sharp, 528

Shilling (marvosym), 412

short key value (jurabib), 732

short option (rcsinfo), 839

short-title citations, 684, 715745, see also citation systems

annotations, 721, 740, 741, 742

author gender, 734, 735, 742

author information field, 743

author list separator, 736, 738

author-date format, combining, 732, 733

back reference information, 742

collections, 742

column layout, 739

configuration files, external, 741

cross-references, 732

customizing bibliography, 736, 737, 738, 739741

customizing citations, 735, 736

definition, 684

description, 715, 716

dissertation year, 742

edition information, 742

editor information, 742

endnote citations, 726, 727, 728

fonts, 736, 737

footnote citations, 726, 727, 728

founder information, 742

full citations in running text, 723, 724726

ibidem citations, 728731, 740

indentation, 738, 739

indexing citations automatically, 720, 721

last update field, 743

law support, 743, 744, 745

multi-language support, 733, 734, 735

page boundaries, ignoring, 729

page total field, 743

parentheses, 735

pre-notes, 721

punctuation, 738

sort order, 743

style files, 742, 743

superscripts, 735, 736, 743

title format, 719, 720

title information field, 743

title, mapping short to full, 721, 722, 723

translated works, 742

translator information, 743

URLs, 742, 743

volume title, 743

shortauthor BibTeX field (jurabib), 717, 718, 732, 743


(authordate1-4), 700

(chicago), 684, 699

shortciteA (chicago), 699

shortciteN (chicago), 699

shortcites (natbib), 705

shortdownarrow (stmaryrd), 534

shortext option (minitoc), 56

shorthandoff (babel), 548, 549, 554, 557

shorthandon (babel), 548

error using, 911


language definition files, 589591

language options, babel package, 550558

multilingual documents, 547, 548, 549

shortindexingoff (index), 681

shortindexingon (index), 681

shortleftarrow (stmaryrd), 534

shortmid (amssymb), 535

shortpage (tlc), 234

shortparallel (amssymb), 535

shortrightarrow (stmaryrd), 534

shortstack, 108, 596, 601

(pspicture), 640

shorttableofcontents (shorttoc), 55

shorttitle BibTeX field (jurabib), 690, 717, 718, 719, 722, 732, 743

shorttoc (shorttoc), 55

shorttoc package, 55

shortuparrow (stmaryrd), 534

shortvrb package, 152, 153, 816, 885

shortvrb.sty file (shortvrb), 827

shoveleft (amsmath), 471, 472

shoveright (amsmath), 471, 472

show, 907, 932, 933, 934, 935

output produced from, 932934

showbox, 907, 944

output produced from, 944

showboxbreadth, 943945

showboxdepth, 943945

showclock (ifsym), 404

showcols (array), 249

showframe key/option (geometry), 210

showgroups, available with eTeX, 906, 917

output produced from, 917

showhyphens, 940

output produced from, 940

showidx package, 656, 680, 681

showkeys package, 68, 701

showlists, 907, 919, 944, 945

output produced from, 944

showoutput, 935, 937, 943, 944, 945

output produced from, 936, 937

showpage (tlc), 203

showprogress (docstrip), 828

showspaces key

(fancyvrb), 160, 164, 165

(listings), 171, 173

showstringspaces key (listings), 171

showtabs key

(fancyvrb), 160, 161

(listings), 171

showtags package, 778

showthe, 907, 934, 935

error using, 902

output produced from, 934

shrinkheight (supertabular), 257

si960 option (inputenc), 578

siam BibTeX style, 793

side option (footmisc), 118, 119, 123

sidecap package, xxvii, 323325

combined with caption, 323

sidecaptionrelwidth (sidecap), 324

sidecaptionsep (sidecap), 324

sidecaptionvpos (sidecap), 324

sideset (amsmath), 495

sideways env. (rotating), 297

sidewaysfigure env. (rotating), 291, 297, 298, 308

sidewaysfigure* env. (rotating), 297

sidewaystable env.

(rotating), 291, 297, 298, 308

(rotfloat), 298

sidewaystable* env.

