Chapter 15. Printing

In general, printing in FileMaker is not too different from printing in your other applications. But there are a few twists worth considering, so read on.

To change the default printer:

  • Unless you change it, FileMaker will use your regular printer and its default settings. If you want to use a different printer for FileMaker files than your regular printer, do this:

    • To change the default printer: In Windows, choose File > Print Setup (Figure 15.1). When the Print Setup dialog box appears, select a new printer using the pop-up menu (Figure 15.2). Make sure your page margins are correct by checking the Paper and Orientation panels at the bottom of the dialog box. When you’re done, click OK.

      To change your printer, choose File > Print Setup.

      Figure 15.1. To change your printer, choose File > Print Setup. To change your printer, choose File > Print Setup.

      The pop-up menu within the Print Setup dialog box lets you select a new printer.

      Figure 15.2. The pop-up menu within the Print Setup dialog box lets you select a new printer. The pop-up menu within the Print Setup dialog box lets you select a new printer.

    • The pop-up menu within the Print Setup dialog box lets you select a new printer. On a pre-OS X Mac, select Chooser from the Apple menu. When the Chooser dialog box appears, make your new selection (Figure 15.3). Click the close box in the upper-left corner of the title bar.

      To change your default printer on a pre-OS X Mac, use the Chooser dialog box.

      Figure 15.3. To change your default printer on a pre-OS X Mac, use the Chooser dialog box. To change your default printer on a pre-OS X Mac, use the Chooser dialog box.

    • To change your default printer on a pre-OS X Mac, use the Chooser dialog box. On a Mac running OS X, choose File > Print. When the Print dialog box appears, click the Printer drop-down menu and choose Edit Printer List (top, Figure 15.4). When the Printer List dialog box appears, click Add Printer (bottom, Figure 15.4). Use the drop-down menu that appears to choose the network connection that leads to the desired printer (e.g., AppleTalk) (top, Figure 15.5), navigate to the printer you want and after highlighting it, click Add (bottom, Figure 15.5). When the Printer List dialog box reappears, the newly selected printer will be highlighted (Figure 15.6). Click the dialog box’s red close icon in the upper-left corner when you’re done.

      To change the default printer on a Mac running OS X, choose Edit Printer List from the Printer drop-down menu (top), then click Add Printer in the Printer List dialog box (bottom).

      Figure 15.4. To change the default printer on a Mac running OS X, choose Edit Printer List from the Printer drop-down menu (top), then click Add Printer in the Printer List dialog box (bottom). To change the default printer on a Mac running OS X, choose Edit Printer List from the Printer drop-down menu (top), then click Add Printer in the Printer List dialog box (bottom).

      Use the drop-down menu that appears to choose the network connection (top), navigate to the desired printer, and click Add (bottom).

      Figure 15.5. Use the drop-down menu that appears to choose the network connection (top), navigate to the desired printer, and click Add (bottom). Use the drop-down menu that appears to choose the network connection (top), navigate to the desired printer, and click Add (bottom).

      When the Printer List dialog box reappears, the newly selected printer will be highlighted.

      Figure 15.6. When the Printer List dialog box reappears, the newly selected printer will be highlighted. When the Printer List dialog box reappears, the newly selected printer will be highlighted.

To show page margins:

  • Switch to Layout mode (To show page margins: in Windows, To show page margins:To show page margins: on the Mac), and choose View > Page Margins (Figure 15.7). The page margin is marked by a gray boundary, while the edge of the paper is marked by a darker boundary (Figure 15.8).

    Check your margins by switching to Layout mode and choosing View > Page Margins.

    Figure 15.7. Check your margins by switching to Layout mode and choosing View > Page Margins.

    A gray boundary marks the layout’s edge; a darker boundary the paper’s edge.

    Figure 15.8. A gray boundary marks the layout’s edge; a darker boundary the paper’s edge.

To set page margins:

  1. First, make sure you have the right paper size selected by choosing File > Print Setup (Windows) or File > Page Setup (Mac) and selecting your paper as necessary using the pop-up menus.

  2. Switch to Layout mode (To set page margins: in Windows, To set page margins:To set page margins: on the Mac), and choose Layouts > Layout Setup (Figure 15.9).

    Choose Layouts > Layout Setup to change margins.

    Figure 15.9. Choose Layouts > Layout Setup to change margins.

  3. When the Layout Setup dialog box appears (Figure 15.10), select the Fixed page margins checkbox and use the four number-entry boxes to adjust your Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins. Check Facing Pages to account for a narrower inside margin if you’ll be printing on both sides of the paper.

    Select Fixed page margins and enter new numbers to adjust your Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins.

    Figure 15.10. Select Fixed page margins and enter new numbers to adjust your Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins.

  4. Click OK.

Removing unwanted space

Data varies: some runs long, some short (Figure 15.11). To eliminate wasted field space, create a neater printout—and keep Al and Beauregard happy—you want to use a feature FileMaker calls “sliding.” With this feature, FileMaker automatically closes up unused space either to the left or above any fields you select. The great thing about sliding is that FileMaker only applies it when necessary. If you have a field with a long text entry, it gets the room it needs.

