Day 7. Exceptions, Debugging, and Tracing

In the previous few days, you've written a lot of code that worked perfectly. I like to think that all my code is perfect, and at the end of these 21 days, the code that you write will be perfect, too. But for those unfortunate times when errors occur in your code, be they from invalid user input, logic errors, or system errors, you must know how to write your applications to handle errors gracefully. Even before errors occur, you need to understand how to use the tools in Visual Studio .NET to debug your applications to avoid errors altogether. Today, you

  • Understand why errors occur in applications

  • Learn about structured exception handling in .NET and how the common language runtime implements exceptions

  • Use Try, Catch, and Finally blocks to avoid runtime errors

  • Learn about the differences in features between C# and Visual Basic .NET when handling exceptions

  • Learn how to use all the debugging features available in Visual Studio .NET for Windows Forms and ASP.NET applications

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