

# (asterisk), 37

(backslash) in #define statement, 231

? (conditional operator), 123

— decrement operator, 282, 286–288

# directive, 512

== (double equal sign), if statement and, 102

++ increment operator, 282, 286–288

# indirection operator, 273

&& (logical AND operator), 102–103

|| (logical OR operator), 102–103

# operator, 234

## operator, 235

% (percent) character, 22

modulus operator, 100

& operator, pointers and, 273

# pound sign, preprocessor and, 227

= (single equal sign), if statement and, 102

~(tilde), home directory, 374


absolute pathnames, 374

abstract classes, 173, 455

abstract protocols, 222

accumulator, 63

address book

AddressCard class, 340–342

arrays, sorting, 356–360

dealloc method, 343–350

deleting names, 353–356

name lookup, 350–353

release method, 343–350

address operator, pointers and, 273

AddressBook class

implementation file, 529–531

interface file, 526

AddressCard class, 340–342

implementation, 526–528

interface file, 525–526

addresses, memory

indirection operator, 292

pointers and, 291

adopting protocols, 219–220

alignment, 80

alloc method, 37, 318

allocating memory, 139145, 156–157

primes array, 339

allocF class method, as entry, 197–199

AND operator (&), 102–103

answers to exercises, 533

AppKit (Application Kit), 455


development environment, Cocoa, 1

event descriptors, NSAppleEventDescriptor.h header file, 515


header files for, 519

scripts, NSAppleScript.h header file, 515

Application Kit framework, 307

archiving, 455

basic data types, 438–440

custom archive

methods, 444–448

NSData object, 444–448

definition of, 427

Foundation framework and, 307

key, 441–443

keyed archive, 441–445

definition of, 441

methods, 441–443, 445

with NSArchiver class, 431–433

NSArchiver.h header file, 515

objects, 434, 448–449

with plists, 427–430

argc argument, main function and, 298

argument type declaration, functions and, 257–258


argc argument, main function and, 298

argv argument, main function and, 298

comma separator, 22

command-line arguments, 19, 297300

functions and, 253–255


arguments, 34

local variables, 136

multiple arguments in, 130–135

no argument name, 133

parameters, 19

zone argument, 422

argv argument, main function and, 298


conversions, 488–489

integer arithmetic, 56–58

conversions, 59–61

modulus operator, 58–59

type cast operator, 61–62

NSDecimal.h header file, 516

NSDecimalNumber.h header file, 516

operators, 481

associative properties, 54

binary, 54

bit operators, 65–69

precedence, 54

unary minus operator, 58

arrays, 229, 246–248, 455

array elements, 246

initialization elements, 249

initializing, 248–249

character arrays, 249

terminating null character and, 250

declaring, 247

#define statements and, 229

defining, 246–248

number of elements, 249

unions and, 293

definition of, 246


passing functions to, 258–259

passing methods to, 258–259

functions, passing to, 258–259

immutable arrays, 335

linear arrays, 250

manipulating, 246–248

methods, passing to, 258–259

multidimensional arrays, 250–252, 471472

mutable arrays, 335

objects, 335–360

NSArray.h header file, 515

one-dimensional arrays, 250

operators and, 485

pointers and, 280–283

pointers to, 486–487

single-dimension, 470

sorting, address book project, 356–360

of structures, 267

two-dimensional arrays, 250–251

elements, 250

initializing, 251252

matrixes and, 250

variable-length, 471

arrayWithCapacity: method, 337

arrayWithObjects: method, 337

ASCII format of character storage, 110

assignment operators, 62–65, 483

associative properties, arithmetic operators, 54

asterisk (*), 37

attribute dictionary, 375

auto keyword, 199–200

automatic local variables, 254

declaring, 199–200

automatic variable, 455

keyword auto, 455

autorelease pool, 317–320, 399–400, 455

debugging, NSDebug.h header file, 516

NSAutoreleasePool.h header file, 516

practice project, 411–413


basic data types, 468–469

binary arithmetic operators, 54

binding, dynamic binding, 173, 177, 456

bit fields, 270–272

bit operators, 65–69, 270

Bitwise AND, 66

Bitwise Exclusive-OR, 66–67

Bitwise Inclusive-OR, 66

left shift, 67

ones complement, 67

right shift, 67–69

bitfield, 455

Bitwise AND operator, 66

Bitwise Exclusive-OR operator, 66–67

Bitwise Inclusive-OR operator, 66

bitwise operators, 482–483

blank spaces, operators and, 105


enumerated data types, 204

of statements, 79

books for further readin g

C programming language, 534

Cocoa, 535

Objective-C, 533–534

Bool data type, 69

BOOL special type, 122

Boolean variables, 119–123

brackets, 26

break statement, 91, 118, 503

switch statement and, 116

buffer, 378

Build menu, Project Builder, 14

built-in values

NO, 122

YES, 122

byte swapping, NSByteOrder.h header file, 516


C language in relation to Objective-C language, 300

C programming language

books for further reading, 534

resources for further information, Web sites, 534

C-style strings (C strings), 285, 320

Calculator class, 6365, 110

calling functions, 493–494

calls, routines, 19

case sensitivity, 32

categories, 156, 211–213, 216–217, 456

adding new, 212

defining, 213, 498–499

definition of, 211

instance variables and, 216

master class definition file, 216


adding, 217

defining, 213

overriding, subclassing and, 216

new, 212–213

number allowed, 216

object/category named pairs, 217

overriding methods, 216

posing and, 219

protocols, adopting, 222

subclassing and, 216

cells, memory, 291

char characters, unichar characters and, 320

char data type, 47–51

character arrays, 249–250

initialization, 286

pointers and, 286

terminating null character and, 250

character constants, 466

escape sequences, 466

wide, 466

character sets, NSCharacterSet.h header file, 516

character strings, 250, 320, 456

constants, 467

concatenation, 467

multibyte characters, 467

objects, 467

