Chapter 25. Standard Template Library

Goodness and evil never share the same road, just as ice and charcoal never share the same container.

Chinese proverb

As people began to develop code, they noticed that they were coding the same things over and over again. For example, in every large C program, you’ll probably find an implementation of a linked list. Since it’s better to reuse than to rewrite, the designers of C++ have added a library of common containers (lists, arrays, and others) to the language. This library is known as the Standard Template Library or STL.

These containers are designed as templates so that they can hold almost anything. The library provides not only the containers but also iterators that make access to the contents of a container easier.

Finally, there are the algorithms that perform common functions on a container, such as sorting, merging two containers, locating elements, and other such functions.

STL Basics

In this section we take a look at the basic concepts that went into the design of the STL and how all these design elements come together to provide a very robust and flexible way of handling items.


The core of the STL is the container. We’re already familiar with a couple of STL container types, the vector (a single-dimension array) and the stack.

The STL divides containers into sequences, which store their elements in order, and associative containers, in which elements are accessed using a key value.

The basic STL containers are:


A random-access sequential container. This looks pretty much like a C++ array, but you can expand it by inserting elements into it. You can also delete elements from a vector.


Similar to a vector, but it’s faster at inserting and deleting elements in the middle of the container.


A doubly linked list. Does not allow for random access.


A set of items. Items in the set are ordered and unique.


A set that permits multiple items with the same value to be stored in it.


Also known as associative array. This is a container whose values can be looked up by a key. Because this is a template, the key and value can be almost anything. Only one value is stored for each key.


A map that allows multiple values to be stored for each key.

These containers give you a way of storing most data in almost any way you want to. Now that we’ve got our data stored, we need access to it.


Iterators allow you to go through a container and access the data inside. One form of this is the forward iterator, which allows you to access each element from first to last. There is a reverse iterator that allows you to go the other way and a bidirectional iterator, which goes both ways. Finally, there is the random access iterator, which allows you to access any element randomly.

Not all containers support all iterator types. For example, the vector supports random access iterators, while the list container does not.

We’ll see how to use iterators in the class program described later in this chapter.


We have containers to hold the data and iterators so we can access it. For example, the sort algorithm can be used to sort an ordered container such as a vector. Some of the other algorithms include:


Finds an item in a container


Counts the number of items in a container


Tests to see if containers are equal


Runs each element of a container through a given function


Copies a container


Reverses the elements of an ordered container

These three elements—containers, iterators, and algorithms—make up the STL. Now that we know the basics, let’s see how to use this library in the real world.

Class List—A Set of Students

Suppose we are working on a school scheduling program. We need to keep track of the number of students in each class. In STL terms, we need a container to hold the students. The type of container we need is a set.

A set is a container that holds an ordered list of items. In this case our items are student names (which are represented by strings). To define our class list, we use the following declarations:

#include <set>
#include <string>

std::set<std::string> class_set;      // A list of students in the class

The statement #include <set> is used to get the definition of the set template. We then use this template to define a set of strings named class_set. (The term “set” is used instead of the more common “list” to avoid confusion with the STL type list, which is discussed later in this chapter.)

We can now add names to our set of students:

    while (! in_file.eof(  )) {
       std::string student;
       in_file >> student;

This code uses the member function insert to add new students to our set.

Iterating Through a Set

Now we need to print out the class roster. To do so, we need to write some code to go through the set of students and print out each student’s name. The STL has a concept called an iterator to help us do just that. You can think of an iterator as a pointer to an item in a set (or any other STL container). Actually, an iterator is much more complex than a pointer, but the STL tries to hide that complexity from you and make an iterator look as much like a pointer as possible.

Our iterator for the printing of students is declared as follows:

    std::set<std::string>::const_iterator cur_student;

We are using const_iterator because we will not be changing the values of the items as we go through them.

