Chapter 4

Beyond Community Solar: Aggregating Local Distributed Resources for Resilience and Sustainability

Kevin B. Jones
Erin C. Bennett
Flora Wenhui Ji
Borna Kazerooni    Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, VT, United States


This chapter explores how community solar has helped community members source more of their energy needs from clean local resources, while acknowledging that this model falls short of allowing communities to achieve more complete energy sustainability or energy resilience. The chapter explores community alternatives to develop distributed energy resources and examines the community choice aggregation models in Marin County, California; Lowell, Massachusetts; and Westchester County, New York. The chapter describes community choice aggregation as a means for communities to embrace a business model to bring together DERs for community sustainability and resilience at the grid’s edge.


community solar
community choice aggregation
energy resilience
local sustainability
regulatory policy

1. Introduction

Communities across the globe have become increasingly interested in strategies to reduce their local carbon footprint and increase their energy resilience to severe weather events. Distributed technologies, such as solar photovoltaic (PV), demand response, battery storage, and electric vehicle (EV)–charging infrastructure have provided real alternatives for communities to invest in more clean and resilient energy resources. Aggregating these distributed resources in a manner that produces sufficient economies of scale to promote affordability for the consumer remains one of the primary challenges facing many communities. Both residential and small commercial consumers face technological and cost hurdles if they pursue it alone, compared to larger commercial and industrial customers, and thus aggregating these customers together on a community basis, is an important strategy for bringing these options to the residential and small commercial customer.
This book is about the transformational change entering to the electric utility sector, the technological change that is driving this transformation and the business models that are emerging. If communities in the United States and across the globe want to be more than spectators in this process of change and harness some of these forces for the local communities benefits, then they must engage in this process. To provide some insight into how communities can actively participate in the transformation of the grid, this chapter explores opportunities for local communities to be directly involved in the process.
In Sections 2 and 3, this chapter examines the successes and challenges of community solar as a means to meet community energy goals. Section 4 then examines community choice aggregation (CCA) as an alternative means to allow communities to go beyond what community solar can achieve to offer a roadmap for a more comprehensive model for local sustainability. In an effort to better inform local communities, the next three sections of the chapter look closely at three diverse examples of CCA in different stages of their development in Marin County, California; Lowell, Massachusetts; and Westchester County, New York. In exploring these three programs, the chapter examines how the programs are developed, their ability to encourage the adoption of renewable energy, and their adaptability toward improving the resilience of their community’s energy systems. Through this analysis, the final section explores whether CCA is a viable means for going beyond community solar and providing both low-carbon resources and higher energy resilience for communities as they seek cost-effective ways to both help mitigate and adapt to our climate challenge.

2. The growth of community solar

Community solar development is currently one of the most popular trends within the realm of distributed energy resources (DERs). According to NREL, half of the population in the United States cannot participate in solar net metering because these customers live in areas that cannot support solar arrays (NREL). Rental agreements and improper roof orientation serve as just two of the reasons why hosting an array in these areas is challenging.
Community solar has functioned as an opportunity to provide solar access to those unable to host their own arrays. The Department of Energy defines community shared solar as “a solar-electric system that provides power and/or financial benefit to multiple community members” (USDOE). NREL estimates that shared solar could represent “32-49% of the distributed market in 2020,” an additional 5.5–11 GW of generating capacity worth $8.2–16.3 billion of investment (NREL). Other attributes of community solar are: (1) it is located offsite for, at least, a portion of the customers; and (2) it requires appropriate state rules authorizing group (or virtual) net metering. Under group net metering, customers sign up for a percentage of the output of an offsite solar facility and receive financial credits on their utility bills for their pro rata share of the output.1 Like traditional net metering, the community solar facility’s production and the community solar customers usage are netted on a monthly basis. While community solar is projected to grow rapidly, it is currently less than 1% of the solar PV capacity in the United States, with 108 projects serving 70,000 customers with 110 MW of capacity (O’Shaughnessy, 2016).
Community solar lowers the solar energy’s financial barriers, both, in hard and soft costs. It can provide affordable renewable power and financial benefits to more consumers, including renters and low-income households that face participation barriers. Community solar has the potential to significantly increase renewable energy production in the United States, which would assist communities and individuals to meet their energy needs with clean, resilient, locally owned energy production. Each state has different laws, regulations, and incentives; and each utility has policies that promote or discourage community solar. These policies exist in a constant state of flux due to ongoing legislative and regulatory changes (Jones and James, 2017).