wide, 467

pointers to, 284–285

character variable operator, reading operators into, 113

character variables, unsigned, 208


as signed quantities, 207

character arrays, 249–250

character storage, ASCII format, 110

constant character string object, 321

digraphs, 461

newline, 19

null character, 459

terminating null character, 250

Unicode character, 460

universal character names, 462

charPtr variable, 275–276

child classes, 147, 460

@class directive, 157–160

child processes, NSTask.h heade rfile, 520

class message, 185

class methods, 27, 33–35, 456

class objects, 456

class variables, class definition, 495–496

class.h files, 127

classes, 456

abstract class, 455456

abstract classes, 173

clusters, 456

AddressBook class

implementation file, 529–531

interface file, 526

AddressCard class, 340342

implementation file, 526–528

interface file, 525–526

Calculator class, 110

categories, 156

defining, 498–499

child classes, 147, 460

class definition, 494

implementation section, 496–497

instance variables, 495

interface section, 495

method declaration, 495–496

method definition, 497–498

Complex class, 177179, 183

composite class, 456

copy method, adding, 421–423

declarations, @interface section, 127

description, NSClassDescription.h header file, 516

extending, inheritance and, 152–164

Foundation string class, 238

Fraction class, 28, 97, 183, 186

implementation file, 522–525

interface file, 521–522

grandchild, 149

inheritance and, extending classes and, 152–164

initializing, 191–192

designated initializer, 192

initialize method, 193

methods, 192

message expressions, 501–502

messages, 26

methods, 197

adding, 152–164

NSArchiver class, 431–433

archiving with, 431–433

NSCountedSet, 368

NSData, 378–380

NSMutableString, 323

NSNumber, 315

NSProcessInfo, 388–392

NSUnarchiver class, program execution, 432

Object class, 186, 189

object definition, 500–501

object ownership, 161–164

objects, manipulation of, 300–301

parent classes, 31, 459

Point class, 188

protocol definition, 499500

questions about, 185–188

receivers, 26

Rectangle class, 187–188

root, 147

Square class, 187188

storage class, 489

subclasses, 147, 460

concrete subclass, 456

superclass, 460

clauses, else clause, 105–106

clusters, 456

Cocoa, 1, 456

books for further reading, 535

frameworks, Application Kit, 455

resources for further information, Web sites, 535

code comments, 14, 18–20

collections, 456

colon (:), 123

comma operator, 296, 485

command-line arguments, 19, 297–300

commas in arguments, 22

comments in code, 14, 18–20, 464

debugging and, 18

Project Builder, 14

compare method, 319

compile time, 182, 456

compiler directives, 462


gcc, 457

interface files, 128


Macs and, 16–17

Project Builder, 10–15

Terminal window, 8–10

MinGW, 16

Complex class, 177–179, 183

Complex data type, 69

composite class, 456

composite objects, 223–224

compound literals, 295, 488

compound relational expressions, forma tion of, 103

compound relational test, 102–105

compound statements, 502

break, 503

continue, 503

do, 503

for, 503

goto, 504

if, 504

null, 505

return, 505

switch, 505–506

while, 506

concatenation of character string con stants, 467

concrete subclass, 456

conditional compilation

debugging and, 240

definition of, 238

preprocessor and, 238–239

conditional operator, 123–124, 483–484

as ternary operator, 123

else if clause and, 124

parentheses and, 124

conforming, 456

to protocols, 219

conformTo method, protocols and, 221

const keyword, 477

const variable, 200

constant character string object, 321

constant character strings, 456

C-style strings, 285

pointers and, 285–286

constant expressions, 47, 480–481

constants, 47

character constants, 466

escape sequences, 466

wide, 466

character string constants, 467

concatenation, 467

multibyte characters, 467

objects, 467

wide, 467

enumeration constants, 467

floating, hexadecimals, 49

floating-point, 49, 465–466

integers, 464–465

continue statement, 92, 503


arithmetic, 488–489

data type conversions, 206–208

data types, 488–489

floating-point numbers, 59–61

integers, 59–61

convertToNum method, 97–99


NSHTTPCookie.h header file, 517

NSHTTPCookieStorage.h header file, 517


NSGeometry.h header file, 517

Point class and, 156

copy method, 416–418

classes, adding to, 421–423

Fraction class, adding to, 421–423

immutable object and, 425


copy method, immutable object and, 425

deep copy, 418–420

elements, 420

files, program for, 388–392

fractions, 421–423

mutable copy, 416–418

objects, 415–418

getter method and, 424–425

setter methods and, 424–425

shallow copy, 418–420

count class method, as entry, 197–199

counting references. See reference counting

Cox, Brad J., 1

creation methods, NSNumber object, 318

custom archives, 444–448

CygWin system

download site, 536

Foundation framework, 307, 311–313


data encapsulation, 42–45, 456

data type conversions, 206–207

sign extension, 207–208

steps involved, 206

data type int, 48

data types, 47

basic data types, 468469

archiving, 438–440

decoding, 438–440

encoding, 438–440

Bool, 69

char, 47–51

signed char variable, 208

Complex, 69

conversions, 206207, 488–489

derived, 470

arrays, 470–472

pointers, 475–476

structures, 472–474

unions, 474–475

double, 47–49

enumerated, 191, 476

enum keyword, 201–204

float, 47–49

id, 53, 180183

dynamic binding and, 180–181

static typing and, 182–183

Imaginary, 69

modifiers, 477

qualifiers, 51–53

storage sizes, 48

dataValue variable, 181


NSCalendarDate.h header file, 516

NSDateFormatter.h header file, 516

dealloc method, address book project and, 343–350

debugging, comments and, 18

debugging statements, 240

decimal arithmetic, NSDecimalNumber.h header file, 516

declarations, 468

classes, @interface section, 127

declaring methods, 35


basic data types, 438–440

