Transferring Files

You may need to copy files between computers. For instance, you can put a backup copy of an important file you’re editing onto an account at a computer in another building or another city. Dr. Nelson could put a copy of a datafile from her local computer onto a central computer, where her colleagues can access it. Or you might want to download 20 files from an FTP server, but not want to go through the tedious process of clicking on them one by one in a web browser window. If you need to do this sort of thing often, you may be able to set up a networked filesystem connection; then you’ll be able to use the Finder or local programs such as cp and mv. But Unix systems also have command-line tools for transferring files between computers. These often work more quickly than graphical tools. We explore them later in this section.

scp and rcp

Mac OS X includes both scp (secure copy) and rcp (remote copy) programs for copying files between two computers. In general, you must have accounts on both computers to use these. The syntax of scp and rcp are similar to cp, but also let you add the remote hostname to the start of a file or directory pathname. The syntax of each argument is:


hostname: is needed only for remote files. You can copy from a remote computer to the local computer, from the local computer to a remote computer, or between two remote computers.

The scp program is much more secure than rcp, so we suggest using scp to transfer private files over insecure networks such as the Internet. For privacy, scp encrypts the file and your passphrase.

For example, let’s copy the files report.may and report.june from your home directory on the computer named and put the copies into your working directory (.) on the machine you’re presently logged in to. If you haven’t set up the SSH agent that lets you use scp without typing your passphrase, scp will ask you:

% scp .
Enter passphrase for RSA key 'taylor@mac':

To use wildcards in the remote filenames, put quotation marks (" name ") around each remote name.[9]

You can use absolute or relative pathnames; if you use relative pathnames, they start from your home directory on the remote system. For example, to copy all files from your food/lunch subdirectory on your giraffe account into your working directory (.) on the local account, enter:

% scp "*" .

Unlike cp, the Mac OS X versions of scp and rcp don’t have an -i safety option. If the files you’re copying already exist on the destination system (in the previous example, that’s your local machine), those files are overwritten.

If your system has rcp, your system administrator may not want you to use it for system security reasons. Another program, ftp, is more flexible and secure than rcp (but much less secure than scp).


FTP, or file transfer protocol, is a standard way to transfer files between two computers. Many users of earlier Mac OS versions are familiar with Fetch (, a shareware graphical FTP client that runs on Mac OS X as well as earlier versions.

The Unix ftp program does FTP transfers from the command line. There are also a number of easy-to-use graphical FTP tools available from the Apple web site (go to Get Mac OS X Software... from the Apple menu and click on Internet Utilities). But we cover the standard ftp program here. The computers on either end of the FTP connection must be connected by a network (such as the Internet).

To start FTP, identify yourself to the remote computer by giving the username and password for your account on that remote system. Unfortunately, sending your username and password over a public network means that snoopers might see them — and use them to log into your account on that system.

A special kind of FTP, anonymous FTP , happens if you log in to the remote server with the username anonymous. The password is your email address, such as [email protected]. (The password isn’t usually required; it’s a courtesy to the remote server.) Anonymous FTP lets anyone log in to a remote system and download publicly accessible files to their local systems.

Command-line ftp

To start the standard Unix ftp program, provide the remote computer’s hostname:

ftp hostname

ftp prompts for your username and password on the remote computer. This is something like a remote login (see Section 7.1, earlier in this chapter), but ftp doesn’t start your usual shell. Instead, ftp prints its own prompt and uses a special set of commands for transferring files. Table 7-1 lists the most important ftp commands.

Table 7-1. Some ftp commands



put filename

Copies the file filename from your local computer to the remote computer. If you give a second argument, the remote copy will have that name.

mput filenames

Copies the named files (you can use wildcards) from the local computer to the remote computer.

get filename

Copies the file filename from the remote computer to your local computer. If you give a second argument, the local copy will have that name.

mget filenames

Copies the named files (you can use wildcards) from the remote computer to the local computer.