3. Community solar challenges

While community solar offers residential and small commercial customers a cost effective opportunity to share in the benefits of solar energy, there are limits to a community’s solar ability to fully reduce a community’s carbon footprint and provide energy resilience. Scaling up community solar through a net metering regime to allow it to fully serve a local area’s energy supply can present challenges, given both the intermittent nature of solar energy and the limitations of net metering as a billing arrangement, rather than a more complete distributed energy system.
For example, while group net metering allows a community solar customer to net their electric bill on a monthly basis, on any given day an individual customer may be overproducing solar (based on its pro rata share of output) and exporting energy to the grid; or, alternatively, consuming significantly more energy than is produced by the solar array and thus consuming energy provided by the grid. As customer adoption of net metered solar grows, so do the utility concerns about cost shifting, given that community solar customers still rely on the grid for some of their purchases, but may avoid paying an appropriate share of the system’s fixed costs (Blansfield and Jones, 2014).
In addition, while community solar arrays may be distributed generation that is independent from the grid, when the local grid is impacted by a regional power outage or even a local disturbance to the distribution system, the community solar facility is designed to disconnect from the grid and shut down its energy output. As a result, community solar on its own does not contribute meaningfully to local community resilience. When the grid goes down so does the community solar facility, and the solar customer’s energy supply is no more resilient than other grid-supported customers. Similar to Koirala & Hakvoort, conclusions in regards to Europe, in the United States, a comprehensive and integrated approach where communities can take control and capture the integrated benefits of distributed technologies is still lacking.

4. Community choice aggregation: taking steps beyond community solar

An increasingly popular option to insure more integrated control for local communities that is being explored across the United States is CCA. CCA is a municipal energy procurement model that is typically authorized by the state government. It allows bulk procurement of electricity and other energy services through the municipality. Under CCA, the municipal government is authorized to negotiate the purchase of energy services on behalf of their residential and business customers. While the municipality contracts with a third party for energy services, those services are still delivered to customers through the local utilities distribution network. CCA while typically allowed in states that offer customers to choose their electric supplier through retail choice programs, could also be offered on a voluntary basis in states that have not fully opened up their retail markets to competition.
Six states have passed laws allowing CCA, including California, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, and Rhode Island (USDOE, 2016). In addition, the New York Public Service Commission has allowed CCA, as a pilot under its Reforming the Energy Vision proceeding (Hales, 2016). The underlying policy reason for the CCA legislation seems to vary by state with no clear trends apparent for those states that have authorized CCA compared to those who have not.
Under CCA, communities can competitively procure their electricity from third-party energy service companies (ESCOs) based on lowest cost or other factors, such as the renewable content of the electricity. Cost savings can accrue through the aggregation of electric demand and the reduction of overheads, such as customer acquisition costs, which have historically reduced ESCOs’ willingness to serve residential and small commercial customers. CCA is typically implemented as an opt-out program, which means that all customers are included in the program on a default basis, but are allowed to return to the utility default service option if they opt to do so (The Solar Foundation, Community Choice Aggregation). Utilizing an opt-out arrangement has resulted in CCAs being much more successful in enticing customers to enroll in renewable energy choice programs, with the lowest participation for CCA programs being approximately 75%, and the highest voluntary utility green power programs only achieving enrollment rates in the low 20s (USDOE).
In the following sections, we will take a closer look at CCA, as it has been implemented in California, Massachusetts, and New York. These three programs have been chosen to compare models in three states that have been innovators in grid modernization and leaders in clean-energy policies. Our discussion begins with California, which has been an early leader promoting opportunities for CCA.

