Index of Commands and Concepts

This title somewhat hides the fact that everything except the author names is in this one long index. To make it easier to use, the entries are distinguished by their “type” and this is often indicated by one of the following “type words” at the beginning of the main entry or a sub-entry:

attribute, BibTeX built-in function, BibTeX command, BibTeX entry type, BibTeX field, BibTeX style, boolean, counter, document class, env., env. variable, file, file extension, folio style, font, font encoding, function, key, key/option, key value, keyword, length, option, package, page style, program, rigid length, or syntax.

The absence of an explicit “type word” means that the “type” is either a LaTeX “command” or simply a “concept”.

Use by, or in connection with, a particular package is indicated by adding the package name (in parentheses) to an entry or sub-entry. There is one “virtual” package name, tlc, which indicates commands introduced only for illustrative purposes in this book.

A blue italic page number indicates that the command or concept is demonstrated in an example on that page.

When there are several page numbers listed, bold face indicates a page containing important information about an entry, such as a definition or basic usage.

When looking for the position of an entry in the index, you need to realize that, when they come at the start of a command or file extension, both of the characters and . are ignored. All symbols come before all letters and everything that starts with the @ character will appear immediately before A.


! syntax, 280, 528

(array), 244, 246, 247

(babel), shorthand character, 554

(docstrip), 819

(makeindex), 651, 653, 658, 659, 660

!, 508

(tipa), 406

" syntax, 345

(BibTeX), 761, 769

(babel), shorthand character, 551, 552, 553, 574, 657, 662

(makeindex), 652, 653, 660

", 453, 455, 662

(yfonts), 394, 395, 396

"" syntax (babel), 553

"' syntax (babel), 552

"- syntax (babel), 553

"< syntax (babel), 553

"= syntax (babel), 553

"> syntax (babel), 553

"letter syntax

(babel), 548, 552, 553, 567, 591

(yfonts), 395

"8-bit letter syntax (babel), 567

"~ syntax (babel), 553

"' syntax (babel), 552

"| syntax (babel), 553

' syntax, 345

(BibTeX), 769

(babel), shorthand character, 556, 563, 574

', 241, 242, 456, 567

(inputenc), 445

(tipa), 406

'letter syntax (babel), 555, 556

( syntax, 498, 537

(BibTeX), 769

(delarray), 489

(makeindex), 660

), 502

error using, 895

(ifthen), 877

(soul), 89

) syntax, 498, 537

(BibTeX), 769

(delarray), 489

(makeindex), 660

), 502

error using, 895

(ifthen), 877

(soul), 89

* (asterisk) error messages, 894

* syntax, 243, 530

(array), 250

(calc), 197, 250, 871, 872, 873, 876

(docstrip), 819, 820

(hhline), 266, 267


(doc), 822

(tipa), 406

*letter syntax (yfonts), 395

+ syntax, 530

(calc), 131, 148150, 197, 201, 227, 250, 850, 861, 866, 871

(docstrip), 820

+, error using, 912

, syntax, 536

(BibTeX), 761, 769

(tlc), 275

,, 114, 126, 507, 508, 525, 691

in math, 472, 474, 486, 487, 492, 493, 496

- (hyphen)

nonbreaking, 83, 93

- syntax, 83, 530

(calc), 250, 867, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873

(docstrip), 820

(hhline), 266, 267

-, 241, 247, 249, 553, 940

error using, 912

(soul), 88

(ulem), 87

-- syntax, 83

--- syntax, 83, 345

. syntax, 498, 528

(babel), shorthand character, 558

(tlc), 275

., 456, 567

... (ellipsis)

mathematical symbol, 496, 497

spacing, 8183

.pybrc.conf file (pybliographic), 784

/ syntax, 498, 528

(calc), 250, 871, 873

(docstrip), 819, 820

/, 340, 341, 342

(soul), 89

: syntax, 535

(arydshln), 267, 268

(babel), shorthand character, 554

(hhline), 266, 267

:, 507, 508, 525

(tipa), 406

:: syntax

(arydshln), 268

(hhline), 267

(yfonts), 395

; syntax, 536

(arydshln), 268

(babel), shorthand character, 554, 591

;, 507, 508, 525

(tipa), 406

< syntax, 532

(array), 244, 246, 248

(babel), shorthand character, 557, 574

(ifthen), 873, 875, 876


error using, 895, 912

(soul), 90

<< syntax (babel), 557, 590

= syntax, 532

(BibTeX), 761, 769

(babel), shorthand character, 557, 581

(hhline), 266, 267

(ifthen), 873, 875

=, 241, 456

error using, 910

(inputenc), 445

(tipa), 406

=letter syntax (babel), 557

> syntax, 532

(array), 244, 245250, 264

(babel), shorthand character, 557, 574

(colortbl), 265

(ifthen), 875, 876

(tabularx), 251, 252

>, 241

error using, 912

(soul), 89, 90

>> syntax (babel), 557, 590

? font encoding, 453

? syntax, 528

(babel), shorthand character, 554

(QED) symbol, 143, 144

[ syntax, 498, 537

[, 469, 481, 503, 893

error using, 895

spacing problems before, 481

(amsmath), 469

# syntax, 149

in TeX error message, 905, 908, 914

(BibTeX), 769, 770, 771

(bibtool), 781

(hhline), 266, 267

#, 501, 524, 528

## syntax, 149, 833

% syntax (BibTeX), 769

\%, 528

%<...> syntax (docstrip), 819, 820

%<<... syntax (docstrip), 833

%% syntax (docstrip), 833

& syntax, 242

error using, 898, 904, 911

(amsmath), 470, 473, 475478, 486, 487

error using, 898

(docstrip), 819

&, 528

error using, 904

$ syntax, 246, 502

$, 456, 527

_ syntax

error using, 905

(index), 681

\_, 457, 528

\, 104, 242, 264, 489, 860

error using, 911

in tabbing, 241, 242

in headings, 23, 31

problem in tabular, 104

(amscd), 488, 489

(amsmath), 470, 471, 472479, 480, 482488, 492, 493

(array), 244, 246, 247

(booktabs), 271

(delarray), 489

(fancyhdr), 225

(longtable), 261

(soul), 90

(supertabular), 256, 257

(tabularx), 252

\*, 261

(amsmath), 470, 479, 481

(longtable), 261

languagehyphenmins (babel), 579, 586

numheadlines option (typearea), 205

{, 463, 475, 483, 498, 501, 525, 537

{ syntax

(BibTeX), 761, 766768, 769

(makeindex), 660

{} syntax, 80, 473, 474, 487, 507

(xspace), 81

}, 463, 475, 483, 498, 501, 525, 537

} syntax

(BibTeX), 761, 766768, 769

(makeindex), 660

^, 457

(tipa), 406

^ syntax

(babel), shorthand character, 556

(index), 681

^letter syntax (babel), 556

^| syntax (babel), 556

~ (tilde)