(rotating), 297

(rotfloat), 298

sidewaysXMLexa env. (tlc), 298

sidewaysXMLexa* env. (tlc), 298

Sigma, 527

sigma, 527

sim, 531, 532

simeq, 532

simple key value

(caption), 310

(subfig), 320

sin, 500, 506

single key value

(fancyvrb), 157159

(listings), 173, 174

single-byte characters, encoding, 359, 360

singlelinecheck key/option

(caption), 309, 311

(subfig), 318

singlespace env. (setspace), 107

singlespacing (setspace), 107

sinh, 500

SixFlowerOpenCenter (bbding), 403

size BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

size of image, 620, 626

size11.clo file, 16, 144

sizing fonts, 342, 343

sizing, mathematical typesetting, 502, 503

skip, 934

skip23 length, 934

skip$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

skipfootins length, 112, 113

(footmisc), 119, 120

(manyfoot), 124

skipfootinssuffix length (manyfoot), 124

sl, 347

used in math, 464

sl key value

(caption), 310

(fancyvrb), 156

(subfig), 319

sl option (titlesec), 37

slanted font, 333, 340

slantedGreek option

(ccfonts), 385

(cmbright), 386

(mathpazo), 378

(mathptmx), 376

slash (soul), 90

slashint (fourier), 392

sldefault, 346

slides document class, 6

slope key (lettrine), 101

sloped option (fourier), 392, 393

sloped font, 333

sloppy, 103

slovak option (babel), 543

slovene option (babel), 543

slshape, 340, 341, 344, 346

used in math, 348, 350

small, 144, 146, 342, 343, 480

small key value

(caption), 310, 311

(subfig), 318

small option

(eulervm), 398

(titlesec), 37

small caps

description, 334

French names, 563

in headings, 341

smallcaps key value (jurabib), 718, 719

smaller (relsize), 84

smallfrown (amssymb), 535

smallint, 536

smallmatrix env. (amsmath), 487

smallpencil (dingbat), 401

smallsetminus (amssymb), 530

smallskip, 857

smallskipamount length, 857

smallsmile (amssymb), 535

smash (amsmath), 505, 506, 507

smashing, mathematical typesetting, 506, 507

smile, 535

Smiley (marvosym), 401

Snow (ifsym), 405

so (soul), 88, 89, 90, 91

sobf (tlc), 91

sodef (soul), 90, 91

software information, see help resources

software release control, 836

Sonny option (fncychap), 34

SORT BibTeX command, 807

sort option

(cite), 695

(natbib), 704, 714

sort order

bibliographies, 764, 806

citations in bibliographies

author-number citation system, 714

number-only citation systems, 693, 694, 695, 714

short-title citation system, 743


French words, 670

German words, 657, 668, 670

letter-by-letter, 657, 668

non-English words, 670

page numbers, 657, 664, 678, 679

roman numerals, 666

spaces, 666

Spanish words, 670

special cases, 667

symbols, 666, 667

troubleshooting, 665, 666

xindy rules, 673, 677

sort-rule function (xindy), 675

sort.format function (bibtool), 779

sort.key$ BibTeX built-in function, 807

sort&compress option (natbib), 714

SortIndex (doc), 822

sorting, bibliographies, 779, 780

sortkey BibTeX field, 772

(jurabib), 743, 764

SortNoop, 769, 772

(tlc), 771, 772

soul package, xxvi, 8892

combined with color, 88, 92

error using, 902

nesting commands, 90

soulaccent (soul), 89

soulomit (soul), 90

soulregister (soul), 89

source (camel), 744

source control, 836, 837, 838, 839

source files, see also documents

specifying, 826, 827

splitting, 18, 19, 20

source line, finding, 890894

source2e.tex file, 834836

sout (ulem), 87

space use in

.fd file, 432

use in DeclareFontShape, 422

use in DeclareFontEncoding, 430

space key value (caption), 310

space option (cite), 695, 696

space compression, indexes, 650, 655, 666, 669

space parameters

defining new, 854

description, 854

horizontal space commands, 856, 857

setting, 855, 856

vertical space commands, 857, 858, 859, 860

spacefactor, 944

error using, 902, 914


around/within citations, 695

doc package, 815

in bibliography databases, 761

in indexes, 666

spaces option (url), 95

spaceskip length, 105, 429

(ragged2e), 105


after macro names, 80, 81

after punctuation, multilingual documents, 564

columns, 247, 248

document headings, see document headings, spacing

equations, 479, 480, 481

float captions, 312, 317

floats, 285

footnotes from text, 112

headed lists, 141

horizontal, mathematical typesetting, 507, 508

interword, 102, 103

leading, 106, 107, 108, 343, 373

letterspacing, 8892

math symbols, 525, 526, 528, 529

mathematical typesetting, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507

multipage tables, 261

table rows, 244, 245, 269, 271

tables of contents, 48

typed text, 159

spacing env. (setspace), 107

spadesuit, 528

spanish option (babel), 543, 554, 557, 558

Spanish words, index sort order, 670

spanning, table rows, 272, 273, 274, 282

spbreve (amsxtra), 495

spcheck (amsxtra), 495

spdddot (amsxtra), 495

spddot (amsxtra), 495

spdot (amsxtra), 495

special, 8, 9, 593, 594, 608, 626, 638, 639, 979, 980

(hyperref), 78

special characters, 345, see also entries for specific characters; math symbols; text symbols

