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Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Acton, Lord, 13

Adams, William, 16–17

adjectives, overuse of, 109

airports, 222, 222; security, 53

alcohol, 49, 132, 138, 156, 218

anger, 7, 99, 110–11, 131, 135, 154, 182, 223; fake, 110–11, 145–46; leaked, 142, 142

answers, “off,” 52–54

Anthony, Casey, 3, 103, 145, 150, 236, 237–38, 237–38

antisocial lies, 36

A-Okay, 162

apology, 137, 137, 226

Aristotle, 207

arms, 160; crossed, 168, 168, 169; uncrossed, 160

Ashak, Edward, 133, 133

Associated Press, 108

award shows, 162, 162

babies, lying in, 37–38

backsliding, 27, 101, 111–19, 128, 189; being overly polite, 112; body blocking, 168, 168, 169–70; body language, 167–68, 168, 169–70, 170; but, 116; details, 117–19; distancing language, 113; dumbing down the crime, 117; face, 149, 151, 152; facial blocking, 150; hiding in hair, 150; implosion, 167–68; involuntary physiological reactions, 152; lip locking, 150, 151; minimizing language, 116; missing “I,” 113; pacifiers, 170–71, 170–71, 179; percentage violation, 117–19; repeating the question, 115–16; self-deprecation, 113; smokescreening, 113–15; TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–26

backward storytelling, 193

Bacon, Kevin, 14

baselining, 43–44, 48, 71–96, 128, 134, 186–87, 224; accuracy of, 88–90; asking open-ended questions, 80; checklist, 83–88; exercises, 91–95; face, 84–85; fidgeting, 86–87; getting to first base, 76; inattentive blindness, 89–90, 91, 91, 92; rapport and, 76–81; spy’s guide to covert baseline, 81; stance, 84, 86, 86; variety of, 90; voice, 87–88. See also Gathering Intel

BBC, 75

belly button rule, 169

Beltway sniper attacks (2002), 71–72, 72, 73, 73, 105

Bennett, Margo, 131

Biden, Joe, 135, 168

Bieber, Justin, 3

bin Laden, Osama, 168

Bismarck, Otto von, 1

Blagojevich, Rod, 163, 163

blink rate, changes in, 148–49

Blurter, 112, 112

blushing, 152

body, as pacifier, 171, 171

body blocking, 166, 168, 168, 169–70

body language, 6, 7, 19, 40, 41, 44, 48, 49, 74, 71–96, 137, 139, 156, 157–79, 218–19; backsliding, 167–68, 168, 169–70, 170; baseline behavior, 71–96; convincing-not-conveying, 161–67, 162–67; facial, 134–56; gestures, 161–67, 162–67; honest and natural, 158–60; mirroring, 78–79, 96; myths, 19–26; open, 79, 164, 179; pacifiers, 170–71, 170–71; rapport and, 76–81; teeter-tottering, 160–61. See also specific parts of the body

Body Language Institute (BLI), 6, 103, 251

Bradford, Joanne, 227–28

brain, 15–16, 19, 33, 38, 40, 55, 94, 100, 105, 131, 134–35, 146, 153, 235, 255; cognitive load, 38, 41; mirror neurons, 134, 146, 193; “thin slices,” 55–56

breathing, deep, 152, 196

Brown, Michael, 18, 18

Bryant, Kobe, 151, 151

BS Barometer, 2–3, 9, 255; family and, 214–17; formula, 48; Full Body Surveillance, 157–79; Gathering Intel, 71–96; gearing up for the program, 65–67; how it works, 35–50; Interrogation, 181–204; Lyin’ Tamer Litmus Test, 26–31, 32; no-stress process, 43–45; office and, 217–20; putting it all together, 207–28; Self-Exam, 229–52; at Senate hearing, 18, 18; Stakeout, 129–56; truth check, 52–58; what is at stake, 46–50; when to use, 51–67; Wiretap, 97–128

