cdot, 275, 475, 478, 500, 531

cdots, 487, 496, 536, 845, 846, 932

cell BibTeX style (jmb), 791

cellcolor (colortbl), 265

Center env. (ragged2e), 105

center env., 104, 146, 848

(ragged2e), 105

center option

(crop), 213

(titlesec), 37

centerbody option (sidecap), 323

centerdot (amssymb), 531

centered paragraphs, 104

centerfirst key value (caption), 311

Centering key value (caption), 311

Centering (ragged2e), 105

centering, 104, 371, 861

in headings, 31

(array), in tables, 247, 249, 250

(multirow), in tables, 274

(ragged2e), 105

centering key value (caption), 311

centering key/option (geometry), 208

CenteringLeftskip length (ragged2e), 106

CenteringParfillskip length (ragged2e), 106

CenteringParindent rigid length (ragged2e), 106

CenteringRightskip length (ragged2e), 106

centerlast key value (caption), 301, 311

centerline, 307

centertags option (amsmath), 473

cf (tlc), 488

.cfg file extension, 8, 430, 431, 829

(babel), 581, 588, 589, 590

(caption), 314

(color), 907

(docstrip), 830, 831, 832, 914

(endfloat), 291

(euro), 97

(graphics), 614, 907

(jurabib), 741

(ltxdoc), 835

(natbib), 706, 709

(paralist), 138

(subfig), 321

(textcomp), 367

(typearea), 203

cfgguide.tex file, 430, 431

cfoot (fancyhdr), 221, 224, 225, 231, 232, 598

cfrac (amsmath), 490

ch (babel), 564

Chaikin’s curves, 610

chams package, 521

chancery package, 371

change history, creating

doc package, 817

ltxdoc class, 836$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 809, 810, 812

