

STUDENT DRAWING By Joanna Mendoza.

The ideas, concepts, and techniques in this book are based on an academic model of drawing instruction developed over the last 500 years, first taught in Europe and now worldwide. These traditional principles are alive and well wherever there is a desire to impart formal fundamental and foundational instruction in realistic, accurate artistic interpretation.

This book seeks to impart to the serious, but beginning, drawing student a solid foundation that leads to the creation of artwork that combines strong draftsmanship, spatial comprehension, and an overall energetic drawing experience.

The most important aspects of successful drawing are sensitivity, focus, and passion. We are all born with the ability to create; in some children this ability is nurtured, while in others it may be repressed. As adults, we still have the ability to “tap into” our creative side, but it takes practice, patience, and guidance.


Sensitivity in drawing refers to the handling of tools, as well as the ability to use visual sense to isolate the structure, organization, and mood of a subject. By manipulating the pressure of a drawing tool on paper, the artist can create multitudes of variable line weights: long lines; short, choppy strokes; bold calligraphic marks; and nuanced, subtle tonalities. This is called “mark-making,” and most of us have been doing it since before we could talk or walk. With direction, mark-making can be refined to the point where recognizable subject matter can be created. But it is important to note that all marks are not created equal! One of the most important attributes of a successful drawing is a sensitive application of varied line weight.


In drawing, focus refers to the ability to concentrate on and develop a clear image of the subject. In this book, the emphasis is on drawing a realistic, or representational, interpretation of the subject from observation. It is about attempting to depict a three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional surface. This is a visual alchemy that artists have struggled to achieve since the days of the first cave paintings. Focus is an essential skill that can be achieved with patience, practice, and the right environment. For some, it is the right combination of silence and/or background music that can help create this focused environment. Most importantly, try to clear your mind of clutter and negative thoughts, and avoid undue visual or aural distractions.



Passion in drawing, as in life, is the desire for something meaningful that can fulfill, entertain, heal, and ultimately satisfy the creative impulse. You can attain sensitivity and focus, but without the third leg of the stool—passion—you won’t have the desire to draw all the time. And that is what makes a successful artist—drawing tirelessly, constantly, and happily, over and over again.

Getting Started

In this book, I will take you through a journey of many steps, some easy and some challenging, as we continue along a path that will establish a strong foundation for the fundamentals of drawing. It is my goal to inform, motivate, and inspire you every step of the way along this new creative journey.

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