5. Case study: Marin Clean Energy

After California’s brief, but tumultuous, experiment with “deregulating electricity markets,” the state legislature in 2002 authorized cities and counties to establish CCA Programs (Stepanicich, 2013). According to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), there are five active CCA programs. Communities can establish CCAs to procure and market energy services. Although the CPUC does not regulate CCAs in California, the statute establishes minimum reporting requirements and requires an initial approval by the commission for the CCA to commence operation.
Marin County in California is located on the San Francisco Bay, and according to the 2010 census, the population was 252,409. Marin Clean Energy (MCE), formerly known as the Marin Energy Authority, was California’s first CCA program, which started in 2008 (MCE, 2015). In the beginning, MCE only had eight jurisdictions as part of its joint powers agreement, but by mid-2016, the number of participating jurisdictions grew to 24 (Stepanicich,  2013; MCE,  2015). More recently MCE has expanded to include both Marin and Napa Counties, plus the cities of Richmond, Benicia, El Cerrito, San Pablo, Walnut Creek, and Lafayette.
MCE serves over 170,000 customers. Customers are automatically enrolled unless they provide a written notice opting out. Customers who remain part of the CCA have three energy procurement options that are either provided through bundled or unbundled renewable energy certificates or limited local solar generation. Although customers are enrolled automatically, customers may withdraw from the program at any time.

5.1. Governance and Structure

CCA formation and operation is governed by the California Public Utilities Code (§366.2). Under the law, localities can establish community choice aggregators to “aggregate” customer loads to procure electricity on their customers’ behalf. Any locality can establish or join a CCA program, as long as the locality is not in an area currently served by a municipal utility. The law establishes a limited role for the CPUC in reviewing, approving, and overseeing the CCA. The CPUC does not regulate CCA’s specific rates or contracts; instead, the CCA’s own governing body is responsible for these tasks.
To form a CCA, a locality needs to pass an enabling ordinance. If two or more jurisdictions want to participate jointly, they can by agreement establish a joint powers agency. This agreement must specify that the members will not be liable for the obligations of the agency to limit the liability to members of a joint powers agreement. A “liability shield” in a joint powers agreement protects a local government agency’s operating budget from the contractual obligations of the joint agency (Stepanicich, 2013).
Prior to operation, the jurisdiction or public agency responsible for establishing the CCA needs to prepare and submit to the CPUC a statement of intent, an implementation plan, and other information the CPUC requests, and submit it to the CPUC. The implementation plan must include a description of the organizational structure of the CCA. This includes issues ranging from how the CCA operates and how it is funded to how to terminate the program (Cal. Pub. Util. Code §366.2 (c) 3 and 4). The CCA must provide universal access, reliability and “equitable treatment of all classes of customers” (Cal. Pub. Util. Code §366.2 (c) 4).

5.2. The Formation of MCE

MCE was formed initially in 2008 as a joint powers authority. MCE is an independent entity and governed by a governing board consisting of “one elected official appointed by the governing body of each member” (Stepanicich, 2013). MCE has a very broad authority to function as a separate legal entity, including, but not limited to, entering contracts, borrowing money, and hiring personnel to the extent allowable under the law (Stepanicich, 2013). Two major issues that MCE needed to address early in its formation were liability and voting.
Although the law and the joint powers agreement protect individual joint powers agency members from contractual obligations, this protection does not extend to tort liability. As a result, MCE has three layers of protection. First, the joint powers agreement provides that MCE indemnify the member parties. Second, Section 8.3 of the joint powers agreement provides that MCE will need to acquire indemnity insurance to protect the parties to the agreement. Third, any third parties contracting with MCE will need to agree that they will “have no legal rights or remedies against the individual members” (Stepanicich, 2013).
MCE also needed to have a voting structure that would address the needs of all the members. When MCE first started, there was a tension between larger members and smaller members. For decision-making purposes, larger members preferred a voting scheme according to load, while smaller members worried about the dominance of larger members. As a result, MCE created a two-tiered voting system. Under this system, major decisions require a majority vote of the electrical load, as well as the majority vote of the members. Some matters, such as termination or amending the agreement, require a two-third vote (Stepanicich, 2013).