changebar env. (changebar), 189, 190, 191

changebar package, 189191

changebargrey counter (changebar), 190

changebars, see revision bars

changebarsep rigid length (changebar), 190, 191

changebarwidth rigid length (changebar), 190

changes (doc), 817, 823

chapnumfont (quotchap), 35

chappg package, 216, 217

chappgsep (chappg), 217

chapter, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 218, 223, 229

adding space in .lof and .lot, 48

cross-reference to, 66

producing unwanted page number, 222, 230

(bibunits), 751

(chappg), 217

(chapterbib), 748

(fncychap), 34, 35

(minitoc), partial contents for, 56

(quotchap), 35, 36

(titlesec), 38, 40, 44

(titletoc), partial contents for, 64

chapter BibTeX field, 763, 765

chapter counter, 24, 25, 219, 851

numbered within parts, 25

chapter key value (jurabib), 724, 731

chapter*, 23, 222, 680, 707, 747

listed in TOC, 47

chapterbib package, 701, 707, 746, 747749, 771

combined with babel, 749

compatibility matrix, 746

incompatible with bibtopic, 754

chapterheadendvskip (quotchap), 35

chapterheadstartvskip (quotchap), 35, 36

chaptermark, 219, 222, 748

(fancyhdr), 229

chaptername, 34, 38, 219

(babel), 545, 547

chapterpagestyle (KOMA), 230

chaptertitlename (titlesec), 38

character sets, multilingual documents, 541

CharacterTable (doc), 820

charter option (quotchap), 35

charter package, 371

Charter font, 374, 520

chead (fancyhdr), 224, 225, 231, 232

check, 529

check.rule function (bibtool), 781

CheckCommand, 847, 883

CheckCommand*, 847

CheckModules (doc), 820

CheckSum (doc), 820

chemical diagrams, 613

chi, 527

chicago BibTeX style

(chicago), 684, 685, 699, 700

(natbib), 705, 706, 708, 796

chicago package, 692, 699, 700

chicagoa BibTeX style (chicago), 700

Chinese, 592

chmath package, 521$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

chunk (ecltree), 612

circ, 483, 531, 631

circeq (amssymb), 532

circle, 607, 608

warning using, 926

(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 608, 609, 610

(epic), 608

(pspicture), 639, 640, 641

(texpicture), 640

circle*, 607, 608

(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 608, 609, 610

(epic), 608

(pspicture), 639, 640

(texpicture), 640

circlearrowleft (amssymb), 534

circlearrowright (amssymb), 534

circledast (amssymb), 531

circledcirc (amssymb), 531

circleddash (amssymb), 531

circledS (amssymb), 527


drawing, 610

filling, 610, 611

math symbols, 531

Citation env. (tlc), 848, 849

citation, 688, 689, 745, 750, 781

(notoccite), 698

citation systems

author-date, 698711

author information missing, 708

author list only with first citation, 704, 705

author-number, switching to, 714

authors on single line, 706

customizing, bibliography, 707

customizing, citations, 705, 706

definition, 684

electronic publications, 710

forcing, 708, 709

full citations in running text, 710, 711

history of, 6991092

indexing citations automatically, 709

multiple citations, 703, 704

number-only, switching to, 714

short-title format, combining, 732, 733

styles supported, 710

year information missing, 708

author-number, 712

compressing citations, 714

customizing citations, 715

definition, 685

description, 712

sort order, 714

Harvard, 684, 689

number-only, 691698

captions, 697

color, 695

compressing citations, 714

customizing citations, 692, 693, 694, 695

definition, 686

headings, 697

line breaks, 694

natbib package, 712715

page ranges, disabling, 695

parentheses, 695

punctuation, 694, 696, 697

sort order, 693, 694, 695, 714

spaces, processing, 695

superscripts, 696, 697

unsorted citation style, 697

verbose mode, 696

short-title, 715745

annotations, 721, 740, 741, 742

author gender, 734, 735, 742

author information field, 743

author list separator, 736, 738

author-date format, combining, 732, 733

back reference information, 742

collections, 742

column layout, 739

configuration files, external, 741

cross-references, 732

customizing bibliography, 736, 737, 738, 739741

customizing citations, 735, 736

definition, 684

description, 715, 716

dissertation year, 742

edition information, 742

editor information, 742

endnote citations, 726, 727, 728

fonts, 736, 737

footnote citations, 726, 727, 728

founder information, 742

full citations in running text, 723, 724726

ibidem citations, 728731, 740

indentation, 738, 739

indexing citations automatically, 720, 721

last update field, 743

law support, 743, 744, 745

multi-language support, 733, 734, 735

page boundaries, ignoring, 729

page total field, 743

parentheses, 735

pre-notes, 721

punctuation, 738

sort order, 743

style files, 742, 743

superscripts, 735, 736, 743

title format, 719, 720

title information field, 743

title, mapping short to full, 721, 722, 723

translated works, 742

translator information, 743

URLs, 742, 743

volume title, 743

citationdata (camel), 744

citationreversed key value (jurabib), 723, 724, 732

citations, see also bibliographies

bibliography input file, creating, 687689

bibliography keywords, associating with database entries, 689

comparison of, 684686

default, 691

description, 683, 684

DOI, 710

EID, 710

exporting, 776

full, in running text

author-date citation system, 710, 711

short-title citation system, 723, 724726

Hungarian documents, 564

ISBN, 710

ISSN, 710

line breaks, 849, 850

markup structure, 686, 687

multiple authors, 685

multiple bibliographies, 745756

naming, 842

numerical by first citation, 686

page ranges, disabling, 695

paragraph break algorithm, 849, 850

parentheses, bibliographies

number-only citation systems, 695

short-title citation system, 735

process flow, 687689

punctuation, bibliographies

number-only citation systems, 694, 696, 697

short-title citation system, 738

sort order, bibliographies

author-number citation system, 714

number-only citation systems, 693, 694, 695, 714

short-title citation system, 743

spaces around/within, 695

style files, short-title citation system, 742, 743

styles, author-date citation system, 710


