All power corrupts, and absolute
power corrupts absolutely.


IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: you are about to become a mother for the first time. You and your husband prepare your home as you eagerly await your little baby boy’s arrival. Just a month before you’re due to bring him home, you are selected by your peers to win the highest award possible for a person in your profession. In a very public celebration, your entire industry’s community surrounds you to exuberantly shower you with praise and accolades.

During the most touching moment of your acceptance speech, you turn to your husband and declare, “This is all worthwhile because of you—you showed me what love is.”

After a whirlwind celebration party and lots of congratulations from all your friends and colleagues, you ride home with your man, holding hands and smothering him with kisses. After you make love in the bed you’ve shared for five years, you drift off to sleep, blissfully aware that you have had, hands down, the best day of your life.

And that’s where the dream ends.

You wake up to find out that, while you’ve been slaving away on extended business trips, your husband has been having unprotected sex with a professional stripper—and she’s decided she needs to tell the whole world about it.

You may not be Sandra Bullock. But you could imagine what Jesse James’s betrayal felt like—the ultimate sucker punch to the gut.

We’ve all experienced a sucker punch at some point—and if not quite at this level of evil, still hurtful. Whether it was when your best friend stole your date for the junior prom or your closest colleague stole your idea at work, you’ve experienced that crushing moment when the realization of the lie and the betrayal sets in.

As painful as that was—how many other lies are you missing? Would spotting them help you avoid other drama or heartache down the road?

In this chapter, we take a look at some of the biggest truths and misconceptions about lying, and how both can lead even the most committed truth finder astray. We also take a quiz to see how strong your own BS Barometer is right now, before you start the You Can’t Lie to Me program. Ultimately, once you’ve completed the program, you’ll instinctively surround yourself with more genuine, authentic, honest people from the very first time you meet them.


No, you may not be Sandra Bullock—but you can feel her pain. And you may also not be Kyra Sedgwick or Kevin Bacon—but you can imagine how it would feel if your entire life savings, money that you and your wife had worked together to save for more than twenty years, was stolen in one fell swoop by one horrible man.

When Bernie Madoff was caught in December 2008, he had a shocking $65 billion in fictitious investments in 4,900 client accounts. All told, his investors—including charitable foundations, Holocaust survivors, hundreds of unlucky widows and pensioners—lost about $20 billion of real principal.1

Twenty billion dollars of their hard-earned money. Mysteriously gone.

For years, this infamous Con King was somehow able to look hundreds of people in the eye without arousing suspicion, all the while knowing he was robbing them blind. Madoff stuffed his pockets and walked away whistling, without ever seeming to feel a twinge of guilt.

Who could do such a thing? How could anyone who treated others that way live with himself?

And how do these people get away with it?

Now, not just your average scumbag can pull off a scam on the order of $20 billion and bilk thousands of “marks.” But plenty of people can easily lie without thinking twice.

In fact, every person lies. Even you. Probably more than you realize.

Sometimes we lie to protect other people’s feelings. (Delicious fruit cake, Aunt Suzie!) But sometimes we lie solely to benefit ourselves. And, because you’re an honest human being, you probably feel guilty about this kind of lying—which is what makes you so bad at it.

But chronic liars don’t have that problem. Nor do sociopaths. Nor, it turns out, does your boss. Now, you may like your boss (or even be the boss), and this might have you shaking your head and saying, “Nope, not true.” But bear with me a bit....

You’ve heard the expression “Power corrupts,” right? Well, you might be surprised to learn how easy it is for people in powerful positions to lie straight to our faces. Not just those folks who sit in the corner office: anyone who holds power over you—whether his grip is on your paycheck, your mortgage rate, or your heart—can lie to you as easily as tell you the truth.2

Here’s how it works: when people in power lie, they focus on rewards more than on costs—they spend much more energy thinking about what they stand to gain than what they stand to lose.3 This laser focus on rewards protects them from anxiety and makes it easier for them to lie through their teeth. (And Bernie Madoff sure had a lot of “reward” going on, didn’t he?)

People in power enjoy the exact opposite neurobiological effects that people who lie do.4

  • Lying raises the toxic stress hormone cortisol; power lowers it.
  • Lying increases negative emotions; power increases positive emotions.
  • Lying hampers your ability to think; power enhances your cognitive function.

