Chapter 6. A Sample Web Application: An Online Boat Shop

Topics in This Chapter

  • Defining and using a larger Web application

  • The interaction among components in a Web application

  • Using sessions for per-user data

  • Using the servlet context for multiuser data

  • Managing information that is accessed by multiple servlets and JSP pages

  • Eliminating dependencies on the Web application name

Many people find it helpful to see a variety of individual capabilities brought together in a single example. This chapter walks you through a small application (an online boat shop) that contains many of the different components discussed up to this point in the book. In particular, it illustrates:

  • Web application definition, structure, and use

  • The web.xml file

  • The use of relative URLs by servlets and JSP pages at various locations within the Web application

  • Custom tags that are used by JSP pages in various directories

  • Shared beans

  • Session tracking

  • The use of the ServletContext to share data among multiple pages

  • The MVC architecture applied within a Web application

  • The elimination of any dependency on the Web application name

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