cross-reference restrictions, 66

in bibliography database, 768, 769

in URLs, e-mail addresses, etc., 93

index sort order, 666, 667

indexes, 652, 653, 654, 662

multilingual documents, 552

typed text, 152, 153

SpecialEnvIndex (doc), 823

SpecialEscapechar (doc), 822

SpecialIndex (doc), 823

SpecialMainEnvIndex (doc), 823

SpecialMainIndex (doc), 823

specialrule (booktabs), 271, 272

SpecialUsageIndex (doc), 823

sphat (amsxtra), 495

sphericalangle (amssymb), 528

SpinDown (ifsym), 405

SpinUp (ifsym), 405


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 610

split env. (amsmath), 469, 473, 474, 478

error using, 895898

splitfootnoterule (footmisc), 119

SplitNote (manyfoot), 123, 124

splitrule option (footmisc), 119

splitting material across pages, see floats

splitting, document headings, 23

sptilde (amsxtra), 495

sqcap, 530

sqcup, 530

sqrt, 493, 499, 505, 506

(amsmath), 476, 477, 504

sqrtsign, 498, 499

(bm), 512


(amssymb), 533

(LaTeXsym), 464

sqsubseteq, 533


(amssymb), 533

(LaTeXsym), 464

sqsupseteq, 533

square (amssymb), 528, 529

square key/option (jurabib), 735

square option (natbib), 706, 712

SquareShadowC (ifsym), 405

squiggle program, 646

SS, 457

ss, 345, 459

shape in EC fonts, 355

(yfonts), 395

ssearrow (stmaryrd), 534

ssedition BibTeX field (jurabib), 736, 743

sslash (stmaryrd), 530

ssub size function, 426

ssubf size function, 426

sswarrow (stmaryrd), 534

st (soul), 88, 89, 92

stable option (footmisc), 120

stack$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

stackrel, 489, 495

stacks list stack, displaying, 944

macro stack, displaying, 892

parameter stack size errors, 918, 919

stand-alone indexes, 659662

standard input/output files, indexes, 655, 668

standard-baselineskips option

(ccfonts), 385

(cmbright), 386

StandardLayout (babel), 565

StandardModuleDepth counter (doc), 824

star, 136, 495, 530

startcontents (titletoc), 64, 65, 66

StartFinalBibs (chapterbib), 748, 749

starting page number, setting for index, 657, 662

StartShownPreambleCommands (tlc), 163

STATE (algorithmic), 168

stcfont (minitoc), 58

stcindent (minitoc), 58

stctitle (minitoc), 58

stealing sheep, see letterspacing

stepcounter, 748, 849, 851, 852, 876

stepnumber key

(fancyvrb), 160

(listings), 172

stepping through documents, 945, see also troubleshooting

stmaryrd package, 498, 524537

stockdesign (layouts), 202

stockdiagram (layouts), 202

stop, 894, 914, 921

(nfssfont.tex), 369

stopcontents (titletoc), 65

StopEventually (doc), 816, 817, 822, 835

StopShownPreambleCommands (tlc), 163

StopWatchEnd (ifsym), 404

StopWatchStart (ifsym), 404

straight key (titlesec), 44, 45

stretch, 856, 857, 858

strict key value (jurabib), 728, 730, 731, 735

strictdoublepage key value (jurabib), 729, 730

string, 591, 833, 933

(docstrip), 829

STRINGS BibTeX command, 805, 807

strings, bibliographies

creating, 769, 770

defaults, 771

searching all entries for, 775, 777, 778

searching keys for, 775

stringstyle key (listings), 170

stripping comments from source file, see comments, stripping

StrokeFive (ifsym), 405

strut, 273, 506, 507

(sidecap), 325

.sty file extension, 6, 8, 16

style key/option (caption), 312, 313

style files, see also configuration files


MakeIndex, 658665

specifying, 658

xindy, 673679

short-title citation system, 742, 743

style files, bibliographies

citation scheme, selecting, 800, 801

creating, 798804

description, 790

editing, 805812

extensions supported, determining, 802, 803

fields, adding new, 810, 811

formatting, specifying, 803, 804

initializing the system, 799, 800

list of, 791793

modifying, 805812

multi-language support, adding, 811, 812

style language, 805812

style language, bibliographies

blanks, 805

built-in functions, 805, 807, 808

case changes, disabling, 809, 810

commands, 805, 807, 808

entry variables, 805

field variables, 805

fields, adding new, 810, 811

global variables, 805

multi-language support, adding, 811, 812

process flow, 806809

sort order, 806

variables, types of, 805

styles, author-date citation system, 710

sub size function, 425

sub-captions, 315, 316319, 320, 321