Bullock, Sandra, 14

bullying, 224

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), 4, 6

Burke, Edmund, 253

burping, 161

Bush, George H. W., 163

Business Insider, 104

“but,” use of, 116

cancer, 253–55

Canseco, Jose, 138

Carney, Dana, 164

Carr, John Mark, 102

car salesman, 159, 159

Catch Me If You Can (film), 40

Catholicism, 243

Cavanaugh, James, 79

celebrities, 3, 59, 59, 60, 146, 162, 201

character testimony, 108

charm, 58, 67

Cheney, Dick, 113

chest: covering, 168, 168, 169; touching, 161, 162, 162

children, 16, 132, 156; abuse of, 5–6, 16–17, 21, 51–52, 56–57, 75, 97–98, 115–16; babysitting, 195–96; development of lying in, 36–39; as liars, 26, 28, 36–39; smoking, 26; in unstable households, 75

China, 134

chin position, 84, 84

choice, 43

chunking, 58–61; down, 60–61; up, 61

Clemens, Roger, 103–104, 151, 151

Clinton, Bill, 108, 139

Clooney, George, 201, 239

close-ended question, 198–200

CNN, 21, 150

Cobb, Blanca Jimenez, 118, 118

cognitive load, 38, 41

Coldplay, 84

“cold shoulder,” 55

college, 3, 29

Columbia University, 15, 164

confessions, anonymous, 243

conscience, 36

contempt, 134; leaked, 143, 143, 144, 145

convincing-not-conveying, 101, 106–11, 128; body language, 161–67, 162–67; changes in eye contact and blink rate, 148–49; character testimony, 108; crotch displays, 164–65, 165; denial, 108; face, 145–49, 146–49; fake emotions, 110–11, 145–46; flip the script, 111; forward leans, 165; lightning-fast changes in demeanor, 146–48; overuse of adjectives, 109; palm-down gestures, 163, 163; shoulda, coulda, woulda, 108–109; steepling gestures, 163–64, 164; TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–26; timing of gestures is off, 161–62, 162, 163

Cook, Dane, 229, 251

cortisol, 15, 16

Costas, Bob, 97, 115

courthouse behavior, 201, 201, 237–38, 237–38

cowards, 194–96

coworkers, 8, 26, 195. See also job

criminal justice class, 204

crotch displays, 164–65, 165, 179

culture, 132

customers, 197, 197

Dateline (TV show), 129, 130

de Becker, Gavin, The Gift of Fear, 54

definitive phrases, 24

DeGeneres, Ellen, 135

Democritus, 97

denial, 20, 108, 189, 235, 248, 252, 253–55; self-exam and, 235

details, 23, 25, 117–19, 174, 175–76, 191; that don’t add up, 102–104

Detecting Deception Power Team, 46, 47–48, 62, 77, 118, 133, 173, 192, 220–21, 245

Deutsch, Donny, 116

disgust, 134; leaked, 138, 138, 139

distancing language, 113

divorce, 130

doctors, 16

double talk, 102–4

Dresbold, Michelle, Sex, Lies, and Handwriting, 119–21

Driver, Janine, 177; You Say More Than You Think, 6, 19, 74, 247

drugs, 132, 135, 218

dry mouth, 134

Duke lacrosse scandal, 201, 201

dumbing down the crime, 117

duping delight, 144, 144, 238, 238

ears, as pacifiers, 171, 171

education, 49, 50, 55–56, 100

Edwards, John, 151, 151

Ekman, Paul, 134

elbow power pop position, 248, 248

elderly, 8, 50

email, 8

emotions, 7, 15, 48, 98–99, 102, 117, 132, 134–45, 182, 190; fake, 110–11, 145–46, 146; emotional investment scale, 183–84; investment, 48, 49, 183–84; leakage, 134–45, 135–44; lightning-fast changes in, 146–48; mixed, 143; reading microexpressions, 134–56. See also specific emotions

