Using the Approve/Reject View for Controlling the Publication of List Items

For some lists, it is necessary to control the publication of list items. For lists configured to require content approval, a predefined Approve/Reject view of the list is available to the users with rights to approve list items. Using this view, the approvers can approve the item, reject it, or leave the status at Pending. Definitions of each of the status indicators are as follows:

  • Pending— The list item has been created but has not yet been approved. The item can be viewed only by the users who have Manage List rights to the list and by the person who submitted the item.

  • Approved— The list item is available for anyone (with read access to the list) to view.

  • Rejected— The list item has not been approved for viewing and has been returned to the original document creator.

To approve or reject list items using the Approve/Reject view, follow these steps:

When on the page where the list item is displayed, click on Approve/Reject Items under Select a View.

Hover over the item to be approved or rejected, and click on the down arrow to bring up the list of options for the item (as shown in Figure 12.18).

Figure 12.18. Approve/Reject Items drop-down menu.

Click on Approve/Reject.

On the next screen, select Approve, Reject, or Pending by clicking on the appropriate radio button.

An optional comment can be entered explaining why the item was approved, rejected, or left pending.

Click OK.

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