sub-figures, 316, 319, 321

sub-formulas, mathematical typesetting, 503, 504

sub-numbering float captions, 321, 322, 323

sub-tables, 316, 318

subtype counter (subfig), 318

subarray env. (amsmath), 487, 488

subchapter (tlc), 44, 45

subequations env. (amsmath), 484, 485

subf size function, 426

subfig package, xxvi, 309, 315321

subfigure counter (subfig), 318

subfigure package, 315

subfigures env. (subfloat), 321, 322

subfiguresbegin (subfloat), 321

subfiguresend (subfloat), 321

subfloat (subfig), 315, 316, 318, 319, 320

subfloat package, xxvi, 321323

subfloatfigure counter (subfloat), 322

subfloatfiguremax counter (subfloat), 322

subfloattable counter (subfloat), 322

subfloattablemax counter (subfloat), 322

subitem, 679, 680

subparagraph, 23, 24, 25

(minitoc), 57

subparagraph counter, 24, 851

subparagraph*, 23

subparens key value (subfig), 320

subref (subfig), 318, 319, 320

subref* (subfig), 319

subscripts, limiting positions, 491, 492

subsection, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 47, 223

(minitoc), 57, 58

(titleref), textual reference to, 77

(titlesec), 37

subsection counter, 2426, 851, 853

subsection*, 23

subsectionbib option (bibunits), 752

subsectionmark, 230

(fancyhdr), 229

subsections, referencing, 25, 26

Subset (amssymb), 533

subset, 533

subset BibTeX style (aux2bib), 775

subset.bib file (makebib), 776

subseteq, 491, 533

subseteqq (amssymb), 533

subsetneq (amssymb), 533

subsetneqq (amssymb), 533

subsetplus (stmaryrd), 533

subsetpluseq (stmaryrd), 533

subsimple key value (subfig), 320

substack (amsmath), 487, 488

substring$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 812

subsubitem, 679

subsubsection, 23

(minitoc), 57, 58

(titlesec), 37

subsubsection counter, 24, 851, 853

subsubsection*, 23

subtables env. (subfloat), 321, 322

subtablesbegin (subfloat), 321

subtablesend (subfloat), 321

succ, 532

succapprox (amssymb), 532

succcurlyeq (amssymb), 532

succeq, 531, 532

succnapprox (amssymb), 532

succneqq (amssymb), 532

succnsim (amssymb), 532

succsim (amssymb), 532

sum, 398, 496, 536

sub/superscript placement on, 491, 492

(relsize), using larger symbol, 85

sumlimits option (amsmath), 491

summary tables of contents, 55

Summit (ifsym), 405

Sun (ifsym), 405

SunCloud (ifsym), 405

sup, 500

super key/option (jurabib), 726, 727731, 734, 735

super option

(cite), 696, 697, 756

problems using, 697

(natbib), 713, 714

superscript option (cite), 696, 697

superscript footnote marks, 113, 114

superscriptedition key/option (jurabib), 735, 736, 743


above Relation symbols, 495

limiting positions, 491, 492

number-only citation systems, 696, 697

short-title citation system, 735, 736, 743

supertabular env. (supertabular), 256, 257, 258261, 263

supertabular package, 256259, 261

combined with caption, 257, 262

supertabular* env. (supertabular), 256, 258, 261

supminus (tlc), 501

suppressfloats, 33, 287

suppressing numbers, document headings, 22, 23, 24

Supset (amssymb), 533

supset, 533

supseteq, 533

supseteqq (amssymb), 533

supsetneq (amssymb), 533

supsetneqq (amssymb), 533

supsetplus (stmaryrd), 533

supsetpluseq (stmaryrd), 533

surd, 528

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 646, see also PDF; PostScript

portable Web graphics, 644, 645

transforming LaTeX documents to, 645

svgview program, 646

swabfamily (yfonts), 394, 395

swap$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

swapnumbers (amsthm), 140

swarrow, 534

swedish option (babel), 543, 559

switch key value (jurabib), 736, 743

switch option (lineno), 181

switch* option (lineno), 181

sym (euro), 98

symbol, 345, 408, 654

warning using, 925, 945

symbol option (footmisc), 116, 117, 726

symbol classes, 524526, 528, 529

symbol* option (footmisc), 116, 121

symbols, see math symbols; special characters; text symbols

symmetrical page layout, 208, 209

syntax diagrams, creating, 834

syntax, error messages, 890

sz syntax (yfonts), 395


, 362, 459

problem with textcomp, 364

(textcomp), 363

t syntax

(delarray), 489

(hhline), 266, 267

T1 font encoding, 337, 345, 353357, 366, 416, 417, 420, 421, 430, 442, 449, 450452, 902