All the physical and mental benefits that come with power can make unscrupulous people in power almost immune to guilt, allowing them to lie all the time without ever getting caught. Recently, a group of Columbia University researchers showed just how strong and immediate this “power” effect can be.

In a study of forty-seven women, researchers put some participants into windowed offices. These women were told they were “leaders” who controlled the salaries of their “subordinates” (who were stuck in dark and dreary cubicles in the hallway).5 Then the researchers planted $100 bills in nearby piles of books and left. Computers on the workers’ desks randomly asked half the leaders and half the subordinates to “steal” the money—and then asked them to lie about it.

The researchers tested the subjects’ cognitive functioning and took saliva samples to measure stress hormones. They also studied videotapes of their interviews to assess their behavior. They were looking for tiny shoulder shrugs and increased rate of speech, two of the more likely signs of deception.

Another group of the researchers, with no clue as to whether the women were liars or leaders or neither, asked all the participants some basic questions. They wanted to establish what the subjects looked like when they were being truthful—to define their “baseline” behavior.

Then, with all the baseline data in place, the researchers asked all the leaders and subordinates whether or not they stole the money. As they answered, the researchers retested them and analyzed the data.

The results were shocking.

The low-power subordinates who lied showed all the expected signs of deception: slower thinking, higher stress hormones, shoulder shrugs, and faster speech.

The high-power liars?

Nothing. Nada. Not even a twitch.

The researchers found not one detectable physical difference between the higher-power liars and their truthful peers.

After the fact, the liars were asked how they felt about lying. Did they feel bad or guilty at all? But only the liars in lower power positions felt bad. The powerful liars did not feel a thing.

Power acted like conscience Teflon—not only did their dominant position allow them to lie more easily and persuasively, they felt no guilt or remorse.

Researchers are finding more and more evidence that power appears to give its owners a physical and cognitive high that completely blunts and disguises any negative effects of lying. Lie, get away with it, get what you want, and don’t feel a thing—hmm, I could see how that might get slightly addictive!

This power imbalance might affect honesty even in situations that are meant to be positive and protective:

  • A teacher with a student
  • A doctor with a patient
  • A parent with a child

Texas Judge William Adams was caught on a webcam beating his then-sixteen-year-old disabled daughter. After she was caught downloading a pirated videogame on the computer, Adams lost it, barged into her bedroom, and began to beat her with a belt. The mom also joined in on the horrific beating. Both parents yelled obscenities at the young girl for twenty minutes while she pleaded with them to stop. That young girl’s name is Hilary Adams, and seven years later, now twenty-three, she spoke out about the video. When he was confronted about the video, Judge Adams said, “It looks a lot worse than it actually was.” As a judge, it seems that Adams felt too powerful and above everyone else to feel any remorse or regret, let alone worry about what would happen to him.

Now, let’s put this lying superpower into an even more morally questionable context:

  • A terrorist who believes his glory waits on “the other side”
  • A politician who knows a few well-placed words will win voters’ trust (and elections)
  • An accomplished pickup artist who only wants one thing—and knows exactly what to say to get it
  • A “harmless” old neighbor—who also happens to be a pedophile

But powerful people aren’t the only liars—sad sacks lie, too.


We’ve seen that liars with power are addicted to potential rewards. They’re only thinking of what they have to gain.

Now, on the flip side—for those without the power—what motivates them to lie?

Simple. What they have to lose.

Lying, cheating, stealing, and manipulating are definitely not the sole purview of the powerful. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and, for many, these are quite desperate times. When your job or your relationship is on the line, lying can sometimes feel like a necessary act of survival.

Researchers believe that deception started this way, as a result of natural selection. You might call it “survival of the fibbers.” About twelve million years ago, primates started deceiving each other in order to survive during times of dwindling resources. (There can be only one top banana!)

Twelve million years is a long time for fibbers to learn their trade. But for just as long, we’ve been trying to spot them. Why haven’t we learned how to by now? How do we still get duped by another’s deceit?



Authoritative palm-down gestures are often used to tell a child to stop from running in the street or to back down a subordinate. Essentially, this move is used to tell us to stop, back down, or calm down. When you calmly confront the potential liars in your life and they bring out this “talk to the hand” motion, ask yourself, “Why does she not want me to get to the bottom of this situation?” “What is he holding back?” “What is she hiding?”


