Chapter 9. Aggregation and GROUP BY

The SQL construction GROUP BY is a SELECT statement clause that is designed to be used in conjunction with aggregation (discussed in Chapter 5) to group data of similar types. An aggregate function is one that extracts information—such as a COUNT of rows or an average, minimum, or maximum—by operating on multiple rows. We first discuss using GROUP BY on one column, and then on two columns. Then, we look at how to use GROUP BY in conjunction with the ORDER BY, HAVING, and WHERE clauses. Finally, we discuss aggregation with subqueries and complexities that nulls present in aggregate functions and other queries. As we introduce the GROUP BY and HAVING, and expand on the ORDER BY (which has been introduced earlier) in this chapter, we first present a SELECT in modified BNF showing the GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY, before we start the rest of the discussion.

A SELECT in Modified BNF

BNF, short for Backus Naur Form, is used to describe syntax rules. A general form (in modified BNF) of the SELECT statement for SQL Server, with the FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY would be:

SELECT result-set
[FROM Tables]
[WHERE row-filter]
[GROUP BY column names]
[HAVING after-filter on groups]
[ORDER BY column names]

The [..] notation means that the contained code is optional.

The GROUP BY Clause

GROUP BY is used in conjunction with aggregate functions to group data on the basis of the same values in a column. GROUP BY returns one row for each value of the column(s) that is grouped. You can use GROUP BY to group by one column or multiple columns.

As an example of how to group by one column, the following statement shows how you can use the aggregate COUNT to extract the number of class groups (number of students in each class) from the Student table:

SELECT       class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM         Student
GROUP BY  class

This query produces the following five rows of output, which is grouped by one column, class:

class count
----- -----------
NULL  10
1     11
2     10
3     7
4     10
(5 row(s) affected)

This type of statement gives you a new way to retrieve and organize aggregate data. Other aggregate functions would have a similar syntax.


You have to group by at least the attributes/expressions you are aggregating.

If a GROUP BY clause contains a two-column specification, the result is aggregated and grouped by two columns. For example, the following is COUNT of class and major from the Student table:

SELECT       class, major, COUNT(*)  AS [count]
FROM         Student
GROUP BY  class, major

This query produces the following output (24 rows), which is grouped by class within major:

class major   count
----- -----   -----------
2     ACCT    1
4     ACCT    4
3     ART     1
3     CHEM    1
4     CHEM    1
1     COSC    4
2     COSC    2
4     COSC    3
1     ENGL    3
2     ENGL    2
3     ENGL    4
2     MATH    3
3     MATH    1
4     MATH    1
1     POLY    3
2     POLY    2
4     POLY    1
1     UNKN    1
(24 row(s) affected)

The sequence of the columns in a GROUP BY clause has the effect of ordering the output. If we change the order of the GROUP BY like this:

SELECT      class, major, COUNT(*)  AS [count]
FROM        Student
GROUP BY major, class

our result will look like this:

class major count
----- ----- -----------
1     COSC  4
1     ENGL  3
1     POLY  3
1     UNKN  1
2     ACCT  1
2     COSC  2
2     ENGL  2
2     MATH  3
2     POLY  2
3     ART   1
3     CHEM  1
3     ENGL  4
3     MATH  1
4     ACCT  4
4     CHEM  1
4     COSC  3
4     MATH  1
4     POLY  1
(24 row(s) affected)

Here the output is grouped by major within class.

A statement like the following will cause a syntax error, because it says that you are to count both class and major, but GROUP BY class only:

SELECT       class, major, COUNT(*)
FROM         Student
GROUP BY  class

This query results in the following error message:

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'Student.MAJOR' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either
 an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

To be syntactically and logically correct, you must have all the non aggregate columns of the result set in the GROUP BY clause. For example, let’s take a look at the data of Table 9-1.

