Inspect and Edit XML Documents with the Document Object Model

The W3C Document Object Model was an early effort to gain fine-grained control over a document in memory. This hack introduces you to how DOM works.

The Document Object Model or DOM ( is a W3C-specified recommendation set that provides facilities to “allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents. The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented page” ( In other words, DOM is a tree-based API that allows you to pick an XML document (or HTML document) apart into its constituent parts, examine those parts, change them, and stuff them back into a document.

The first release of DOM came out in 1998 as a single document, with a second edition appearing in 2000 ( Level 2 of DOM appeared later in 2000 and consists of not less than six modules: Core, Views, Events, Style, Traversal, Range, and HTML. You can get the whole package in a single ZIP archive at Level 3 just reached recommendation status. It adds a Validation module ( and a Load and Save module ( It also updates the Core module (

DOM represents documents as a hierarchy or tree of nodes. These nodes include Document, Element, Comment, and Text. These nodes are specified as interfaces that can be implemented by an application of DOM. Usually, the methods specified by these interfaces can manipulate the nodes in some way. Here is a sampling of a few of the methods specified in the Element interface:

getAttribute and setAttribute, getAttributeNS and setAttributeNS

getAttribute lets you retrieve an attribute by name, and setAttribute adds a new attribute with a value. The NS variants let you retrieve an attribute by local name and namespace URI, plus add an attribute with qualified name, namespace URI, and a value.

getElementsByTagName and getElementsByTagNameNS

These return a list of all descendent elements with the give tag name. The NS version uses a local name and a namespace URI.

hasAttribute and hasAttributeNS

hasAttribute returns true when it finds an attribute with the given name; likewise, hasAttributeNS returns true when it finds an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI.

In general, DOM stores whole documents in memory, which works fine when you are dealing with small or even medium size files; however, with large files you are likely to experience performance hits. Other APIs—such as SAX [Hack #97] , which is event-based—are a better choice for processing large documents.

DOM is implemented in a number of languages, such as Java and Python ( This hack demonstrates a few small applications that use DOM: DOM Inspector, and Python and Java programs that are run at the command line.

DOM Inspector

The Mozilla and Firefox browsers offer a feature called DOM Inspector ( DOM Inspector provides a handy, straightforward DOM view of a document. With DOM Inspector, you can examine and even edit attributes in any web document using DOM techniques, and you can navigate through the hierarchy of the document with a two-paned window that allows a variety of document and node views.

In Firefox, you can access this feature by choosing Tools DOM Inspector. If you were already viewing time.xml in Firefox, it would appear in the DOM Inspector when you invoke the tool. If not, you could enter the URL for the file in the address bar and then click Inspect. time.xml is shown in DOM Inspector in Figure 7-2. (I have turned off anonymous content, and the detection of whitespace nodes under the View menu, plus the display of id and class attributes by clicking the small window button on the upper-right of the left pane.)


If you close the browser, run DOM Inspector separately, and bring up a new document, that document will appear in a small browser window at the bottom of DOM Inspector.

time.xml in the Firefox DOM Inspector

Figure 7-2. time.xml in the Firefox DOM Inspector

The nodes in time.xml are represented in tree form in the left pane, and the atomic node (an element) is highlighted. Information about the atomic node is displayed in the right pane. There, for example, you can see that atomic has a signal attribute node with a value of true. The representation of node names as #document, #comment, or #text, with the preceding #, comes from the DOM specification.

You can edit attribute values with DOM Inspector. Select a node with attributes in the left pane, and then select an attribute from that node in the right pane. Right-click and select Edit from the menu. You can then change the value of the attribute, but only temporarily—that is, only for the document in memory (you can’t write your changes to disk ). Try a document such as time.html that uses style attributes with CSS values. When you edit such values, you can see the change immediately in the browser window.

With the browser window in the background, click on a node name such as hour or minute in the DOM Inspector, or right-click on the name and select Blink Element from the menu. When you click on the name, watch in the browser window: you will see a red, blinking box surrounding the node whose name you clicked. So DOM Inspector is a navigation aid. This will be helpful when you are looking at larger, more complex documents.

Click through some of the other menus to see what other features DOM Inspector has. Then, open a more complex document to see a more intricate representation of the file in DOM. For example, go to and bring up DOM Inspector. Navigate through the nodes in the left pane and select h2. Then, in the right pane, click on the menu button next to the words Object-DOM Node in the pane’s title bar. Choose CSS Style Rules and you will see a listing of style information that applies to the subject node.

Python’s minidom

The Python programming language is growing in popularity. It is easy to learn—if you have any programming background—and is easy to use. Python handles XML well, and has a number of modules to do so; for example, xml.dom.minidom, which is one of Python’s implementations of DOM ( Our first example will show how to use minidom with Python’s command-line interface.

Assuming that you have downloaded ( and installed Version 2.3.3 (or later) of Python, type the command python while in the working directory to see the following prompt:

Python 2.3.3 (#51, Dec 18 2003, 20:22:39) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] 
on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Now, for each line prefixed by >>> in Example 7-19, enter the given command, and the command will be followed by the given output; for example, after you enter lines 1, 2, and 3, you should get the output on lines 4, 5, and 6.