empathy, 33, 38, 79

“escape and evade,” 64

exercises: Full Body Surveillance, 172–79; Gathering Intel, 91–95; Interrogation, 202–204; putting it all together, 224–28; Self-Exam, 246–52; Stakeout, 152–56; Wiretap, 121–27

experience, 213

eyes, 20, 27, 218; blocking, 169; changes in blink rate, 148–49; changes in eye contact, 148; contact, 20–21, 79, 131, 148, 193; emotional leakage, 134–45, 135–44; facial expressions, 129–56; fake emotions, 145–46; faux watching, 147, 147; leaked fear, 139–40, 140; shifty, 20; visual memory test, 177–79

eyewitness testimony, 89

face, 84–85, 129–56; backsliding, 149, 151, 152; baseline, 84–85; blocking, 150; chin position, 84, 84; convincing-not-conveying, 145–49, 146–49; emotional leakage, 134–45, 135–44; exercising your BS Barometer, 152–56; expressions, 41, 44, 84–85, 129–56; eye contact, 20–21, 79, 131, 148, 193; head position, 85, 85; involuntary physiological reactions, 152; as pacifier, 171, 171; teeter-tottering, 134–45; touching, 21–22, 85–86, 152; yourself, 248–49. See also chin; eyes; mouth; nose

Facebook, 8, 76, 82, 104

fake emotions, 110–11, 145–46, 146

family, 229; BS Barometer, 214–17

FBI, 20, 41, 135, 218, 231

fear, 54–56, 110, 134, 154, 182, 224; leaked, 139–40, 140, 141

feet, as pacifiers, 171, 171

fidgeting, 22–23, 86–87

fight-or-flight response, 22, 101, 149, 152, 161

fig leaf, 167, 167

film screening, 59, 59, 60

finger-over-the-mouth move, 112, 112

first impressions, 250–52

flip the script, 111

flirty friend, 32, 32

fMRI, 7

forward leans, 165

Freeman, Morgan, 85

frenemies, 230–31

Freudian slips, 105

friends, 8, 26, 230–31

flirty, 32, 32

Frost-Nixon interview, 202

Full Body Surveillance, 9, 44–45, 157–59, 244; be the change you’re looking for, 158–60; exercises, 172–79. See also body language

gangs, 165

gas, 161

gaslighting, 54, 66

Gates, Bill, 247

Gathering Intel, 9, 43–44, 71–96, 208, 244; exercises, 91–95. See also baselining

Gelzer, Erin, 245, 245

gender, 29, 148, 169, 230

gestures, 161–67, 162–67; ill-timed, 161–63; pacifying, 22–23, 170–71, 170–71, 179, 201, 201; palm-down, 18, 18, 163, 163; power, 163–64, 164, 166, 166, 247, 247, 248, 248; steepling, 163–64, 164

Giannoulias, Alexi, 143

Gibson, Mel, 35

giggling, 21

Girgis, Caroline, 77, 77, 78

Gottman, John, 143

Gough, Alan, 161–62

Grace, Nancy, 150

grammar, 100, 117

greed, 15–16, 33

grooming, 56–58, 60; chunking and, 58–61; six stages of, 57–58

guilt, 14, 15, 36, 38, 127, 158, 212, 224; handwriting and, 127, 127; immunity to, 14–17

guns, 79

gut reactions, 54–56, 67, 96

hair: hiding in, 150; as pacifier, 171, 171

hands: jittery, 161; as pacifiers, 170, 170; palm-down gestures, 18, 18, 163, 163; in pockets, 201; shrugs, ill-timed, 160–61; touching heart, 161, 162, 162

handwriting, 119–21, 127; ambiguous letters or numbers, 119, 120; Bee Stinger, 120, 120; Felon’s Claw, 120, 120, 121, 127, 127; Grocery List challenge, 127; guilt and, 127, 127

