Reference to SAF Commands, Tasks, and Options

The following sections provide a quick reference to the variables used in SAF commands; tasks performed with the sacadm and pmadm commands; and options for the sacadm, pmadm, ttyadm, and nlsadmin commands. Refer to Chapter 11, “Setting Up Modems and Character Terminals,” for step-by-step instructions on how to use the SAF commands to set up modems and terminals. Refer to Chapter 12, “Setting Up Printing Services,” for step-by-step instructions on how to use the SAF commands to set up printers.

Quick Reference to SAF Variables

Table 41 describes the variables used with the SAF commands.

Table 41. Variables Used with the SAF Commands
Variable Example Description
dev-path /dev/term/b The full name of the TTY port device file.
pmtag zsmon The name of a specific instance of a port monitor.
svctag b The name of the port in the /dev/term directory.
ttylabel 2400H The baud rate and line discipline from the /etc/ttydefs file.
type ventel The type of the modem, as specified in the /etc/uucp/Devices file.

Quick Reference to Service Access Control (sacadm)

Table 42 provides a task-oriented quick reference to the tasks you perform with the sacadm command.

Table 42. Quick Reference to the Service Access Controller
Task Command Syntax
Add a port monitor. sacadm -a -p pmtag -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v `ttyadm -V` -y "comment"
Disable a port monitor. sacadm -d -p pmtag
Enable a port monitor. sacadm -e -p pmtag
Kill a port monitor. sacadm -k -p pmtag
List status information for a port monitor. sacadm -l -p pmtag
Remove a port monitor. sacadm -r -p pmtag
Start a port monitor. sacadm -s -p pmtag
Add a listen port monitor. sacadm -a -p pmtag -t listen -c /usr/lib/saf/listen -v `ttyadm -V` -y "comment"

Table 43 describes the options to the sacadm command.

Table 43. Options to sacadm Command
Option Description
-a Add a port monitor. The -a option requires the -c option.
-c cmd Execute the cmd command string to start a port monitor. Use only with -a.
-d Disable the pmtag port monitor.
-e Enable the pmtag port monitor.
-f dx Specify one or both flags. The x flag does not enable the specified service. The u flag creates a utmpx entry for the service.
-k Stop the pmtag port monitor.
-l List service information.
-L Same as -l, but list output in a condensed format.
-n count Set the restart count to count. If you do not specify a restart count, set count to 0. A count of 0 indicates that the port monitor is not to be restarted if it fails.
-p pmtag Specify an identifying port monitor tag (pmtag) for the port monitor.
-r pmtag Remove the pmtag port monitor.
-s pmtag Start the pmtag port monitor.
-t type Specify the type of the port monitor—either ttymon or listen.
-v ver Specify the version number of the port monitor. Use ttyadm -V to find out the version number to use, or use `ttyadm -V` as an argument to the -v option.
-x With no options, read the _sactab database file. The -x option with the -p option reads the pmtag administrative file.
-y comment Include comment in the _sactab entry for the pmtag port monitor.

Quick Reference to Port Monitor Administration (pmadm)

Table 44 provides a quick reference to the tasks you perform using the pmadm command

Table 44. Quick Reference to Port Monitor Administration (pmadm)
Task Command Syntax
Add a standard terminal service. pmadm -a -p pmtag -s svctag -i root -v `ttyadm -V` -m "`ttyadm -i 'terminal disabled.' -l contty -m ldterm,ttcompat -d dev-path -s /usr/bin/login`"
Disable a ttymon port monitor. pmadm -d -p pmtag -s svctag
Enable a ttymon port monitor. pmadm -e -p pmtag -s svctag
List all services. pmadm -l
List status information for one ttymon port monitor. pmadm -l -p pmtag
List status information for a particular service running on one ttymon port monitor. pmadm -l -p pmtag -s svctag
Add a listen service. pmadm -a -p pmtag -s lp -i root -v `nlsadmin -V` -m "`nlsadmin -o /var/spool/lp/fifos/listenS5`"
Disable a listen port monitor. pmadm -d -p pmtag -s lp
Enable a listen port monitor. pmadm -e -p pmtag -s lp

Table 45 describes the options to the pmadm command.