5.3. Energy Services

MCE offers three energy procurement options for its retail customers:
1. standard: minimum 50% renewable energy,
2. opt-in 100% renewable energy option, known as the Deep Green program, or
3. opt-in 100% local solar option (currently limited to 600 customers).
Under the first two options, renewable energy is procured through bundled and unbundled Green-e certified RECs through contracts between MCE and energy providers. Under the third option, MCE purchases electricity directly from locally developed solar facilities (MCE, 2015). Although MCE has a limited local production capacity, MCE is actively seeking to expand their portfolio of local solar generation. In addition to contracts with energy marketers, other bundled contracts, and two community solar projects, MCE also acquires energy from a feed-in tariff and a net metering programs. Beginning in 2016, MCE is working to reduce its unbundled (REC only) purchases to no more than 3% of its retail load, and overall MCE’s energy mix at over 51% renewable includes one of the highest percentages of renewable energy of any California utility (MCE, 2015).
MCE’s feed-in tariff program allows customers to sell their power output for a period of 20 years at a fixed rate. The program is limited to smaller facilities under 1 MW. The feed-in tariff is connected to a power purchase agreement that provides approximately $0.14/kWh for a period of 20 years for a solar project (slightly less for wind or biomass), with a declining rate as total FIT capacity reaches certain thresholds. Any environmental attributes of the energy, including RECs are transferred to MCE. As of October 2015, MCE’s annual IRP update reported that the program includes approximately 5.7 MW of renewable energy aggregate capacity from existing and proposed feed-in tariff projects (MCE, 2015).
MCE also offers a net metering program available to all customers for systems smaller than 1 MW. There are a number of attractive features to the MCE’s net metering program. First, MCE offers a $0.01/kWh premium adder to MCE’s generation rate for every kWh produced in excess of the customer’s consumption. Third, if the credits accrued exceed $100, the customer will have the opportunity to “cash out” annually every April. As of May 2015, MCE has over 5300 customers who participate in the net metering program, who provide over 35 MW of the renewable energy capacity. MCE hopes to increase such generating capacity to 47 MW by 2021 (MCE, 2015). MCE’s website contains technical resources for customers interested in installing solar on their property, including information about “free” solar assessments and financing arrangements.

5.4. Grid Resilience and Storage

As of today, there are a few opportunities for major energy storage or grid resilience benefits in MCE. To move toward resilience and grid independence, MCE will need to work with the incumbent utility Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to update infrastructure and install energy storage.
The CPUC in 2013 set energy storage targets for CCAs in compliance with California’s Energy Storage law (AB2514) enacted in September 2010. This target requires CCAs to meet an “energy storage procurement target” equal to 1% of their 2020 forecasted peak load. MCE’s October 2015 IRP estimates that, given the current forecasts, MCE will need to complete installation of 3 MW of storage options by 2024. Starting on January 1, 2016 and every 2 years thereafter, MCE must report on MCE’s progress and plans for complying with the requirement. In February 2016, MCE outlined plans to increase “behind the meter” storage options.
MCE has already made progress with this goal through a partial funding of a Tesla battery project on the College of Marin’s campuses (MCE, 2016). According to Renewable Energy World, “the College of Marin demonstration project consists of a 2.4-MW system (five lithium-ion battery units delivering 480 kW of power each) on the college’s Kentfield campus and a 1.44 MW system (three 480 kW units) on its Indian Valley campus” (Bloom, 2016). The Kentfield system stores power generated by a carport- and rooftop-mounted PV system that was originally installed in 2008 (Bloom, 2016). The Tesla project is expected to reduce the College of Marin’s utility demand charges by about $150,000/year by utilizing the battery storage to plateau the College’s demand peaks. The reported $5.3 million in costs was fully paid for by PG&E, MCE, and Tesla financial incentives (Bloom, 2016).