On February 10, 2006, former Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) director Michael Brown displays an aggressive palm-down hand gesture while testifying before a Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., on his mishandling of rescue operations during and after Hurricane Katrina. (Getty Images)

BS Barometer Reading: Full of It


Thanks to TIME magazine, the world quickly learned more about Michael Brown’s disastrous decisions—and shockingly, his reaction to Katrina was just one of them. TIME’s exposé revealed that brown had falsified his professional credentials for years. Among other bold lies were claims to have overseen emergency services for an entire town when he was, in fact, just an intern, and to have been chosen “outstanding Political Science Professor” at a law school he merely attended as a student—thus beginning an illustrious career of untruths.

You might be surprised to learn, we used to be much better at spotting the “bad guys/gals” than we are now. Our brains have incredibly sensitive danger detection systems, way better than anything modern science has yet to cook up. We have very powerful instincts, but because of our concern with being polite or not wanting to be “paranoid,” we’ve taught ourselves to disregard them.

Then there are the times when we think we know what signs to look for, but we don’t have the right tools to detect deception—which can make us even worse lie detectors than pie-eyed Pollyannas.

For example, have you watched a television show about body language and then thought you now know what signs to look for in a liar? Think again. In a Michigan State University study of 108 people who watched the recent Fox television show Lie to Me, a different drama, or no program at all, those who’d watched Lie to Me were no better at detecting deception than the other participants—but they were more likely to accuse honest people of being liars. The researchers concluded that watching the show Lie to Me increased people’s suspicion of each other and simultaneously reduced their ability to detect lies.6

Kind of the opposite of what we’re going for, right?

Old Body Language practitioners may be partially to blame for these false accusations. As I discussed in my first book, You Say More Than You Think, the Old Body Language is a set of stock definitions of specific body movements that certain experts believe telegraph people’s internal thoughts. The Old Body Language practitioners seem to think spotting a wrist flick here and an eye blink there can turn you into a mind reader.

Nothing could be further from the truth.


People tell lies for a million personal reasons, but most boil down to one of three essential needs:

  1. To protect ourselves
  2. To avoid tension and conflict
  3. To minimize hurt feelings7

Now, if everyone lies, and we all know we all lie, why is it still not easy to detect these lies? Again, there are many individual reasons, but they, too, boil down to three realities:

  1. Many of us don’t want to know the truth (denial is a powerful de-motivator).
  2. Many people are really good at covering up lies.
  3. Most of us are looking for the wrong deception signals.8

We are able to investigate and identify probable lies with a fairly good degree of accuracy if we know the correct process to follow. But before we learn how to use the BS Barometer, we have to understand what may have kept us from seeing the lies all these years. As the study just mentioned and others have shown, false belief makes a person an even worse judge of deception than the person who believes everyone is telling the truth. What are some other common myths standing between us and the truth?

The Myth: Liars have shifty eyes. Let’s say you notice your boyfriend is answering a rather pointed question with “shifty eyes.” His eyes dart side to side and up and down every time you ask if his ex, Stephanie, was at the bar last night. Instantly you think, “Busted!”

The Reality: Not so fast. You wouldn’t believe how many people think “shifty eyes” or a lack of eye contact definitively means someone is a liar. But it’s simply not true. A recent metastudy revealed that twenty-three out of twenty-four peer-reviewed studies found that eye behavior is not a positive indicator of deception. No scientific evidence proves “shifty eyes” are a sign of deception.9 10

The biggest thing we must look for in a person’s eye movement is a deviation from normal behavior. Is your boyfriend nervous by nature, a person who struggles to focus on a conversation? Is he a rapid and frequent blinker, or does he wear contacts? Do his eyes generally have a “shifty” quality? All of these could play in to his ability to control his roaming eyes.