NSArchiver.h header file, 515

NSCoder.h header file, 516

objects, 434

methods, 433–438

writing, 433–438

decrement operators, 79, 483

(—) operator, 282, 286288

deep copy, 418–420, 448–449

#define statement, 227–229, 507509

(backslash) character, 231

arguments, 231

arrays and, 229

constant values and, 229

defined names, 229–233

macros, 232–233

# operator and, 234

## operator and, 235

placement, 228

preprocessor and, 227–229

syntax, 228

defined names, 229–233

defining methods, 35

delegates, 189, 456

deleteCharactersInRange: method, 332

denominator integer instance variable, 97

derived data types, 470


multidimensional, 471–472

single dimension, 470

variable-length, 471

pointers, 475–476

structures, 472–474

unions, 474–475

designated initializer, 192, 456

development environments

Cocoa, 1

GNUstep, 1

LinuxSTEP, 1



dictionaries, 456

attributes, 375

enumerations, 362–365

immutable, 361

keys, 360

mutable, 361

dictionary objects, 360–365

NSDictionary.h header file, 517

digraph characters, 461

directives, 456, 462

@class, 157–160

@private directive, 194

@protected directive, 194

@protocol directive, 221

@public directive, 194

@selector directive, 186

instance variables, scope control, 193–194

preprocessor, 507

#, 512

#define, 507–509

#error, 509

#if, 509–510

#ifdef, 510

#ifndef, 510

#import, 511

#include, 511

#line, 511

#pragma, 512

#undef, 512

predefined, 512


contents, enumerating, 382–384

include file directory, Unix systems and, 237

NSFileManager methods, 380–381

NSPathUtilies.h header file, 518

root directory, 374

—(tilde), 374

directory management, NSFileManager, 374–384

dispatch tables, 291

Distributed Objects, 456

distributed objects

NSConnection.h header file, 516

NSDistantObject.h header, 517

NSDistributeNotificationCenter.h header

file, 517

NSPortCoder.h header file, 518

NSPortMessage.h header, 519

do statement, 90–91, 503

doesNotRecognize method, 186

domains, NSNetServices.h header file, 518

dot operator, 261

double data type, 47–49


CygWin, 536

gcc, 536

GNUstep, 536

LinuxSTEP, 536

MinGW, 536

NSURLHandle.h header file, 520

dynamic binding, 173, 177, 180–181, 456

dynamic typing, 177, 181, 457

argument return and, 183–184

methods for working with, 185

value type return and, 183–184


elements, copying, 420

#elif preprocessor statement, 240–241

else clause, 105–106

else if clause, conditional operator and, 124

else if statement, 107–110, 113–115

n-valued logic decision and, 107

#else statement, 238–240

encapsulation, 457


basic data types, 438–440

NSArchiver.h header file, 515

NSCoder.h header file, 516

objects, 434

methods, 433–438

writing, 433–438

#endif statement, 238–240

enumerated data types, 476

blocks and, 204

definition of, 191

enum keyword, 201–204

keyword enum, 201, 204


directory contents, 382–384

constants, 467

dictionaries, 362–365

identifier, 201–204

NSEnumerator.h. header file, 517

#error directive, 509

errors, NSError.h header file, 517

escape sequences, 466

event handlers, NSAppleEventManager.h header file, 515

exception handling, NSException.h header file, 517

exercise answers, 533

exponents, floating-point values, 49

expressions, 477

compound relational expressions, 103

constant expressions, 47, 480–481

lvalues, 477

message expressions, 458, 501–502

operators, 477–480

extending classes, inheritance and, 152–164, 171173

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 460

extensions, filenames, 9

extern variable, 195–198, 457

external global variable, 195

external variable

definition, 195

extern keyword, 195–198

static keyword, 197–199

external variables, extern keyword, 195


factory methods, 27, 457

factory objects, 457

Fibonacci numbers, 247–248


bit fields, 270–272

specification, 272

file management

NSFileManager, 374–384

NSFileManager.h header, 517

filename extensions, 9


class.h, 127

copying, program for, 388–392

file operations, 392–397

header files, 457

implementation files, Fraction.m, 128

include files, 238

float.h, 238

limits.h, 238

string.h, 238

interface files, 127128

linking, 373

local files, quotes, 129

master class definition file, categories, 216

naming, 9

NSFileManager methods, 374

opening, 373

pathnames, 374

filters, NSProtocolChecker.h header file, 519

float data type, 47–49

floating-point constants, 49, 465–466

hexadecimals, 49

scientific notation, 49

floating-point numbers, 21

conversions, 59–61

for loops, execution order, 77

for statement, 74–85, 503

loop variants, 84–85

nested loops, 82–84

terminal input, 80–82

formal protocols, 457

format strings, 23

forwarding, 151

messages, 457

Foundation framework, 2, 457

archiving and, 307

array objects, 335–360

CygWin system, 311–313

Foundation library, NSLog function, 321–323

gcc, Mac, 311

GNUstep and, 311–313

headers, 515–520

initialization methods and, 192

introduction, 307

NSObject root class, message forwarding and, 189

Mac documentation, 308


copy method, 416–418

mutableCopy method, 416–418

MinGW system and, 311–313

NSCountedSet class, 368

NSObject, 313, 458

number objects, 315–320

object collections, 456

Project Builder and (Mac), 310–311

protocols and, 219

resources for further information, Web sites, 535

root object, 313

string objects, 320–335

Terminal and, Mac, 311

typedef statement and, 205

Foundation string class, 238

Foundation.h header file, 515

Fraction class, 28, 97, 183, 186

class method

allocF class method, 197–199

count class method, 197–199

copy method, adding, 421–423

implementation file, 522–525

interface file, 521–522

methods, converToNum method, 97–99

fractions, copying, 421–423

frameworks, 457. See also Application Kit framework; Foundation framework

definition of, 2, 307

program development and, 2

free method, overriding, 169–171

Free Software Foundation

gcc, 457

GNUStep, 457

