Chapter 8. Programmatic Security

Topics in This Chapter

  • Combining container-managed and programmatic security

  • Using the isUserInRole method

  • Using the getRemoteUser method

  • Using the getUserPrincipal method

  • Programmatically controlling all aspects of security

  • Using SSL with programmatic security

Chapter 7 introduced two fundamental aspects of Web application security:

  1. Preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data. This process involves access restriction (identifying which resources need protection and who should have access to them) and authentication (identifying the user to determine if they are one of the authorized ones). This aspect applies to virtually all secure applications; even intranets at locations with physical access controls usually require some sort of user authentication.

  2. Preventing attackers from stealing network data while it is in transit. This process involves the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the traffic between the browser and the server. This capability is generally reserved for particularly sensitive applications or particularly sensitive pages within a larger application.

There are two general strategies for implementing these security aspects: declarative security and programmatic security.

With declarative security, the topic of the previous chapter, none of the individual servlets or JSP pages need any security-aware code. Instead, both of the major security aspects are handled by the server. To prevent unauthorized access, you use the Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) to declare that certain URLs need protection. You also designate the authentication method that the server should use to identify users. At request time, the server automatically prompts users for usernames and passwords when they try to access restricted resources, automatically checks the results against a predefined set of usernames and passwords, and automatically keeps track of which users have previously been authenticated. This process is completely transparent to the servlets and JSP pages. To safeguard network data, you use the deployment descriptor to stipulate that certain URLs should only be accessible with SSL. If users try to use a regular HTTP connection to access one of these URLs, the server automatically redirects them to the HTTPS (SSL) equivalent.

Declarative security is all well and good. In fact, it is by far the most common approach to Web application security. But, what if you want your servlets to be completely independent of any server-specific settings such as password files? Or, what if you want to let users in various roles access a particular resource but customize the data depending on the role that they are in? Or, what if you want to authenticate users other than by requiring an exact match from a fixed set of usernames and passwords? That’s where programmatic security comes in.

With programmatic security, the topic of this chapter, protected servlets and JSP pages at least partially manage their own security. To prevent unauthorized access, each servlet or JSP page must either authenticate the user or verify that the user has been authenticated previously. Even after the servlet or JSP page grants access to a user, it can still customize the results for different individual users or categories of users. To safeguard network data, each servlet or JSP page has to check the network protocol used to access it. If users try to use a regular HTTP connection to access one of these URLs, the servlet or JSP page must manually redirect them to the HTTPS (SSL) equivalent.

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