multilingual aspects, 554

nonbreaking space, 550

~, 463

(tipa), 406

~ syntax, 554, 943

(babel), shorthand character, 574

(hhline), 266, 267

~- syntax (babel), 554

~-- syntax (babel), 554

~--- syntax (babel), 554

~letter syntax (babel), 554

€ (euro symbol), 407412

, 80

], 469, 503, 893

error using, 895

(amsmath), 469

] syntax, 498, 537

', 241, 457

(inputenc), 445

(textcomp), 365

(tipa), 406

' syntax

(babel), shorthand character, 555, 574

(dvips), 626

'letter syntax (babel), 555

|, 498, 528

(tipa), 406

| syntax, 243, 248, 498, 528

(array), 244, 245247, 249, 268

(babel), shorthand character, 574

(booktabs), 269

(docstrip), 819

(hhline), 266, 267

(ltxdoc), 834

(makeindex), 652, 658, 660

(tabls), 269

(tabularx), 251, 252

(tabulary), 253, 254

|( syntax (makeindex), 651, 652, 658, 659

|) syntax (makeindex), 651, 652, 658, 659

|see syntax (makeindex), 651, 653

|| syntax, 243

(booktabs), 269

(hhline), 267

10pt option, 198, 881

(amsmath), 479

11pt option, 16, 144, 198, 343

12pt option, 198

1 syntax (paralist), 133, 135, 137

8859-8 option (inputenc), 578

88591lat.csf file (bibtex8), 759

8r.enc file, 388, 420


@ syntax, 243, 246, 272, 528

error using, 905

in command names, 18, 843

(BibTeX), 761, 762, 764

(makeindex), 652, 653, 658, 660

@, 80, 696

error using, 914

@((( syntax (amscd), 488

@))) syntax (amscd), 488

@. syntax (amscd), 489

@<<< syntax (amscd), 488

@= syntax (amscd), 488, 489

@>>> syntax (amscd), 488, 489

@{} syntax, 225, 247, 248, 270, 272

@AAA syntax (amscd), 488

@addtoreset, 14, 25, 112, 217, 485, 851, 852, 854

@afterheading, 32, 33, 875

@afterindent boolean, 32, 875

@afterindentfalse, 33

@beginparpenalty, 146

@biblabel, 692, 693

(natbib), 693

@cite, 692

@dotsep, 51

@dottedtocline, 50, 51, 52, 54

@endparpenalty, 146

@evenfoot, 223

@evenhead, 223

@firstcolumn boolean, 875

@float, 308

@gobble, 885

@idxitem, 679, 680

(doc), 823

@ifpackagelater, 888

@ifpackageloaded, 888

@ifpackagewith, 888

@include, 20

@inlabel boolean, 875

@itempenalty, 146

@listi, 144

@listii, 144

@listiii, 144

@makecaption, 307, 308

@makefigcaption (tlc), 308

@makefnmark, 113

@makefntext, 113, 114

@makeschapterhead, 679

@makewincaption (picinpar), 109

@mkboth, 222

@newlist boolean, 875

@noskipsec boolean, 875

@oddfoot, 223, 892

@oddhead, 223

@pnumwidth rigid length, 51, 52, 62

@preamble BibTeX command, 771, 808, 847

(bibextract), 777

@ptsize, 198, 199

@removefromreset (remreset), 851, 852

@seccntformat, 26, 27

@secpenalty, 42, 937

@startsection, 27, 28, 2931, 32, 287, 859

error using, 914

with float barrier, 288

@starttoc, 54, 55

(notoccite), 698

@string BibTeX command, 769, 770

(BibTexMng), 789

(bibextract), 777

(bibtool), 781

@tabacckludge, 445, 452

@tempboxa, 307, 308

@tempswa boolean, 692, 875

@thefnmark, 113, 114

@tocrmarg, 51, 52

@topcaptionfalse (supertabular), 257

@twocolumn boolean, 680, 875

@twoside boolean, 199, 875

@VVV syntax (amscd), 488, 489

@| syntax (amscd), 488


A syntax (paralist), 133, 135, 137

a syntax (paralist), 132, 133, 137

problems with, 133

a', 241

a0 option (crop), 213

a0paper key/option (geometry), 206

a0paper option, 196

(typearea), 204

a1 option (crop), 213

a1paper key/option (geometry), 206

a2 option (crop), 213

a2paper key/option (geometry), 206

a3 option (crop), 213

a3paper key/option (geometry), 206

a4 option (crop), 213

a4 package, 199, 202

a4dutch package, 202

a4paper key/option (geometry), 206

a4paper option, 16, 195, 880

(typearea), 204

a4wide package, 202

a5 option (crop), 213, 214

a5 package, 202

a5comb package, 202

a5paper key/option (geometry), 206

a5paper option, 195

(typearea), 204, 205

a6 option (crop), 213

a6paper key/option (geometry), 206, 209, 211

a6paper option (typearea), 204

a=, 241

a', 241


in bibliographies, 769771

of environments, 468

abbrv BibTeX style, 692, 693, 767, 791, 792, 794, 806

(bibtopic), 753, 754

abbrvnat BibTeX style (natbib), 685, 707, 710, 715, 791

above, 494

above option (placeins), 289

abovecaptionskip length, 307, 308, 312

abovedisplayshortskip length, 480, 481

abovedisplayskip length, 479, 480

aboverulesep rigid length (booktabs), 270

aboveskip key/option (caption), 311, 312, 318, 319

abovetopsep rigid length (booktabs), 270

abovewithdelims, 494

abs (tlc), 500, 501

abstract BibTeX field, 762, 791

(BibTexMng), 789

(printbib), 776

abstract BibTeX style, 791

abstract env., 34

abstractname, 34

(babel), 547

acadian option (babel), 543

accent, 330, 337, 353, 430, 452, 590

accented characters

OT1 encoding, 337

in command and environment names, 842

input encoding, 357, 358, 359361

multilingual documents, 552

accentedsymbol (amsxtra), 467


as superscripts, 467, 495

dottier, 494, 495

in bibliography database, 768, 769

in tables, 241, 242

math symbols, 529

accents package, 494, 965

accentset (accents), 495

Acite (babel), 564

acite (babel), 564

acm BibTeX style, 791

acro (tlc), 341

Acrobat Distiller program, 643

active@charchar (babel), 590

activeacute option (babel), 554, 556, 581