Example 7-19. Python minidom line-by-line example

>>> from xml.dom import minidom
>>> doc = minidom.parse("time.xml")
>>> doc.toxml()
u'<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- a time instant --><time timezone="PST">

 <atomic signal="true"/>
>>> print doc.toxml()
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- a time instant --><time timezone="PST">
 <atomic signal="true"/>
>>> hr = doc.getElementsByTagName("hour")[0]
>>> print hr.toxml()
>>> ^Z

Line 1 imports the minidom package. On line 2, minidom’s parse() method places the document time.xml in a DOM structure named doc. On line 3, minidom’s toxml() method outputs the document, as stored, to standard output (lines 4-6). Without the print command, the contents of doc are printed out in raw form; however, with print, you get the nicely formatted output seen on lines 8 through 15. Line 16 uses the getElementsByTagName() method to grab the hour node ([0] specifies the first item in the structure holding the element), and line 17 prints it out. The Ctrl-Z on line 19, followed by Enter, ends the Python command-line session.

Here’s another example. In the file archive you will find the document (Example 7-20), a program that uses the minidom module to convert time.xml into an HTML document.

Example 7-20.

import xml.dom.minidom

dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse("time.xml")
hour = dom.getElementsByTagName("hour")[0]
minute = dom.getElementsByTagName("minute")[0]
second = dom.getElementsByTagName("second")[0]
meridiem = dom.getElementsByTagName("meridiem")[0]

def getText(nodelist):
    rc = ""
    for node in nodelist:
        if node.nodeType =  = node.TEXT_NODE:
            rc = rc +
    return rc

def doTime(time):
    print "<html>"
    print "<title>Time Instant</title>"
    print "<body>"
    print "<h2>Time Instant</h2>"
    print " <ul>"
    print " </ul>"
    print "</body>"
    print "</html>"

def doHour(hour):

    print "  <li>Hour: %s</li>" % getText(hour.childNodes)

def doMinute(minute):
    print "  <li>Minute: %s</li>" % getText(minute.childNodes)

def doSecond(second):
    print "  <li>Second: %s</li>" % getText(second.childNodes)

def doMeridiem(meridiem):
    print "  <li>Meridiem: %s</li>" % getText(meridiem.childNodes)


This program parses time.xml, and then uses the getElementsByTagName() method to grab four nodes of interest out of dom: hour, minute, second, and meridiem. Each of these is used in the method definitions on lines 30 through 40. In these definitions, the getText() method (line 9) is called with the childNodes attribute, which retrieves a list of all the child nodes (only text nodes in these cases). In each print call, %s is replaced by the string value returned by getText(). getText() creates an empty string rc and then uses a for loop to collect all the child nodes, if they are text nodes (node.TEXT_NODE tests for that).

The doTime() method on line 16 pulls everything together: the manually printed HTML tags and the method calls doHour(), doMinute(), doSecond(), and doMeridiem(), which together form the HTML list item (li) elements.

DOM in Java

Finally, here is a little bit of DOM as implemented by Java ( as part of Sun’s Java API for XML Processing, or JAXP ( Java 1.4 and later come standard with JAXP and DOM built in. The file , found in the file archive, has code similar to the command-line Python script shown in Example 7-19.

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class BitODom {
    static Document document;
    public static void main(String[  ] args)
        throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        NodeList list;
        Node node;
        document = builder.parse(new File(args[0]));
        list = document.getElementsByTagName("hour");
        node = list.item(0);

The classes imported on lines 1, 2, and 3 were added by Sun. DocumentBuilder allows you to obtain DOM Document instances from an XML document, and DocumentBuilderFactory lets applications get a parser that produces DOM object trees. ParserConfigurationException throws an exception if there is a configuration problem. The interfaces imported on lines 4, 5, and 6 are APIs specified by the W3C. A Document represents an entire XML (or HTML) document. NodeList provides an abstract order-list of nodes, and Node represents an individual node in the DOM. The File class (line 7) helps the parser accept a file for parsing. IOException and SAXException (lines 8 and 9) help the program figure out what to do if there is a problem in main() (line 16).

Line 13 instantiates a Document, and lines 18 and 19 build an object from which we can call the parser( ) method (line 23). The NodeList and Node (lines 20 and 21) are necessary for actually doing something with the nodes in document—first placing the hour node in list (line 24), then using the item() method to extract the node from list and put it in node (line 25), then finally printing the node (line 26).

Both the source and compiled class files are already in the file archive ( and BitODom.class). To recompile the source file, run javac from a command prompt while in the working directory:


Then run the program with time.xml:

java BitODom time.xml

Your program output should be:


Try BitODom on other documents that contain the hour element (find the files with grep "<hour>" *.xml). This little Java program just gives you a starting point with DOM. Now that you have a basic understanding of how DOM works in Java, you can consult the DOM APIs and start adding other method calls or using attributes on your own to manipulate and change your XML documents (


It should be noted once again that Java objects can use considerable memory, and that object creation and deletion takes time, which can make a system quite sluggish. You will find that loading large XML documents in DOM in Java can try your patience. If you are dealing with a good number of large documents, consider an alternative such as SAX [Hack #97] .

See Also

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