number-only citation systems, 696, 697

short-title citation system, 735, 736, 743

system, selecting, 800, 801

URL, 710

citationstyle (camel), 744

citationsubject (camel), 744, 745

cite, 687689, 691, 692, 693, 698, 701, 745, 761, 762

inside .bib, 773

restrictions on key, 842

warning using, 920

(BibTeX), 808

(authordate1-4), 700

(biblist), 775

(bibtopic), 753, 754, 755

(bibunits), 750, 751, 752

(chapterbib), 748, 749

(chicago), 699

(cite), 693697

problems using, 697

(harvard), 700

(jurabib), 716, 717720, 721, 723736

(multibib), 755, 756

(natbib), 685, 701, 703, 707, 712

(showkeys), 68

(textcase), 86

problems using, 85

cite package, xxvi, 693697

compatibility matrix, 746

incompatible with natbib, 701, 714


(bibunits), 751

(harvard), 700

(jurabib), 719, 720

(natbib), 751

cite$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

citetype (multibib), 755

citeA (chicago), 699

Citealp (natbib), 703


(jurabib), 732, 733

(natbib), 702, 713

citealp* (natbib), 702

Citealt (natbib), 703


(jurabib), 732

(natbib), 702, 713

citealt* (natbib), 702, 713

citeasnoun (harvard), 700

Citeauthor (natbib), 703


(jurabib), 732, 733

(natbib), 702704, 713

citeauthor* (natbib), 702, 713

citeauthoryear (chicago), 699

citedash (cite), 694, 696

citefield (jurabib), 718, 719, 734

citefind program, 778

citeform (cite), 695, 696

citefull key/option (jurabib), 724, 726728, 729, 731, 732

citefullfirstfortype (jurabib), 724

citehack package, 573

citeindexfalse (natbib), 709

citeindextrue (natbib), 709

citeindextype (natbib), 709

citeLaTeX (tlc), 756

citeleft (cite), 694, 695, 696, 697

citemid (cite), 694, 696

CiteMoveChars (cite), 696

citeN (chicago), 699

citen (cite), 695

citename (harvard), 700

citenotitlefortype (jurabib), 720

citeNP (chicago), 699

citenum (cite), 695

citenumfont (natbib), 715

citeonline (cite), 695

Citep (natbib), 703


(jurabib), 732, 733

(natbib), 698, 701, 703706, 708, 709, 712, 713, 714

problems using, 704, 708, 713

citep* (natbib), 702, 704, 705, 712

citepalias (natbib), 703

citepunct (cite), 694, 696

citeright (cite), 694, 695, 696

CiteSeer, 774

citestyle (natbib), 705, 706, 715

citeswithoutentry (jurabib), 725, 726

Citet (natbib), 703


(jurabib), 732, 733

(natbib), 698, 701, 703706, 708, 709, 711, 712, 713

problems using, 704, 708, 709, 713

Citet* (natbib), 703

citet* (natbib), 702, 703, 713

citetags program, 778

citetalias (natbib), 703

citetext (natbib), 702, 713

citetitle (jurabib), 719, 726, 735

citetitlefortype (jurabib), 720

citetitleonly (jurabib), 720


(chicago), 699

(jurabib), 732

(natbib), 702, 713

citeyearNP (chicago), 699


(jurabib), 732, 733

(natbib), 702, 703, 713

cjk package, 592

class files, 6

ClassError, 885


commands, 847, 879, 883888

file structure, 877888

minimal requirements, 888

options, 16, see also options

classes.dtx file, 343

classes.ins file, 829

ClassInfo, 885

ClassWarning, 885

ClassWarningNoLine, 885

cleardoublepage, 235

(endfloat), 290

clearpage, 19, 234, 235, 263, 284, 289, 295, 679, 680

(endfloat), 290

(lscape), 212

cleartoevenpage (nextpage), 236

cleartooddpage (nextpage), 236

cline, 243, 272, 273, 274, 276, 282

(booktabs), 270, 271

(tabls), 269

clip key (graphicx), 618, 619, 620, 621

.clo file extension, 6, 8, 16

clock option (ifsym), 404

clocks, symbols, 403, 404, 405

closecurve (curves), 612

closeFloats option (fltpage), 325

clouds, symbols, 403, 404, 405

.cls file extension, 6, 8, 16

clubpenalty, 936, 939

clubsuit, 528

CM Bright font, 385, 386

in math and text, 522

CM-Super fonts, 354356, 570

cm-super-t1.enc file, 355

cmbright package, 385, 386, 523

cmd (ltxdoc), 834

cmidrule (booktabs), 270, 271, 272

cmidrulekern rigid length (booktabs), 271

cmidrulesep rigid length (booktabs), 271

cmidrulewidth rigid length (booktabs), 271

code, see computer code

CodelineFont (doc), 417, 418

CodelineIndex (doc), 817, 818, 820, 836

CodelineNo counter (doc), 417

CodelineNumbered (doc), 820

codes key (fancyvrb), 162

Coffeecup (marvosym), 401

Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, 773

collections, bibliographic information, 742

collectmore counter (multicol), 186, 188, 189

colon, 535, 536

(amsmath), 501, 536

colon key value (caption), 310

colon option (natbib), 706

colon (:), shorthand character, 554

colonsep key value (jurabib), 716, 720, 741


background, 158

bibliographies, 695

error messages, bibliographies, 785

frame rules, 158

number-only citations, 695

rules (graphic lines), 265

table rules, 265

tables, 264, 265

troubleshooting, 870

typed text

background, 158

frame rules, 158

text, 156, 157

color (color), 99, 191, 264, 265

error using, 912

problems using, 870

color option

(changebar), 191

(showkeys), 68

color package, 214, 969

compatibility with other packages, 870

error using, 889, 907, 912

colorbox (color), 158

colorlinks option (hyperref), 78

colortbl package, 265, 266

column layout, bibliographies, 739

column specifiers, defining, 248, 249

columnbadness counter (multicol), 186, 187

columnbreak (multicol), 188, 189

columncolor (colortbl), 265

columns, table

laying out, 240243

modifying style, 248, 249

narrow, 246, 247

one-off, 248, 249

spacing, 247, 248

columns, text

balancing, 187


indexes, 680

manually produced, 188, 189

collecting material, 187, 188

floats, 189

footnotes, 114, 115, 183, 189

formatting, 186, 187

multiple, 184187, 188, 189

parallel synchronization, 181, 182, 183, 184

vertical spacing, 112

columnsep rigid length, 194, 196, 679, 680, 871

(multicol), 185, 186, 187

(wrapfig), 300

columnsep key/option (geometry), 207

columnseprule rigid length, 194, 196, 679, 680

(multicol), 185, 186

columnwidth rigid length, 112, 113, 194, 624

(multicol), 186

Com (tlc), 654

combinemarks (tlc), 232

combining tables of contents, 52, 53, 54

comma key value (jurabib), 717

comma option (natbib), 706, 712

commabeforerest key/option (jurabib), 716, 741

command key (graphicx), 620