activegrave option (babel), 555, 581

actual keyword (makeindex), 660, 662

actualchar (doc), 822

acute, 529

acute accent ('), shorthand character, 556

Ada key value (listings), 170172

add (tlc), 488

add.period$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

addcontentsline, 33, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54, 680

problems with include, 49

(titleref), 77

adddialect (babel), 584, 585

addlanguage (babel), 584

addlinespace (booktabs), 271, 272

addpenalty, 43, 859, 860

output produced from, 937

address BibTeX field, 690, 717, 763, 765, 772, 779

AddThinSpaceBeforeFootnotes (babel), 565, 566

AddTo (jurabib), 723, 727, 733, 734, 735

addto (babel), 74, 589, 734

addtocontents, 46, 48, 49, 59

problems with include, 49

addtocounter, 24, 852

error using, 906, 907

(calc), 871

error using, 895

addtolength, 855, 872

error using, 907

(calc), 871, 872

error using, 895

addvspace, 33, 48, 59, 61, 63, 64, 858, 859, 860

error using, 909, 910

output produced from, 937

adjust option (cite), 695

ADLdrawingmode (arydshln), 268

Adobe Reader program, 78, 642

advance, 871

AE, 345, 457

ae, 458

(tipa), 406

ae package, 356

affiliation BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

afm2tfm program, 979

afrikaans option (babel), 543, 585

afterpage (afterpage), 289, 295

afterpage package, 289

aftersave key (fancyvrb), 166, 167

agsm BibTeX style

(harvard), 700, 791, 792

(natbib), 703706, 708

agu BibTeX style

(bibentry), 711

(natbib), 705, 706

Ahead (tlc), 45

aleph, 527

alg package, 168

algorithmic package, 168

aliasshorthand (babel), 548

align env. (amsmath), 469, 470, 475, 476, 477, 483, 485

adjusting with minalignsep, 477

error using, 895, 904

interrupted, 479

align* env. (amsmath), 469, 493, 497

aligned env. (amsmath), 469, 477, 478, 479, 486, 898

adjusting with minalignsep, 479

error using, 895, 897


document headings, 37


groups with alignment, 475

groups without alignment, 474, 475

multiple alignments, 475, 476, 477

multiple lines, no alignment, 471, 472

multiple lines, with alignment, 473, 474

on multiple lines, no alignment, 471, 472

on multiple lines, with alignment, 473, 474

tag placement, 469

margin, optical, 1089

mathematical typesetting, 505, 506, 507


decimal data, 272, 274, 275, 276

horizontal, 261

vertical, 246, 273, 274

tables of contents, 60, 61, 62

all key value

(fancyvrb), 158

(jurabib), 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 734, 735

allcaps (tlc), 91, 92


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 609

allletters (tlc), 387

allowdisplaybreaks (amsmath), 468, 481

allowhyphens (babel), 590, 591

allowmove option (url), 94

allreversed key value (jurabib), 723, 738

alltt env. (alltt), 152

alltt package, 152

Almost European fonts, 356

almostfull option (textcomp), 364

Alph folio style, 216

Alph, 25, 33, 129, 130, 133, 852, 853

error using, 897

(babel), 559, 560

alph, 130, 133, 852, 853

error using, 897

(babel), 559, 560

(perpage), 121

alph folio style, 216

alpha, 392, 490, 501, 527

alpha BibTeX style, 791, 792, 795, 806, 807, 810

key construction, 764, 768

(biblist), 775

alphabet identifiers, 348, 349351

alphabetically numbered document headings, 25

Alphfinal (babel), 560

alpine option (ifsym), 405

AlsoImplementation (doc), 817, 820, 836

alsoname (babel), 547

altDescription env. (tlc), 149, 850

AltMacroFont (doc), 823

alwaysadjust option (paralist), 135, 136

amalg, 530

(mathptmx), unavailable with, 377

american option (babel), 543

American Mathematical Society (AMS), 467, 468

AMS (American Mathematical Society), 467, 468

amsalpha BibTeX style, 791

amsart document class, 467, 701, 964

amsbook document class, 467, 701, 964

amscd package, 467, 488, 489

amsfonts package, 383, 385, 386, 467, 509

providing LaTeXsym symbols, 464


accents as superscripts, 467

commutative diagrams, generating, 467

cross-reference numbers, 467

document classes, 467

documentation, 467

environment abbreviations, 468

fonts, 467, 468

fragile commands, 468

package options, 466

proof environment, 143, 144

sub-packages, 466, 467

text fragments, typesetting, 467

theorem-like structures, 138144, 467

amsmath package, 83, 138, 465488, 489, 490508, 524, 535, 964

error using, 889

vs. standard LaTeX, 470, 471

amsmath.dtx file (amsmath), 471, 484

amsopn package, 466

amsplain BibTeX style, 791

amsproc document class, 467, 964

amsrefs package, 968

amssymb package, 383, 385, 386, 392, 467, 509, 511, 524537

providing LaTeXsym symbols, 464

amssymb.sty file (amssymb), 529

AMS-TeX, 465, 466

amstext package, 467

amsthm package, 138144, 467, 964

problems with ragged2e, 142

amsxport package, 968 amsxtra package, 467, 495

anchor (dingbat), 401

and (ifthen), 877

and key value (jurabib), 718

and keyword (BibTeX), 767

and others keyword (BibTeX), 690, 768, 793797

andname (jurabib), 736

angle (amssymb), 528

angle key (graphicx), 619, 622, 623

error using, 898

angle option (natbib), 706

annotate BibTeX field, 810, 811

annotate BibTeX style, 791, 810, 811

annotating bibliographies, 721, 740, 741, 742

