Chapter 10. Bringing a Trusted Platform to Life

A Trusted Platform (TP) has new types of properties that are not available on a standard platform. These properties, which were described in the previous chapters, allow for new types of interactions with such a platform. But making these properties available requires careful setup and configuration of the platform, starting at early stages in the platform's lifetime. The way the platform will be viewed—and therefore the use of its trust and security mechanisms—will vary according to the type of entity that interacts with it (the platform manufacturer, the platform owner, a user, or any other remotely-connected entity). The difference between these types of interactions depends upon the TP's configuration, which again is controlled by its owner.

This chapter takes a chronological look at interactions with a TP throughout its lifecycle, starting from its initial construction. This approach will show how trustworthy information about a TP may be obtained through such interactions. The chapter will finish with an example of a possible usage model.

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