command line tools, bibliographies, 775783, 786

commandchars key (fancyvrb), 152, 161, 167

commands, see also preamble

bibliography styles, 805, 807, 808

classes, 847, 879, 883888


defining new, 843, 844, 845847

naming, 842, 843

nesting, 846

portability, 842

redefining, 844, 845, 847

definitions, displaying, 932934

documentation, list of, 820824

execution, tracing, 945, 946

fragile, 892894

ltxdoc class, 834

packages, 847, 879, 883885

spacing after, 80, 81

troubleshooting, 933, 945, 946

commasep key value (jurabib), 720

comment env. (verbatim), 153

comment characters

bibliographies, 761

doc package, 814

docstrip, 833

commentchar key (fancyvrb), 161

commented BibTeX entry type (jurabib), 735, 742, 743

commented key value (jurabib), 735

comments, stripping from code

arbitrary program languages, 833

comment characters, changing, 833

configuration files, creating, 830833

description, 824, 825

installation support, adding, 830833

invoking, 825

master scripts, creating, 829

messages, generating, 827, 828

postamble, creating, 829, 830

preamble, creating, 829, 830

result file, specifying, 826, 827

script commands, 826830

security considerations, 832

source file, specifying, 826, 827

syntax, 826830

TDS conforming installation, ensuring, 830833

user messages, generating, 827, 828

verbatim delimiters, coding, 833

commentstyle key (listings), 170, 171, 175

commutative diagrams, 467, 488, 489

compact option (titlesec), 37

compactdesc env. (paralist), 136, 138

compactenum env. (paralist), 132, 134, 135, 137

compactitem env. (paralist), 135, 136

compare key value (jurabib), 722

compile errors, see troubleshooting

complement (amssymb), 527

composed page numbers, indexes, 665

compound math symbols, 490495

Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN), see CTAN

compress key value (jurabib), 739, 740

compress option (cite), 695

compressing citations, 714

computer code, printing, 168, 169, 170, 175, see also typed text

as floats, 174

captions, 174

code fragments within normal text, 171

formatting language keywords, 170, 171

fragments within normal text, 171

frames around listings, 173

indentation, 172

input encoding, 174, 175

languages supported, 169

line breaks, 172, 173

numbering lines, 172

rules around listings, 173

stripping comments, see comments, stripping from code

computer display, page layout, 206

Computer Modern (CM) font, 513

LaTeX standard fonts, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357

Cyrillic alphabet, 570

old-style numerals, 381, 382, 383

computer program style quoting, 153, 154, 155

ComputerMouse (marvosym), 401

Concrete font, 383, 384, 385, 514

in math and text, 514

Concurrent Versions System (CVS), 836

conditional code syntax, 819824

conditional formatting, 872, 873877

config key/option

(caption), 314

(jurabib), 741

(subfig), 321 file (dvips), 637

configuration files, see also .cfg

creating, 830833, 835, 836

external, bibliographies, 741

cong, 532

Conny option (fncychap), 34

consistency, indexes, 666, 667

contents BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

contentsfinish (titletoc), 58, 60, 61, 63, 64

contentslabel (titletoc), 60, 61, 64

contentsline, 49, 50, 51, 52

(titletoc), 59, 61, 63

contentsmargin (titletoc), 60, 62, 6365

contentsname, 34

(babel), 547

contentspage (titletoc), 60, 61

contentspush (titletoc), 61

contentsuse (titletoc), 59

continued fractions, math symbols, 490

ContinuedFloat (caption), 314, 315, 321

continuous slope curves, 611, 612, 613

control structures

arithmetic calculations, 871, 872

conditional formatting, 872, 873877

convert program, 643

coprod, 491, 536

(mathptmx), unavailable with, 377

copyright, 528

(textcomp), 458

copyright BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

copyright information, language definition files, 582

Cork (T1) font encoding, 337, see also T1 font encoding

cornersize (fancybox), 596, 597

cornersize* (fancybox), 596

cos, 500, 506

cosec (babel), 564

cosh, 500

cot, 500

coth, 500

count, 907


defining new, 851

description, 851

displaying, 852, 853, 854

document headings, 27, 33

footnotes, resetting per-page, 120, 121

incrementing, 852

list of, 851

modifying, 852

setting, 851, 852

countmax option (subfloat), 322

courier key value (fancyvrb), 155, 167, 168

courier package, 370, 371

Courier font, 374

cov (tlc), 488

cp1250 option (inputenc), 360

cp1251 option (inputenc), 570

cp1252 option (inputenc), 358, 360

cp1255 option (inputenc), 578

cp1257 option (inputenc), 360

cp437 option (inputenc), 359

cp437de option (inputenc), 359

cp850 option (inputenc), 359

cp852 option (inputenc), 359

cp855 option (inputenc), 570

cp858 option (inputenc), 359

cp862 option (inputenc), 578

cp865 option (inputenc), 359

cp866 option (inputenc), 570

cp866av option (inputenc), 570

cp866mav option (inputenc), 570

cp866nav option (inputenc), 570

cp866tat option (inputenc), 570

cr, 894, 898, 904

crcr, 904

croatian option (babel), 543

crop package, 212214

crop marks, 212, 213, 214

cropmarks option (tlc), 886, 887

cross option (crop), 212, 214

cross-references, see also varioref package

as active links, 78

bibliographies, 732, 772, 773

current page, 215

customizing, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76

definition, 66

displaying reference keys, 68

doc package, 817, 818

errors, 894


creating, 651

verifying, 667

label formats, 71, 72, 7375

line numbers, 178, 179

non-numerical, 76, 77

numbers, forcing to upright Roman font, 467

page numbers, 215

restricted characters, 66

to a page number only, 69

to a range of objects, 70, 71

to current page, 69

to external documents, 78

troubleshooting, 894

wrong references on floats, 67

crossref BibTeX field, 690, 732, 765, 772, 780, 807

(biblist), 775

crossref key/option (jurabib), 732

cs (ltxdoc), 834

csc, 500

(tlc), 501

.csf file extension (bibtex8), 759

csname, 26, 933, 934

Csub (tlc), 31

CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network)