Now for the actual stepping through the set. The first element of the set is called class_set.begin( ); the empty space past the last element is called class_set.end( ). To step through all the elements of the set, we use the following code:

    for (cur_student = class_set.begin(  ); 
         cur_student != class_set.end(  );
        std::cout << (*cur_student) << '

Notice that to end the loop we used the condition:

         cur_student != class_set.end(  );

instead of:

         cur_student < class_set.end(  );     // Wrong!

That’s because the elements of a set are unordered, which means that you cannot compare two iterators for anything except equality. They either point to the same element or they don’t. It’s meaningless to say that one element comes before another.

Using std::foreach to Write Out the Set

Iterating through an entire container is a common operation. In fact, there’s an STL library function to do just that. Rather than write our own code, we can use the STL foreach algorithm to output our list:

#include <algorithm>;
static void write_student(set<string>::const_iterator& cur_student) {
    std::cout << *cur_student << '
    foreach(class_set.begin(), class_set.end(  ), write_student);

The include file algorithm brings in the STL algorithm functions. In this case, the algorithm we are interested in is foreach. The function, write_student, merely writes out a student’s name.

The heart of the code is the foreach function call. The first argument is the place to start; the second argument is one after the place to stop. (Note that this one-past-stopping is a key concept used in many STL functions.) Finally, we have a function to be called for each student.


One of the problems[1] with setsis that each item in a set must be unique. So what happens if two students named John Smith enroll in the same class? When we try to do our insert, the set code will see that we’ve already got John Smith in the set and refuse to add another one.

A set of objects that can contain duplicates is called a std::multiset . Except for the way in which it handles duplicates, a std::multiset is just like a set. So we really need to declare our class using this new container:

std::multiset<string> class_set;      // A list of students in the class

Creating a Waiting List with the STL List

Suppose we have more students who want to take a class than we have places to put them. In that case we’ll have to start a waiting list for those people who want to get in if space opens up.

We can’t use a set as a waiting list, because a set stores the elements in order. For that we need the STL container std::list. A std::list is an ordered list of elements that allows us to add students on the back end and remove them from the front end.

Our waiting list declaration is:

#include <list>

std::list<std::string> waiting_list; // Waiting list for the class

When we want to add a student to the back of the list, we use the code:


To remove a student from the front, we need two statements:

    student =  );
    waiting_list.pop_front(  );

Iterating through a list is just like iterating through a set. That’s because they are both containers, and the STL is designed so that all containers act the same whenever possible.

Storing Grades in a STL Map

Let’s change our class roster so that we record not only the name of each student, but also the student’s grade as well. We do this using something called a map. To define our class map, we use the following declaration:

#include <map>

// Map key=name(string), value = grade(char)
template map<string, char> student_roster;

Inserting an item into a map is a little trickier than inserting one into a set because we are inserting a pair of items. The STL handles this nicely by providing a pair class that takes two elements and turns them into an item that a map can handle. For example, if John Smith is in the class and got an A, we would write:

    student_roster(pair(string("John Smith"), 'A'));

Suppose we want to find out what Mr. Smith’s grade is. We can search for his record using the find function call. It takes three parameters: a place to start the search, a place to end the search, and something to look for. It returns an iterator pointing to the item found or, if nothing is found, the value returned by the end function. To look for Mr. Smith’s grade, we use the code:

    map<string, char>::const_iterator record_loc;

    record_loc = find(student_roster.begin(), student_roster.end(  );
                    string("John Smith"));

Now let’s check to see if we found the student:

    if (record_loc == student_roster.end(  ))
        std::cerr << "John Smith not found in the class

The iterator points to a pair consisting of the student’s name and grade. The fields of a pair are named first and second. To print John’s record, we use the statement:

    std::cout << "Student: " << record_loc->first << " Grade:" << 
        record_loc->second << '

Putting It All Together

Now let’s use our knowledge of the STL to create a class to handle a simple class roster and waiting list. The class class_stuff will contain member functions to perform the following tasks:

  • Add a student to a class. If the class is full, the student will be added to the waiting list.

  • Remove a student from a class. If the waiting list has a student in it, the first student on the waiting list gets put in the class.

  • Record a grade for each assignment.