function calls, 301, 493–494

function pointers, 494

functions, 252–253, 258, 457, 492

argument type declaration, 257–258

arguments, 253–255

arrays, passing, 258–259

definitions, 492–493

local variables, 253–255

main, 252–253, 298

argc arguments and, 298

argv arguments and, 298

multidimensional array element, passing, 259–260

NSHomeDirectory, 387

NSLog, 321–323

NSPathUtilities.h, 385

NSTemporaryDirectory, 386

path utilities, 388

pointers, 290291

to arrays, passing, 283–284

as argument, 291

dispatch tables, 291

returning as result, 278–279

printMessage, 252–253

prototypes, declaring, 257

qsort function, 291

results, returning, 255–256

return type declaration, 256–258

sign, 107

static functions, 258, 460

storage class, 490

values, returning, 255–256


gcc, 99, 457

download site, 536

Foundation framework and (Mac), 311

gdb debugging tool, 457

generic pointer type, id type, 301

getter methods, 424–425

getter routine, 424–425

getters, 44

global structure definition, 265

global variables, 195–197, 457

GNUStep, 1, 457

download site, 536

Foundation framework and, 307, 311–313

LinuxSTEP, 458


ASCII format, 427

old-style format, 427

traditional format, 427

XML-style format, 429

goto statement, 295296, 504

definition of, 295–296

labels and, 295

grandchild classes, 149

GUI (graphical user interface), 3


hash tables, NSHashTable.h header file, 517

header files, 457

headers, precompiled, 315

hexadecimals, floating constants, 49

HSF files, NSHFSFileTypes.h header file, 517

HSUserDefaults.h header file, 520


I/O, NSFileHandle.h header file, 517

id data type, 53, 180–183, 457

dynamic binding and, 180–181

static typing and, 182–183

id object type

data value, 181

declaration, 501

id type, 301

identical objects, 354

identifiers, 462

directives, 462

enumeration identifier, 201–204

keywords, 462

predefined, 463–464

universal character names, 462

#if preprocessor statement, 240–241, 509510

if statement, 95–99, 504

= (equal sign) and, 102

if-else statement and, 101

nested, 105–106

satisfied conditions, 121

#ifdef statment, 238–240, 510

if-else statement, 100–102

if statement and, 101

#ifndef statement, 238–240, 510

Imaginary data type, 69

immutable arrays, 335

immutable dictionaries, 361

immutable objects, 323–328, 457

immutable string, 418

implementation dependency, 48

implementation files

AddressBook class, 529–531

AddressCard class, 526–528

Fraction class, 522–525

Fraction.m, 128

@implementation section, 30, 35–36, 457

class definition, 496–497

#import statement, 235–238, 511

Apple and, 236

GNU and, 236

preprocessor and, 235–238

include file directory, Unix systems and, 237

include files, 238

float.h, 238

limits.h, 238

string.h, 238

#include statement, 235–238, 511

preprocessor and, 235–238

increment operators, 79, 483

++ (operator), 282, 286288

index number, 246

indirection, pointers and, 272

indirection operato r

* (operator), 273

pointers, memory address and, 292

informal protocols, 22223, 457 . See also abstract protocols

inheritance, 147, 458

extending classes, 152–164

instance variables and, 171–173

instance variables, 194

methods, adding to classes, 152–164

NSObject.h header file, 518

init method, 37


array elements, 248–249

character array, pointers and, 286

classes, 191–192

initialize method, 193

methods, 192

instance variables, 192

methods, 192

Foundation framework and, 192

structures, 266–267

two-dimensional arrays, 251252

unions, 293

initialize method, 193

initializers, designated initializer, 192

initVar method, 148

input, NSRunLoop.h header file, 519

insertString:atIndex: method, 331

instance methods, 33–35, 458

instance variables, 31–33, 458, 491

access, 42–45

categories and, 216

declarations, 495

extending classes through inheritance, 171–173

in structures, 300–301

inherited, 194

initialization, 192

reference counting and, 405–411


controlling, 193–194

directives, 194

instances, 25, 458

brackets, 26

methods, 26–27

int data type, 48

integer arithmetic, 56–58

conversions, 59–61

modulus operator, 58–59

type cast operator, 61–62

integer instance variables

denominator, 97

numerator, 97

integers, 464–465

conversions, 59–61

Interface Builder, 458

interface files, 127

AddressBook class, 526

AddressCard class, 525–526

compilers and, 128

extending, 144–145

Fraction class, 521–522

@interface section, 30–31, 458

class declarations, 127

class definition, 495

internationalization, 458

intPtr variable, 273–274

isa, 458

isa member, 300


justification, 80

keyed archives, 441–445

keyEnumerator method, 362

keys, 441–443

dictionaries, 360

keywords, 462

const, 200, 477

enum, 201–204

restrict, 477

self, 138–139

static, local variables, 137–138

super, 460

overriding, 169–171

volatile, 477



definition of, 295

goto statement and, 295

language constructs

else if statement, 107–110, 113–115

if statement, 95–99

if-else statement, 100–102


else if statement, 107–110, 113–115

if statement, 95–99

if-else statement, 100–102

leaking memory, 142

left shift operator, 67

#line directive, 511

linear arrays, 250

links, 458

linking files, 373

LinuxSTEP, 1, 458

download site, 536

Foundation framework and, 307

literals, compound, 295, 488

local files, quotes, 129

local structure definition, 265

local variables, 135–138, 458

auto keyword, 199–200

functions and, 253–255

methods, arguments, 136

register keyword, 200

static, 254

static keyword, 137–138

values, 136

localization, 458

localized applications, 320


NSDistributeLock.h header file, 517

NSLock.h header file, 518

logical AND operator (&&), 102–103

logical negation operator, 122

logical operators, 482

logical OR operator (||), 102–103

long long qualifier, 51–53

long qualifier, 51–53

lookup method, 350–353

lookup name in address book, 350–353

loop conditions, 75

