
Presenting material that touches on as many topics as this book does is, to say the least, challenging. This book series, and in fact the entire approach to presenting the material, would never have occurred without the persistent combination of challenge and encouragement provided by Michael Fallon, Madan Mashalkar, and Alan Brown over the past decade. Through them I have learned a great deal about both the challenges and techniques of knowledge transfer.

The design patterns presented in this book are a synthesis of the collective experience of the TIBCO global architects with whom I have worked over the years: Dave Ashton, Pong-Ning Ching, Richard Flather, Ben Gundry, Nochum Klein, Dave Leigh, Marco Malva, and Janet Strong. It is through their collaboration and the efforts of the other field architects that these patterns have been explored, refined, and tested.

I have received much support from TIBCO Software Inc. in the production of this book. For this I would like to thank Wen Miao, Paul Asmar, Jan Plutzer, and Murray Rode.

Many people reviewed the draft manuscript and provided valuable feedback. Comments from Bert Hooyman, Ignacio Silva-Lepe, and Lee Kleir led to significant improvements in the structure and content of the book. Feedback from Jose Carlos Estefania Aulet, Michael Blaha, Massimiliano Bonaveri, Antonio Bruno, Lloyd Fischer, Alex Garrison, Yuri Gogolitsyn, Jose Maria Lopez Higuera, Brian Hinsley, Alexandre Jeong, James Keegan, Joseph Meyer, Alexander Orsini, Mohan Sidda, Mark Shelton, and Moritz Weinrich helped to further refine the content. I thank you all for your support.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Maria, for supporting me in the writing of yet another book. Without her support, nothing is possible.

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