6. Case study: Lowell, Massachusetts community choice power plan

The City of Lowell (Lowell) is located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Lowell is located on the Merrimack River, about 25 miles northwest of Boston. Once serving as the forefront of the American Industrial Revolution, Lowell continues to thrive, indulging in a plethora of artistic exhibitions and performances, taking place at its myriad of venues. Additionally, Lowell is home to multiple large-scale festivals, including the Lowell Film Festival and the Lowell Folk Festival, a festival that draws 250,000 spectators every summer. As of 2013, the population for Lowell, Massachusetts was 108,861.
On December 6, 2012, Lowell filed a petition with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) for an approval of a municipal power plan pursuant to a Massachusetts Municipal Aggregation Statute (G.L. c. 164, §134). Following multiple revisions, the DPU accepted the plan, approving Lowell’s CCA Program (The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, 2014). The detailed Lowell Aggregation plan explains everything from the plan’s basic purpose to exemplifying the rates for a customer with a monthly energy usage of 500 kWh (City of Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program: Aggregation Plan, Section 6.3).
The plan’s purpose is to represent consumer interests in competitive markets for electricity and to aggregate consumers in the city to negotiate rates for power supply. It brings together the buying power of almost 40,000 consumers allowing the city to take control of their energy prices. Participation is voluntary and eligible consumers have the opportunity to opt out of the plan’s service and to choose their own competitive supplier. Based on enrolment figures from the previous community aggregations, it is anticipated that 97% of the eligible consumers will participate (City of Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program: Aggregation Plan).

6.1. Governance and Structure

The Community Choice Program (Program) is authorized by Massachusetts’ statute (G.L. c. 164, §134), which allows municipalities to “aggregate the electrical load of interested electricity consumers within its boundaries….” Under subsection (a), a town may launch a Program in Massachusetts by a majority vote in town council or with the approval of the mayor. Upon an affirmative vote or mayoral approval, “a municipality or group of municipalities establishing load aggregation pursuant to this section shall, in consultation with the department of energy resources… develop a plan, for review by its citizens, detailing the process and consequences of aggregation. Any municipal load aggregation plan established pursuant to this section shall provide for universal access, reliability, and equitable treatment of all classes of customers and shall meet any requirements established by law or the department concerning aggregated service.” (G.L. c. 164, §134).
The Lowell Program’s organizational structure operates under five levels: (1) consumers, (2) city council, (3) city manager, (4) consultant, and (5) competitive suppliers. Lowell regards each level of its organizational structure as crucial and necessary, assigning explicit duties to be upheld by each structural participant. The unique CCA participants to the structure are the city’s consultant who serves as the City’s agent while conducting and carrying out the Program’s day-to-day business ventures. Under contract agreement, the Consultants serves as the City’s procurement agent, “utilizing its existing staff to solicit services as requested by [Lowell].” In addition, the competitive suppliers contract through the city manager and are monitored for compliance by the Consultant. A competitive supplier upholds certain responsibilities agreed to contractually by itself and the City, which can be found within the Electric Service Agreement between the competitive supplier and Lowell (City of Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program: Aggregation Plan, Section 2.2).

6.2. Goals

The goals of the Lowell Program are: (1) to provide the basis for aggregation of eligible consumers on a nondiscriminatory basis; (2) acquire a market rate for power supply and transparent pricing; (3) provide equal sharing of economic savings based on current electric rates; (4) allow those eligible consumers who choose not to participate to opt-out; (5) provide full public accountability to participating consumers; and (6) utilize municipal and other powers and authorities that constitute basic consumer protection to achieve these goals (City of Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program: Aggregation Plan, Section 2.3).
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) Guide to Municipal Electric Aggregation defines the term universal access as “electric services sufficient for basic needs available to virtually all members of the population regardless of income.” The DOER Guide dictates that a city’s municipality aggregation plan, such as Lowell’s, constitutes universal access “by giving all consumers within its boundaries the opportunity to participate, whether they are currently on Basic Service or the supply service of a Competitive Supplier.” Lowell’s largest affordability goal is to “[p]rovide the basis for aggregation of eligible consumers on a non-discriminatory basis.” (City of Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program: Aggregation Plan, Section 2.3). This includes low-income consumers.