comparison with OT1, 346

extensions, 566, 567

hyphenation in, 427, 902

list of LICR objects, 455463

problem with EC fonts, 355

shape of ß, 355

(avant), 372

(babel), 552, 557, 566, 567, 590

(bookman), 372

(ccfonts), 383, 384

(chancery), 372

(charter), 372

(cmbright), 385, 386

(courier), 372

(fontenc), 361

(fourier), 391, 392

(helvet), 372

(luximono), 387, 388

(newcent), 372

(nfssfont.tex), 369

(palatino), 372

(pxfonts), 391

(textcomp), 362, 365

(times), 372

(txfonts), 388, 389

(url), 95

(utopia), 372

T1 option (fontenc), 361, 365, 386, 387, 417, 438, 567, 902

T1/cmr/m/it/10, 900

T1/cmr/m/n/10, 936

t1enc.def file, 450452

t1put.fd file, 420

T2A font encoding, 355, 366, 416, 417, 569, 571, 572, 906

(fontenc), 361

T2A option (fontenc), 361, 417, 570

T2B font encoding, 355, 416, 569, 573, 906

T2C font encoding, 355, 416, 569, 573

T3 font encoding, 416

(tipa), 405, 406

T4 font encoding, 416

T5 font encoding, 416

T7 font encoding, 416, 574

TAB' (Tabbing), 242

TAB= (Tabbing), 242

TAB> (Tabbing), 242

Tabbing env. (Tabbing), 242

Tabbing package, 242

tabbing env., 240, 241, 242, 445

error using, 895, 908, 910, 912

abbingsep rigid length, 241

abcolsep rigid length, 243, 247, 248, 250, 280, 282

tabhead option (endfloat), 290

able (nfssfont.tex), 369

table counter, 851

(longtable), 259

table env., 109, 262, 291, 306, 308

cross-reference to, 66, 67

error using, 899, 902, 907

floats to end of document, 289

labels in, 67

style parameters, 284286

warning using, 925

(float), 294, 295

(multicol), not supported, 189

(rotfloat), 298

(subfig), 318, 320

table option (euro), 97

table lists

in tables of contents, 48

options, 290

placing at end of document, 289291

table* env. (multicol), 189

ablecaption (supertabular), 257, 258

ablefirsthead (supertabular), 256, 257, 258

ablehead (supertabular), 256, 257, 258

ablelasttail (supertabular), 257, 258

ablename (babel), 547

tablenotes env. (threeparttable), 278, 279

ableofcontents, 22, 46, 47, 52, 54, 55, 166, 222

(minitoc), 56

(shorttoc), 55

(titletoc), 60

ableplace (endfloat), 290


accents, 241, 242

across page boundaries, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264

alignment, horizontal, 261

alignment, vertical, 246, 273, 274

balancing white space, 279, 280

coloring, 264, 265

column specifiers, defining, 248, 249


global changes, 245, 248, 249

laying out, 240243

modifying style, 248, 249

narrow, 246, 247

one-off, 248, 249

spacing, 247, 248

width, calculating automatically, 251254, 255, 282

width, calculating explicitly, 249, 250, 251

decimal data, aligning, 272, 274, 275, 276

floats, 315321

fonts, specifying, 244, 245

footnotes, 263, 277, 278, 279

hyphenation, 246

inside tables, 280, 281

line breaks, 247


and floats, 262264

captions, 257, 262

creating with longtable, 259, 260, 261, 262264

creating with supertabular, 256, 257, 258, 259

footnotes, 263

headers and footers, 256, 257, 261

horizontal alignment, 261

page breaks, 257

problems with, 263, 264

reducing run numbers, 263

row commands, 261

spacing around, 261

width, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264

paragraph options, 245, 246

preamble commands/options, 243248, 254


laying out, 242, 243

spacing, 244, 245, 269, 271

spanning, 272, 273, 274, 282

rules (graphic lines)