CD-ROM, 948, 949

contents, 948

ftp commands, 950953

ftp servers, list of, 948

web access, 949, 950

ctg (babel), 564

cth (babel), 564

ctt option (inputenc), 571

Cube (ifsym), 405

culture, and typesetting, 542

Cup (amssymb), 530

cup, 530

curly option (natbib), 706

curlyeqprec (amssymb), 532

curlyeqsucc (amssymb), 532

curlyvee (amssymb), 530

curlyveedownarrow (stmaryrd), 534

curlyveeuparrow (stmaryrd), 534

curlywedge (amssymb), 530

curlywedgedownarrow (stmaryrd), 534

curlywedgeuparrow (stmaryrd), 534


€ (euro symbol), 407412

symbols, 363, 412

typesetting, 9699

CurrentOption, 879, 881, 886, 887

currentpage (layouts), 200, 201, 203

currenttitle (titleref), 77

Curve (pspicture), 641

curve (curves), 611, 612

curvearrowleft (amssymb), 534

curvearrowright (amssymb), 534


Bèzier, see epic package; eepic package

Chaikin’s, 610

continuous slope, 611, 612, 613

curves package, 611

custom-bib package, xxvii, 772, 789, 791, 798804

CustomVerbatimCommand (fancyvrb), 165, 167

CustomVerbatimEnvironment (fancyvrb), 165

CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 836

Cyr env. (tlc), 416, 417

Cyrillic, 569571, 572, 573, 574

cyrillicencoding (babel), 567, 568

cyrillictext (babel), 568, 589

czech option (babel), 543


D syntax (dcolumn), 274, 275, 276, 561, 563

d, 452, 458

d syntax (tlc), 275

dag, 530

(textcomp), 458

dagger, 530

daleth (amssymb), 527

danish option (babel), 543


dash (-), see hyphen

dasharrow (amssymb), 534

dashbox (pspicture), 640

dashed lines

arydshin package, 267, 268

dashline command, 602, 603

dashjoin env.

(eepic), 609

(epic), 604, 605, 606

dashleftarrow (amssymb), 534

dashlength (picins), 305


(eepic), 609

(epic), 602, 603, 604

dashlinedash rigid length (arydshln), 268

dashlinegap rigid length (arydshln), 268

dashlinestretch (epic), 603, 604

dashrightarrow (amssymb), 534

dashv, 535

data flow, LaTeX, 9

database format, bibliographies

abbreviations, creating, 769, 770

abbreviations, defaults, 771

accents, 768, 769

case sensitivity, 762

comment character, 761

cross-references, 772, 773

data, defined, 761

entry types, 761764

fields, 762765

ignored fields, 762


case sensitivity, 762

definition, 761

names, specifying, 766768

optional fields, 762, 763

preamble, 771, 772

required fields, 762, 763

separator character, 761

sort order, 764

spaces, 761

special characters, 768, 769

strings, creating, 769, 770

strings, defaults, 771

titles, 768

database management tools, bibliographies

aux2bib, 775

bib2html, 776, 777

bibclean, 777

bibextract, 777, 778

bibkey, 775

biblist, 774, 775

BibTexMng, 789

bibtool, 778783

bibtools, 775, 776

capitalization rules, 786

citations, exporting, 776

citefind, 778

citetags, 778

command line tools, 775783, 786

duplicate keys, removing, 780, 787


editing, 784

extracting, 777, 778, 781, 782

searching by strings, 775, 777, 778

error messages, color, 785

graphical front end, 784787

HTML files, creating, 776, 777, 789

Internet resources, 774

Java database manager, 787789

JBibtexManager, 787789


adding to bibliography listing, 778

extracting, 778

generating, 782, 783

removing duplicates, 780, 787

searching by strings, 775

lexical analyzer, 777

looktex, 775

makebib, 776

merging, 779, 780

normalizing, 780, 781, 786

online resources, 774

portable files, creating, 775

pretty-printing, 777, 779, 780

printbib, 776

printing, 774, 775, 776, 777

pybliographer, 784787

rewriting, 780, 781

searching, 775, 777, 778, 784, 785, 787

showtags, 778

sorting, 779, 780


searching all entries for, 775, 777, 778

searching keys for, 775

Windows database manager, 789

date, 838, 907

datelanguage (babel), 579, 587

dates, in multilingual documents, 558, 559

datesdmy (babel), 559

datesymd (babel), 559

DavidStar (bbding), 403

DavidStarSolid (bbding), 403

dbinom (amsmath), 493

.dbj file extension (custom-bib), 799, 803, 804

dbk option (inputenc), 571

dblfigrule, 285

dblfloatpagefraction, 285

dblfloatsep length, 285

dbltextfloatsep length, 285

dbltopfraction, 285

dbltopnumber counter, 285

DC fonts, 353

dcolumn package, 274276

dcu BibTeX style (harvard), 700

ddag, 530

(textcomp), 458

ddagger, 530

ddddot (amsmath), 494, 529

dddot (amsmath), 494, 529

ddot, 494, 529, 591

ddots, 487, 536

debugging messages, indexes, 675

debugshow option (tracefnt), 368

decaheterov (hetarom), 613

decimal data, aligning in tables, 272, 274, 275, 276

decimalcomma (babel), 558

decimalpoint (babel), 558

decimalsep (babel), 561, 563

declarations vs. high-level font commands, 344, 345

declare@shorthand (babel), 591

DeclareCaptionFormat (caption), 314

DeclareCaptionJustification (caption), 311, 314

DeclareCaptionLabelFormat (caption), 310, 313, 314

DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator (caption), 310, 311, 314

DeclareCaptionListOfFormat (subfig), 320

DeclareCaptionStyle (caption), 312, 313, 314

DeclareDir (docstrip), 831, 832

DeclareDir* (docstrip), 832

DeclareDirectory (docstrip), 914

DeclareEncodingSubset (textcomp), 368

DeclareErrorFont, 911

DeclareFixedFont, 417, 418

DeclareFontEncoding, 416, 430, 431, 439, 450

error using, 898, 920

warning using, 927


warning using, 926

DeclareFontFamily, 403, 421, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432, 433, 437, 438, 439