6.3. Energy Procurement

As a first step, Lowell chose Colonial Power Group, Inc., a Massachusetts energy consulting company, in a competitive process to design, implement, and administer the Community Choice Power Supply program on behalf of the city. In working with its consultant, Lowell initially signed a contract with Dominion Retail, which provided 100 percent carbon neutral energy (City of Lowell Becomes First Massachusetts Municipality to Achieve Carbon Neutral Electrical Consumption for the Entire Community; USDOE, 2016). The term carbon neutral specifies that “greenhouse gasses were not generated in producing the energy.” Lowell’s agreement with Dominion Retail differed from other Massachusetts municipalities, as well as other states because, while municipalities have the option to purchase energy in bulk to save residents’ money, Lowell is one of the few communities nationally to fully purchase carbon-free energy. In Lowell, the energy received by customers is derived from multiple renewable resources within the state of Massachusetts, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Moreover, “[the energy also] includes conventional fossil-based power from outside Massachusetts for which power producers bought renewable energy credits—certificates to help promote renewable energy—to make up for the carbon generated.” (internal quotations omitted) (Sato, 2016).
Following its initial agreement with Dominion Retail, Lowell switched energy suppliers and now contracts with Hampshire Power for the Community Choice Power Supply Program. Hampshire Power is a Massachusetts-based nonprofit energy supplier that is part of the Hampshire Council of Government. With the use of carbon-neutral energy, Hampshire Power and Lowell hope to reduce the community’s carbon footprint, thus reducing their impacts on global climate change (Hampshire Energy Renewable Energy Co-Operative; Lowell Community Choice Power Supply Program Rates).

7. Case study: Westchester, New York

Westchester County is just north of New York City and occupies 450 mile2 in the Hudson Valley. Nearly 1 million people reside in the still mostly rural area (About Westchester). In May 2016, the county launched New York State’s first CCA program. Twenty municipalities in the county signed up for the program and named it the “Westchester Power.” The program is intended to lower the electricity cost through community-based bulk energy purchasing and also increase use of renewable energy in the county. Approximately 110,000 residents are in the program during its initial launch in May (Westchester Power).
In February 2014, a group of local officials and clean-energy advocates in Westchester tried to push a bill in New York State Senate to authorize municipalities participating in a CCA program, to “coordinate efforts to procure electric and/or gas supply services on behalf of its residents.” The bill would have established New York’s pilot CCA program in Westchester County, which is served by New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) and Consolidated Edison of New York (ConEdison). Although Governor Andrew Cuomo supported the idea of CCA, he vetoed the bill because of the restrictions on the Public Service Commission’s (PSC) ability to intervene and the lack of protections for third-party access to consumer data. Following the veto, Governor Cuomo directed the PSC to implement CCA programs under its existing authority (Giamusso, 2015).

7.1. Governance and Structure

Unlike other states where CCAs were established by enabling legislation, in December 2014, Sustainable Westchester, a nonprofit advocate group of energy advocates, residents, and local governments petitioned to the PSC to allow local communities to purchase their own power, instead of continuing with the traditional utility model. Following 3 months, the Commission approved the Westchester CCA program, and the Commission Chair described this project as “innovative,” furthering Governor Cuomo’s Reforming Energy Vision (REV) strategy.2

7.2. Structure of the Program

Participating towns and cities have adopted local ordinances to initiate the program, which was formally launched in May 2016 (Department of Public Service, 2015). Westchester Power is a partnership program of Sustainable Westchester and the 20 participating municipalities. Sustainable Westchester is the manager and administrator on behalf of the communities. Participating communities are in two utility territories: ConEdison and NYSEG. Like other CCA programs, Westchester Power purchases electricity in bulk from third-party ESCOs.

