Sponsors are critical to rising and thriving in today's competitive work world.
  • Assemble a personal board of directors outside your firm. Like companies, we all need a range of insights to help us grow.
  • Mind your manners! Consideration is currency in today's often‐dispersed, hyper‐connected world. Small moves matter — thanking others, showing up, making good on commitments, and being present when you're with someone (rather than on your phone).
  • Praise others often and in public (when they deserve it)
  • Master the art of feedback — both giving it and getting it. Adopt the mindshift that receiving feedback is a tool for personal growth.

mindshift four: You are in a relationship with your career: Nurture it

  • You are in a relationship with your career. It's your job to develop the best relationship you can over the years.
  • Even a great career can't fulfil all your needs. Don't damage your career relationship by having unrealistic expectations of what a job can or ‘should’ do for you.
  • Keep your eye on your prize — as in, recognise and pursue your goals. Don't wait around for someone else to notice your good work or hand you the promotion or opportunity you want. You have to identify your desires and go for them.
  • Make sure your success gets seen. Practice the art of self‐promotion with style.
  • Fight back when wronged. Standing up for yourself can be hard to do, but it's part of maintaining a good relationship with your career.
  • Set boundaries around work and personal life to get the most from both.

mindshift five: Get a move on! Use movement to stay energised and thrive

  • Interests change; your career path can change with them. You are not locked into the industry, sector, job or location in which you began. Be open to new desires and pursue them.
  • Prepare for your promotion, then ask. Demonstrating that you can do the job you desire helps your manager move you up.
  • Be flexible and persistent when seeking a career change.
  • Try to make one change at a time — instead of two or three — to facilitate movement.
  • You can create momentum within your own firm or even within your job. Staying put does not have to mean languishing or being stuck.

mindshift six: Distant is the new diverse: Include the international and working‐from‐home team

  • Let your thirst for adventure turbocharge your career. Remember that taking an overseas assignment can benefit you and your firm.
  • Remove the ‘r’ from remote, as in emote. Emotional connection is key to success, especially when you don't see your colleagues, managers and/or employees in person every day.
  • Acknowledge the human factor of dispersed workers by over‐communicating, respecting time zone differences, and making more time for recognition than may seem necessary. (It's necessary.)
  • Choreograph opportunities for connection when working far from team members and leaders.
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