loop variable, 120


break statement, 91

continue statement, 92

do loops, 90–91

for loops, 74–85

execution order, 77

nested, 82–84

terminal input, 80–82

variants, 84–85

while loops, 85–89

lowercaseString method, 326

lvalues, expressions, 477


Mac OSX development environment, Cocoa, 1

machine dependency, 48

macros, 232–233

# operator and, 234

## operator and, 235

#define statments and, 232–233


classes, NSPropertyListSerialization class, 427

compiling an d

Project Builder, 10–15

Terminal window, 8–10

Foundation framework documentation, 308

OSX system

Cocoa, 456

Interface Builder, 458

Project Builder, 459


old-style format, 429

traditional format, 429

XML format, 427

programs, Property List Editor program, 430

main function, 298

argc argument and, 298

argv argument and, 298

managing files. See file managemen t

managing memory . See memory management

mantissa, floating-point values, 49

map tables, NSMapTable.h header file, 518

matrixes, 250

elements, 250

two-dimensional arrays and, 250

memor y


indirection operator, 292

pointers and, 291292

allocating, 156–157

autorelease pool, 399–400

cells, 291

leaking, 142

pool, autorelease pool, 317–320

releasing, 333–335

uses, 291

zones, NSZone.h header file, 520

memory management, 399

message expressions, 458, 501–502

as function calls, 301

message forwarding, 189

delegate, 189

NSInvocation.h header file, 517

Object class and, 189

messages, 26, 458

class message, 185

message expressions, 458

NSPort.h header file, 518

NSProtocolChecker.h header file, 519

methods, 458

adding to classes, 152–164

alloc, 37, 318

arguments, 34

local variables, 136

multiple, 130–135

no name, 133

arrays, passing, 258–259

arrayWithCapacity:, 337

arrayWithObjects:, 337

as functions, 301

categories, defining, 213

choosing correct, 151

class method, 27, 33–35, 456

accessing variables, 197

allocF class method, 197–199

count class method, 197–199

setting variables, 197

compare, 319

conformTo method, protocols and, 221

convertToNum, 97–99

copy method, 416–418, 425

custom archiving, 444–448

declarations, 35, 495–496

decoding methods, writing, 433–438

definition, 35

class definition, 497–498

protocols and, 220

deleteCharacterslnRange:, 332

designated initializer, 456

doesNotRecognize method, 186

encoding methods, writing, 433–438

factory methods, 27, 457

free, overriding, 169–171

getter methods, 424–425

getters, 44

init, 37

initialization methods, 192

initVar, 148

insertString:atIndex:, 331

instance methods, 33–35, 458

instances, 26–27

keyed archiving, 441–445

keyEnumerator, 362

lookup, 350–353

lowercaseString, 326

multidimensional array element, passing, 259–260

mutableCopy method, 416–420

NSArray, 359–360

NSDictionary methods, 364–365

NSFileHandle class, 373

NSFileHandle object, 392–393


directories, 380–381

files, 374

NSMethodSignature.h header file, 518

NSMutableArray, 360

NSMutableDictionary methods, 365

NSMutableSet, 369

NSMutableString methods, 335

NSPathUtilities.h, 385

NSProcessInfo, 389

NSSet, 369

NSString method, 333–334


allocating, 139–145

returning, 139–145

overriding, 164–171, 216

path utilities, 387–388

perform method, 186

pointers, returning as result, 278–279

poseAs method, 217–219

print, 366–368

propertyList method, 431

rangeOfString:, 332

release, 343–350

removeCard, 353–356

removeObject:, 354

root object, 513–514

selected, 166

setOrigin, 161

setString:, 332

setter methods, 424–425

setters, 44

setWithObject:, 368

substringToIndex, 327

substringWithRange, 328

uppercaseString, 326

writeToFile method

NSArray object, 427

NSData object, 427

NSDictionary object, 427

NSString object, 427

MinGW system

compiler, 16

download site, 536

Foundation framework and, 307, 311–313

modules, 193

modulus operator, 58–59

% (percent), 100

multibyte characters, character string constants, 467

multidimensional arrays, 250–252, 471–472


passing functions to, 259–260

passing methods to, 259–260

mutable arrays, 335

mutable dictionaries, 361

mutable objects, 323–328, 458

mutable strings, 328–333, 418

mutableCopy method, 416–420


name definitions, 229–233

named pairs, object/category, 217


address book

deleting, 353–356

lookup, 350–353

files, 9

naming conventions, 31–33

case sensitivity, 32

reserved names, 32

negation operator, 122

nested if statement, 105–106

nested for loops, 82–84

newline character, 19

NEXTSTEP, 1, 458

NXObject, 459

nil, 458

notifications, 458

NSNotification.h header file, 518

NSNotificationQueue.h header file, 518

NSAppleEventDescriptor.h header file, 515

NSAppleEventManager.h header file, 515

NSAppleScript.h header file, 515

NSArchiver class, 431–433

NSArchiver.h header file, 515

NSArray methods, 359–360

NSArray.h header file, 515

NSAttributedString.h header file, 516

NSAutoreleasePool.h heder file, 516

NSBundle.h header file, 516

NSByteOrder.h header file, 516

NSCalendarDate.h header file, 516

NSCharacterSet.h header file, 516

NSClassDescription.h header file, 516

NSCoder.h header file, 516

NSCoding protocol, 434

NSCompatibility.h header file, 516

NSConnection.h header file, 516

NSCopying protocol, 449

NSCountedSet class, 368

NSData class, 378–380

NSData object, 444–448

NSData.h header file, 516

NSDate.h header file, 516

NSDateFormatter.h header file, 516

NSDebug.h header file, 516

NSDecimal.h header file, 516

NSDecimalNumber.h header file, 516

NSDictionary methods, 364–365

NSDictionary.h header file, 517

NSDistantObject.h header file, 517

NSDistributedLock.h header file, 517

NSDistributedNotificationCenter.h header file, 517

NSEnumerator.h header file, 517

NSError.h header file, 517

NSException.h header file, 517

NSFileHandle class methods, 373

NSFileHandle object methods, 392–393

NSFileHandle.h header file, 517

NSFileManager, 374–384


directories, 380–381

files, 374