annotation BibTeX style, 791, 810

annotatorfirstsep key/option (jurabib), 717, 723, 724

annotatorformat key/option (jurabib), 717, 733

annote BibTeX field, 765, 791, 810

(custom-bib), 802

(jurabib), 740, 742

annote BibTeX style, 765

annote key/option (jurabib), 740, 741, 742

ansinew option (inputenc), 360, 669

answer (tlc), 828

ante key (lettrine), 101

any keyword (makeindex), 657

apa BibTeX style, 791

Apageref (babel), 563

apageref (babel), 563

apalike BibTeX style (apalike), 791, 792

apalike package, 692, 791

apalike2 BibTeX style (apalike), 791

Appendix (tlc), 32, 33

appendix, 22, 32

(tlc), 33

appendixname, 33, 34, 38

(babel), 547

applemac option (inputenc), 360

approx, 532

approxeq (amssymb), 532

apy key (jurabib), 718

arabic, 25, 26, 130, 133, 417, 849, 851, 852, 853, 854

arabic folio style, 216

Arabic language, 591

Arabic numbers, document headings, 25


(curves), 611

(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 610

arccos, 500

arcctg (babel), 564

arch (babel), 564

arcs, drawing, 610

arcsin, 500

arctan, 500

arctg (babel), 564

Aref (babel), 563

aref (babel), 563

arg, 500

arg_close keyword (makeindex), 660

arg_open keyword (makeindex), 660

arguments, see also keys

optional, 845, 850

restrictions, 845, 846, 894

typed text in, 165, 166, 167, 168

unavailable, 848

arithmetic calculations (calc), 871, 872 file (dingbat), 400

Armenian language, 592

array env., 104, 240, 242, 243, 247, 277, 470, 485487, 489, 490, 863

error using, 901, 904, 905

style parameters, 243

(array), 246248, 273, 274

(delarray), 489

(tabls), 269

array package, 243251, 280282, 489

combined with arydshln, 267

combined with booktabs, 270

combined with color, 264

combined with supertabular, 256

incompatible with tabls, 269


(array), 247, 249

(tabularx), 251, 252

arraycolsep rigid length, 243, 247

(amsmath), 487

arraylinesep rigid length (tabls), 269

arrayrulecolor (colortbl), 265

arrayrulewidth rigid length, 243, 250, 266, 267

(hhline), 267

arrays, delimiters surrounding, 489

arraystretch, 243, 244, 267, 268, 269

arrow extensions, math symbols, 535

arrowlength (pspicture), 640, 641

Arrownot (stmaryrd), 535

arrownot (stmaryrd), 533, 535

arrows env. (tlc), 181

arrows, math symbols

decorated, 490

extensions, 535

negated, 534

standard, 534

Arrowvert, 498, 528

arrowvert, 498, 528

article BibTeX entry type, 690, 763, 770

(jurabib), 719

article document class, 6, 13, 115, 120, 147, 195, 223, 467, 679, 774

footnote numbering, 112

heading commands, 22, 23, 25, 51

replacement for, 236, 237

arydshln package, 267, 268

Asbuk (babel), 559

asbuk (babel), 559

ascii option (inputenc), 360, 925

Ask (docstrip), 827, 828

askforoverwritefalse (docstrip), 828

askforoverwritetrue (docstrip), 828

askinclude package, 19

askonceonly (docstrip), 828

AskOptions (optional), 21

asparadesc env. (paralist), 136, 138

asparaenum env. (paralist), 133

asparaitem env. (paralist), 135

ast, 495, 530

asterisk (*) error messages, 894

astron BibTeX style, 791

asymmetric key/option (geometry), 208, 209

asymmetrical page layout, 208, 209

asymp, 532

AtBeginDelayedFloats (endfloat), 290

AtBeginDocument, 422, 835, 836, 879, 883, 884

AtBeginFigures (endfloat), 290

AtBeginTables (endfloat), 290

AtEndDocument, 216, 836, 879, 883

AtEndOfClass, 879, 883, 886, 887

AtEndOfPackage, 879, 883

AtForty (marvosym), 401


(athnum), 562

(babel), 562

atop, 494

atopwithdelims, 494

australian option (babel), 543

austrian option (babel), 543, 546, 734

author, warning using, 925

author BibTeX field, 690, 732, 763765, 766769, 772

(jurabib), 717, 718

author index, generating, 681

author-date citations, 698711, see also citation systems

author information missing, 708

author list only with first citation, 704, 705

author-number, switching to, 714

authors on single line, 706

customizing, bibliography, 707

customizing, citations, 705, 706

definition, 684

electronic publications, 710

forcing, 708, 709

full citations in running text, 710, 711

history of, 6991092

indexing citations automatically, 709

multiple citations, 703, 704

number-only, switching to, 714

short-title format, combining, 732, 733

styles supported, 710

year information missing, 708

author-number citations, 712, see also citation systems

compressing citations, 714

customizing citations, 715

definition, 685

description, 712

sort order, 714

authordate1 BibTeX style (authordate1-4), 700, 791

authordate1-4 package, 700, 791

authordate2 BibTeX style (authordate1-4), 700, 791

authordate3 BibTeX style (authordate1-4), 700, 791

authordate4 BibTeX style (authordate1-4), 700, 791

authorformat key/option (jurabib), 718, 719, 720, 724, 729, 730, 732, 733, 735737, 738

authors, bibliographies

gender, 734, 735, 742

information field, 743

information missing, 708

list on single line, 706

list only with first citation, 704, 705

list separator, 736, 738

authoryear option (natbib), 708, 709, 714

auto key value (fancyvrb), 159, 164

auto-completion, page layout, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