happiness, 134; fake, 111, 146, 146; leaked, 135, 135, 136

Harris, Neil Patrick, 85

Harvard University, 98, 131, 233

Hayward, Tony, 149

Headline News (HLN), 21, 150

head position, 85, 85

head-shaking nos or yeses, 139

heart, touching hands to, 161, 162, 162

Hilton, Paris, 136, 138, 167, 167

Holloway, Natalee, 190–91

Home Depot, 203

home improvement interrogation, 203

honesty, 38

hormones, 15, 16, 165

hostage negotiation, 78

“how” question, 190–91

human development of lying, 36–39

Hurley, Duane, 51–52

hypnosis, 33

“I,” missing, 113

implosion, 167–68

inattentive blindness, 89–90, 91, 91, 92

incest, 21

infidelity, 3, 13–14, 27–28, 50, 54, 102, 107–108, 129, 137, 194–95, 208–12

information-gathering interviews, 182–84

infrared eye scanner, 7

inner liar, challenge your, 243–44

In Session (TV show), 21

instant replay, 33

intel. See Gathering Intel intentions, 231–34, 252; best, 246

Interrogation, 7, 9, 45, 181–204, 244; advanced techniques, 189–98; basic technique, 185–89; closed-ended question, 198–200; exercises, 202–204; open-ended question, 182, 185–86, 204; open mind, 182–84; WAIT technique, 187–88, 189

involuntary bodily functions, 161

iPhone, 66, 82

iPods, 157, 158

job, 3, 8, 27, 53, 54, 195; applicants, 3, 8; BS Barometer and, 217–20; layoffs, 53; office rumors, 217

Jobs, Steve, 247

Jolie, Angelina, 59, 59, 60

Jordan, Tracey, 21

Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 99

Journal of Experimental Psychology, 94

judging a book by its cover, 250–52

justice, 38

Katrina, Hurricane, 18

Kovarbasich, Daniel, 51–52, 56, 57

Kressley, Carson, 79

Lauer, Matt, 105, 129–30

laughter, 21

law enforcement, 4, 6, 7, 44, 45, 64, 71, 91, 161, 164, 190; campus cop’s cheat-sheet, 218–19; intelligence gathering, 71–73; ride-alongs, 203

lawyers, 233, 233

leakage, 41; clues, 7; emotional, 134–45, 135–44

legacy, 249–50

Legal and Criminological Psychology, 110

Lie to Me (TV show), 19

Linder, Anja, 47, 47, 48

lip locking, 150, 151

listening, 79

Lohan, Lindsay, 145

lovers, 8, 27, 28, 59–60; infidelity, 3, 13–14, 27–28, 50, 54, 102, 107–108, 129, 137, 194–95, 208–12

Lucas, Marsha, 66

lying, 1–9; Full Body Surveillance, 157–79; Gathering Intel, 71–96; how the BS Barometer works, 35–50; human development of, 36–39; Interrogation, 181–204; Lyin’ Tamer Litmus Test, 26–31, 32; myths about, 19–26; Self-Exam, 229–52; Stakeout, 129–56; statistics, 3–4; truths and misconceptions about, 13–33; what is at stake, 46–50; when to use BS Barometer, 51–67; Wiretap, 97–128

Lyin’ Tamer Litmus Test, 26–31, 32

Madoff, Bernie, 3, 14, 15, 120, 144, 144

marriage, 50, 54, 168; infidelity, 3, 13–14, 27–28, 50, 54, 102, 107–108, 129, 137, 194–95, 208–12; leaked contempt and, 143

Marsh, Frank, 103, 111

Matsumoto, David, 143

McClish, Mark, 100

mechanic, 42, 42 media deception, 8

Megan’s Law, 5

Melvin, Minowa N., 192, 192

memory, 38, 88–89; improvement, 65–66, 94–95; visual memory test, 177–79; working, 153

men, 29, 148, 230

Michigan State University, 19

Miller, Marti, 89–90

mindfulness meditation, 66

mind reading, 172

minimizing language, 116

mirroring, 79, 96; scaling back on, 131

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (film), 59–60

mixed emotions, 143

Moose, Charles, 72, 72, 73

mouth, 135–36, 156; emotional leakage, 134–45, 135–44; facial expressions, 129–56; fake emotions, 145–46, 146; hands on, 169; lip locking, 150, 151; pacifiers, 170, 170