The Myth: Liars never make eye contact. (Alternate: Liars make constant eye contact.) A few of you may believe that liars make excellent eye contact during a fib, in an overt effort to lend credibility to their story. Most of you think that a liar will make little to no eye contact during the deed, a subconscious reaction to his own guilt that happens beyond his control and serves as a dead giveaway. (Indeed, when psychologists at Texas Christian University surveyed more than 2,500 adults in sixty-three countries, more than 70 percent believed liars make less eye contact than truthful people.)11

The Reality: You’re both correct! And, of course, you’re both wrong. Again, what’s important is that we watch patiently for a change in a person’s normal behavior. The minute your aggressive, believes-in-consistent-eye-contact girlfriend starts staring at the floor or avoiding your loving gaze, you know you have a problem and you need to act fast.

The Myth: Liars giggle like schoolgirls. Many of us believe that a poorly stifled giggle is a neon sign pointing to a big fat lie. However, we all know people who laugh when nervous, anxious, or scared. (My husband does this, and it drives me crazy—and not in a good way.)

In 2009, CNN producers Tracey Jordan and Ilana Rosenbluth invited me to be a deception detection expert contributor to their shows In Session and Headline News (HLN). In one heartbreaking trial highlighted on In Session, “Celia” had been molested and raped at gunpoint by her father starting when she was fourteen years old. Fast-forward many years, and she and her brother had both been accused of killing their parents.

On the stand, Celia was questioned about her ordeal. While talking about her father and the horrific torture she endured, she giggled and laughed almost the whole way through.

Was she lying about the abuse? Did she delight in having murdered her parents?

The Reality: No way. Celia just had never told the story out loud before. In Celia’s case, finally giving a voice to this trauma in a crowded courtroom was not only embarrassing, it caused the old pain to rise to the surface.

Moments after giggling, she glanced down and burst into tears. Big, huge face-flooding tears. Massive sadness simply erupted from this poor girl.

In cases like this, laughter can be a defense mechanism, used to suppress the harshness of the underlying emotion. Although seemingly inappropriate at the time, her laughter did not signal deception but rather the mortification of reliving those moments.

Sure, liars will often laugh—but not everyone who laughs is a liar.

The Myth: Liars scratch their noses. You may not realize this, but your nose contains erectile tissue. What this means is that just like our “naughty bits,” the tissue in your nose can become sensitive when stimulated, and it may tingle or itch during times of stress. Such as when you’re lying through your teeth.

The Reality: Rather than a foolproof sign of deception, this nose itch reaction can reflect a basic human response to acute stress, the “fight-or-flight” reaction. When you’re in a situation in which you’re threatened (anything from a dark alley mugging to being caught with your hand in the cookie jar), your blood rushes to your extremities, giving your legs energy to run and your arms energy to fight. When you do neither, the blood will rush back to your head, engorging those nasal tissues and making your nose itch like crazy.

Yet, touching our noses is apparently a common pastime. Dr. Mehmet Oz has said that men and women consciously touch their noses an average of five times per hour. So, does this mean we are all lying, all the time?

Nope. It simply means that we like to touch our noses! We must couple this “sign” with many others, compare it to a baseline, and then start asking the powerful questions way before we can reach our conclusion.

The Myth: Liars tend to squirm and jiggle. Ever notice people who are constantly in motion? They’re rubbing their necks, picking at their cuticles, bouncing their legs, wringing their hands. Drives you nuts—and it can make you think something’s up.

The Reality: Most likely, nothing’s up. These “pacifier” actions do just that: they pacify and soothe unconscious nervous energy. Self-touch gestures such as these often have perfectly logical explanations. Lots of men will play with their cuticles or rub their fingers through their hair just before a big date—it’s called “preening,” and it has its roots in evolutionary biology, to prepare males to woo potential mates. My sister will twirl her hair when she is working on a big problem—it helps with her concentration. My former communications director, Jake, used to bounce his leg about a hundred times a minute. Mr. Fidgety, that one. Drove me bananas!

My point is, these individuals are simply exhibiting behaviors that fit with their baselines. But when people are being deceptive, these pacifiers can become “manipulators,” designed to visually distract from the lie as well as to decrease liars’ stress and to buy themselves some time. They increase in frequency and severity, often becoming extremely noticeable. Many liars believe their self-touch gestures convey believability and a humble nature, the nonverbal equivalent of “Shucks, ma’am, I have no idea what you’re talking about!” But don’t be fooled—when pacifier use jumps up during tense conversations, it’s a sign of increased stress.

