Part 3: Trusted Platforms In Practice

In this part, we look at how to use TPs and what roles and responsibilities must be fulfilled. Chapter 10 describes the different entities involved in bringing a TP to life. It looks at how these entities collaborate to bring the value of Trusted Platform technology to the end-user of the platform. It then looks at the mechanisms available to the owner of a TP to control and manage the platform's TCPA mechanisms and to make them available to the platform's users. Chapter 11 describes how trust in a TP is rooted in people and organizations. It looks at the link between trustworthy technology and social trust. In Chapter 12, we describe how the mechanisms described in Part 2 can be used to provide trustworthy information about a TP over the network. Although you may benefit from reading Part 2 before tackling Chapters 10 and 12, Chapter 11 is recommended reading for everyone.

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