Table 9-1. Room table

----- ----- -------- -----
13    101   85       Y
36    123   35       N
58    114   60       NULL
79    179   35       Y
79    174   22       Y
58    112   40       NULL
36    122   25       N
36    121   25       N
36    120   25       N
58    110   NULL     Y
(10 row(s) affected)

The following query would be improper, because you must GROUP BY "ohead" to SUM capacities for each ohead value:

SELECT  ohead, SUM(capacity)
FROM    Room


ohead, an attribute in the Room table (in our Student_Course database), is short for rooms with overhead projectors.

This query would produce an error message similar to what we saw previously:

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'Room.OHEAD' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an
 aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

If you SELECT columns and use an aggregate function, you must GROUP BY the non aggregate attributes. The correct version of the last statement is as follows:

SELECT       ohead, SUM(capacity) AS [sum]
FROM         Room
GROUP BY  ohead

which produces the following three rows of output:

ohead sum
----- -----------
NULL  100
N     110
Y     142
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(3 row(s) affected)

This is the sum of room capacities for rooms that have no overhead projectors (N), rooms that have overhead projectors (Y), and rooms in which the overhead projector capacity is unknown (null).

Observe that in the Room table, some rooms have null values for ohead, and the null rows are summed and grouped along with the non-null rows.


To enhance the display of a GROUP BY clause, you can combine it with an ORDER BY clause. Consider the following example:

SELECT      class, major, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM        Student
GROUP BY class, major

The output for this query was presented earlier in the chapter.

This result set can also be ordered by any other column from the result set using the ORDER BY. For instance, the following example orders the output in descending order by COUNT(*):

SELECT class, major, COUNT(*)  AS [count]
FROM   Student
GROUP BY class, major

This query produces the following output (24 rows):

class  major count
------ ----- -----------
4      ACCT  4
1      COSC  4
3      ENGL  4
2      MATH  3
4      COSC  3
1      ENGL  3
1      POLY  3
2      POLY  2
2      COSC  2
2      ENGL  2
3      MATH  1
4      MATH  1
2      ACCT  1
3      ART   1
3      CHEM  1
4      CHEM  1
4      POLY  1
1      UNKN  1
(24 row(s) affected)


When a SELECT clause includes all the columns specified in a GROUP BY clause, the use of the DISTINCT function is unnecessary and inefficient, because the GROUP BY clause groups rows in such a way that the column(s) that are grouped will not have duplicate values.

The HAVING Clause

The GROUP BY and HAVING clauses are used together. The HAVING clause is used as a final filter (rather than as a conditional filter) on the aggregate column values in the result set of a SELECT statement. In other words, the query has to be grouped before the HAVING clause can be applied. For example, consider the following statement, which displays the count of students in various classes (classes of students = 1, 2, 3, 4, corresponding to freshman, sophomore, and so on):

SELECT       class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM         Student
GROUP BY  class

This query produces the following output:

class count
----- -----------
NULL  10
1     11
2     10
3     7
4     10
(5 row(s) affected)

If you are interested only in classes that have more than a certain number of students in them, you could use the following statement:

SELECT      class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM        Student
GROUP BY class

which produces the following four rows of output:

class count
----- -----------
NULL  10
1     11
2     10
4     10
(4 row(s) affected)


Whereas HAVING is a final filter in a SELECT statement, the WHERE clause, which excludes rows from a result set, is a conditional filter. HAVING is used to filter based on aggregate values, WHERE cannot do that. Consider the following two queries:

SELECT       class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM         Student
GROUP BY     class
HAVING       class = 3
SELECT       class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM         Student
WHERE        class = 3
GROUP BY     class

Both queries produce the following output:

class count
----- -----------
3     7
(1 row(s) affected)

In a typical implementation, the first of these two queries is less efficient because the query engine has to complete the query before removing rows WHERE class = 3 from the result. In the second version, the rows WHERE class = 3 are removed before the grouping takes place. WHERE is not always a substitute for HAVING, but when it can be used instead of HAVING, it should be. Notice that in the example:

SELECT      class, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM        Student
GROUP BY class

HAVING and WHERE are not interchangeable because the grouping has to take place before the HAVING could have an effect. You cannot know in advance what the counts for each class are until they are counted.