The Myth: Liars overwhelm you with details. (Alternate: Liars give too few details.) Some experts say you should be wary of too many minute recollections—that it means the person has overprepared for questioning in an attempt to appear as believable as possible. Others say that too few details indicate a lie because the teller simply hasn’t thought his or her story through.

The Reality: Again, the truth is somewhere in the middle. We need to spot deviations. Maybe your friend is telling you a long-winded story, with lots of minute details (what color her nail polish is or what she ate for dinner). But when she comes to the part about running into your boyfriend at a club, the details stop. Maybe your boyfriend Bobby is usually just as long winded, but when asked about last Saturday night, he gets abnormally tight lipped. These deviations from normal behavior could be indicative of deceit.

A story should contain the same level of detail beginning to end, and a normally descriptive person should not suddenly hesitate to share. Additionally, watch out when people try to overwhelm you with unimportant facts, even if they’re very interesting. So, if your Bobby wants to discuss the burger he ordered for dinner (Oooh, it had ketchup and mustard!? You don’t say!) rather than the three hours he spent at the club, you know something’s up.

The Myth: Liars pause often when telling lies. Sometimes people seize upon any slight pause with a dramatic accusation: “Aha! What’s wrong—cat got your tongue?” If you are attuned to someone and trying to figure out if she’s lying, any stumble is likely to feel like a lie.

The Reality: In any natural conversation, you’ll experience pauses. When they make sense and reflect a moment taken for additional thought, it is unlikely deception is involved. When pauses (or a lack thereof) come at strange moments in a conversation, it should send up red flags!

Let’s say I ask you about what you wore to work last Wednesday. If you answer immediately, “My red dress and black stilettos,” I may rightfully wonder how you could answer so quickly. I, for one, have to look in the mirror to remember what I wore today, so the likelihood that I can remember last week’s attire is zero. So for me, a reply that quick would be an instant red flag.

On the other hand, maybe last Wednesday was your birthday, and you were meeting your friends for dinner and drinks straight from work, so had come to the office dressed to the nines. Not only are you not lying to me, you had a very valid reason for recalling that “unimportant” outfit so easily.

The Myth: Liars are not very definitive. “I swear to God!” We’ve all said it. And some of us really mean it. Really!

The Reality: And then there are those who say it before absolutely everything they say.

“I swear to God, if it gets any hotter, I’m moving back to Boston.”

“I swear to God, if she doesn’t call back in five minutes, I’m breaking it off.”

“I swear to God, if the Yankees don’t win the series, I’m going to kill myself.”

Okay, so if you’re from Boston, that last one probably isn’t you. But, this is where gathering baseline information becomes crucial. If this particular saying isn’t part of the person’s normal vernacular, pay attention when it comes out of her mouth during times of stress. Liars use this type of definitive phrase to try and convince us of their innocence, while a truth teller simply tries to convey his message. Unlike the liar, the truth teller doesn’t have to work that hard at being honest.

The Myth: Liars repeat the question. Clearing of the throat. Turning the body. Repeating the question within the answer. All are examples of stalling techniques. Quite common in everyday conversation, but they are also signals highly indicative of deception.

The Reality: Many believe that, when being questioned, if someone repeats the question before giving their answer, it is a clear-cut case of deception. Example:

YOU: “Bobby, did you see Angela at the club Saturday night?”

BOBBY: “Did I see Angela at the club? I don’t think so.”

You should pay very close attention to what Bobby says after this repetition, but also bear in mind that there could be a simple explanation for his apparent hearing problem.

Perhaps you and Bobby are from different parts of the country and have different speech tones, rates, and patterns. If you are from Boston, like me, you probably speak quickly and without the benefit of certain consonants (who needs those R’s anyway?). If Bobby is from Louisiana, poor Bobby might be having trouble keeping up with your thick northeast accent. (True story: once when I was testifying in a courtroom, the judge had me repeat all of my answers twice. He and the court reporter were having a hard time keeping up because I spoke so fast.)

Men and women also have varying rates of speech. Women typically speak faster than men, who, from a strictly auditory perspective, have trouble keeping pace. Is it also possible that your companion has a legitimate hearing impediment, the background noise is getting in the way, or maybe you are mumbling just a touch?

Any of these extenuating circumstances might make someone repeat your question before answering. They may be honest souls who only want to answer truthfully. Or, they may be big fat liars stalling for time.

