DJ.4. Network Issues

Now we will discuss various issues that pertain to the multicast network protocol used by the multicast discovery service. Much of the discussion centers on the Internet protocols, as the lookup discovery protocol is expected to be most heavily used on IP-based internets and intranets.

DJ.4.1. Properties of the Underlying Transport

The network protocol that is used to communicate between a discovering entity and an instance of the discovery request service is assumed to be unreliable and connectionless, and to provide unordered delivery of packets.

This maps naturally onto both IP multicast and local-area IP broadcast, but should work equally well with connection-oriented reliable multicast protocols.

DJ.4.1.1. Limitations on Packet Sizes

Since we assume that the underlying transport does not necessarily deliver packets in order, we must address this fact. Although we could mandate that request packets contain sequence numbers, such that they could be reassembled in order by instances of the discovery request service, this seems excessive. Instead, we require that discovery requests not exceed 512 bytes in size, including headers for lower-level protocols. This squeaks in below the lowest required MTU size that is required to be supported by IP implementations.

DJ.4.2. Bridging Calls to the Discovery Request Service

Whether or not calls to the discovery request service will need to be bridged across LAN or wide area network (WAN) segments will depend on the network protocol being used and the topology of the local network.

In an environment in which every LAN segment happens to host a Jini lookup service, bridging might not be necessary. This does not seem likely to be a typical scenario.

Where the underlying transport is multicast IP, intelligent bridges and routers must be able to forward packets appropriately. This simply requires that they support one of the multicast IP routing protocols; most router vendors already do so.

If the underlying transport were permitted to be local-area IP broadcast, some kind of intelligent broadcast relay would be required, similar to that described in the DHCP and BOOTP specifications. Since this would increase the complexity of the infrastructure needed to support the Jini discovery protocol, we mandate use of multicast IP instead of broadcast IP.

DJ.4.3. Limiting the Scope of Multicasts

In an environment that makes use of IP multicast or a similar protocol, the joining entity should restrict the scope of the multicasts it makes by setting the time-to-live (TTL) field of outgoing packets appropriately. The value of the TTL field is not mandated, but we recommend that it be set to 15.

DJ.4.4. Using Multicast IP as the Underlying Transport

If multicast IP is being used as the underlying transport, request packets are encapsulated using UDP (checksums must be enabled). A combination of a well-known multicast IP address and a well-known UDP port is used by instances of the discovery request service and joining entities.

DJ.4.5. Address and Port Mappings for TCP and Multicast UDP

The port number for Jini lookup discovery requests is 4160. This applies to both the multicast and unicast discovery protocols. For multicast discovery the IP address of the multicast group over which discovery requests should travel is Multicast announcements should use the address

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