Consider the following query, its meaning, and the processing that is required to finalize the result set:

SELECT       class, major, COUNT(*) AS [count]
FROM         Student
WHERE        major = 'COSC'
GROUP BY   class, major

This query produces the following output:

class major count
----- ----- -----------
1     COSC  4
4     COSC  3
(2 row(s) affected)

In this example, all computer science (COSC) majors (per the WHERE clause) will be grouped and COUNTed and then displayed only if COUNT(*) > 2. The query might erroneously be interpreted as “Group and count all COSC majors by class, but only if there are more than two in a class.” This interpretation is wrong, because SQL applies the WHERE, then applies the GROUP BY, and, finally, filters with the HAVING criterion.

GROUP BY and HAVING: Aggregates of Aggregates

A “usual” GROUP BY has an aggregate and a column that are grouped like this:

SELECT      COUNT(stno) AS [count of student no], class
FROM        Student
GROUP BY class

This produces a result set of 5 rows of counts by class:

count of student no     class
-------------------     -----
10                      NULL
11                      1
10                      2
7                       3
10                      4
(5 row(s) affected)

Although you must have class or some other attribute in the GROUP BY, you do not have to have the class in the result set. Consider the following query, which generates the same numeric information as the previous query, but does not report the class in the result:

SELECT      COUNT(stno) AS [count of student no]
FROM        Student
GROUP BY class

This query produces the following five rows of output:

count of student no
(5 row(s) affected)

This previous example may seem contradictory to the preceding discussion, but it is not. You must have all the non aggregate columns from the result set in the GROUP BY, but you do not have to have the columns in the result set that you are grouping. That example may prove useful when a grouped result is needed in a filter. For example, how would you find the class with the most students?

Aggregation and Grouping in SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005 will not allow you to handle aggregation and grouping by nesting aggregates. For example, suppose you want to find the class with the minimum number of students. You might try the following query:

FROM Student
GROUP BY class

Though it may seem logical, this query will not work in SQL Server 2005. It will produce the following error message:

Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a

The MIN function is an aggregate function, and aggregate functions operate on rows within tables. In this case, the query is asking MIN to operate on a table of counted classes that have not yet been calculated. The point is that SQL Server 2005 does not handle this mismatch of aggregation and grouping.


This mismatch of aggregation and grouping can be handled by other SQL languages, such as Oracle.

To handle this mismatch of aggregation and grouping in SQL Server 2005, you can use derived structures such as temporary tables, inline views, or regular views (derived structures are covered in Chapter 6). Using either a temporary table or an inline view is the most logical way to solve this problem, so only these two choices are described here.

Aggregation and grouping handled with a global temporary table

This section shows how we can handle the mismatch of aggregation and grouping (described earlier) using a global temporary table.

The following steps describe how to use a global temporary table to find the class with the minimum number of students:

  1. Display the counts of classes, grouped by class:

    SELECT      COUNT(stno) AS [count of students]
    FROM        Student
    GROUP BY class

    This query produces the following five rows of output:

    count       class
    ----------- ------
    10          NULL
    11          1
    10          2
    7           3
    10          4
    (5 row(s) affected)
  2. To find the minimum number of students in a class, count the students (you could use stno for student number) grouped by class, and put this result in ##Temp1 (a global temporary table)--shown by the first query following, and then find the minimum number of students in a class from the global temporary table, ##Temp1, with SELECT MIN(count) AS [MINIMUM COUNT] FROM ##Temp1, and then use this information in a subquery with a HAVING clause as follows: First type the query:

    SELECT (COUNT([stno])) AS [count], class INTO ##Temp1
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY [class]

    After executing the previous query, type:

    SELECT COUNT(stno) AS [count of stno], class
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY class
    HAVING COUNT(stno) =
    (SELECT MIN(count) AS [Minimum count]
    FROM ##Temp1)

This query produces the desired output (the class with the minimum number of students):

count of stno     class
-------------     -----
7                 3
(1 row(s) affected)

Aggregation and grouping handled with an inline view

As described in Chapter 6, you can put a query in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement to create an inline view. An inline view exists only during the execution of a query.