  • Print a class roster including grades.

Let’s start by defining the class. We’ll record information about students in the class in a map. The key is the student’s name, and the value is a vector containing the grades.

A vector is very similar to a list. However, it allows indexed access to its elements much the same way an array does. We will use the function size to determine the number of elements in the vector and resize to increase the size if needed.

The start of our class_stuff definition looks like this:

class class_stuff {
        typedef std::vector<int> grades;        // A set of grades

        std::map<std::string, grades> roster;  // Roster of current class
        std::list<std::string> waiting_list;   // People waiting on the list

Now we need to define the member functions. The first one adds a student to a class:

void class_stuff::add_student(
    const string& name  // Name of the student to add

We first check to see if the student is already in the class; if she is, we don’t add her again:

    if (roster.find(name) != roster.end(  ))
        return; // Already in the class, don't reuse

Next we check to see if the number of students currently in the class has reached the limit. If there is room, we add the student to the class using the new_student function described below. If there is not room in the class, the student goes on the end of the waiting list:

    if (roster.size(  ) < MAX_STUDENTS) {
        // Class has room, add to class
    } else {
        // No room, put on waiting list

The new_student function is responsible for adding a student to the roster. It creates an empty set of grades, then inserts the student into the class:

        // Insert a student into the class
        void class_stuff::new_student(
            const string& name  // Student to add to the class
            grades no_grades;   // Empty grade vector
            roster.insert(pair<string, grades>(name, no_grades));

The code to drop a student first checks to see if the student is actually in the class; he can’t be dropped if he’s not enrolled:

void class_stuff::drop_student(
    const string& name  // Name of the student to drop
    // The student we are probably going to drop
    map<string, grades>::iterator the_student =

    if (the_student == roster.end(  ))
        return; // Student is not in the class

Next we remove the student from the class. The erase member function eliminates an element from the map:


Finally we check the waiting list and add one student from it if there’s someone available:

    // Add a person from the waiting_list if 
    // there's anyone waiting
    if (waiting_list.size(  ) > 0) {
        string wait_name = waiting_list.front(  );
        waiting_list.pop_front(  );

To record a grade, we first find the student’s record:

void class_stuff::record_grade(
    const string& name,         // Name of the student
    const int grade,            // Grade of this assignment
                                // Assignment number
    const unsigned int assignment_number
    map<string, grades>::iterator the_student =

    if (the_student == roster.end(  ))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: No such student " << name << '

Then we adjust the size of the grade vector so that it has enough entries to contain the assignment:

    // Resize the grade list if there's not enough room
    if (the_student->second.size(  ) <= assignment_number)

Finally, we store the value of the grade:

    the_student->second[assignment_number] = grade;

Our last function prints the grades for all the students in a class. To do this we need a sorted list of names. We start by copying the names from the roster into a container (storted_names) that can be sorted:

void class_stuff::print_grades(  )
    std::vector<std::string> sorted_names;        // Student names sorted

    // The student we are inserting into the storted_names list
    map<string, grades>::iterator cur_student;

    for (cur_student = roster.begin(  );
         cur_student != roster.end(  );

The std::sort function is one of the algorithms supplied by the STL. You give it a range of items to sort and it sorts them. In this case, we want to sort the entire std::vector from beginning to end:

    sort(sorted_names.begin(  ), sorted_names.end(  ));

Now it’s simply a matter of stepping through the sorted name list and printing the data. About the only new thing in this section of code is the use of [] to access elements of the roster. Remember that roster is a mapping of key to value. One way to find out the value associated with a particular key is to use the [] as follows:

               value = a_map[key];

The rest of the code for printing the grades is pretty straightforward:

    // The current student to print
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur_print;

    for (cur_print = sorted_names.begin(  );
         cur_print != sorted_names.end(  );
        std::cout << *cur_print << '	';

        // The grade we are printing now
        grades::const_iterator cur_grade;

        for (cur_grade = roster[*cur_print].begin(  );
             cur_grade != roster[*cur_print].end(  );
            std::cout << *cur_grade << ' ';
        std::cout << '

Example 25-1 shows the full code for our class_stuff object, as well as some test code.