Muhammad, John Allen, 71–73, 105

myths, about lying, 19–26

Navarro, Joe, 170

negative emotions, 102

neighborhood doormat, 240, 240

nervous system, 45

Newberry, J.J., 78, 193, 196

New Body Language, 6, 7, 172

New York Times, 6

Nifong, Michael B., 201

Nightmares Fear Factory, 141, 154

Nin, Anaïs, 229

“no,” saying, 188–89, 196–98

nonverbal communication, 7, 30, 40, 41, 43, 44, 83, 184, 194; baseline, 71–96; facial expressions, 84–85, 129–56; Full Body Surveillance, 157–79; Gathering Intel, 71–96; power and, 163–64, 164, 166, 166; Stakeout, 129–56; wild cards, 131–32. See also body language; specific communication

norming. See baselining

nose: runny, 152; rubbing, 21–22, 85, 152

nos or yeses, head-shaking, 139

Obama, Barack, 85, 166, 166, 168, 168

“off” answers, 52–54

office. See job

Old Body Language, 19, 40, 45

open-ended questions, 82, 182, 185–86, 204

open mind, 182–84

Oz, Dr. Mehmet, 22, 152

pacifiers, 22–23, 170–71, 170–71, 179, 201, 201

pale face, 152

palm-down hand gesture, 18, 18, 163, 163

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 110

paranoia, 8

parents, 51–52; lying and, 39

patience, 204

patterns, 90

pauses, 23–24, 105–106; too few, 105–106; too many, 105

payoff, 239–42

pedophilia, 5–6, 17, 21, 51–52, 56–57, 97–98, 115–16; grooming, 56–57

Pelosi, Nancy, 163, 163 Penn State, 97

perspective-taking, 94

Peterson, Drew, 105

Peterson, Laci, 116

Peterson, Scott, 116, 145, 190

Peyton, Jackson, 39, 220, 220, 221

phone calls, 8

phrases, loved by liars, 109

physiological reactions, involuntary, 15–17, 152

pickup artist, 55, 55

picture-drawing technique, 191

Pitt, Brad, 59, 59, 60, 201

Poitier, Sidney, 85

police. See law enforcement politeness, excessive, 112

politics, 17, 18, 107–108, 135–36, 142, 143, 161, 163, 166, 168; press conference, 107, 107, 108

polygraph, 7

positive emotions, 102

power, 15–19, 221–23, 236–39; elbow power pop position, 248, 248; gestures, 163–64, 164, 166, 166, 247, 247, 248, 248; judicious use of, 221–23, 228; liars with, 15–17, 33; liars without, 17–19; lust, 236–39; nonverbal signals of, 166, 166; pose, 247, 247; power behind the, 227–28; questions, 48

practice like you play, 63–64

preening, 22

prejudices, 235–36

press conferences, 107, 107, 108, 137, 137

priming, 184–85, 224–25

promotions, 8

pronouns, 208; dropping, 25–26, 88

prosocial lies, 36

Psychological Science, 132, 182

psychopaths, 110

putting it all together, 207–28; exercises, 224–28

questions, 82, 96, 181–204, 224–26; advanced techniques, 189–98; asking same question three ways, 193–94, 196–98; basic interrogation technique, 185–89; bizarre, 194; closed-ended, 198–200; deep breath during, 196; exercises, 202–204; “how,” 190–91; Interrogation, 181–204; “off” answers to, 52–54; open-ended, 82, 182, 185–86, 204; phrasing, 225–26; priming, 184–85, 224–25; repeating the, 24–25, 115–16; rule of three, 188–89, 196–98; SUE technique, 189–90; throw them a lifeline, 194–96; WAIT technique, 187–88, 189