autodinglist env. (pifont), 380

automatic indexing, disabling

doc package, 817

ltxdoc class, 836

.aux file extension, 7, 8, 18, 19, 130, 687689, 691, 745, 746, 793

(BibTeX), 758, 793

(aux2bib), 775

(bib2html), 776

(bibtopic), 754

(chapterbib), 747

(citetags), 778

(footmisc), 116

(index), 681

(longtable), 259

(mparhack), 127

(multibib), 756

(perpage), 121

aux2bib program, 775, 787

auxiliary files, 7, 8

avant package, 371, 373

Avant Garde Gothic font, 374

awk program, 775, 778

Az (babel), 563

az (babel), 563


, 452, 458

b syntax

(array), 244, 245, 249

(delarray), 489

(hhline), 266, 267

b0 option (crop), 213

b0paper key/option (geometry), 206

b1 option (crop), 213

b1paper key/option (geometry), 206

b2 option (crop), 213

b2paper key/option (geometry), 206

b3 option (crop), 213

b3paper key/option (geometry), 206

b4 option (crop), 213

b4paper key/option (geometry), 206

b5 option (crop), 213

b5paper key/option (geometry), 206

b5paper option, 195

(typearea), 204

b6 option (crop), 213

b6paper key/option (geometry), 206

b6paper option (typearea), 204

ba package, 521

babel package, 539, 541, 542591, 701, 733, 749, 915

description, 542

error using, 889, 903, 906, 911, 914, 915

hyphenation in multiple languages, 580, 581

language definition files

adding definitions to, 589

copyright information, 582

definition, 579

documentation driver, 583

documentation initialization, 583

hyphenation patterns, adjusting, 586

language identification, 582

languages and dialects, defining, 584, 585

license information, 582

punctuation, special cases, 591

release information, 583

shorthands, 589591

structure, 582591

translating language-dependent strings, 586

language options, 543

language-dependent strings, 547, 549551, 579, 586

package file, 581

user interface, 543578

warning using, 931

babel package, language options

encoding languages and fonts, 567, 577

OT1, 566

T1, 566

T2A, 571

T2B, 573

T2C, 573

language-specific commands, 558564

layout considerations, 564566

shorthands, 550558

translations, 550, 551

babel.def file (babel), 579

babel.sty file (babel), 581

back reference information, bibliographies, 742

ackepsilon (amssymb), 535

background fill, 157, 158

ackmatter, 22

ackprime (amssymb), 528

backref option (hyperref), 78

acksim (amssymb), 532

acksimeq (amssymb), 532

ackslash, 498, 528

backward compatibility, 463, 464

badness rating, line breaks, 859

bahasa option (babel), 543

balancing columns, 187

balancingshow option (multicol), 188

alpha (tlc), 512

ar, 529

(bar), 612, 613

bar package, 612

bar charts, 612, 613

barenv env. (bar), 612, 613

aro (stmaryrd), 530

arwedge (amssymb), 530

BaseDirectory (docstrip), 831, 832, 914

baseline key (fancyvrb), 164

aselineskip length, 106, 107, 108, 197, 198, 234, 857, 866, 936, 937, 938

adjusting the leading, 373

(ccfonts), 384

(geometry), 207

(typearea), 204

(yfonts), 395

aselinestretch, 107, 108

(setspace), 107

baselinestretch key (fancyvrb), 159

basicstyle key (listings), 170

Baskerville font in math and text, 520

basque option (babel), 543

atchinput (docstrip), 829

atchmode, 944

bb key (graphicx), 618, 619, 620, 621

Bbbk (amssymb), 527

bbding package, 403

.bbl file extension, 8, 688, 689, 745, 746, 793

(BibTexMng), 789

(BibTeX), 746, 771, 793, 806, 808, 809

(bibentry), 711

(chapterbib), 749

(jurabib), 726

bl@activate (babel), 589, 590

bl@activatechar (babel), 590

bl@allowhyphens (babel), 590

bl@deactivate (babel), 589, 590

bl@declare@ttribute (babel), 585

bbllx key (graphicx), 619

bblly key (graphicx), 619

bblopts.cfg file (babel), 581

bbs BibTeX style, 791

bslash (stmaryrd), 530

bburx key (graphicx), 619

bbury key (graphicx), 619

Bcenter env. (fancybox), 599, 600

cline (tlc), 265

BCORval option (typearea), 205

Bdescription env. (fancybox), 600

ecause (amssymb), 535

egin, error using, 895, 896, 899

egingroup, 504, 896, 898, 917, 921

error using, 899, 906

below option (placeins), 58, 289

elowbottomsep rigid length (booktabs), 270

elowcaptionskip length, 307, 308, 312

elowdisplayshortskip length, 480

elowdisplayskip length, 479, 480

elowrulesep rigid length (booktabs), 270

belowskip key/option (caption), 312

bengali package, 592

Benumerate env. (fancybox), 600

Beqnarray env. (fancybox), 600

Beqnarray* env. (fancybox), 600

eta, 527

(fourier), 392, 393

eth (amssymb), 527

beton package, 384, 397

etween (amssymb), 535

Bèzier curves, see epic package; eepic package

f, 328, 347

used in math, 349, 464

(custom-bib), 803

bf key value

(caption), 301, 306, 310, 311, 313, 324

(subfig), 316

bf option (titlesec), 37

fdefault, 346, 347, 438

bfitemize env. (tlc), 345

Bflushleft env. (fancybox), 599, 600

Bflushright env. (fancybox), 599, 600

fseries, 340, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 848

used in math, 348, 350

(ulem), replaced by uwave, 87

bfseries env., 338

ga (tlc), 468

group, 921

hline (tlc), 265

.bib file extension, 8, 688, 689

(BibTeX), 762, 764, 766, 769, 770, 773, 776, 806, 809

cite in, 773

(aux2bib), 775

(bibextract), 778

(bibtool), 782

string expansion, 781

(bibulus), 760

(citefind), 778

(makebib), 776

(multibib), 755

bib.html file (bib2html), 776

bib2html program, 776, 783

ibAnnotePath (jurabib), 741

ibansep (jurabib), 738

ibapifont (jurabib), 737

ibatsep (jurabib), 738

ibauthormultiple (jurabib), 740

ibbdsep (jurabib), 738

ibbfsasep (jurabib), 738

ibbfsesep (jurabib), 738

ibbstasep (jurabib), 738

ibbstesep (jurabib), 738

ibbtasep (jurabib), 738

ibbtesep (jurabib), 738

ibbtfont (jurabib), 737

bibclean program, 777, 778, 789, 964

ibcolumnsep (jurabib), 739

ibdata, 689

(chapterbib), 747

ibeansep (jurabib), 738

ibefnfont (jurabib), 737

ibelnfont (jurabib), 737

ibentry (bibentry), 711

bibentry key value (jurabib), 738

bibentry package, 710, 711

bibextract program, 777, 778

ibfnfont (jurabib), 737

ibfont (natbib), 707, 715

bibformat key/option (jurabib), 735, 738, 739, 740, 797

ibhang rigid length (natbib), 707, 715

problem using, 715

ibidemPfname (jurabib), 735

ibidempfname (jurabib), 735

ibidemPmname (jurabib), 735

ibidempmname (jurabib), 735

ibidemPnname (jurabib), 735

ibidempnname (jurabib), 735

ibidemSfname (jurabib), 735

ibidemsfname (jurabib), 735

ibidemSmname (jurabib), 735, 740

ibidemsmname (jurabib), 735

ibidemSnname (jurabib), 735

ibidemsnname (jurabib), 735

ibindent rigid length, 693

ibitem, 686, 687, 691, 693, 698, 699, 745, 918

error using, 894

warning using, 928

(BibTeX), 764, 806

(bibentry), 711

(chicago), 699

(harvard), 700

(jurabib), 699, 716, 742

(natbib), 701, 702, 709, 714

(showkeys), 68

ibjtfont (jurabib), 737

ibjtsep (jurabib), 738

BibKeeper program, 789

bibkey program, 775

biblabel option (cite), 697

ibleftcolumn (jurabib), 739

ibleftcolumnadjust (jurabib), 739

biblikecite key/option (jurabib), 737

bibliographies, see also BibTeX; citations; database format, bibliographies; database management tools, bibliographies