The following steps describe how to use an inline view to find the class with the minimum number of students:

  1. Count the stno in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement as follows:

    SELECT "Min of Count" = MIN(c)
    FROM (SELECT c = COUNT(stno)
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY class) AS in_view

    Because SQL Server 2005 cannot directly find aggregates of aggregates, in the previous query, we give a name to the COUNT in the inline view, c, to temporarily store the aggregate result in the inline view, in_view. We then operate on the inline view as though it were a table and find the minimum value for c.

    The previous query produces the following output:

    Min of Count
    (1 row(s) affected)
  2. To find out which class has the minimum count, you can write the final query using the previous query as a subquery with a HAVING clause in the outer part of the final query, as follows:

    SELECT class, "Count of Class" = COUNT(*)
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY class
    (SELECT MIN(c)
    FROM (SELECT COUNT(stno) AS [c]
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY class) AS in_view)

This query produces the desired output:

class     Count of Class
-----     --------------
3         7
(1 row(s) affected)

So, although SQL Server 2005 does not handle a mismatch of aggregation and HAVING, you can use your knowledge of temporary tables and inline views to work around the problem. This problem may also be solved using regular views. It is also noteworthy to see the process of query development in that some problems require using small queries and building from them to a final result.


Once again, Chapter 6 covers the advantages and disadvantages of using each one of the derived structures.

Auditing in Subqueries

In this section, we consider a potential problem of using aggregation with subqueries. As with Cartesian products and joins, aggregation hides details and should always be audited. The two tables that follow will be used to illustrate this problem.

Table 9-2 is similar to the Grade_report table and contains a student section identifier (ssec), grades (gd), and student names (sname).

Table 9-2. GG table

ssec        gd   sname
----------- ---- ------------
100         A    Brenda
110         B    Brenda
120         A    Brenda
200         A    Brenda
210         A    Brenda
220         B    Brenda
100         A    Richard
100         B    Doug
200         A    Richard
110         B    Morris
(10 row(s) affected)


Tables 9-2 and 9-3 (GG and SS) have not been created for you. You have to create them (and insert the records shown) and then run the queries that follow.

Table 9-3 is similar to the Section table and contains a section identifier (sec) and an instructor name (iname).

Table 9-3. SS table

sec         iname
----------- ------------
100         Jones
110         Smith
120         Jones
200         Adams
210         Jones
(5 row(s) affected)

Now suppose that you want to find out how many As each instructor awarded. You might start with a join of the GG and SS tables. A normal equi-join would be as follows:

WHERE  GG.ssec = SS.sec

This query would produce the following output (nine rows):

ssec        gd   sname        sec         iname
----------- ---- ------------ ----------- ------------
100         A    Brenda       100         Jones
110         B    Brenda       110         Smith
120         A    Brenda       120         Jones
200         A    Brenda       200         Adams
210         A    Brenda       210         Jones
100         A    Richard      100         Jones
100         B    Doug         100         Jones
200         A    Richard      200         Adams
110         B    Morris       110         Smith
(9 row(s) affected)

In addition, the following query tells you that there are six As in the GG table:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Count of As]
WHERE  gd = 'A'


Count of As
(1 row(s) affected)

Now, if you want to find out which instructor gave the As, you would type this query:

SELECT  SS.iname
WHERE   SS.sec = GG.ssec
  AND = 'A'

You get the following six rows of output:

(6 row(s) affected)

Now, to find “how many” As each instructor gave, include a COUNT and GROUP BY as follows:

SELECT  SS.iname AS [iname], COUNT(*) AS [count]
WHERE   SS.sec = GG.ssec
  AND = 'A'

This query produces the following output:

iname        count
------------ -----------
Adams        2
Jones        4
(2 row(s) affected)