Table 45. Options to the pmadm Command
Option Description
-a Add a service.
-d Add x to the flag field in the entry for the svctag service in the port monitor's administrative file to disable the service. This entry is used by the pmtag port monitor.
-e Remove x from the flag field in the entry for the svctag service in the port monitor's administrative file to enable the service. This entry is used by the pmtag port monitor.
-f xu Specify one or both flags. The x flag does not enable the specified service. The u flag creates a utmpx entry for the service.
-i id Specify the identity assigned to the service when it is started.
-l List service information.
-L Same as -l, but list output in a condensed format.
-m Identify port monitor-specific options to be included on the -a command line.
-p pmtag Specify the port monitor tag (pmtag)—for example, zsmon.
-r Remove the entry for the service from the administrative file of the port monitor.
-s svcstag Specify the service tag associated with a given service (svctag)—for example, ttya for serial port A.
-t type Specify the port monitor type.
-v ver Specify the port monitor version number. Use ttyadm -V to find the version number, or use `ttyadm -V` as an argument to the -v option.
-y comment Associate comment with the service entry in the port monitor administrative file.

Table 46 shows the options to the ttyadm command. You usually include the ttyadm command and its options in backquotes (` `) as part of the pmadm command.

Table 46. Options to the ttyadm Command
Option Description
-b Set the bidirectional port option so the line can be used in both directions. Users can connect to the service associated with the port, but if the port is free, uucico(1M), cu(1C), or ct(1C) can use it for dialing out.
-c Set the connect-on-carrier option for the port. Invoke the port's associated service immediately when a connect indication is received (that is, print no prompt and search no baud rate).
-d device Specify the full path name of the device file for the TTY port.
-h Set the hangup option for the port. If you do not specify the -h option, force a hangup on the line by setting the speed to 0 before setting the speed to the default or specified value.
-i message Specify the inactive (disabled) response message. This message is sent to the TTY port if the port is disabled or the ttymon monitoring the port is disabled.
-I Initialize the service only once. You can use this option to configure a particular device without actually monitoring it, as with software carrier.
-l ttylabel Specify which ttylabel in the /etc/ttydefs file to use as the starting point when searching for the proper baud rate.
-m modules Specify a list of pushable STREAMS modules. The modules are pushed in the order in which they are specified before the service is invoked. modules is a comma-separated list of modules with no white space included. Any modules currently on the stream are popped before these modules are pushed.
-p prompt Specify the prompt message, for example, login:.
-r count Wait to receive data from the port before displaying a prompt. If count is 0, wait until it receives any character. If count is greater than 0, wait until count newlines have been received.
-s service Specify the full path name of the service to be invoked when a connection request is received. If arguments are required, enclose the command and its arguments in double quotes (" ").
-S y|n Set the software carrier value. y turns on the software carrier. n turns off the software carrier.
-t timeout Close a port if the open on the port succeeds and no input data is received in timeout seconds.
-T termtype Set the terminal type. The TERM environment variable is set to termtype.
-V Display the version number of the current /usr/lib/saf/ttymon command.

Table 47 shows only the options to the nlsadmin command that can be included as part of the command-line argument for the sacadm and pmadm commands. See the nlsadmin(1M) manual page for further information.

Table 47. Options to the nlsadmin Command
Option Description
-A Interpret the address as private for the server. The listener monitors this address and dispatches all calls arriving on this address directly to the designated service. This option may not be used with the -D option.
c "cmd" Specify the full path name of the server and its arguments. Use double quotes around the path name to ensure that it is interpreted as a single word by the shell.
-D Dynamically assign a private address that is selected by the transport provider. This option is frequently used with the -R option for RPC services. This option may not be used with the -A option.
-o streamname Specify the full path name of a FIFO or named STREAM through which a server is receiving the connection.
-p modules If this option is specified, the modules are interpreted as a list of STREAMS modules for the listener to push before starting the service. Modules are pushed in the order they are specified. Specify the modules as a comma-separated list with no spaces.
-R Register an RPC service whose address, program number, and version number are registered with the rpcbinder for this transport provider.
-V Display the version number of the SAF.

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