racism, 235–36

Ramsey, JonBenét, 102

rape, 21, 201, 218

rapport, 73, 76–81, 90; methods of establishing, 78–80

Ray, Bobby, 157

Reagan, Ronald, 56

relaxation, 80

repeating the question, 24–25, 115–16

retail therapy interrogation training, 202

reverse order of stories, 193

ride-alongs, police department, 203

Rodriguez, Alex, 139, 151, 151

Rodriguez, Oscar, 33, 153

Rosenbluth, Ilana, 21

Rumsfeld, Donald, 51

sadness, 134, 154, 182; fake, 145; leaked, 136–38, 136–37

salespeople, 8, 159, 159, 197, 197

Sandusky, Jerry, 57, 97–98, 105, 115–16

Sanford, Marc, 3, 107, 107, 108

Santa Claus, 35, 39

Saturday Night Live (TV show), 163

school, 50, 55–56, 100; bus, 169–70; policing courses, 204; shootings, 49

Scotland, 52–53

Secret Service agents, 75, 100

Sedgwick, Kyra, 14

self-confidence, 3

self-deprecation, 113

self-enhancing lies, 36

Self-Exam, 45–46, 229–52; challenge your inner liar, 243–44; deceptive lenses and, 234–39; denial, 235; exercises, 246–52; intentions, 231–34, 246; legacy, 249–50; payoff and, 239–42; power, 236–39, 247, 247; prejudices, 235–36; stereotypes, 236

selfish lies, 36

self-touch gestures, 21, 22–23, 152, 161, 162, 170, 201, 238

Sellers, Pattie, 228

Senate hearing, BS Barometer reading of, 18, 18

September 11 terrorist attacks, 140

serial killers, 250, 250

sexting, 113, 114–15, 142

sexual abuse, 5–6, 16–17, 21, 51–52, 56–57, 75, 97–98, 115–16

Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, 71

Sherlock Holmes Exercise, 153–54

shoulda, coulda, woulda syndrome, 108–109

shoulder shrugs, ill-timed, 160

shrugs: hand, 160–61; shoulder, 160

siblings, 8

signals, deception, 19–26, 40–43, 52–58, 74; baseline behavior and, 71–96; chunking, 58–61; gaslighting, 54; grooming, 56–58, 60; gut reactions, 54–56; how BS Barometer process works and, 35–50; Lyin’ Tamer Litmus Test, 26–31, 32; myths about, 19–26; nonverbal, 71–96, 157–79; “off” answers, 52–54; truth check, 52–58; verbal, 97–128. See also body language; nonverbal communication; specific signals; verbal communication

silence, 187–88

Simpson, O. J., 111, 145

Sliding Doors (film), 110

slouching, 167–68

smartphones, 65, 66, 82

smile, 131, 146, 166; delayed, 79; duping delight, 144, 144; fake happiness, 146, 146; leaked contempt, 143, 143, 144, 145; leaked happiness, 135, 135, 136

Smith, Eugene, 173, 173

Smith, Susan, 136, 136, 137

Smith, Tim, 62, 62, 63

smokescreening, 113–15

smoking, 26

social media, 8, 75, 82, 104, 142

sorta, kinda disorder, 104–5

space, 83, 84, 84

Spears, Britney, 99–100, 129–30

speech, 24–26, 41, 43, 48, 87–88, 97–128; backsliding, 101, 111–19; baseline, 87–88; convincing-not-conveying, 101, 106–11; double talk, 102–104; dropping pronouns, 25–26, 88; gestures and, 161–63; mixed-up tenses, 102; overuse of adjectives, 109; pauses, 23–24, 105–106; repetitive, 24–25, 115–16; sorta, kinda disorder, 104–105; start-stop sentences, 98, 106; Statement Analysis, 48, 88, 100, 121–26; teeter-tottering, 101–106; varied speech rate within sentence, 106; voice as BS Barometer, 98–100. See also verbal communication; voice

speed of speech, varied, 106

Spitzer, Eliot, 151, 151

sports, 3, 138, 139, 161, 201

Stakeout, 9, 44, 129–56, 244; exercises, 152–56; preparing for, 130–32; taking care of business in, 132–34