colored, 265

combining horizontal and vertical, 266, 267

dashed, 267, 268

double, 269

formal, 269, 270, 271, 272

variable width, 266

vertical, 266, 267, 269

standard environments, 240243

style parameters, 243

verb support, 255

visual appearance, 243


balancing white space, 279, 280

calculating automatically, 251254, 255, 282

calculating explicitly, 249, 250, 251

multipage, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264

stretching, 246

tables of contents, see also minitoc package; titlesec package

adding bibliography to, 48

adding index to, 48, 681

adding lists of figures/tables to, 48

at part or section level, 57, 58

combining, 52, 53, 54

description, 45

entering information into, 46, 47, 48, 49

formatting, 5964

generating, 46

indentation, 50, 51, 59

leaders, 59

multiple, 54, 55, 5658

nesting levels, 50

number width, 51

numberless, 59

optional code execution, 59, 60

paragraph format, 62, 63, 64

partial, 64, 65, 66

spacing, 48

summary, 55

text alignment, 60, 61, 62

typesetting, 49, 50, 51, 52

unusual number formats, 52

ablesection (endfloat), 290

tablesfirst option (endfloat), 290

abletail (supertabular), 257, 258

ablinesep rigid length (tabls), 269

tablist option (endfloat), 290

tabls package, 269

incompatible with array, 269

tabs, displaying, 160, 161

tabsize key (fancyvrb), 160, 161

tabular env., 103, 104, 106, 240, 242, 243251, 264282, 630, 863, 929

error using, 893, 898, 901, 904906

footnotes in, 277

style parameters, 243

(array), 244249, 266, 274, 280, 281

with color, 264

(arydshln), 268

(booktabs), 270, 272

(colortbl), 265

(dcolumn), 275, 276

(hhline), 267

(multirow), 273, 274

(sidecap), 325

(tabls), 269

(threeparttable), 278

tabular key value (jurabib), 739

tabular* env., 242, 255, 273, 279

(array), 246, 250, 280

tabularc env. (tlc), 250

abularnewline, 104, 246, 247, 249, 250, 252, 261

tabularx env. (tabularx), 251, 252, 253, 255, 277, 279, 282

tabularx package, 250, 251253

abularxcolumn (tabularx), 252

tabulary env. (tabulary), 253, 254, 255

tabulary package, 251, 253255

tabwindow env. (picinpar), 108

ag (amsmath), 472, 482

error using, 906, 910

ag* (amsmath), 482

agcurve (curves), 612

tags (equation), 469

definition, 468

numbering equations, 482

placement, 483, 484

ala (babel), 562, 563

alloblong (stmaryrd), 530

an, 500

anh, 500

Taschenuhr (ifsym), 404

au, 527

binom (amsmath), 493

tbtags option (amsmath), 473, 474

tcidvi option (graphics), 615

TDS conforming installation, ensuring, 830833

technical indexes, 667

techreport BibTeX entry type, 763

Telephone (ifsym), 405

Tent (ifsym), 405

terminal trace display, 943

ertio (babel), 563

testpage.tex file, 197

.tex file extension, 6, 8

TeX and LaTeX, summary list files, 8

TeX capacity exceeded errors, 915919

TeX files, obtaining

CD-ROM, 948, 949

ftp, 948, 950953

web access, 949, 950

TeX font metric files, 7

TeX, encoding, 353

tex.bib file (tlc), 690, 691, 777

tex.define function (bibtool), 783

tex_def.rsc file (bibtool), 783

texdoc program, 954, 955

texdoctk program, 954, 955

texindy program, 668672, 673

texmf.cnf file, 915

texpicture package, 639, 640

text, see also fonts

alignment, tables of contents, 60, 61, 62

case, changing, 85, 86, 87

emphasizing, see italic; underlining

mathematical typesetting, 499501

style, document headings, 28, 30, 31, 37

typed, see typed text

wrapping around images, 108, 109


(amsmath), 467, 472, 476478, 484, 486, 499, 508

(amstext), 351, 529

(nfssfont.tex), 369

text area, 207

text fragments, typesetting, 467

text input levels errors, 919

text input, encoding, 445447

text length, see space parameters

text markers, floats, 290, 291

text symbols, see also math symbols; special characters

€ (euro symbol), 407412

backward compatibility, 463, 464

clocks, 403, 404, 405

clouds, 403, 404, 405


Pi fonts, 378, 379381

PostScript, 388, 389, 390

TS1, 362, 363368

hands, 400, 401

IPA, 406, 407

MarVoSym font, 401, 403

mountains, 403, 404, 405

TIPA, 405407

Waldi’s font, 401

Zapf Dingbats, 378380

an alternative, 403, 404

text.length$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

text.prefix$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

extacutedbl (textcomp), 364, 459

extascendercompwordmark (textcomp), 365, 459

extasciiacute (textcomp), 364, 459

extasciibreve (textcomp), 364, 459

extasciicaron (textcomp), 364, 459

extasciicircum, 459

extasciidieresis (textcomp), 364, 459

extasciigrave (textcomp), 154, 364, 459

extasciimacron (textcomp), 364, 459

extasciitilde, 459

extasteriskcentered, 128

(textcomp), 363, 459

extbackslash, 339, 459, 654

extbaht (textcomp), 363, 459

extbar, 459

extbardbl (textcomp), 363, 459

extbf, 340, 344, 346, 407, 408, 438, 874

used in math, 351

(cmbright), 408

(lucidabr), 410

(soul), 89

(ulem), replaced by uwave, 87

(yfonts), 394

extbigcircle (textcomp), 364, 459

extblack (fourier), 393

extblank (textcomp), 364, 459

extborn (textcomp), 364, 366, 367, 384, 389, 390, 459

extbraceleft, 459

extbraceright, 459

extbrokenbar (textcomp), 363, 459

extbullet, 63, 128, 136, 364, 365

(textcomp), 363, 364, 365, 459

extcapitalcompwordmark (textcomp), 365, 459

textcase package, 8587

extcelsius (textcomp), 363, 459

extcent, 446

(textcomp), 363, 459

extcentoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 459

extcircled, 362, 453

problem with textcomp, 364

(textcomp), 363, 459

extcircledP (textcomp), 363, 459

extcolonmonetary (textcomp), 363, 460

extcolor (color), 157, 264, 599, 695, 696

textcomp package, 89, 362368, 388, 453455

error using, 889, 895, 910

unusable with ae, 356

textcomp.cfg file (textcomp), 367

extcompsubstdefault (textcomp), 366, 367, 910

extcompwordmark, 365, 460

(textcomp), 365

extcopyleft (textcomp), 363, 367, 460

extcopyright (textcomp), 363, 460

extcurrency (textcomp), 362, 363, 460

extcyrillic (babel), 568

extdagger (textcomp), 363, 364, 460

extdaggerdbl (textcomp), 363, 460

extdblhyphen (textcomp), 364, 460

extdblhyphenchar (textcomp), 364, 460

extdegree (textcomp), 363, 460

extdied (textcomp), 364, 384, 389, 390, 460

extdiscount (textcomp), 363, 460

extdiv (textcomp), 363, 460

extdivorced (textcomp), 364, 460

extdollar, 366, 454, 460

(pxfonts), problems with, 390

(textcomp), 363

(txfonts), problems with, 389

extdollaroldstyle (textcomp), 363, 366, 384, 389, 390, 460

extdong (textcomp), 363, 460

extdownarrow (textcomp), 363, 460

exteightoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 460

extellipsis, 81, 460

extemdash, 460

extendash, 128, 443, 460

extepsilon (tipa), 406

extestimated (textcomp), 363, 460

exteuro, 408, 453

faked, 922

(luximono), 387

(textcomp), 97, 362, 363, 368, 384, 389, 390, 407, 408, 460

extexclamdown, 443, 460

extfiveoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 460

extfloatsep length, 285, 286

extflorin (textcomp), 363, 460

textfont key/option

(caption), 310, 311, 313, 324

(subfig), 316

extfouroldstyle (textcomp), 363, 460

extfraction, 284, 287

extfractionsolidus (textcomp), 364, 460

extfrak (yfonts), 90, 394

extgoth (yfonts), 394

extgravedbl (textcomp), 364, 460

extgreater, 460

extgreek (babel), 568

extguarani (textcomp), 363, 460

extheight rigid length, 16, 194196, 197, 198, 208, 234, 287, 326, 373, 872, 888, 930