The Myth: Liars skip words. In chapter 5, when we cover something called Statement Analysis in great detail, you will learn that studies have shown that liars occasionally drop the pronouns in their speech. This happens because the liar realizes he is being untruthful, and knowing the difference between wrong and right, he tries to verbally distance himself from the action he is accused of. Example:

YOU: “How was your guys’ night, Bobby?”

BOBBY: “Eh. Just went to dinner. Burger was good. Then to the club. Then back home.”

The Reality: This absence of details—and even pronouns—is nothing alarming, if Bobby is typically pretty tight lipped. However, if Bobby usually shares enthusiastic stories of his escapades, with no detail left undivulged, then you may have an issue here as he departs from his norm. But many intelligent, communicative people, for one reason or another, do not include many pronouns in their speech. In the world of texting and instant messaging, pronouns have been rendered all but useless, for example. And the prior examples illustrate that pronouns are simply not required components for truthful sentence construction.

As you can see, determining myth from fact is not as straightforward as many people would have you believe. These myths cloud our perception, impede our judgment, and prevent us from seeing the truth. When we can recognize our very common stereotypes and judgment errors12 and correct them, we strengthen our own internal BS Barometers.


Many people believe they can spot liars—but their BS Barometers are not quite as strong as they think they are. In the following quiz, we test your knowledge of nonverbal observation skills, Statement Analysis, and basic questioning techniques as well as general lie detection facts. Check the key that follows to see how advanced your lie detection skills are already. No matter where you stand at the start, you won’t believe what a skilled BS Barometer operator you’ll be when you finish this program.

1. As you approach your daughter, she smells suspiciously like smoke. For the third time this week. If you were to ask if she had been smoking, which of the following responses is most likely to be truthful?

a. “No, Mom. Why do you ask?”


c. “It’s gross, isn’t it? The restaurant where we ate had people smoking outside. I had to walk right through it when I was leaving.”

d. “Never!”

2. Uh-oh. The office rumor mill is at it again. And you suspect your close friend and colleague of being the culprit. Which response is a big, fat sign you are highly likely being lied to?

a. “Why would you ever accuse me of that?? No, I did not spread gossip about you to our boss.”

b. “Yeah, I was at Starbucks with our boss yesterday afternoon, we discussed the staff, but not you.”

c. “No, I wasn’t talking badly about you to the boss—why are you asking me that? I thought we were friends?!” [tearing up]

d. “[giggle] What?! Geez … don’t be so insecure, it’s not attractive on you. [giggle, giggle] After work, I took the metro to Chinatown; I bought a copy of Cosmo; grabbed a quick bite to eat; then I went to a movie by myself.” [giggle]

3. Research shows that approximately 95 percent of liars will do this when lying:

a. Shrug their shoulders

b. Ask you to repeat the question

c. Avert their gaze or look down

d. Have a change in their pitch or tone of voice

4. Uh-oh! You’ve been put on the spot! When asked a question you aren’t prepared to answer, which of the following scenarios could be looked at as a “hiding hot spot” (or, as we’ll learn about later, “backsliding”)?

a. Sitting behind a desk during questioning

b. Fidgeting with a pen while answering

c. Suddenly bringing your hand to your neck dimple when responding

d. Sitting with your hands folded during the entire conversation

5. Which of the following is typically a sign of a truthful person? He:

a. Gives you more eye contact than usual

b. Starts and stops his sentence, then changes direction and says something else

c. Raises his tone of voice

d. Has his arms on his hips, and they remain there when he responds

6. Your boss is holding something back. You’re petrified it means layoffs, no holiday bonuses, or the replacement of candy in the break room with granola bars. (Yuck.) Which of the following behaviors by your boss might indicate this?

a. Crossing her legs or wrapping her ankle around the foot of the chair

b. Her normal amount of eye contact

c. Wearing a turtleneck to work that day

d. Using your name several times during the conversation

7. You think your boyfriend might be cheating (that jerk!). When you ask him point blank, which of the following is a huge red flag?

a. He takes your hand into his.

b. He starts blinking rather rapidly.

c. He starts swaying in his chair.

d. His voice remains steady and calm.