The problem with fixed field size printouts: Giving Beauregard enough room makes Al space out.

Figure 15.11. The problem with fixed field size printouts: Giving Beauregard enough room makes Al space out.

To remove unwanted spaces:

  1. Switch to Layout mode (To remove unwanted spaces: in Windows, To remove unwanted spaces:To remove unwanted spaces: on the Mac).

  2. Use the Pointer Tool to select all the fields you want to make sure are closed up properly. Choose Format > Sliding/Printing (To remove unwanted spaces:To remove unwanted spaces:To remove unwanted spaces: on the Mac, no Windows equivalent) (Figure 15.12).

    To remove unwanted space in fields or parts, choose Format > Sliding/Printing.

    Figure 15.12. To remove unwanted space in fields or parts, choose Format > Sliding/Printing.

  3. When the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box appears, check the Sliding left box (Figure 15.13). (Check Sliding up based on to control vertical spacing in a layout, especially within layout parts.) Click OK.

    Within the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box, check Sliding left to close horizontal gaps or Sliding up based on to close vertical gaps in fields or parts.

    Figure 15.13. Within the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box, check Sliding left to close horizontal gaps or Sliding up based on to close vertical gaps in fields or parts.

  4. Switch to Preview Mode (Within the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box, check Sliding left to close horizontal gaps or Sliding up based on to close vertical gaps in fields or parts. in Windows, Within the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box, check Sliding left to close horizontal gaps or Sliding up based on to close vertical gaps in fields or parts.Within the Set Sliding/Printing dialog box, check Sliding left to close horizontal gaps or Sliding up based on to close vertical gaps in fields or parts. on the Mac) to see the change (Figure 15.14).

    With sliding activated, the field size printouts match their entries.

    Figure 15.14. With sliding activated, the field size printouts match their entries.

With sliding activated, the field size printouts match their entries. Tips

  • Sliding can be applied to objects, along with layout items that aren’t in a field, such as lines you’ve placed in a layout for visual effect. In both cases, just select the item and apply sliding via the Format menu.

  • Sliding only works on the body; headers and footers won’t slide. Instead, see To resize a part on page 161.

To preview a printout:

  • Choose View > Preview Mode (To preview a printout: in Windows, To preview a printout:To preview a printout: on the Mac) to see if your printout will be just as you want it (Figure 15.15).

    Before printing, you can choose View > Preview Mode or use your keyboard: (Windows) or (Mac).

    Figure 15.15. Before printing, you can choose View > Preview Mode or use your keyboard: Before printing, you can choose View > Preview Mode or use your keyboard: (Windows) or (Mac). (Windows) or Before printing, you can choose View > Preview Mode or use your keyboard: (Windows) or (Mac).Before printing, you can choose View > Preview Mode or use your keyboard: (Windows) or (Mac). (Mac).

To print:

  1. Switch to the layout you want to print from and run any needed Find Requests or Sorts. Choose File > Print (To print: in Windows, To print:To print: on the Mac).

  2. When the Print dialog box appears:

    To print: Use the Print drop-down list (Figure 15.16) to determine whether you print all the records being browsed (the found set), only the current record, a blank record with the fields showing, a list of field definitions, or the script definitions for the current layout.

    In Windows, the Print drop-down list lets you choose which FileMaker records you print.

    Figure 15.16. In Windows, the Print drop-down list lets you choose which FileMaker records you print. In Windows, the Print drop-down list lets you choose which FileMaker records you print.

    In Windows, the Print drop-down list lets you choose which FileMaker records you print. Use the pop-up menu to choose FileMaker Pro (Figure 15.17). When the FileMaker settings appear in the lower portion of the Print dialog box (Figure 15.18), use the radio buttons to choose whether you print all the records being browsed (the found set), only the current record, a blank record with the fields showing, the script definitions for the current layout, or a list of field definitions. A pop-up menu for the blank record option lets you choose whether you want fields in blank records printed as formatted, with boxes, or with underlines.

    Use the Print dialog box’s pop-up menu to reach the FileMaker settings.

    Figure 15.17. Use the Print dialog box’s pop-up menu to reach the FileMaker settings. Use the Print dialog box’s pop-up menu to reach the FileMaker settings.

    When the FileMaker settings appear in the lower portion of the Print dialog box, use the radio buttons to control which FileMaker records print.

    Figure 15.18. When the FileMaker settings appear in the lower portion of the Print dialog box, use the radio buttons to control which FileMaker records print. When the FileMaker settings appear in the lower portion of the Print dialog box, use the radio buttons to control which FileMaker records print.

  3. Once you’ve set your other choices (print range and number of copies), click OK (Windows) or Print (Mac).

    When the FileMaker settings appear in the lower portion of the Print dialog box, use the radio buttons to control which FileMaker records print. Tip

    • Printing out a script can be a terrific way to troubleshoot any problems that you can’t quite find. Sometimes you see on paper what you can’t see on the screen.

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