(fancybox), 597

(geometry), 207

(lscape), 212

(supertabular), 256

textheight key/option (geometry), 207, 211

extifsym (ifsym), 405

extifsymbol (ifsym), 405

extinit (yfonts), 396

extinterrobang (textcomp), 364, 460

extinterrobangdown (textcomp), 364, 460

extipa (tipa), 406

extit, 340, 344, 346, 407

used in math, 351

(lucidabr), 410

(yfonts), 394

extlangle (textcomp), 363, 460

extlarger (relsize), 84

extlatin (babel), 568

extlbrackdbl (textcomp), 363, 460

extleaf (textcomp), 364, 460

extleftarrow (textcomp), 363, 460

extless, 460

extlira (textcomp), 97, 363, 460

extlnot (textcomp), 363, 461

extlquill (textcomp), 363, 461

extmarried (textcomp), 364, 384, 389, 390, 461

extmd, 340, 344, 346

extmho (textcomp), 363, 461

extminus (textcomp), 363, 461

extmu (textcomp), 363, 461

extmusicalnote (textcomp), 364, 461

extnaira (textcomp), 363, 461

extnineoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 461

extnormal, 166, 167, 339, 344

extnumero (textcomp), 364, 367, 461

extogonekcentered, 461

extohm (textcomp), 363, 367, 368, 461

extol (babel), 568

extonehalf, 446

(textcomp), 363, 461

extoneoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 461

extonequarter (textcomp), 363, 461

extonesuperior (textcomp), 363, 461

extopenbullet (textcomp), 363, 461

extordfeminine (textcomp), 363, 461

extordmasculine (textcomp), 363, 461

extormath (babel), 446, 590, 591

extparagraph (textcomp), 363, 364, 461

extperiodcentered, 99, 128, 183

(textcomp), 363, 461


problems in T1, 417

(textcomp), 363, 461


problems in T1, 417

(textcomp), 363, 461

extpeso (textcomp), 363, 461

extpilcrow (textcomp), 363, 367, 461

extpm (textcomp), 363, 461

extprimstress (tipa), 406

extquestiondown, 461

extquotedbl, 461

extquotedblleft, 461

extquotedblright, 461

extquoteleft, 461

extquoteright, 461

extquotesingle (textcomp), 154, 364, 461

extquotestraightbase (textcomp), 364, 461

extquotestraightdblbase (textcomp), 364, 461

extrangle (textcomp), 363, 461

extrbrackdbl (textcomp), 363, 461

extrecipe (textcomp), 364, 461

extreferencemark (textcomp), 363, 461

extregistered, 453

(textcomp), 363, 461

extrightarrow (textcomp), 363, 462

extrm, 339, 344, 346, 351

used in math, 351

extroundcap (tipa), 406

extrquill (textcomp), 363, 462

extsb (fourier), 393

extsc, 340, 341, 344, 346, 858

used in math, 351

(fourier), 393

(relsize), 84

extscale (relsize), 84

extschwa (tipa), 406

extsection (textcomp), 363, 462

extservicemark (textcomp), 363, 462

extsevenoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 462

extsf, 339, 344, 346, 370, 407, 418, 850

used in math, 351

extsfbf (tlc), 89

extsixoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 462

extsl, 340, 344, 346, 408

used in math, 351

(cmbright), 408

extsmaller (relsize), 84

extsterling, 98, 454, 462

(pxfonts), problems with, 390

(textcomp), 363

(txfonts), problems with, 389

extstyle, 432, 494, 502

(relsize), 84

extsuperscript, 113, 126, 693, 861, 873

extsurd (textcomp), 363, 462

extswab (yfonts), 394

TextSymbolUnavailable, 446

extthreeoldstyle (textcomp), 363, 462

extthreequarters (textcomp), 363, 462

extthreequartersemdash (textcomp), 364, 462

extthreesuperior (textcomp), 363, 462

exttildelow (textcomp), 364, 462

exttimes (textcomp), 363, 462

exttrademark (textcomp), 363, 462

exttt, 339, 344, 346, 387, 407, 874

used in math, 351

(cmbright), 408

exttwelveudash (textcomp), 364, 462

exttwooldstyle (textcomp), 363, 462

exttwosuperior (textcomp), 363, 462

extunderscore, 462