8. Which one of the following behaviors is a huge clue indicating deception?

a. The person remains calm and confident during questioning.

b. She or he confidently looks you in the eye and gives you the answer you want to hear.

c. She answers your question before you even finish asking it.

d. His arms are crossed—and they stay that way.

9. You suspect your child is lying. Perhaps it’s something minor like he ate a Twinkie before dinner, or something more serious like drugs. What is the ideal statement for times like these?

a. “How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t lie to me!”

b. “Listen, you simply can’t behave this way. Here is why …”

c. “Don’t ever do that again!”

d. “I did that once in my day too, so I understand. However, I would prefer you be honest with me. We can get through anything.”

10. You just caught your significant other in a bald-faced lie. The first, and most important, step to take after you detect deception is:

a. Tell him you’re not stupid and you know he’s a liar.

b. Simply state, “Don’t lie to me because I know the truth already.”

c. Ask if there is a reason why she is uncomfortable answering your question.

d. Blame it on intuition! Tell him you have a funny feeling and you just don’t trust him right now.

11. Is your son’s new wife simply shy or a lying Lolita? To separate fact from fiction, first get her baseline. There are three times you need to be paying close attention. They are:

a. When she says, “I swear to God,” crosses her ankles, and scratches her nose

b. When she walks into the room, finishes her first answer only, and raises her voice

c. When she first hears the question, processes your question, and gives you her answer

d. When she clears her throat, does a shoulder shrug, and drops a pronoun when answering your question

12. Research on deception illustrates that men and women lie with equal frequency. However, they lie about different topics. What are the top lies for each?

a. Women lie to make themselves feel good; men lie to protect people’s feelings.

b. Women lie to make other people feel good; men lie to make themselves look better.

c. Women lie to get something they want; men lie to avoid embarrassment.

d. Women lie to avoid embarrassment; men lie to get something they want.

13. Finish this sentence: The average person tells one lie per …

a. Sixteen conversations

b. Two conversations

c. Eight conversations

d. Four conversations

14. In a weeklong study of thirty college students, deception researchers determined the most preferred method of lying:

a. Phone

b. Using web-based messaging

c. Via email

d. Face-to-face

Answer Key

1. a

2. d

3. d

4. c

5. d

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. d

10. c

11. c

12. c

13. d

14. a

Your BS Barometer—What We Were Testing

Questions 1-2: Here we are looking at your ability to detect deception using Statement Analysis, or an individual’s word selections.

Questions 3-8: This section helps you get an idea of your ability to detect deception by observing nonverbal communication cues.

Questions 9-11: These questions test your ability to prepare for and confront the master manipulators in your life—with tact and good judgment.

Questions 12-14: Here we test your general knowledge of the science behind detecting deception.

What Your Score Says About You!

12-14 Correct: You may be a natural!

You have the ability to notice indicators of deception, tells many of us let blow right over our heads. Your strong intuition gives you an advantage in life, and your observations allow you to sometimes spot deceptive behavior. Use You Can’t Lie to Me to take your skills even further, help you successfully climb the corporate ladder, negotiate from a place of strength, and enjoy open, honest communication in your personal relationships. With more practice, you’ll be able to quickly weed out those who don’t play by the rules.

Your mantra: “Very few of us are what we seem.” (Agatha Christie)

Your success killer: Always looking for the bad in people. Sure, right now it seems like nothing gets by you—but don’t let this power go to your head. You might find yourself hung up on microscopic details and missing the big picture. Additionally, you may read people so quickly and correctly that you intimidate many who cross your path.

6-11 Correct: Stuck in the middle with YOU!

Have you ever studied hard for a test and still ended up with a “C”? You’d like to be better than the status quo, right? This isn’t a huge problem, but it does leave room for improvement. You have an average-strength BS Barometer; you recognize the more obvious signs of deceit, but the small details tend to get by you. Sure, you can spot the obvious, which allows you to maintain fairly healthy relationships, but you still have work to do.

Wouldn’t you love to get a perfect score next time? Let’s ramp up that deception detector so we can eliminate liars and negativity from your life!

Your mantra: “In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.” (Henry Christopher Bailey)

Your success killer: Failing to recognize that your BS Barometer needs to be strengthened! At times, you may think your personal interactions are top notch—but you have a hard time seeing that you may have been lied to. I promise, it will shock you how much easier daily life will become the instant you are aware of the practices deceitful people try to pull.