DeclareFontShape, 403, 420, 421423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 432, 433, 437, 438, 439

error using, 900, 901, 906, 912

whitespace in, 422

DeclareFontSubstitution, 431, 450

error using, 911


(graphics), 624, 625

(graphicx), 624


(graphics), 620, 625, 626, 627

error using, 896

(graphicx), 627

error using, 896

DeclareInputMath (inputenc), 443, 444, 447

DeclareInputText (inputenc), 443, 444, 445, 447

DeclareMathAccent, 399, 435

error using, 927

warning using, 927

DeclareMathAlphabet, 350, 351, 352, 353, 436, 439, 509

warning using, 926, 927

when not to use, 435

DeclareMathDelimiter, 435


(amsmath), 488, 489, 500, 501

(amsopn), 466

DeclareMathOperator* (amsmath), 501

DeclareMathRadical, 435

DeclareMathSizes, 415, 432

DeclareMathSymbol, 350, 434, 435, 436, 439, 528

error using, 910

warning using, 921

DeclareMathVersion, 436, 439

warning using, 927

DeclareNewFootnote (manyfoot), 122, 123125

DeclareOption, 879, 880, 881, 882, 886, 887

DeclareOption*, 879, 881, 882, 886, 887

ignores global options, 882

declarepostamble (docstrip), 830

declarepreamble (docstrip), 830

DeclareRobustCommand, 847

DeclareRobustCommand*, 847

DeclareSymbolFont, 433, 434, 435, 436, 439

warning using, 927

DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet, 351, 435, 439

warning using, 927

DeclareTextAccent, 450, 451

DeclareTextAccentDefault, 453, 454

DeclareTextCommand, 452

DeclareTextCommandDefault, 366, 453, 454

DeclareTextComposite, 451

DeclareTextCompositeCommand, 451, 452

DeclareTextSymbol, 450, 451, 453

DeclareTextSymbolDefault, 365, 453, 454

DeclareUnicodeCharacter (inputenc), 444, 447, 913

DeclareUrlCommand (url), 95, 96

decmulti option (inputenc), 360


arrows, 490

initials, 395, 396

letters, at start of paragraph, see drop caps

math symbols, 495

def, 140, 846, 909, 913

in TeX error message, 891

.def file extension, 7, 8, 448

(graphics), 614

(inputenc), 446

default key value (caption), 309, 310, 313

default.type BibTeX entry type, 806

defaultaddspace rigid length (booktabs), 271

defaultbibliography (bibunits), 750

defaultbibliographystyle (bibunits), 750

DefaultFindent (lettrine), 101

defaulthyphenchar, 427

DefaultLhang (lettrine), 101

DefaultLines (lettrine), 100

DefaultLoversize (lettrine), 101

DefaultLraise (lettrine), 101

DefaultNindent (lettrine), 101

DefaultSlope (lettrine), 101

defcitealias (natbib), 703

define-alphabet function (xindy), 678

define-attributes function (xindy), 678, 679

define-letter-group function (xindy), 677

define-location-class function (xindy), 677, 678

defineactive key (fancyvrb), 162

DefineFNsymbols (footmisc), 116, 117

defineshorthand (babel), 548

DefineShortVerb (fancyvrb), 167, 168

DEFlvec (tlc), 846, 847

defn env. (tlc), 140

deg, 500

delarray package, 489, 490

deletebarwidth rigid length (changebar), 190


(doc), 816, 821, 834

(shortvrb), 152

delim_0 keyword (makeindex), 661, 664

delim_1 keyword (makeindex), 661, 664

delim_2 keyword (makeindex), 661, 664

delim_n keyword (makeindex), 661

delim_r keyword (makeindex), 661

delimiters, math symbols, 489, 490, 498, 499, 504

delimitershortfall, 392

Delta, 392, 490, 499, 527

delta, 497, 527

Denarius (marvosym), 412

depth, see space parameters

depth, 861, 862

(graphics), 630

depth key (graphicx), 619

depth syntax, 867, 868

depth level, document headings, 27, 28

DescribeEnv (doc), 815, 817, 821

DescribeMacro (doc), 815, 817, 821

Description env. (tlc), 148, 149, 150, 151

description env., 131, 136, 138, 147, 148, 167, 600, 849

description lists

extensions, 136

standard, 131

user-defined, 147, 148151

Descriptionlabel (tlc), 148, 149, 150, 151

descriptionlabel, 131, 138, 147, 148

(paralist), 138

det, 491, 500

device drivers, 614

device independent files, 7

devnag package, 592

dfrac (amsmath), 493

.dfu file extension (inputenc), 447

DH, 457

dh, 458

diagdown (amssymb), 528

diagram package, 488, 965

diagup (amssymb), 528

dialects, defining, 584, 585

Diamond (LaTeXsym), 464

diamond, 495, 530

diamondsuit, 528

dictionary type headers, 231, 232

digamma (amssymb), 527

Digital Object Identifier (DOI), 710

dim, 500

dimen, 907, 934

dimen73 rigid length, 934

ding (pifont), 128, 130, 131, 378, 380

dingautolist env. (pifont), 131, 380

dingbat package, 400, 401 file (dingbat), 400

dingfill (pifont), 380, 381

dingline (pifont), 380, 381

dinglist env. (pifont), 379

directivestyle key (listings), 170

directory names, typesetting, 9395, 96

DisableCrossrefs (doc), 817, 818, 821

discretionary, 173, 902, 942

display key (titlesec), 38, 3941, 42

display languages, 634, see also PDF; PostScript; SVG

display-type document headings, 27, 28

displaybreak (amsmath), 480, 481

error using, 897

displaycaps (tlc), 92

displaying formatted pages, see display languages

displaylimits, 492

displaymath option (lineno), 178

displaystyle, 85, 432, 494, 502, 503

(relsize), 84

dissertation year in bibliographies, 742