Example 25-1. class/class.cpp
 * class_stuff -- A simple class to handle students     *
 * and grades.                                          *
#include <iostream>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>

#include <algorithm>

const unsigned int MAX_STUDENTS = 5;    // Max number of students per class
// Set low for testing

class class_stuff {
        typedef std::vector<int> grades;// A set of grades

        std::map<std::string, grades> roster;   // Roster of current class
        std::list<std::string> waiting_list;    // People waiting on the list
        // Constructor defaults
        // Destructor defaults
        // Copy constructor defaults
        // Assignment operator
        void add_student(const std::string& name);
        void drop_student(const std::string& name);
        void record_grade(const std::string& name, 
                const int grade,
                const unsigned int assignment_number
        void print_grades(  );
        // Insert a student into the class
        void new_student(
            const std::string& name     // Student to add to the class
            grades no_grades;   // Empty grade vector
                std::pair<std::string, grades>(name, no_grades));

 * class_stuff::add_student -- Add a student to a class *
 *      If the class if full, add him to the waiting    *
 *      list.                                           *
void class_stuff::add_student(
    const std::string& name     // Name of the student to add
    if (roster.find(name) != roster.end(  ))
        return; // Already in the class, don't reuse

    if (roster.size(  ) < MAX_STUDENTS) {
        // Class has room, add to class
    } else {
        // No room, put on waiting list
 * class_stuff::drop_student -- Remove student from     *
 * a class.  If there's a waiting list his place is     *
 * filled by the first student on the list.             *
void class_stuff::drop_student(
    const std::string& name     // Name of the student to drop
    // The student we are probably going to drop
    std::map<std::string, grades>::iterator the_student =

    if (the_student == roster.end(  ))
        return; // Student is not in the class

    // Add a person from the waiting_list if 
    // there's anyone waiting
    if (waiting_list.size(  ) > 0) {
        std::string wait_name = waiting_list.front(  );
        waiting_list.pop_front(  );

 * class_stuff::record_grade -- Record a grade for      *
 *      a student.                                      *
void class_stuff::record_grade(
    const std::string& name,    // Name of the student
    const int grade,            // Grade of this assignment
                                // Assignment number
    const unsigned int assignment_number
    std::map<std::string, grades>::iterator the_student =

    if (the_student == roster.end(  ))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: No such student " << name << '
    // Resize the grade list if there's not enough room
    if (the_student->second.size(  ) <= assignment_number)

    the_student->second[assignment_number] = grade;

 * class_stuff::print_grades -- Print the students      *
 * and their grades.                                    *
void class_stuff::print_grades(  )
    std::vector<std::string> sorted_names;      // Student names sorted

    // The student we are inserting into the storted_names list
    std::map<std::string, grades>::iterator cur_student;

    for (cur_student = roster.begin(  );
         cur_student != roster.end(  );
    std::sort(sorted_names.begin(  ), sorted_names.end(  ));

    // The current student to print
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur_print;

    for (cur_print = sorted_names.begin(  );
         cur_print != sorted_names.end(  );
        std::cout << *cur_print << '	';

        // The grade we are printing now
        grades::const_iterator cur_grade;

        for (cur_grade = roster[*cur_print].begin(  );
             cur_grade != roster[*cur_print].end(  );
            std::cout << *cur_grade << ' ';
        std::cout << '

int main(  )
    // A class for testing
    class_stuff test_class;

    test_class.add_student("Able, Sam");
    test_class.add_student("Baker, Mary");
    test_class.add_student("Johnson, Robin");
    test_class.add_student("Smith, Joe");
    test_class.add_student("Mouse, Micky");

    test_class.add_student("Gadot, Waiting");
    test_class.add_student("Congreve, William");

    std::cout << "Before drop " << std::endl;
    test_class.print_grades(  );
    std::cout << "
    test_class.drop_student("Johnson, Robin");

    std::cout << "After drop " << std::endl;
    test_class.print_grades(  );
    std::cout << "