NSFileManager.h header file, 517

NSFormatter.h header file, 517

NSGeometry.h header file, 517

NSHashTable.h header file, 517

NSHFSFileTypes.h header file, 517

NSHomeDirectory function, 387

NSHost.h header file, 517

NSHTTPCookie.h header file, 517

NSHTTPCookieStorage.h header file, 517

NSInvocation.h header file, 517

NSJavaSetup.h header file, 517

NSKeyedArchiver.h header file, 518

NSKeyValueCoding.h header file, 518

NSLock.h header file, 518

NSLog function, 321–323

NSMapTable.h header file, 518

NSMethodSignature.h header file, 518

NSMutableArray methods, 360

NSMutableDictionary methods, 365

NSMutableSet methods, 369

NSMutableString class, 323

NSMutableString methods, 335

NSNetServices.h header file, 518

NSNotification.h header file, 518

NSNotificationQueue.h header file, 518

NSNull.h header file, 518

NSNumber class, 315, 318

NSNumber objects, 318

NSNumberFormatter.h header file, 518

NSObjCRuntime.h header file, 518

NSObject, 313, 458

NSObject.h header file, 518

NSObjectScripting.h header file, 518

NSPathUtilities.h header file, 384392, 518

NSPort.h header file, 518

NSPortCoder.h header file, 518

NSPortMessage.h header file, 519

NSPortNameServer.h header file, 519

NSProcessInfo class, 388–392

NSProcessInfo.h header file, 519

NSPropertyList.h header file, 519

NSProtocolChecker.h header file, 519

NSProxy.h header file, 519

NSRange.h header file, 519

NSRunLoop.h header file, 519

NSScanner.h header file, 519

NSScript header files, 519

NSSerialization.h header file, 519

NSSet methods, 369

NSSet.h header file, 519

NSSpellServer.h header file, 519

NSString methods, 333–334

NSString.h header file, 520

NSTask.h header file, 520

NSTemporaryDirectory function, 386

NSThread.h header file, 520

NSTimer.h header file, 520

NSTimeZone.h header file, 520

NSUnarchiver class, 432

NSUndoManager.h header file, 520

NSURL header files, 520

NSURL.h header file, 520

NSURLHandle.h header file, 520

NSUtilities.h header file, 520

NSValue.h header file, 520

NSZone.h header file, 520

null character, 250, 459

null objects, NSNull.h header file, 518

null pointer, 459

null statements, 296, 505

number objects, 315–320


Fibonacci numbers, 247–248

floating point, 21

index number, as reference, 246

NSNumberFormatter.h header file, 518

NSValue.h header file, 520

real numbers, 21

subscript, as reference, 246

triangular, 73

truncated, 60

numerator integer instance variable, 97

NXObject, 459


Object class, 186

message forwarding, 189

object variables, as pointer variables, 301

object-orientation, 25

object-oriented programming, 272, 459

object/category named pairs, 217


history of, 1

resources for further information

books, 533–534

Web sites, 534

objects, 25, 459

array objects, 335–360

assigning, 415, 420

class objects, 456

class ownership, 161–164

collections, 456

composite objects, 223–224

constant character string objects, 467

copying, 415–418

getter methods and, 424–425

setter methods and, 424–425

with archiver, 448–449

deep copying, 418–420

defining, 500–501

id object, 501

delegates, 456

dictionary, 360–365

NSDictionary.h header file, 517


NSConnection.h header file, 516

NSDistantObject.h header file, 517

NSDistributeNotificationCenter.h header file, 517

NSPortCoder.h header file, 518

NSPortMessage.h header file, 519

Distributed Objects, 456

factory, 457

id object, declaration, 501

identical, 354

immutable, 323328, 425, 457

memory release, 333–335


allocating, 139–145

returning, 139–145

mutable, 323328, 458

mutable copying, 416–418

nil object, 458

NSArray, writeToFile method, 427

NSData, 445

custom archiving, 444–448

writeToFile method, 427

NSDictionary, writeToFile method, 427

NSString, writeToFile method, 427

number objects, 315–320

numbers as, NSValue.h header, 520

referencing, 400–411

releasing, 343–350

root, 459, 513514

set, 365–369

NSSet.h header file, 519

shallow copying, 418–420

Square object, 185

string, 320–335

NSString.h header file, 520

types, id object type, 457

octal notation, int data type, 48

one-dimensional arrays, 250

ones complement operator, 67


opening files, 373



increment operation

post-increment, 287

pre-increment, 287

on pointers, 289–291

operators, 478–480

& operator, pointers and, 273

&& (logical AND operator), 102–103

|| (logical OR operator), 102–103

address operator, pointers and, 273

arithmetic, 54, 481

binary, 54

bit operators, 65–69

precedence, 54

type cast operator, 61–62

arrays and, 485

assignment, 62–65, 483

bit, 270

bitwise, 482–483

blank spaces and, 105

comma, 296, 485

conditional, 123124, 483–484

as ternary operator, 123

else if clause and, 124

parentheses, 124

decrement operators, 79, 483

(—) operator, 282, 286–288

dot, 261

increment operators, 79, 483

(++) operator, 282, 286–288

indirection (*), 273

logical AND (&&), 102–103

logical negation, 122

logical, 482

logical OR (||), 102–103

modulus, 58–59

% (percent), 100

pointers and, 486

pointers to arrays, 486–487

pointers to structures, 487

post-increment, 287–288

pre-increment, 287–288

reading into character variable operator, 113

relational, 76, 482

sizeof operator, 296–297, 443, 484

structures and, 485–486

ternary operator, 123

type cast, 484

unary minus operator, 122

unary operator, pointers and, 273

OR operator ( | | ), 102–103

origin values, storing as separate, 156


keywords, super, 169–171

methods, 164–171

categories, subclassing and, 216


parameters, as register variables, 200

parent classes, 31, 459

parentheses around condition operators, 124

parsing, NSScanner.h header file, 519

pathnames, 374

absolute, 374

NSPathUtilies.h header file, 384392, 518

relative, 374


functions, 388

methods, 387–388

percent (%) character, 22

perform method, 186

plists (property lists), 427–430

archiving with, 427–430

creating from dictionary, 429

