
1:The ______________ object in ADO.NET handles the execution of SQL statements for the DataReader and DataAdapter classes.
A1: Command
2:The DataReader is used for forward-only reading of data. To be able to reuse data from a database, manipulate the __________ class.
A2: DataSet
3:True or False: The SqlDataAdapter and OleDataAdapter share the same functionality.
A3: False. The answer is misleading, though. The two classes share about 98% of the same functionality, with DataType classes being the main difference.
4:True or False: You don't need to use a Connection object with the DataAdapter class because it handles all connection information for you.
A4: False. You still must set connection parameters. The DataAdapter explicitly opens a connection for you. You don't have to use connection.open.
5:True or False: The DataBindings collection in .NET only supports DataSets and XML files for simple and complex binding to the Label control, the DataGrid control, and the TextBox control.
A5: False. You can use the DataBindings collection with many controls, and the only complex binding mentioned in the question would be the DataGrid control.
6:In Web Forms, I can use the _____________ object and the ___________ object to bind controls to a data source.
A6: DataSet, DataReader
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