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        test_class.record_grade("Able, Sam",      i*10+50, i);
        test_class.record_grade("Baker, Mary",    i*10+50, i);
        test_class.record_grade("Smith, Joe",     i*10+50, i);
        test_class.record_grade("Mouse, Micky",   i*10+50, i);
        test_class.record_grade("Gadot, Waiting", i*10+50, i);

    std::cout << "Final " << std::endl;
    test_class.print_grades(  );
    std::cout << "

    return (0);

Practical Considerations When Using the STL

The containers and related functions of the STL do a good job of making your life easier. However, because the STL is so flexible and powerful, it can sometimes be difficult to get things right. In this section we’ll explore a few techniques that can make your life much easier.

Getting the Types Right

One of the big problems with using STL containers is remembering the types of the variables and parameters being used. It’s very easy to use the wrong type. You’ll encounter this problem with the STL more than with most other code in part due to the flexibility of the system coupled with the large number types used in the definition of containers and the functions that work on them.

One way to make things clearer is through the use of typedef statements. For example:

typedef std::map<std::string, grades> class_roster;

Definitions like this tend to cut down on the clutter because class_roster is much clearer (and a little shorter) than map<string, grades>. It also makes maintenance easier because the definition of your type is in one place.


We did not make extensive use of the typedef statement in this chapter because the purpose of the chapter is to teach you about the underlying STL templates. It would have been clearer (but not as instructive) if we had used them.

Error Messages

One of the problems with templates is that compiler parser technology is not yet up to speed when it comes to issuing error messages. The following example is one line of a multiline error message coming out of a broken program:

classx.cpp:78: no matching function for call to `map< basic_string< char, string_
char_traits<  char>, __default_alloc_template< true, 0> >, vector< int, _  _default_
alloc_template< true, 0> >, less< basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _
default_alloc_template< true, 0> > >, __default_alloc_template< true, 0> >::find (_  _
rb_tree_iterator< pair< const basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _
default_alloc_template< true, 0> >, vector< int, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> > 
>, pair< const basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_alloc_
template< true, 0> >, vector< int, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> > > &, pair< 
const basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 
0> >, vector< int, __default_alloc_template< true, 0> > > *>,  _  _rb_tree_iterator< 
pair< const basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_alloc_template< 
true, 0> >, vector< int, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> > >, pair< const basic_
string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> >, 
vector< int, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> > > &, pair< const basic_string< 
char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> >, vector< int, __
default_alloc_template< true, 0> > > *>,  map< basic_string< char, string_char_
traits< char>, __default_alloc_template< true, 0> >, vector< int, _  _default_alloc_
template< true, 0> >, less< basic_string< char, string_char_traits< char>, _  _default_
alloc_template< true, 0> > >, _  _default_alloc_template< true, 0> > &)'

From this we can see that something went wrong on line 78, but it’s difficult to tell what. (Turns out that this is a type-related problem.) Unfortunately, because of the clutter, it’s next to impossible to tell what’s wrong other than it’s near line 78 and it has something to do with the STL.

The STL pushes the limits of C++ technology, and sometimes the limits push back.

Getting More Information

There is a good reference for the STL at Please note that this reference is for a slightly more advanced version of the STL than the one used in the C++ standard.Another STL reference can be found at


Exercise 25-1: In Chapter 1 we defined a histogram program that used our home-grown infinite array. Rewrite the program to use the STL.

Exercise 25-2: Write a program that produces an index for a book. The input file is a set of page numbers and index information of the form:

<page-number>    <index entry>

There may be more than one record for each index entry. The output should be a sorted list of index entries such as:

alpha 10, 20, 30
beta 5, 6, 18

Exercise 25-3: Change the cross-reference program you wrote for Exercise 20-1 to use the STL.

Exercise 25-4: Write a program that does a frequency count of each word in a document.

[1] I’ve been told this is a feature, not a problem.

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