GNUstep systems, format, 427–429


binary-serialized plists, 427

format, 427, 429

Property List Editor program, 430

NSPropertyList.h header file, 519

propertyList method, 431

reading from URL, 431

writing to URL, 431

Point class, 156–157, 188

pointers, 37, 272–276, 459, 475–476

& operator and, 273

address operator and, 273

arrays and, 280–283

elements, point to, 280283

character arrays and, 286

character strings and, 284–285

charPtr variable, 275–276

constant character strings and, 285–286

decrement operator (—), 282, 286-288

definition of, 272

function pointers, 494

functions, 290291

dispatch tables, 291

passing to, 278–279

increment operator (++), 282, 286–288

indirection and, 272

operator, memory address and, 292

intPtr variable, 273–274

memory addresses and, 291–292

methods, passing to, 278–279

null pointer, 459

operations, 289–291

operators and, 486

pointers to arrays, 486–487

pointers to structures, 487


as an argument, 278–279

to an array, 280–284, 486487

to character string, 284–285

to constant character string, 285–286

to function, 290–291

to structure, 276–277, 487

post-increment operator, 287–288

pre-increment operator, 287–288

structures and, 276–277

types, id type, 301

unary operator and, 273

polymorphism, 177–181, 459

class addition and, 179

class development and, 179

ports, registering, 519

poseAs method, 217–219

posing, 217–219, 459

positive integers, prime numbers and, 119

post-increment operator, 287–288

pound sign (#), preprocessor and, 227

#pragma directive, 512

pre-increment operation, 287288

precedence, arithmetic operators, 54

precompiled headers, 315

predefined directives, 512

predefined identifiers, 463–464

preprocessor, 230, 459

conditional compilation, 238–240

definition of, 227

directives, 507

#, 227, 512

#define, 227229, 507–509

#error, 509

#if, 509–510

#ifdef, 510

#ifndef, 510

#import, 235238, 511

#include, 235238, 511

#line, 511

#pragma, 512

#undef, 512

predefined, 512

preprocessor definition, 230

trigraph sequences, 507

prime numbers, 119

primes array, allocation and, 339

print method, 366–368

printf routine, 19, 22

printf statement, 28

@private directive, 194

procedural programming language, 2, 459

program development, framework, 2

program section, 36–45

program statements, if statement and, 95

programming errors

division by zero, 113, 115

unkown operator entry, 113–115

Programming is fun source, 7

Project Builder, 459

Build menu, 14

compiling on Macs, 10–15

Foundation framework (Mac), 310–311

Property List Editor program, 430

property lists. See plists

@protected directive, 194

protocols, 219–222, 459

abstract, 222

adopting, 219–220

category adoption of, 222

conforming to, 219

defining, 222, 499500

definition, 219

formal protocols, 457

Foundation framework and, 219

informal, 222–223, 457


conformTo method, 221

defining, 220

NSCoding protocol, 434

NSCopying protocol, 449

@protocol directive, 221

@protocol directive, 221

prototype declaration

definition of, 257

functions and, 257

@public directive, 194


qsort function, 291

qualifiers, data types, 51–53

quotes, local files, 129


rangeOfString: method, 332

ranges, 326

NSRange.h header file, 519

reading for further information

C programming language, 534

Cocoa, 535

Objective-C, 533–534

real numbers, 21

receivers, 26, 459

Rectangle class, 187–188

Redo operations, NSUndoManager.h header file, 520

reference counting, 400–411

instance variables and, 405–411

strings and, 403–405

reference numbers

index number, 246

subscript, 246

register keyword, 200

register variables, 200

parameters as, 200

relational operators, 76, 482

relative pathnames, 374

release method, address book project and, 343–350



autorelease pool, 399–400

objects, 333–335

objects, 343–350

removeCard method, 353–356

removeObject: method, 354

reserved names/words, 32



C programming language, 534

Cocoa, 535

Objective-C, 533–534

exercise answers, 533

Foundation framework, Mac, 308

Web sites

C programming language, 534

Cocoa, 535

Foundation framework, 535

Objective-C, 534

restrict keyword, 477

results, returning, 255–256

retain count, 418, 459

retrieval methods, NSNumber object, 318

return statement, 505

return type declaration, functions and, 256–258

right justification, 80

right shift operator, 67–69

root, 147

root directory, 374

root object, 459

Foundation framework, 313

methods, 513–514


calls, 19

getter routine, 424–425

setter routine, 424–425

runtime, 459

runtime checking, 182


satisfied conditions, if statements, 121

scientific notation, 49

scope, 489

instance variables, directives, 194

variables, 193

scripting, NSObjectScripting.h header file, 518

@selector directive, 186

selectors, 186, 459

self keyword, 138–139, 460

semicolon, 19

serialization, NSSerializer.h header file, 519

services, NSNetServices.h header file, 518

set objects, 365–369, 460

NSSet.h header file, 519

setOrigin method, 161

setString: method, 332

setter methods, 424–425

setter routine, 424–425

setters, 44

setWithObject: method, 368

shallow copying, 418420

short qualifier, 51–53

sign extension, 207–208

sign function, 107

signed char variable, 208

signed qualifier, 51–53

signed quantities, characters as, 207

single-dimensional arrays, 470

sizeof operators, 296–297, 484

slashes (/ / ), comments, 18

sorting arrays, address book project, 356–360

special type BOOL, 122

spell checker, NSSpellServer.h header file, 519

Square class, 187–188

as subclass, 154

Square object, 185

state, 26

statement block, 460

statements, 19, 460, 502

blocks, 79

break statement, 91, 116–118

compound, 502–506

continue statement, 92

debugging statments, 240

#define statement, 227–229

backslash character, 231

arguments, 231

constant values and, 229

defined names, 229–233

macros, 232–233

placement of, 228

syntax, 228