A “toggle” command that turns prompting on or off during transfers with the mget and mput commands. By default, mget and mput will prompt you "mget filename?” or "mput filename?” before transferring each file; you answer y or n each time. Typing prompt once, from an ftp> prompt, stops the prompting; all files will be transferred without question until the end of the ftp session. Or, if prompting is off, typing prompt at an ftp> prompt resumes prompting.

cd pathname

Changes the working directory on the remote machine to pathname (ftp typically starts at your home directory on the remote machine).

lcd pathname

Changes ftp 's working directory on the local machine to pathname. (ftp’s first local working directory is the same working directory from which you started the program.) Note that the ftp lcd command changes only ftp 's working directory. After you quit ftp, your shell’s working directory will not have changed.


Lists the remote directory (like ls -l).


Tells ftp to copy the file(s) that follow it without translation. This preserves pictures, sound, or other data.


Transfers plain-text files, translating data if needed. For instance, during transfers between a Microsoft Windows system (which adds Control-M to the end of each line of text) and a Unix system (which doesn’t), an ascii-mode transfer removes or adds those characters as needed.


Toggles the setting of passive mode. This may help ftp to run correctly if you are behind a firewall. If you put the command setenv FTP_PASSIVE 1 in your .tcshrc, all your ftp sessions will use passive mode.


Ends the ftp session and takes you back to a shell prompt.

Here’s an example. Carol uses ftp to copy the file todo from her work subdirectory on her account on the remote computer rhino:

% ls
afile   ch2    somefile
% ftp
Connected to
Name (rhino:carol): csmith
ftp> cd work
ftp> dir
total 3
-rw-r--r--  1 csmith   mgmt    47 Feb  5  2001 for.ed
-rw-r--r--  1 csmith   mgmt   264 Oct 11 12:18 message
-rw-r--r--  1 csmith   mgmt   724 Nov 20 14:53 todo
ftp> get todo
ftp> quit
% ls
afile   ch2    somefile    todo

We’ve explored the most basic ftp commands here. Entering help at an ftp> prompt gives a list of all commands; entering help followed by an ftp command name gives a one-line summary of that command.

SFTP: FTP to secure sites

If you can only use ssh to connect to a remote site, chances are it won’t support regular FTP transactions either, probably due to higher security. Mac OS X also includes a version of ftp that works with the standard SSH server programs and works identically to regular FTP. Just type sftp at the command line.

FTP with a web browser

If you need a file from a remote site, and you don’t need all the control that you get with the ftp program, you can use a web browser to download files using anonymous FTP. To do that, make a URL (location) with this syntax:


For instance, specifies the file 2001.pdf from the directory /pub/reports on the host In most cases, you can also start with just the first part of the URL — such as — and browse your way through the FTP directory tree to find what you want. If your web browser doesn’t prompt you to save a file, use its Save menu command.

An even faster way to download a file is with the curl (copy from URL) command. For example, to save a copy of the report in the current directory, simply enter:

% curl -O

Without the -O option, curl will display the file in the Terminal window. If you want to read a text file from an Internet server, you can combine curl and less:

% curl | less

You can also use curl with web pages, but this will bring the page up in HTML source view (to read HTML documents from the Terminal, see Section 8.2):

% curl | less

The wget utility is available through Fink (see Section 8.1). With wget, you can download individual files. The following example saves the O’Reilly home page to index.html:

% wget

You can also mirror web sites to your local system with the -r option (the mirrored web site is saved in a subdirectory of your current directory):

% wget -r

Use caution with the -r option, since it can use a lot of bandwidth and take up a lot of disk space. For more information about wget, read its manpage with the command man wget.

Other FTP solutions

One of the pleasures of working with Unix within the Mac OS X environment is that there are a wealth of great Aqua applications. In the world of FTP-based file transfer, the choices are all uniformly excellent, starting with Fetch, NetFinder, rbrowser, and Anarchie, and encompassing many other possibilities. Again, either open the Apple menu and select “Get Mac OS X Software...” or try VersionTracker (, Mac OS X Apps (, MacUpdate ( or the shareware archive site (


You can practice your ftp skills by connecting to the public FTP archive Log in as ftp with your email address as the password, then look around. Try downloading a research paper or document. If you have an account on a remote system, try using rcp and scp to copy files back and forth.

[9] Quotes tell the local shell not to interpret special characters, such as wildcards, in the filename. The wildcards are passed, unquoted, to the remote shell, which interprets them there.

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