0-5: Well … bless your heart.

We have a problem—a big one. You’re not picking up on any signs of deception, big or small! Chances are, you are being duped by someone right now! We have to put a stop to it, today!

I am all for having empathy and compassion, which I guarantee you have in spades. There is nothing wrong with searching for the good in others. We should all probably do this more often. But it’s a problem when your kindness to others hurts you. Simply put, if it leads to being taken advantage of, your niceness has become a liability.

Listen, you don’t want to be that person everyone tries to get one over on! Aren’t you tired of dating cheaters, cat sitting (yet again) for your ungrateful neighbors, or sitting idly by while you watch others garner praise and promotions at the office? It’s time to tune your sense of observation up a notch and lead a new and improved life. The good news is that simply by reading and heeding my advice, you will significantly improve your score.

Your mantra: “If you’re playing a poker game and you look around the table and can’t tell who the sucker is, it’s you.” (Paul Newman)

Your success killer: Chances are good you are being duped on a daily basis. Big or small, lies are swirling around you all the time! I know it’s truly tough to swallow, so choose to get excited that within the next hour alone, you’ll know more about separating fact from fiction than all of your friends and family members combined! Tomorrow is a new day, just like Scarlett says. One in which you have Yours Truly in your back pocket, driving with you to success. Focus on the positive, your desire to improve!




(Baron Thrower II)


(Baron Thrower II)

The Problem: You have all-star good looks and a very happy marriage. However, you want your best friend to stop overly flirting with your husband.

The Fix: Take action fast with a smile, raise your hands, and playfully and powerfully say, “Listen to me, [pause] convince yourself fast [pause] to [pause] keep your hands off my husband, [pause] Angelina Jolie.” This knockout approach will instantly get everyone else at the party to keep a close eye on your (supposed) BFF.

The Result: You can relax.



Regardless of how you scored on the Lyin’ Tamer Litmus Test, your ability to detect deception will only grow stronger after you learn all the secrets in this book—but it’s crucial that you follow all the steps in order to succeed. Once you are properly trained, you won’t have to rely on anyone else to protect you from the two-legged scorpions in your life—you’ll spot them a mile away.

Let’s turn to chapter 2 and take a look at how the BS Barometer process works, step by step. Detecting a lie isn’t brain surgery—but it does take keen observation, top-notch listening skills, and a firm focus on the people you encounter. You’ll get amazing results, I promise.


Your body is an amazing learning machine. It is designed to learn, adapt, and improve the tools, concepts, and ideas that you are exposed to faster than the most powerful computer ever created. From the time you were a baby, when you learned to roll over, crawl, and walk, your brain has been storing and reconfiguring information so that you can have access to it in an instant.

Readers of this book have the opportunity to allow their subconscious to automatically reinforce all the lessons they’ll learn in this book. Visit www.youcantlietome.com and click the “Instant Replay” box. Find the link to the chapter you just read, turn your speakers on, and relax. Each instant replay will help solidify the concepts you just read. Whether this is the first time you used these new ideas, or it is the first time you are made aware of them, the faster and more intensely you reinforce the concept, the more use your mind and body will make of this information.

Detecting Deception Power Team member Oscar Rodriguez created these instant replays as a gift to you. (For more on the Detecting Deception Power Team, see Post Mortem: The Self-Exam.) A hypnotist based in the Washington, D.C., area, Oscar’s focus is on identifying what holds you back and overcoming its power over you. Whether it is a bad habit or a crippling fear, hypnosis is a powerful tool he uses to guide his clients to achieve their goals and destroy old limitations.


  • People in power find it easy to lie, mainly out of greed. And people without power find it difficult to lie but sometimes will do it out of desperation. When our BS Barometer starts to go off, we have to stay vigilant and ask ourselves, “What’s in it for them?” And then, before we confront them, ask, “What’s at stake for me?”
  • Your best tool is empathy. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes will go a long way toward figuring out motives—and intentions.
  • No lie detection is foolproof. You cannot see one or two body language signals or hear just a snippet of conversation and know whether someone is lying. And if you do believe you can, you’re even worse at detecting deception than those who don’t.
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