dissyear BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

div, 530

DIVn option (typearea), 204

DIV7 option (typearea), 204

DIVcalc option (typearea), 203, 204, 205

DIVclassic option (typearea), 204

divide, 872

divideontimes (amssymb), 530

DJ, 457

dj, 458

doc package, 152, 583, 813824, 834

doc.dtx file (doc), 814, 827

doc.sty file (doc), 827

docdate (doc), 823

DocInclude (ltxdoc), 835

DocInput (doc), 818, 820, 821, 835

docstrip package, 22, 824834, 975, 977

error using, 889, 914

docstrip.cfg file (docstrip), 830, 831, 914

DocstyleParms (doc), 823

document env., 13, 16, 18, 879, 883

checking the font set-up, 439

error using, 896, 914

problems using, 919

document option (ragged2e), 105, 106, 394

document class

AMS-LaTeX, 467

definition, 15

modifying, 18

name, 16

standard, see article; book; report

document headings, see also titlesec package

alignment, 37

alphabetically numbered, 25

and layout definitions, 32

at page bottom, 40

bibliographic citations in, 697

breaking before, 42

conditional layouts, 43, 44

counter, advancing, 33

formatting, 2733

box around number, 26

complex headings, 32

depth level, 27, 28

display format, 27, 28

fancy headings, 34, 35

formatting numbers, 37

heading counter, 27

hyphenation, 31

indentation, after heading, 32, 40

indentation, of the heading, 28, 39

indentation, suppressing, 32, 39

justification, 31

label format, 38

leaders, 41, 42

line breaks, 31

predefined layouts, 34, 35

predefined text, 34

redefinition, 32, 33

rules, 41, 42

run-in format, 27, 29, 30

shape, 38

space after, 28

space before, 28

text style, 28, 30, 31, 37

unusual layouts, 41

hierarchy, changing, 44, 45

line breaks, 31

mottos (quotations), on chapters, 35, 36

nesting, 24

numbering, 24, 2527

Arabic numbers, 25

capital letters, 25

formatting numbers, 37

referencing subsections, 25, 26

suppressing numbers, 22, 23, 24


above/below, 39, 43

after, 28

before, 28

consecutive headings, 40

font size and, 40

in front of, 28

label and title text, 38

left margin, 39

right margin, 40

tools for, 40

vertical, 37

splitting, 23

suppressing, 201

title width, measuring, 41

document preamble, see preamble

documentation class (ltxdoc)

commands, 834

configuration files, creating, 835, 836

description, 834

extensions, 834

formatting options, 835, 836

documentation commands, list of, 820824

documentation driver, 583, 814, 818

documentation tools

automatic indexing, disabling, 817, 836

change history, creating, 817, 836

commands, list of, 820824

comment characters, 814

comments, stripping from source file, 824834

conditional code syntax, 819824

cross-references, 817, 818

CVS, 836

description, 814

documentation class (ltxdoc), 834836

documentation commands, list of, 820824

driver files

creating, 818

including in conditional code, 820

environment descriptions, creating, 815, 816

formatting commands, list of, 820824

history commands, list of, 820824

including files, 835

index commands, list of, 820824

index entries, creating automatically, 817, 836

input commands, list of, 820824


extracting RCS information, 837, 838

parsing $Id$ keyword, 838, 839

layout parameters, list of, 820824

macro descriptions, creating, 815, 816

parts, creating, 816, 835

preamble commands, list of, 820824

RCS, 836

rcs package, 837, 838

rcsinfo package, 838, 839

software release control, 836

source control, 836, 837, 838, 839

spaces, 815

syntax, 814, 815

syntax diagrams, creating, 834

typesetting parameters, list of, 820824

verbatim text delimiters

defining, 816

syntax, 815

version control, 836, 837, 838, 839

documentation, finding, 954

documentclass, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 877, 878, 882

error using, 912

global options, 17, 543, 544

release information, 878

warning using, 930, 931


backward compatibility, 463, 464

displaying, see display languages

last page, referencing, 216, 226

reformatting, piecewise, 1820

sections, 22, 23

source files, see source files

too large for single run, see source files, splitting

version control, 21, 22

versions, selecting for printing, 21, 22

documentstyle, 463

error using, 912

doi BibTeX field

(custom-bib), 802

(natbib), 710

DOI (Digital Object Identifier), 710

dominilof (minitoc), 56

dominilot (minitoc), 56

dominitoc (minitoc), 56

DoNotIndex (doc), 817, 822

DontCheckModules (doc), 821

doparttoc (minitoc), 57

dosecttoc (minitoc), 57, 58

dot, 494, 529

dotafter key/option (jurabib), 728, 738

Doteq (amssymb), 532

doteq, 532

doteqdot (amssymb), 532

dotfill, 380, 664, 856, 857

dotinlabels option (titletoc), 60, 61

dotplus (amssymb), 530

dots, 81, 458, 496

(amsmath), 492, 496, 497

(ellipsis), 82

dots option (euro), 97

dotsb (amsmath), 490, 496, 497

dotsc (amsmath), 496, 497

dotsi (amsmath), 496, 497

dotsm (amsmath), 496, 497

dotso (amsmath), 496

dotted option (minitoc), 56

dotted lines, 602

dottedjoin env.