This shows that instructor Adams gave two As and instructor Jones gave four As. So far, so good. You should note that the final count/grouping has the same number of As as the original tables—the sum of the counts equals 6. Now, if you had devised a COUNT query with a sub-SELECT, you could get an answer that looked correct but in fact was not. For example, consider the following subquery version of the preceding join query:

SELECT  SS.iname AS [iname], COUNT(*) AS [count]
    (SELECT  GG.ssec
     FROM    GG
     WHERE = 'A')

This query produces the following output:

iname        count
------------ -----------
Adams        1
Jones        3
(2 row(s) affected)

The reason that you get this output is that the second query is counting names of instructors and whether an A is present in the set of courses that this instructor teaches—not how many As are in the set, just whether any exist. The previous join query gives you all the As in the joined table and hence gives the correct answer to the question “How many As did each instructor award?” The sub-SELECTed query answers a different question: “In how many sections did the instructor award an A?”

The point in this example is that if you are SELECTing and COUNTing, it is a very good idea to audit your results often. If you want to COUNT the number of As by instructor, begin by first counting how many As there are. Then, you can construct a query to join and count. You should be able to total and reconcile the number of As to the number of As by instructor. The fact that the result makes sense is very useful in determining (albeit not proving) correctness.

Nulls Revisited

Nulls present a complication with regard to aggregate functions and other queries, because nulls are never equal to, less than, greater than, or not equal to any value. Using aggregates by themselves on columns that contain nulls will ignore the null values. For example, suppose you have the following Table 9-4 called Sal.

Table 9-4. Sal table

Name         salary
------------ -----------
Joe          1000.00
Sam          2000.00
Bill         3000.00
Dave         NULL
(4 row(s) affected)


Table 9-4 (Sal) has not been created for you. You have to create it to run the queries that follow.

Now consider the following query:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS [count], AVG(salary) AS [average], SUM(salary) AS [sum], MAX(salary)
AS [max], MIN(salary) AS [min]

which produces the following output:

count       average     sum         max         min
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
4           2000.00     6000.00     3000.00     1000.00
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(1 row(s) affected)

COUNT (*) counts all the rows. But, the AVERAGE, SUM, MAX, and MIN functions ignore the nulled salary row in computing the aggregates. Counting columns also indicates the presence of nulls. If you count by using the following query:

SELECT COUNT(name) AS [Count of Names]
FROM   Sal

you get:

Count of Names
(1 row(s) affected)

If you use the “salary” column, you get:

SELECT COUNT(salary) AS [Count of salary]
FROM   Sal

which produces:

Count of salary
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(1 row(s) affected)

This result indicates that you have a null salary. If you want to include nulls in the aggregate and have a rational value to substitute for a value that is not known (a big assumption), you can use the ISNULL function.


The ISNULL function was introduced and discussed in Chapter 5.

ISNULL returns a value if the value is null. ISNULL has the form ISNULL( column name , value if null), which is used in place of the column name. For example, if you type the following:

SELECT name, ISNULL(salary, 0) AS [salary]
FROM   Sal

you get the following output:

name         salary
------------ -----------
Joe          1000.00
Sam          2000.00
Bill         3000.00
Dave         0.00
(4 row(s) affected)

If you type the following:

SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(salary,0)) AS [Count of salary]
FROM   Sal

you get:

Count of salary
(1 row(s) affected)

The “Count of salary” is now 4 instead of the 3 that you received earlier when the ISNULL function was not used.

If you type the following:

SELECT AVG(ISNULL(salary, 0)) AS [Average of salary]
FROM   Sal

you get:

Average of salary
(1 row(s) affected)

The “Average of salary” is now 1500.00, instead of the 2000.00 that you had received earlier because the zero value for the null was used in the calculation. What seems almost contradictory to these examples is that when grouping is added to the query, nulls in the grouped column are included in the result set. So, if the Sal table had another column like this:

Name         salary      job
------------ ----------- --------------------
Joe          1000.00     Programmer
Sam          2000.00     NULL
Bill         3000.00     Plumber
Dave         NULL        Programmer

And if you ran a query like this:

SELECT SUM(salary) AS [Sum of salary], job
FROM   Sal

You would get the following output:

Sum of salary Job
------------- --------------------
2000.00        NULL
3000.00        Plumber
1000.00        Programmer
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
(3 row(s) affected)

The aggregate will ignore values that are null, but grouping will compute a value for the nulled column value.