7.3. Energy Procurement

For Westchester, the contracts are fixed priced from a single supplier for each jurisdiction in the program. In March 2016, Sustainable Westchester entered into a $150 million 2-year agreement with ConEdison Solution, a Consolidated Edison subsidiary to serve the 17 municipalities in the ConEdison territory. This contract will cover roughly 90,000 residents and small business owners. In NYSEG’s territory, Sustainable Westchester chose Constellation Energy to provide the power. Similar to the programs in MCE and Lowell, the program operates under an opt-out system (Westchester Power).
Proposed benefits for Westchester CCA include price stability for a fixed contract term and flexibility to accommodate different preferences, such as the proportion of clean energy provided. Mostly importantly, the fixed price will guard against fluctuating conventional fuel prices. Also, as the cost of renewables has been declining over the years, an increasing mix of renewables will become more affordable over time (Westchester Power).
Sustainable Westchester estimates that the program will collectively save $4–5 million/year throughout the life of the contract (De Avila, 2016). Statistics from the first few months have already shown the program’s competitive price for both conventional and renewable sources. NYSEG territory started at a fixed standard rate of 6.95 cents/kWh, higher than the utility supply, but has caught up and the average through October is 0.16 cents/kWh better. The green option fixed rate 7.085 cents has just now moved to break even. Rates for the ConEdison territory started at 7.381 cents/kWh and have saved 0.66 cent/kWh on average. The green energy rate of 7.681 cent/kWh is one-third of a cent cheaper than traditional utility power (Westchester Power, Rates).
In regards to renewable energy options, 14 out of 20 participating municipalities have chosen to go for a 100% green energy supply. Individual consumers in the rest of the communities can still choose to receive 100% renewable energy supply by filling out an online form on Westchester Power’s website.
Under the program, only solar, wind, and hydro qualify as green power. In addition, the procured renewable energy is backed by Green-e certificates. Green-e Energy is a voluntary certification program with the Center for Resource Solutions in California; a neutral third party to ensure the renewable energy credits are bundled with the sold energy, and there is no double counting (Center for Resource Solutions). Current rooftop solar panels users in the participating municipalities will be automatically enrolled and continue to receive net metering credits at the retail rate from ConEdison or NYSEG. (Westchester Power, FAQs). Moreover, Westchester Power has also partnered with Bedford 2020, a local nonprofit organization to assist in local education and outreach to achieve “100% opt up to renewable energy” for the program (Westchester Power, About). The program is trying to bring Westchester County to 100% renewable electricity by 2030 (Hales, 2016).

7.4. Services Beyond Energy Procurement: Community Solar, Demand Response, and Microgrids

The Westchester CCA contract includes some unique provisions that allow Sustainable Westchester to evolve beyond more traditional models. “We see community aggregation as a vehicle to get the benefits of using distributed resources, whether energy efficiency resources or supply resources, and thinking about the community as a whole,” said Audrey Zibelman, chair of the New York Public Service Commission (Tweed, 2016). Unlike the much more mature CCA version in Marin County, Westchester’s CCA hasn’t established a feed-in tariff or other supply options to directly procure renewables for the long term. Due to the flexibility of the Westchester contract, this could change in the near future, as under the contracts, if Westchester decides to build community solar, it has reserved the rights to displace its power supply (Tweed, 2016).
A similar provision of their power supply agreement provides leeway to Sustainable Westchester to earn money on demand response. The bulk purchase is based on covering the power needs of the customers throughout the year, including a few peak days. Sustainable Westchester calculated that more than $30 million is spent on consumption during one peak hour per year. If Sustainable Westchester can reduce capacity during peak hours, the supplier will be allowed to sell that excess capacity into the wholesale market. The money from that demand–response transaction would then go back to Sustainable Westchester. The CCA program has a vested interest not only in offering efficiency tips, but also in selling hardware, such as smart thermostats (Tweed, 2016).
To reduce peak loads, researchers for Sustainable Westchester have thought about “collective demand response,” to encourage lower usage electricity during peak demand hours and rebate the customers for any savings. For example, during hot summer days when power demand is high, the grid experiences greater demand and increased costs. According to a researcher with Sustainable Westchester, “If we can predict when we’ll have peak demand, we can incentivize people to shut down their homes or businesses and go to the movie, an ice cream shop, or go to happy hour. And they might get a coupon to do so.” To provide customer such incentives, researchers have even thought about joining forces with local businesses to provide coupons (Schiller, 2016).
The next step might be to move further toward establishing a local microgrid. A microgrid is “a group of interconnected loads and DERs within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island mode” (Smith and Ton, 2013). There are a number of reasons that customers would want to deploy a microgrid, including “improving system resilience and reliability, reducing operational costs, and improving the environmental characteristics of their energy supply.” (Smith and Ton, 2013). Microgrids can operate independently from the larger system because they are composed of an energy supply source and electric infrastructure to distribute energy from its generation resources.
Part of the Sustainable Westchester vision is for “a web of microgrids” throughout the county. Following Hurricane Sandy, strong interest in microgrids in New York, led the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to create the NY Prize competition to encourage community microgrids. NY Prize is a $40 million dollar multistage competition supporting the design and construction of community microgrids that improve local electrical distribution system performance and resiliency in normal operating configurations and during times of electrical grid outages.
Sustainable Westchester, assisted 10 of its member municipalities in applying, and all of them were successful in winning awards of about $100,000 each by the NY Prize to support feasibility studies. As one illustrative example, the Village of Croton-on-Hudson study “will follow the model of a nested microgrid in which there will be two main geographical areas in the system, each fed by their own portfolio of distributed generation (combined heat and power, solar, and energy storage) and each capable of staying powered in island mode during a grid outage. The proposed microgrid would provide power to a municipal building, library, three fire stations, three schools and district office, medical clinic, grocery/pharmacy, and gas station” (Mikulak, 2015).
Sustainable Westchester has big visions for how the county will combine microgrids, community aggregation, demand management, and community solar generation to create a dynamic local energy market. Looking to Westchester from a statewide point of view, CCA can become a driving vehicle to implement the values of the state’s REV, which is aimed at integrating “distributed energy resources (DERs) into the planning and operation of the system” (Jones et al., 2016). Audrey Zibelman, who contributed this volume’s introduction, has been the leader of the REV process in New York as Chair of the New York Public Service Commission.
Westchester’s CCA program is too new to critic whether it is a successful program. Though there has not been any flag raised yet; however, moving forward, it is important for Westchester to be mindful about the issues that other CCA programs have already experienced. Hopefully the anticipated success of Westchester will attract more communities into joining the CCA program or start their own.

