Appendix D. Condor ClassAd Machine Attributes

Condor ClassAd Machine Attributes

The following attributes are listed as a quick reference for Condor’s matchmaking-like attributes. These attributes match jobs to specific machines. Condor client machines advertise their attributes so that each job submitted, which uses these attributes, matches the client advertising these specific resources.

For example, a client can advertise architecture, operating system (OS), RAM, disk space, and so on. You can display each machine in the cluster with the condor_status command. Using these attributes allows you to match the job with the resource. You can find information about Condor at These class attributes, and more configurations, can be found at

  • Activity—. A string that describes Condor job activity on the machine, which can have one of the following values:

    • Idle: There is no job activity.

    • Busy: A job is busy running.

    • Suspended: A job is currently suspended.

    • Vacating: A job is currently check pointing.

    • Killing: A job is currently being killed.

    • Benchmarking: The startd is running benchmarks.

  • Arch—A string with the architecture of the machine, which is typically one of the following:

    • INTEL: Intel x86 CPU (Pentium, Xeon, and so on).

    • ALPHA: Digital Alpha CPU.

    • SGI: Silicon Graphics MIPS CPU.

    • SUN4u: Sun UltraSparc CPU.

    • SUN4x: A Sun Sparc CPU other than an UltraSparc, such as the sun4m or sun4c CPU found in older Sparc workstations such as the Sparc 10, Sparc 20, IPC, IPX, and so on.

    • HPPA1: Hewlett Packard PA-RISC 1.x CPU-based workstation (such as the PA-RISC 7000 series CPU).

    • HPPA2: Hewlett Packard PA-RISC 2.x CPU-based workstation (such as the PA-RISC 8000 series CPU).

  • ClockDay—. The day of the week, where 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 6 = Saturday.

  • ClockMin—. The number of minutes passed since midnight.

  • CondorLoadAvg—. The portion of the load average generated by Condor (either from remote jobs or running benchmarks).

  • ConsoleIdle—. The number of seconds since activity on the system console keyboard or console mouse was last detected.

  • Cpus—. The number of CPUs in this machine, such as 1 = single CPU machine, 2 = dual CPUs, and so on.

  • CurrentRank—. A float that represents this machine owner’s affinity for running the Condor job which it is currently hosting. If not currently hosting a Condor job, CurrentRank is -1.0.

  • Disk—. The amount of disk space on this machine available for the job in kbytes (such as 23,000 = 23 megabytes ). Specifically, this is the amount of disk space available in the directory that is specified in the Condor configuration files by the EXECUTE macro, minus any space reserved with the RESERVED_DISK macro.

  • EnteredCurrentActivity—. The time at which the machine entered the current Activity (refer to the Activity entry). On all platforms (including NT), this is measured in the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970).

  • FileSystemDomain—. A domain name configured by the Condor administrator that describes a cluster of machines which all access the same, uniformly mounted, networked file systems, usually through NFS or AFS. This is useful for Vanilla universe jobs that require remote file access.

  • KeyboardIdle—. The number of seconds since activity on any keyboard or mouse associated with this machine has last been detected. Unlike ConsoleIdle, KeyboardIdle takes activity on pseudo-terminals into account (such as virtual “keyboard” activity from telnet and rlogin sessions). KeyboardIdle is always equal to or less than ConsoleIdle.

  • Kflops—. The relative floating point performance as determined by a Linpack benchmark.

  • LastHeardFrom—. The time when the Condor central manager last received a status update from this machine; expressed as seconds since the epoch (integer value). The central manager only inserts this attribute after it receives the ClassAd. It is not present in the condor_startd copy of the ClassAd. Therefore, you cannot use this attribute in defining condor_startd expressions.

  • LoadAvg—. A floating point number with the machine’s current load average.

  • Machine—. A string with the machine’s fully qualified hostname.

  • Memory—. The amount of RAM in megabytes.

  • Mips—. The relative integer performance as determined by a Dhrystone benchmark.

  • MyType—. The ClassAd type; always set to the literal string “Machine”.

  • Name—. The name of this resource; typically the same value as the Machine attribute, but it can be customized by the site administrator. On SMP machines, condor_startd divides the CPUs into separate virtual machines, each with a unique name. These names are in the form " vm#@full.hostname "; for example, "[email protected]" signifies virtual machine 1 from

  • OpSys—. A string that describes the OS that is running on this machine.

    For Condor Version 6.3.1, it is typically one of the following:

    • HPUX10: For HPUX 10.20.

    • IRIX6: For IRIX 6.2, 6.3, or 6.4.

    • IRIX65: For IRIX 6.5.

    • LINUX: For Linux 2.0.x or Linux 2.2.x kernel systems.

    • OSF1: For Digital UNIX 4.x.

    • SOLARIS251

    • SOLARIS26

    • SOLARIS27

    • SOLARIS28

    • WINNT40: For Windows NT 4.0.

  • Requirements—. A boolean that, when evaluated within the context of the machine ClassAd and the job ClassAd, must evaluate to TRUE before Condor allows the job to use this machine.

  • StartdIpAddr—. A string with the IP and port address of the condor_startd daemon, which is publishing this machine ClassAd.

  • State—. A string that publishes the machine’s Condor state. The string can be any of the following:

    • Owner: The machine owner is using the machine, and it is unavailable to Condor.

    • Unclaimed: The machine is available to run Condor jobs, but a good match is either not available or not yet found.

    • Matched: The Condor central manager has found a good match for this resource, but a Condor scheduler has not yet claimed it.

    • Claimed: The machine is claimed by a remote condor_schedd and is probably running a job.

    • Preempting: A Condor job is preempted (possibly through check pointing) to clear the machine for either a higher priority job or because the machine owner wants the machine back.

  • TargetType—. This describes what type of ClassAd to match with. Always set to the string literal “Job” because machine ClassAds want to be matched with jobs, and vice versa.

  • UidDomain—. A domain name configured by the Condor administrator that describes a cluster of machines that all have the same passwd file entries; therefore, they all have the same logins.

  • VirtualMemory—. The amount of currently available virtual memory (swap space) expressed in kbytes.

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