BibTeX variants, 758761

annotating, 721, 740, 741, 742

author-date citations, 707


gender, 734, 735, 742

information field, 743

information missing, 708

list on single line, 706

list only with first citation, 704, 705

list separator, 736, 738

name, formatting, 798

back reference information, 742

citation input file, creating, 687689


author-date, 707

footnotes, 726, 727, 728

in captions, 697

in headings, 697 indexing automatically, 709, 720, 721

citations, sort order

author-number citation system, 714

number-only citation systems, 693, 694, 695, 714

short-title citation system, 743

collections, 742

color, 695

column layout, 739

compressing citations, 714

configuration files, external, 741

cross-references, 732


author-date citation system, 707

short-title citation system, 736, 737, 738, 739741

Cyrillic alphabet, 573

database format, 761773

database management tools, 774789

description, 757, 758

dissertation year, 742

DOI, 710

edition information, 742

editor information, 742

EID, 710

electronic publications, 710

endnote citations, 726, 727, 728

fonts, 736, 737

footnote citations, 726, 727, 728

founder information, 742

gender information, 734, 735, 742

in tables of contents, 48

indentation, 738, 739

input file, creating, 687689

Internet resources, 773, 774

ISBN, 710

ISSN, 710

keywords, associating with database entries, 689

last update field, 743

law support, 743, 744, 745

line breaks, 694

multi-language support, 733, 734, 735


bibtopic package, 753, 754, 755

bibunits package, 749, 750752, 753

by arbitrary unit, 749, 750752, 753

by chapter, 747, 748, 749

by topic, separate citation commands, 755, 756

by topic, separate database files, 753, 754, 755

chapterbib package, 747, 748, 749

citation systems, 745756

description, 745, 746

multibib package, 755, 756

package comparisons, 746

per included file, 747, 748, 749

online resources, 773, 774

page boundaries, ignoring, 729

page total field, 743


number-only citation systems, 695

short-title citation system, 735

pre-notes, 721


BibTeX++, 760

BibTeX8, 759

8-bit version, 759

bibulus, 760

Java version, 760

MIBibTeX, 761

multilingual version, 761

perl version, 760

XML aware, 760


number-only citation systems, 694, 696, 697

short-title citation system, 738

short-title citations, 736, 737, 738, 739741

sort order

author-number citation system, 714

number-only citation systems, 693, 694, 695, 714

short-title citation system, 743

style files

citation scheme, selecting, 800, 801

creating, 798804

description, 790

editing, 805812

extensions supported, determining, 802, 803

fields, adding new, 810, 811

formatting, specifying, 803, 804

initializing the system, 799, 800

list of, 791793

modifying, 805812

multi-language support, adding, 811, 812

style language, 805812

style language

blanks, 805

built-in functions, 805, 807, 808

case changes, disabling, 809, 810

commands, 805, 807, 808

comment character, 761

entry variables, 805

field variables, 805

fields, adding new, 810, 811

global variables, 805

multi-language support, adding, 811, 812

process flow, 806809

sort order, 806

style files, 805812

variables, types of, 805


formats, 719, 720

information field, 743

mapping short to full, 721, 722, 723

translated works, 742, 743

URLs, 710, 742, 743

volume title, 743

year information missing, 708

ibliography, 685, 688, 689, 692, 693, 745, 770, 778

as used in the examples, 691

(bibentry), 711

(biblist), 774, 775

(bibunits), 750, 751

(chapterbib), 747, 748, 749

(jurabib), 723, 726

(multibib), 756

(natbib), 709

bibliography database files, 8

bibliography input file, creating (BibTeX), 687689

bibliography keywords, associating with database entries, 689

bibliography style files, 8

ibliography* (bibunits), 751, 752

ibliographytype (multibib), 756

ibliographyLaTeX (tlc), 756

ibliographystyle, 688, 745, 778, 793

(biblist), 774, 775

(bibtopic), 753, 755

(bibunits), 750, 751

(chapterbib), 747, 748

(jurabib), 717721, 723741

(multibib), 756

(natbib), 705, 714

ibliographystyle* (bibunits), 751, 752

ibliographystyletype (multibib), 756

ibliographystyleLaTeX (tlc), 756

ibliographyunit (bibunits), 751, 752

biblist package, 774, 775

iblnfont (jurabib), 737

ibname, 34, 748, 749

(babel), 547, 585

(chapterbib), 749

ibnotcited (jurabib), 723

ibnumfmt (natbib), 715

ibpreamble (natbib), 707, 715

ibpunct (natbib), 706, 714

ibrightcolumn (jurabib), 739

ibrightcolumnadjust (jurabib), 739

ibslanguage (jurabib), 733

ibsall (jurabib), 733, 734