(eepic), 609

(epic), 604, 605


(eepic), 609

(epic), 602, 604

dottier accents, 494, 495

double boxes, 597

double quote ("), shorthand character, 551553

double rules (graphic lines), 269

doublebox (fancybox), 597

doublecap (amssymb), 530

doublecup (amssymb), 530

DoubleperCent (docstrip), 833

doublerulesep rigid length, 243, 271

doublerulesepcolor (colortbl), 265

doublespace env. (setspace), 107

doublespacing (setspace), 107

Downarrow, 498, 534

downarrow, 489, 498, 534

downdownarrows (amssymb), 534

downharpoonright (amssymb), 534

draft key (graphicx), 620

draft option, 939

(graphics), 614, 615

(graphicx), 614

(showkeys), 68

(varioref), 73

draft mode, 68, 73, 614, 615

drawdimensionsfalse (layouts), 201

drawdimensionstrue (layouts), 202


arcs, 610

circles, 610

ellipses, 610

lines, 603, 604, 610, see also epic package; eepic package

paths, 610

vectors, see epic package; eepic package

drawjoin env.

(eepic), 609

(epic), 604, 605


(eepic), 609, 610, 611

(epic), 603, 604, 611

drawlinestretch (epic), 604

drawwith (ecltree), 612

driver files

creating, 818

including in conditional code, 820

drop key (titlesec), 38, 39, 41

drop caps, 99, 100, 101

.dtx file extension, 8

(doc), 6

(ltxdoc), 835

duplicate option (chapterbib), 748

duplicate$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

dutch option (babel), 543, 552, 553, 585

.dvi file extension, 7, 8, 9, 327, 593, 660

dvi2ps option (graphics), 615

dvi2ps program, 615

dvi2svg program, 645, 646

dvialw option (graphics), 615

dvialw program, 615

dvilaser option (graphics), 615

dvilaser/PS program, 615

dvipdf option (graphics), 615

dvipdf program, 615

dvipdfm key/option (geometry), 210

dvipdfm program, 643

dvips key/option (geometry), 210

dvips option

(changebar), 189

(crop), 213

(graphics), 614, 615, 913

dvips program, 189, 420, 614, 615, 637639, 646, 969

dvips.def file (graphics), 614

dvipsnames package, 191

dvipsone option (graphics), 615

dvipsone program, 614, 615

dvitoln03 option (changebar), 189, 190

dvitops option

(changebar), 189

(graphics), 615

dvitops program, 615

dviwin option (graphics), 615

dviwin program, 615

dviwindo option (graphics), 615

dviwindo program, 615

dynamic key value (jurabib), 718, 732


E syntax (fancyhdr), 225, 226230

e-mail addresses, typesetting, 9395, 96

E.. font encoding, 430

EC (European Computer Modern) fonts, 353, 354, 355, 356

ecaption (tlc), 54, 55

ecltree package, 612

eco option (euro), 97

eco package, 63, 64, 383

edef, 131

problems using, 892

edition BibTeX field, 717, 763, 765

edition information, bibliographies, 742

editor BibTeX field, 690, 732, 742, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767

editor information, bibliographies, 742

editorname (jurabib), 734

editortype BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

eepic package, 603, 607611, 637, 638, see also epic package

eepicemu package, 611

efloatseparator (endfloat), 290

efxmpl.cfg file (endfloat), 291

eg (tlc), 80

ega (tlc), 468

egrep program, 775

eid BibTeX field

(custom-bib), 802

(natbib), 710

EID, bibliographies, 710

electronic publications, bibliographies, 710

ell, 527


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 610


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 610


drawing, 610

filling, 610, 611

ellipsis package, xxvii, 82, see also lips package

ellipsis (...)

mathematical symbol, 496, 497

spacing, 8183

ellipsisgap (ellipsis), 82

ellipsispunctuation (ellipsis), 82

ELSE (algorithmic), 168

em, 341, 342, 344

using small caps, 342

(ulem), 87

emacs program, 787, 946, 976

email (tlc), 95, 96

emdash, 448

emdash option (euro), 97

emergencystretch rigid length, 102, 103, 929, 941

eminnershape (fixltx2e), 342

emph, 167, 341, 342, 344, 345, 849

error using, 908

(ulem), 87

(yfonts), 394

emph key (listings), 171

emphasizing fonts, 341

emphstyle key (listings), 171

empty key value

(caption), 310

(subfig), 320

empty page style, 222

producing unwanted page number, 222

empty lines, equations, 481

empty size function, 423

empty$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 809812

emptyset, 528

emTeX program, 614, 615

emtex option

(changebar), 189, 190

(graphics), 615

EnableCrossrefs (doc), 817, 821, 836

encap keyword (makeindex), 660

encap_infix keyword (makeindex), 661

encap_prefix keyword (makeindex), 661

encap_suffix keyword (makeindex), 661

encapchar (doc), 822

encapsulating page numbers, indexes, 652, 671, 672

encapsulation, image files, 627, 628

enclname (babel), 547


accented characters, 357, 358, 359361

definition files, 7

font commands, low level, 415, 417

input, 329, 330, 357, 358, 359361, 443447

languages and fonts, 567, 577

Cyrillic alphabet, 569573

description, 336, 337

Greek alphabet, 574, 576

Hebrew alphabet, 576578

language options, 566568

OT1 extensions, 566

T1 extensions, 566

T2A encoding, 571

T2B encoding, 573

T2C encoding, 573

LaTeX, 329, 330, 336, 440442

LICR objects, 442, 443

list of, 455463

math input, 445447

OT1, 337

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