do loops, 90–91

#elif preprocessor statement, 240–241

#else, 238–240

else if statement, 107–110, 113–115

n-valued logic decision, 107

#endif statment, 238–240

for loops, 74–85

goto statement, 295–296

#if preprocessor statement, 240–241

if statement, 95–99

nested, 105–106

program statements and, 95

if-else statement, 100–102

#ifdef statement, 238–240

#ifndef statement, 238–240

#import statement, 235–238

Apple and, 236

GNU and, 236

#include statement, 235–238

null statement, 296

printf, 28

program statement, if statement and, 95

statement block, 460

switch statement, 116–119

typedef, 191, 204–205, 476

definition procedure, 205

Foundation framework and, 205

#undef statement, 242

while loops, 85–89

static functions, 258, 460

static keyword, local variables, 137–138

static local variables, 254

static typing, 182–183, 460

static variable, 197–199, 460

storage buffer, 378

storage class, 489

functions, 490

variables, 490

string objects, 320–335

constant character string object, 321

NSString.h header file, 520


attributes, NSAttributedString.h header file, 516

character string constants, 467

concatenation, 467

multibyte characters, 467

objects, 467

wide, 467

character strings, 250, 320, 456

constant character string, 456

format strings, 23

immutable string, 418

mutable strings, 328–333, 418

ranges, 326

reference counting and, 403–405

structure variables, 261

structures, 260–270, 460, 472–474

arrays of, 267

bit fields, 270–271

classes and, 265

defining, 267

variables and, 269–270

global structure definition, 265

initializating, 266–267

instance variables, storage in, 300–301

local structure definition, 265

members, isa member, 300

operators and, 485–486

pointers to, 276277, 487

structure definitions, 265

structures within, 267–269

syntax of, 261

variables, 261262

subclasses, 147, 460

alternative to, 223

categories and, 216

concrete subclass, 456

creating, 154

designated initializer and, 192

subscripts, 246

substringTolndex method, 327

substringWithRange method, 328

super keywords, 460

overriding, 169–171

superclass, 460

switch statement, 116–119, 505–506

break statement and, 116

file statement, translation into, 117

syntax, structures, 261

system informatio n

NSHost.h header file, 517

NSProcesslnfo.h header file, 519


tables, dispatch tables, 291

Terminal (Macintosh)

compiling, 8–10

Foundation framework and, 311

terminal input, for loops, 80–82

terminating null character, 250

character array and, 250

ternary operator, 123

conditional operator as, 123

threading, NSThread.h header file, 520

tilde (~), home directory, 374

time, NSCalendarDate.h header file, 516

time zones, NSTimeZone.h header file, 520

timers, NSTimer.h header file, 520


gdb debugging tool, 457

Interface Builder, 458

Xcode, 460

triangular numbers, 73

trigraphs, 507

truncation, 60

two-dimensional arrays, 250–251

elements, 250

initializing, 251252

matrixes and, 250

type cast operators, 6162, 484

type modifiers, protocol definitions, 500

typedef statement, 191, 204–205, 476

definition procedure, 205

Foundation framework and, 205


BOOL (special type), 122

dynamic types, methods for working with, 185


dynamic typing, 177, 181–184

static typing, 182–183


unarchiving objects, 434

unary minus operator, 58, 122

unary operator, pointers and, 273

#undef statement, 242, 512

Undo operations, NSUndoManager.h header file, 520

unichar characters, 320

Unicode character, 460

unions, 292–294, 460, 474–475

arrays, defining with, 293

declaring, 292

defining, 293

initialization, 293


bit fields, 271

definition of, 271

universal character names, 462

Unix systems, include file directory, 237

unsigned character variable, 208

unsigned qualifier, 51–53

uppercaseString method, 326


header files, 520


reading from, 431

writing to, 431

user settings, HSUserDefaults.h header file, 520

usernames, NSPathUtilies.h header file, 518

usual arithmetic conversions, 488–489




NO, 122

YES, 122

returning, 255–256


displaying, 21–23

local variables, 136

variable-length arrays, 471


automatic variable, 455

Boolean variables, 119–123

character variables, unsigned, 208

charPtr variable, 275–276

const keyword, 200

dataValue variable, 181

extern variable, 197, 457

external global variable, 195

external variable, 195–197

extern keyword, 195–198

static keyword, 197–199

global variables, 195–197, 457

instance variables, 31–33, 458, 491

access, 42–45

categories and, 216

declarations, 495

extending classes and, 171–173

inherited, 194

initialization, 192

isa variable, 458

reference counting and, 405–411

scope control, 193–194

integer instance, denominator, 97

integer instance variable numerator, 97

intPtr, 273–274


auto, 199–200

const, 200

extern, 195–198

register, 200

static, 197–199

volatile, 200–201

local variables, 135138, 458

auto keyword, 199–200

functions and, 253–255

method arguments, 136

register keyword, 200

static keyword, 137–138, 254

values, 136

loop variable, 120

object variable as pointer variable, 301

pointer variable, restrict modifier, 200

scope, 193

self variable, 460

signed char variable, 208

static variable, 460

storage class, 490

structure definition and, 269–270

structure variables, 261

values, displaying, 21–23

volatile keyword, 200–201

variants, for loops, 84–85

volatile keyword, 477

volatile variable, 200–201


Web sites

C programming language, 534

Cocoa, 535


CygWin, 536

gcc, 536

GNUstep, 536

LinuxSTEP, 536

MinGW, 536

exercise answers, 533

Foundation framework, 535

Objective-C, 534

while statement, 85–89, 506

wide character constants, 466

wide character string constants, 467

Windows, compiling and, 16–17


Xcode, 10, 460

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 460

zone, 460

zone argument, 422

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