ibsection (natbib), 707, 715

ibsenglish (jurabib), 734, 735

ibsep length (natbib), 707, 715

ibsgerman (jurabib), 734

ibstyle, 689

(chapterbib), 747

ibstyle@style (natbib), 706

BibTeX program, 761773, 790812

Cyrillic alphabet, 573

multilingual documents, 573

BibTeX++ program, 760

bibtex8 program, 759

BibTexMng program, 789

ibtfont (jurabib), 737

bibtool program, xxvi, 778783, 787, 789, 978

bibtopic package, 746, 753755

compatibility matrix, 746

ibtotalpagesname (jurabib), 743

bibulus program, 760

bibulus.dtd file (bibulus), 760

bibunit env. (bibunits), 750, 751, 752

bibunits package, xxvii, 746, 749753

compatibility matrix, 746

incompatible with bibtopic, 754

Bicycle (marvosym), 401

Big, 489, 504

error using, 905

ig, 504

error using, 905

big option (titlesec), 37

big-g delimiters, 504

igbox (stmaryrd), 536

igcap, 536

igcirc, 531

igcup, 475, 536

igcurlyvee (stmaryrd), 536

igcurlywedge (stmaryrd), 536

bigfoot package, 117, 122

Bigg, 504

error using, 905

igg, 504

error using, 905

Biggl, 483, 504, 511

error using, 905

iggl, 472, 474, 504, 510, 511

error using, 905

Biggm, 504

error using, 905

iggm, 504

error using, 905

Biggr, 483, 504, 511

error using, 905

iggr, 472, 474, 504, 510, 511

error using, 905

iginterleave (stmaryrd), 536

Bigl, 504, 511, 526

error using, 905

igl, 504, 511

error using, 905

Bigm, 504

error using, 905

igm, 504

error using, 905

ignplus (stmaryrd), 536

igodot, 536

igoplus, 491, 536

igotimes, 491, 536

igparallel (stmaryrd), 536

Bigr, 504, 511, 526

error using, 905

igr, 504, 511

error using, 905

igskip, 857

igskipamount length, 261, 857

igsqcap (stmaryrd), 536

igsqcup, 536

igstar (amssymb), 528

igstrutjot rigid length (multirow), 273

igtriangledown, 530, 536

(stmaryrd), 536

igtriangleup, 530, 536

(stmaryrd), 536

iguplus, 536

igvee, 536

igwedge, 536

inampersand (stmaryrd), 537

binary operator symbols, 529

bind option (tlc), 886, 887

binding, and the inner margin, 207

bindingoffset key/option (geometry), 207, 209

indnasrepma (stmaryrd), 537

inom (amsmath), 390, 391, 493, 494

Bitemize env. (fancybox), 600

Bitstream Charter font, 374

in math and text, 520

Bjarne option (fncychap), 34

bk11.clo file, 16

Blackboard Bold alphabet, 378, 509, 519

lacklozenge (amssymb), 528

lacksquare (amssymb), 528

lacktriangle (amssymb), 528

lacktriangledown (amssymb), 528

lacktriangleleft (amssymb), 533

lacktriangleright (amssymb), 533

BLANK PAGE on generated pages, 236


bibliography styles, 805

displaying, 160, 161

indexes, 650, 655, 666, 669

.blg file extension, 8

(BibTeX), 688

block key (titlesec), 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44

luefbox (tlc), 617

m (bm), 352, 377, 378, 504, 510, 511, 512, 513

bm package, 510513

error using, 912

problems with fourier, 393

problems with mathptmx, 377

bmargin key/option (geometry), 208

Bmatrix env. (amsmath), 486

bmatrix env. (amsmath), 486

mdefine (bm), 510, 511, 512

mod, 492, 493

neg (tlc), 528

body key/option (geometry), 211

body area, 207

body font, 338, 339

this book, 1089

bold fonts

description, 334

in formulas, 510512, 513

oldmath, 352, 511

(bm), 513

(fourier), 393

(mathpazo), 378

(mathptmx), 377

boldsans option (ccfonts), 384, 515

oldsymbol (amsmath), 510

book BibTeX entry type, 690, 717, 763, 772

(jurabib), 743

book document class, 6, 13, 22, 115, 120, 195, 216, 223, 467, 679

footnote numbering, 112

heading commands, 22, 23, 51

replacement for, 236, 237

booklet BibTeX entry type, 763

bookman package, 205, 371

Bookman font, 374

books, see documents

booktabs package, 269272

booktitle BibTeX field, 690, 737, 742, 763, 765, 772

booktitleaddon BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

oolean (ifthen), 199, 680, 692, 875, 886

borders, see boxes; frames

orn (tlc), 367

ot, 528

otfigrule, 285

othIfFirst (caption), 313

othIfSecond (caption), 313, 314

otmark, 218, 221

bottom key value

(caption), 312

(subfig), 317, 318

bottom key/option (geometry), 208

bottom option (footmisc), 120

ottomcaption (supertabular), 257

ottomfraction, 284, 286, 287

bottomline key value (fancyvrb), 158, 159

bottomnumber counter, 284

ottomrule (booktabs), 270, 272

ottomtitlespace (titlesec), 40

bounding box comments, 615

owtie, 535

Box (LaTeXsym), 464

oxast (stmaryrd), 530

oxbar (stmaryrd), 530

oxbox (stmaryrd), 530

oxbslash (stmaryrd), 530

oxcircle (stmaryrd), 530

oxdot (amssymb), 530

oxed (amsmath), 491

boxed key

(float), 292, 293, 294, 309, 311

(rotfloat), 298

boxedminipage env.