extup, 142, 143, 340, 344, 346

extuparrow (textcomp), 363, 462

extupsilon (tipa), 406

Textures program, 614, 615

textures option

(changebar), 189

(graphics), 614, 615

extvisiblespace, 96, 462

extwidth rigid length, 181, 194, 196, 197, 199, 226, 871, 872, 888

(fancybox), 597

(fancyhdr), 224

(longtable), 261

(lscape), 212

textwidth key/option (geometry), 207, 211

extwon (textcomp), 363, 462

extyen (textcomp), 363, 462

extzerooldstyle (textcomp), 363, 462

.tfm file extension, 7, 8, 327, 340, 343, 413, 428, 429, 900

frac (amsmath), 493, 494

g (babel), 564

TH, 457

h, 462

(babel), 564

he, 131, 387, 855, 856, 935

error using, 902

hectr, 853

thebibliography env., 22, 222, 686, 687, 689, 691, 692, 699, 745, 809

listed in TOC, 47

warning using, 921

(bibunits), 752

(chapterbib), 747

(natbib), 707, 709

hebtauxfile (bibtopic), 754

hechapter, 25, 219, 854

(chappg), 216

(chapterbib), 748, 749

heCodelineNo (doc), 824

hecontentslabel (titletoc), 59, 60, 61, 64

hecontentspage (titletoc), 59, 60, 63, 64

heendnote (endnotes), 126

heendnotes (endnotes), 125, 126, 728

heenmark (endnotes), 126

heenumi, 129, 130, 854

heenumii, 129, 130, 854

heenumiii, 130, 854

heenumiv, 130, 854

heequation, 14, 71, 482, 854

(amsmath), 485

heFancyVerbLine (fancyvrb), 160

hefigure, 47

(subfloat), 322

hefootnote, 110, 277

theglossary env., 653

theindex env., 22, 222, 649, 679, 680

listed in TOC, 48

helstlisting (listings), 174

hemainfigure (subfloat), 322

hemaintable (subfloat), 322

hemnote (tlc), 121

hempfootnote, 110, 277

theorem package, 140

theorem-like structures, 138144, 467, see also headed lists

heoremstyle (amsthm), 140, 142, 143

hepage, 215, 216, 217, 223, 228, 231233, 876

(chappg), 216

heparentequation (amsmath), 485

hepart, 853

hepostfig (endfloat), 290

heposttbl (endfloat), 290

herefore (amssymb), 535

Thermo (ifsym), 404, 405

hesection, 25, 26, 217, 219, 853

thesis document class, 20

hesubtype (subfig), 318

hesubfloatfigure (subfloat), 322

hesubfloattable (subfloat), 322

hesubsection, 25, 26, 853

hesubsubsection, 853

hesubtable (subfig), 318, 319

Theta, 496, 527

heta, 475, 527

hetable (subfig), 319

hetitle (titlesec), 37

heTitleReference (titleref), 77

hevpagerefnum (varioref), 74, 75

hickapprox (amssymb), 532


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 609, 610

hicklines, 596, 607, 611

(eepic), 609, 610

(epic), 602604

(pspicture), 640, 641

hickmuskip length, 507, 525, 526

hicksim (amssymb), 532

hickspace (amsmath), 507, 508

hinlines, 596

(epic), 602, 604

(pspicture), 640, 641

hinmuskip length, 507, 525, 526

hinspace, 507, 508

hisfancypage (fancybox), 599

hisfancyput (fancybox), 599

hisfancyput* (fancybox), 599

hispagestyle, 33, 222, 230, 679, 680

(fancyhdr), 230

(nextpage), 236

thm env. (tlc), 139, 140

hmname (amsthm), 142, 143

hmnote (amsthm), 142, 143

hmnumber (amsthm), 142, 143

threeparttable env. (threeparttable), 278, 279

threeparttable package, xxvi, 278, 279

.tif file extension, 8, 626

tight option

(minitoc), 56

(shorttoc), 55

ilde, 529

tilde (~)

multilingual aspects, 554

nonbreaking space, 550

ime, 871, 873

imes, 392, 490, 496, 530

dots with, 496

times option (quotchap), 35

times package, 370, 371

Times Roman font

alternative support, 388, 389, 390, 516

description, 375

in math and text, 376, 377, 389, 390, 516, 517

iny, 172, 342, 343

tiny option (titlesec), 37

tipa package, xxvii, 405407, 416

tipaman file (tipa), 407

itle, 907

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