In this chapter we not only introduced the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses, but we also discussed what would and would not work and some efficiency issues. We discussed how aggregates and grouping can be handled in SQL Server 2005 and how it is always important to audit your queries and the results for correctness.

Review Questions

  1. What do aggregate functions do?

  2. How does the GROUP BY clause work?

  3. What is the difference between a GROUP BY and ORDER BY?

  4. What is the HAVING clause used for?

  5. Can the WHERE clause always be considered a substitute for the HAVING clause? Why or why not?

  6. Do functions of functions have to be handled in a special way in Server SQL 2005?

  7. Will nulls in grouped columns be included in a result set?

  8. How do aggregate functions treat nulls?

  9. Does the sequence of the columns in a GROUP BY clause have an effect on the end result?

  10. When would it not make sense to use the GROUP BY and DISTINCT functions together?

  11. Is GROUP BY affected by nulls?

  12. Which comes first in a SELECT statement, an ORDER BY or GROUP BY? Why?

  13. The GROUP BY and ________________ clauses are used together.


Unless specified otherwise, use the Student_course database to answer the following questions. Also, use appropriate column headings when displaying your output.

  1. Display a list of courses (course names) that have prerequisites and the number of prerequisites for each course. Order the list by the number of prerequisites.

  2. How many juniors (class = 3) are there in the Student table?

  3. Group and count all MATH majors by class and display the count if there are two or more in a class. (Remember that class here refers to freshman, sophomore, and so on and is recorded as 1, 2, and so on.)

  4. Print the counts of As, Bs, and so on from the Grade_report table.

    1. Using temporary tables (local or global), print the minimum counts of the grades (that is, if there were 20 As, 25 Bs, and 18 Cs, you should print the minimum count of grades as C) from the Grade_report table.

    2. Using inline views, print the maximum counts of the grades (that is, if there were 20 As, 25 Bs, and 18 Cs, you should print the maximum count of grades as B) from the Grade_report table.

    3. Why would you not want to use views for this problem?

  5. Print the counts of course numbers offered in descending order by count. Use the Section table only.

  6. Create a table with names and number-of-children (NOC). Populate the table with five or six rows. Use COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX on the NOC attribute in one query and confirm that the numbers you get are what you expect.

  7. Create a table of names, salaries and job locations. Populate the table with at least 10 rows and no fewer than three job locations. (There will be several employees at each location.) Find the average salary for each job location with one SELECT.

  8. Print an ordered list of instructors and the number of As they assigned to students. Order the output by number of As (lowest to greatest). You can (and probably will) ignore instructors that assign no As.

  9. Create a table called Employees with a name, a salary and job title. Include exactly six rows. Make the salary null in one row, the job title null in another, and both the salary and the job title in another. Use this data:






















    1. Display the table.

    2. Display count, sum, maximum, minimum, and average salary.

    3. Display count, sum, maximum, minimum, and average salary, counting salary as 0 if no salary is listed.

    4. Display the average salary grouped by job title on the table as is.

    5. Display the average salary grouped by job title when null salary is counted as 0.

    6. Display the average salary grouped by job title when salary is counted as 0 if it is null and include a value for “no job title.”

  10. Find the instructor and the section where the maximum number of As were awarded.

  11. Find the COUNT of the number of students by class who are taking classes offered by the computer science (COSC) department. Perform the query in two ways: once using a condition in the WHERE clause and once filtering with a HAVING clause. (Hint: These queries need a five-table join.)

Delete (DROP) all of your “scratch” tables (the ones you created just for this exercise: Employees, NOC, and any others you may have created).

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