(boxedminipage), 595, 869

(tlc), 870

boxedminipage package, 595

oxempty (stmaryrd), 530

boxes, see also frames; lines (graphic)

color, troubleshooting, 870

description, 860

displaying contents, 943

double border, 597

LR boxes, 860862

manipulating, 868870

math symbols, 530

named, creating, 868, 869, 870

ornamental, 596600

oval, 596

paragraph boxes, 860, 862, 863866

rounded corners, 596, 597

rule boxes, 860, 866868

troubleshooting, 943

types of, 860

with frames, 595

with shadows, 595597


formulas, 491, 600

lists; paragraphs, 600

numbers in document headings, 26

small caps, 563

typed text, 164

oxlength (picins), 305

oxminus (amssymb), 530

oxplus (amssymb), 530

oxslash (stmaryrd), 530

oxtimes (amssymb), 530

boxwidth key (fancyvrb), 164

pi (tlc), 512

braces, omitting, 844

braces.rsc file (bibtool), 780

racevert, 498, 528

brazil option (babel), 543

brazilian option (babel), 543

breakall option (truncate), 233

breakautoindent key (listings), 173

breakindent key (listings), 173

breaklines key (listings), 173


before document headings, 42


indexes, 680

manually produced, 188, 189


badness rating, 859

bibliographies, 694

code listings, 172, 173

computer code, 172, 173

document headings, 31

in citations, 694

in tables, 247

in URL, 93

number-only citations, 694

second-last line, 849, 850

tables, 247

page, see also space parameters

badness rating, 859

equations, 479481

indexes, 680

multipage tables, 257

page layout, 234, 235

troubleshooting, 935939

paragraph algorithm

adjusting, 849, 850

second-last line, 849, 850

tracing, 940943

paragraph, troubleshooting, 939943


creating with ltxdoc class, 835

creating with doc package, 816

printing, 816, 835

breakwords option (truncate), 233

breqn package, 470, 968

breton option (babel), 543

reve, 529

british option (babel), 543, 550

s (tlc), 654

sc (babel), 563

slash (doc), 821

.bst file extension, 8

(BibTeX), 688, 689, 979

(custom-bib), 798, 799, 802, 804

(natbib), 708

btauxfile counter (bibtopic), 754

tPrintAll (bibtopic), 753

tPrintCited (bibtopic), 753, 754, 755

tPrintNotCited (bibtopic), 753

btSect env. (bibtopic), 753, 754, 755

btUnit env. (bibtopic), 754

btxbst.doc file (BibTeX), 806, 809

bunum .aux file (bibunits), 750

buffer size errors, 917

built-in functions, bibliographies, 805, 807, 808

bulgarian option (babel), 543, 550, 558, 568

ullet, 531, 549

Bumpeq (amssymb), 532

umpeq (amssymb), 532

bundle env. (ecltree), 612

BUseVerbatim (fancyvrb), 167

BVerbatim env. (fancyvrb), 164

BVerbatim* (fancyvrb), 164

BVerbatimInput (fancyvrb), 163, 164

BVerbatimInput* (fancyvrb), 164

bychapter folio style (chappg), 217

ye (nfssfont.tex), 369


C key value (listings), 170, 171

C syntax

(fancyhdr), 225, 226228

(tabulary), 253, 254

(tlc), 248

c, 452, 458

c syntax, 243, 244, 245

(array), 249, 250

(tabulary), 254

c5paper option (typearea), 204

calc package, 871, 872

combined with geometry, 210

error using, 889, 895

loaded by jurabib, 739

calculations, 871, 872

calcwidth option (titlesec), 41, 42

call.type$ BibTeX built-in function, 806, 808, 809

calQ (tlc), 501

cam option (crop), 212, 213

camel package, xxvi, 681, 743745, 965 file (makeindex), 745

canadian option (babel), 543

canadien option (babel), 543

Cancer (marvosym), 401

Cap (amssymb), 530

cap, 530

capital letters

at start of paragraph, see drop caps

document headings, 25

drop caps, 99, 100, 101

small caps

description, 334

French names, 563

in headings, 341

capitalacute (textcomp), 363, 458

capitalbreve (textcomp), 89, 363

capitalcaron (textcomp), 363, 458

capitalcedilla (textcomp), 363

capitalcircumflex (textcomp), 363

capitaldieresis (textcomp), 363, 458

capitaldotaccent (textcomp), 363

capitalgrave (textcomp), 89, 363, 365, 458

capitalhungarumlaut (textcomp), 363

capitalization rules, bibliographies, 786

capitalmacron (textcomp), 363, 458

capitalnewtie (textcomp), 363

capitalogonek (textcomp), 363, 458

capitalring (textcomp), 363, 458

capitaltie (textcomp), 363

capitaltilde (textcomp), 363, 458

caps (soul), 88, 89, 91, 92

capsdef (soul), 91, 92

capsdefault option (soul), 92

capsreset (soul), 92

capssave (soul), 92

capsselect (soul), 92

captcont package, 314

caption, 46, 47, 52, 296, 306, 307, 312, 746

cross-reference to, 67

error using, 307, 893, 897

justification in, 104

(caption), 262, 309311, 313, 314, 315, 321

(float), 292, 293, 294

(fltpage), 326

(longtable), 259, 262

(picins), 305

(rotating), 297

(sidecap), 324, 325

(subfig), 316, 321

(subfloat), 322

(supertabular), 262

(threeparttable), 278, 279

(wrapfig), 300, 301

caption key (listings), 174

caption package, xxvi, 295, 296, 308315, 316, 323

combined with picins, 306

combined with sidecap, 323


(caption), 315

(longtable), 262

(subfig), 321

caption2 package, 308, 315

CaptionAfterwards option (fltpage), 325

CaptionBefore option (fltpage), 325

captionof (caption), 296

captionpos key (listings), 174


bibliographic citations in, 697

floats, see floats, captions

multipage tables, 257, 262

typed text, 174

captionslanguage (babel), 579, 587, 588


(caption), 312, 314

(subfig), 316, 317, 318, 319, 321

captionskip key/option (subfig), 317, 318, 319, 321

captionsrussian (babel), 589

caret (^), shorthand character, 556

carriagereturn (dingbat), 401

case changes, disabling in bibliographies, 809, 810

case sensitivity

bibliographies, 762

indexes, 650

cases env. (amsmath), 484, 486, 506

error using, 904, 907

catalan option (babel), 543, 550, 552, 555

catalan.ldf file (babel), 581

catcode, 94, 344, 548, 574, 590

cb (tlc), 605

cbcolor (changebar), 191

cbdelete (changebar), 190, 191

cbe BibTeX style, 791

cbend (changebar), 189, 190, 191

cbinput (chapterbib), 747

cbstart (changebar), 189, 190, 191

cbunit env. (chapterbib), 747

ccfonts package, 383385, 399, 515

ccname (babel), 547

CD env. (amscd), 467, 488, 489

cd (tlc), 605, 606

CD-ROM, CTAN, 948, 949

cdashline (arydshln), 267

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