stance, 83–84, 84, 86, 86, 160, 218, 219; average open, 84, 84; baseline, 83–84; disappearing, 84, 84; wide open, 84, 84

start-stop sentences, 98, 106

State Department, 74

Statement Analysis, 7, 30, 48, 88, 100, 121–26, 184; TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–26

steepling gesture, 163–64, 164

stereotypes, 236

Stewart, Jon, 113

stomach growling, 161

strategic use of evidence (SUE) technique, 189–90

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 151, 151

stress, 22, 40, 41, 76, 100, 101, 152, 161, 201; fight-or-flight response, 22, 101, 149, 152, 161; hormones, 15, 16; involuntary bodily functions, 161; lowering, 80; no-stress BS Barometer process, 43–45; signals, 40

stroke victims, 75

surprise, 134, 154, 182; leaked, 140–41, 141, 142

sweating, 161

Swift, Taylor, 162, 162

Taylor, Elizabeth, 248

TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–26

teachers, 16

technology, lie detection, 7

teenagers, 38–39, 49, 79, 132; drinking, 49; lying, 38–39, 49, 53

teeter-tottering, 101–106, 128; body language, 160–61; double talk, 102–104; face, 134–45; ill-timed hand shrugs, 160–61; ill-timed shoulder shrugs, 160; involuntary bodily functions, 161; mixed-up tenses, 102; sorta, kinda disorder, 104–105; sunshine and roses, 102; TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–26; twilight zone, 104

television, 19, 227

tenses, mixed-up, 102

terrorism, 17, 140

Texas Christian University, 20, 148

“thin slices,” 55–56

three, rule of, 188–89, 196–98

TIME magazine, 18 Today (TV show), 105

tone, vocal, 87, 98–100, 128

Toyoda, Akio, 136

transparency, 79

Trump, Donald, 164

trust, 1–3, 79; getting back to, 226–27; transparency and, 79; yourself, 132

truth, 1–3, 100, 158, 204; asking for, 126, 204; check, 52–58; likely statements and, 213–14; priming, 184–85

Truth and a Lie, A, 155–56

twilight zone, 104

Twitter, 114–15, 142

University of Alabama, 148

University of California, 75, 147, 218

University of Michigan, 223

Up in the Air (film), 239

van der Sloot, Joran, 190–91

Vaughn, Vince, 84 verbal communication, 7, 24–26, 43, 46, 48, 83, 87–88, 97–128; backsliding,

101, 111–19; baseline, 87–88; convincing-not-conveying, 101, 106–11; Interrogation, 181–204; Statement Analysis, 48, 88, 100, 121–26; teeter-tottering, 101–106; voice as BS Barometer, 98–100. See also speech; voice; Wiretap

violence, 16–17

visual memory test, 177–79

visual-spatial sense, 153

voice, 41, 43, 48, 87–88, 97–128; baseline, 87–88; as BS Barometer, 98–100; gesture and, 161–63; pitch differences, 87; speed difference, 87–88; tone, 87, 98–100, 128. See also verbal communication; Wiretap

vouching for others, 191

WAIT technique, 187–88, 189

Washington, George, 2

Washington, D.C., 71–73, 105

Weiner, Anthony, 3, 113, 114–15, 142, 142, 145, 163

Welner, Dr. Michael, 57

what is at stake, 46–50

Wheeler, Adam, 233, 233 White, Kate, 227

white lies, 39

windows, rooms with, 65

Winfrey, Oprah, 57, 164

Wiretap, 9, 44, 97–128, 244; exercises, 121–27; TCB Statement Analysis Test, 121–28. See also speech; verbal communication

Wiseman, Dr. Richard, 94–95

Witherspoon, Reese, 146, 146

women, 29, 148, 169, 227–28, 230, 231

Woods, Tiger, 3, 137, 137, 234

yadda yadda syndrome, 104

YouTube, 93, 153, 172

Zuckerberg, Mark, 104

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