8. Comparison of community choice aggregation cases

While each of the CCA efforts in Marin County, the City of Lowell, and Westchester County employ a version of a green choice program through unbundled and bundled RECs, these case studies, particularly Marin and Westchester, demonstrate the opportunities to expand the community’s energy resource potential of CCAs.
Although MCE has historically partly relied on unbundled RECs, it is taking steps through its net metering program and feed-in tariff program to increase local energy generation. Additionally, MCE is developing local community solar facilities. MCE customers’ high renewable energy purchase rate and the program’s commitment to move MCE to 100% renewable energy from renewables with bundled RECs are inspiring. Microgrid and grid resilience are not yet priorities for MCE, but preliminary steps to develop energy storage and increase resilience are underway. The next logical step would be for MCE to consider working with PG&E to develop microgrid pilot projects in the MCE area.
Sustainable Westchester, while still at an early stage of development, seems to be anticipating a more integrated approach that, both, explores strategies that help reduce the community’s carbon footprint and increase local energy resilience.
Glenn Weinberg, Joule Assets manager of special projects, calls the Westchester model the “triple threat—a real new community energy paradigm.” Community choice energy and demand response aggregations, microgrids, and community solar are being used separately and in various communities. However, bringing them together is a more holistic approach and is greater than the sum of the separate parts, offering green energy and increased reliability at a better economy of scale for the community. According to Weinberg, “The value of each is dynamically enhanced by the other” (Wood, 2015).
Local solar, without the more comprehensive control structure that comes with a microgrid, does not enhance reliability because, when the grid goes down, so does the local community solar. The presence of the microgrid allows the community to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its resilience. “Microgrids make ideal sites for shared renewables. A microgrid gives the host the flexibility to sell excess power during normal grid conditions, and distribute power to loads within the microgrid, when in islanding mode,” said Sustainable Westchester in a filing before the Public Service Commission (Wood, 2015). From these case studies, CCA can solely be focused on community control of the electric supplier, or it can launch a community down a low-carbon path that may lead to increasing resilience.

9. Conclusions

Given the challenges of a changing climate, the opportunities from CCA are promising news for both the planet and the local community. Technological and market forces are transforming the centralized vertically integrated grid. Communities interested in achieving local sustainability cannot simply be observers of these changes. CCA is an opportunity for communities to engage with policymakers, the local utility, and third-party suppliers of DERs to take control of this transformation to achieve local energy goals, including sustainability, affordability, and resilience.

1 For customers to truly go solar from a community solar facility, those customers must also retain the title to the renewable energy credits associated with their net metered output.

2 Reforming Energy Vision (REV), Governor Cuomo’s energy strategy for the state, to build a “clear, resilient, and more affordable energy system for all New Yorkers.” The 2030 goals are to achieve a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emission from 1990 levels; 50% renewable energy, and 23% energy reduction from 2012 levels (Reforming the Energy Vision,

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